A pleasant talk with Steven. (Y/N) goes for a walk.
(A/N): Bit of a long chapter.
I walked through the forest, taking in the scenery, enjoying the sights and sounds without having a raving lunatic in my head scream for its total destruction. The colors seem brighter, the sounds crisper and clearer. Is this how everyone else experiences the world? No wonder the Crystal Gems wanted to preserve this world if this is what they are seeing.
I wonder how many worlds, just like this, that I had a hand in conquering; and this is the first time I really can appreciate their beauty. I shake those thoughts off. I want to spend this time enjoying myself. There will be time for self loathing when the voice returns.
Steven: "(Y/N)? Hey, I thought you were at the barn?"
I snap my head to the left, seeing Steven standing in the woods. He was probably enjoying the beauty of this world before he heard my footsteps through the forest. I might be fast, but I am rather large, and not exactly light on my feet.
(Y/N): "I decided to go for a walk. Why, you need something?" I decided not to tell him about Peridot's little 'experiment'. She can talk about that on her own time. Steven shakes his head. Steven: "No. I was just surprised is all; but I am glad to see you enjoying nature... you are enjoying it right?" He sounded a bit desperate there. (Y/N): "Yes, I am. The voice has shut the hell up for a moment, so I'm taking the time to see the world."
Steven: "Oh?! The voice is gone!?" I hate to burst his bubble but... (Y/N): "No. It's just quiet right now. It's still there." Steven looked disappointed. Steven: "Oh... Well, what makes it quiet?" (Y/N): "There are two ways to get the voice to shut up that basically almost always work, usually. 1. Listen to it without question." Steven looked nervous at that. Steven: "Let's... not do that." I nod. (Y/N): "The other is companionship." Steven looked surprised. Steven: "So wait, making friends helps to quiet the voice?' I nodded again. Steven: "Yes! I think you'll do just fine here on Earth."
(Y/N): "Speaking of Earth." I look up into the treetops. (Y/N): "To be honest... It's beautiful. It's a shame that this was Pink's first world. If it was her third or fourth, she could have declared this a 'garden world' and we'd've largely let it be."
Steven looked confused. Steven: "Garden world?" I nodded. (Y/N): "Some worlds have lifeforms, plant-life usually, but sometimes creatures as well, that the Diamonds find pleasing for one reason or another. These planets are declared 'garden worlds' and largely left to grow. Stations are set up so that noble gems, and the Diamond that owns the world of course, can walk around the planet and appreciate its beauty. Unfortunately, the Earth was Pink's first planet, so it had to become the central hub world for, what would have been, her sector of the Empire. She tried to get it declared as a garden world, but the request was denied."
Steven looked deep in thought. Steven: "Yeah... But, if that had happened, gems wouldn't be free right now. It's a shame but-" (Y/N): "Yeah, that is the worst part of this." Steven glared at me for a second. Steven: "You want to explain how gems being able to decide for themselves is a bad thing?" Sigh. I knew I couldn't avoid this forever, I was just hoping it wouldn't happen while I was trying to relax.
(Y/N): "Because, Steven, I know gems. Some of us... are monsters. Tell me, what's your plan if a gem, let's say... a Lapis Lazuli decided to keep on invading and terraforming planets because that's what they like?" Steven looked... taken aback. As if the idea that someone could enjoy destruction and mayhem for its own sake never occurred to him. Steven: "Well... That's never gonna happen." I smirk. I know plenty of Lazuli's that would never stop terraforming planets if they didn't have to send reports of their work. (Y/N): "Bet. If you're wrong, you owe me a building." Steven: "You mean a house? Alright, bet you the next two Lapis Lazuli's I meet will be more than willing to stop terraforming worlds, and if I win, you have to promise you won't knowingly kill any more beings." We shook on that. I'm gonna enjoy my new, what'd he call it, 'house' when I win the bet.
We continued to walk in the forest a bit more; but Steven looked uncomfortable. Like he wanted to talk, but didn't know how to say what he wanted. (Y/N): "What's on your mind Steven?" Steven looked a bit shocked that I asked, and clumsily tried to cover it up. Steven: "It's nothing." I stare at him for a moment. Steven: "Uhhh... So, I know you're strong and tough and all that but do you have any other powers?" He's trying to change the subject... but I don't have any reason not to tell him this stuff.
(Y/N): "Well all Iolites have two primary abilities. The first is our legendary durability. But not as many people know about the second. We can strengthen and 'bind' an object together, so that breaking it is incredibly hard, and that a force applied to a singular point is spread out amongst the rest of the object, making it even more durable. Most use it to bolster shield walls and phalanxes." Steven looked in thought for a moment. Steven: "That sounds cool but..." Y/N: "But you can't picture what that looks like?" Steven nodded. Steven: "Yeah."
(Y/N): "A demonstration then." I reached up and grabbed a thick branch. (Y/N): "So if I tried to lift this branch and tear this tree from the ground, what would happen." Steven: "You'd break the branch off." I lifted my arm to try and uproot the tree by the branch; it broke off from the tree. (Y/N): "Yeah. But now, if I use my 'bind' ability." I grab a different branch, and focus, trying to keep it together. A circuit pattern the same deep blue of my gem spread out from my grasp, and spread over the tree. I then lifted my arm, and with a little effort (uprooting a tree from a branch isn't the most efficient way to do things) the tree ripped out of the ground!
Steven fell over in shock. I turned my hand so that the tree was now horizontal to the ground. (Y/N): "By all accounts, this should be impossible. There is no way that this branch should support the tree. But it is, because I am not just holding the branch. While those 'circuits' are netting the tree, I am holding the entire tree at once, and this branch is merely a handle." I started to sweat, I was a berzerker, not a defensive Iolite. I don't use this ability often. I set the tree back into the ground.
Steven was absolutely floored. Steven: "That is so cool! Wait, what happens if you use it on a creature or gem?" He wasn't gonna be happy but... (Y/N): "Well, they can still move, but it holds them together. So if I say, broke a creature's arm and then 'bound' them, it would function as a splint." Steven: "Useful... but what about a gem." Well... (Y/N): "A gem that is bound by an Iolite can't retreat into their gem. They basically become 'un-poofable'..." Steven looked fascinated... until the implications of that started to sink in.
(Y/N): "In my defense, I've never consciously tortured a gem with it... but it's one of the reasons I don't like to fight against other gems." Steven looked appalled. I couldn't blame him really. Steven tried to get the conversation to move on. Steven: "Any other powers I should know about?" Just one but...
(Y/N): "Remember how, when I reformed, my light form burst into flames before solidifying?" Steven shuddered as he remembered the viciousness of the voice. Steven: "Yeah?" (Y/N): "Well, Iolites have one other ability, tied to their color." Steven looked interested at that. (Y/N): "Not all Iolites can do this, usually only the blue ones can. The deeper the blue, the stronger it is." Ok, here it goes, let's hope I hope I don't regret this. I make a fist with my right hand, and with a little concentration, it catches fire.
Steven looks at the deep blue flame engulfing my fist, before I shake my hand to put it out. Steven: "So you have fire powers like a ruby?" I scoff. (Y/N): "Most blue Iolites have fire 'like a ruby', I am more comparable to the rare Star Ruby in terms of potency!" Steven had stars in his eyes. Steven: "Awesome. But wait, why didn't you use it when you attacked?" Oh boy. (Y/N): "Well there are two reasons. The first is that the fire is inherently magical. It is made to burn organic material only. I could destroy this forest in an instant if I wanted, but it can't injure Gems. I hear it is excruciatingly painful however." Steven shuffled a bit, uncomfortable with this information. Steven: "And the other reason?"
(Y/N): "The flame is tied close to my emotion, and willingness to destroy. As such it is the domain of the voice. I don't like using it, it tends to rile it up. It hasn't spoken up yet though." Steven: "Oh... I see." He looked like he was sorry he asked. As we kept walking, he still looked upset at something. (Y/N): "Steven, you can't tell me I can live free here then just not tell me when I've upset you, because I can get that back home." Steven glared at me. Steven: "Alright, fine."
Steven stood his ground, and crossed his arms. Steven: "I don't know why you are so adamant that freedom for gems is a bad thing. The Empire was oppressive and tyrannical! How could it's elimination be a bad thing!" Sigh. (Y/N): "For starters, let's put aside all the good the Empire did for gem kind, alright. Let's assume that even without the structure of the Empire, things that need to get done, will still get done, ok?" Steven nods. I took a deep breath.
(Y/N): "What's your plan if a criminal gem came to the planet?" Steven: "Obviously I'd welcome them. Give them a chance." (Y/N): "Ok. Makes sense, for those whose crimes were rebellion, or fusion related... What about, to pick a totally random example, 'Pearlsnapper'?" Steven blinked in surprise. Steven: "Who?" I smirked at his ignorance. (Y/N): "Pearlsnapper is the name of a Tortoiseshell that is wanted for acts of torture and shatter-sprees, primarily targeting Pearls. Try saying her name to the Pearl that lives in the temple. Tell her that Pearlsnapper has landed on the planet and see how she reacts."
Steven looked uncomfortable. Steven: "Well, I mean if she's willing to recant, I would give her a second chance. Everyone deserves a chance to change for the better." I grunt in annoyance. (Y/N): "Ok, what about 'Mad Gem' Prasiolite? She doesn't even speak normal Gem, she speaks exclusively in outdated Quartizine and is so deranged that every Prasiolite pulled from the ground has to undergo mandatory counseling with a Moonstone before being sent into duty." Steven: "That's so sad. Maybe Earth could help her out." Bad example. (Y/N): "Ok, something more tied to Earth then. What if 'Surfer Syn' broke free from the Diamond tier Ultra-Max prison, she is detained in, and came back to Earth?" Steven looked apprehensive. Steven: "Back?" Got him. (Y/N): "Yeah. Surfer Syn is a truly ancient Lapis Lazuli. Said to be one of the first, pulled out from the ground by White Diamond herself. Her unbelievable power led her to have a sort of Diamond complex, where she viewed herself as a deity. It came to a head on Earth, where the native inhabitants worshiped her as a goddess, and she snapped. She ruled over them, as a cruel and uncaring water goddess. Pink Diamond ousted her, and for her many crimes, she was sentenced to something worse than shattering or being harvested... she was consigned to the Abyss of Woe." Steven looked troubled. Maybe now he gets it? Steven: "That is worrying... but what if she's learned her lesson?" I pinch the bridge of my nose. His relentless optimism is tiring.
It's clear I'm thinking too small. Of course he thinks he can talk down any one gem. He got White Diamond to change her mind. If I did that, I'd think I'm awesome too. (Y/N): "Steven, do you know what a pirate is?" Steven looked a bit confused. Steven: "Yes?" Good, that saves a lot of time. (Y/N): "Do you know what the 'Stars of Inequity' are?" Steven: "No?" (Y/N): "It is a sector of space, filled to the brim with Gem Pirates. Every time the Diamonds sent in an armada to clear it out, most of its denizens fled the space, and returned to take it back later. It is, the last time I checked, blockaded in order to prevent the pirates within from wreaking havoc on the rest of the universe." Steven nodded. Steven: "Makes sense. Most pirates took to that life out of desperation, or a desire for freedom. Most wouldn't have too much trouble adapting to the Earth, if we teach them how."
(Y/N): "That may be true for many, but such gems do not lead pirate ships. Gem pirate captains are a ruthless, monstrous bunch, and many gems turn to piracy to fill their dark desires, not seek true freedom... Tell me, Steven, how will you keep your human friends safe if, oh say, 'Skin Stealer' came to this world in her 'Gitfinda' raider ship to hunt for the skin of intelligent creatures to take back to her dread captain 'Painbow' to add to her Holocaust Nightmare Cloak?" Steven took a step back in shock. Steven: "What-I? Huh?" (Y/N): "You heard me." Steven: "Well, I..."
I interrupt him. (Y/N): "While you process that, what is the plan to save the Earth if 'Cathode Ray' Quartz comes in her Slaughter-class ship 'Sunshine' to douse the planet in 'Life-killer waves' and cook all the creatures on it alive in their own skin for her amusement?" Steven looked sick at that. Steven: "No ones that cruel!" I laugh a hollow laugh. (Y/N): "She is. She's done it before, and will do it again. Ask the Garnet, I'm sure the Sapphire that is inside of her has heard of 'Cathode Ray' Quartz before." Steven looked sick to his stomach. Time to drive it home.
(Y/N): "If the Phantom Quartz pirate captain Horrorshow came to Earth in her ship 'The Terrorsquid', and proceeded to torment the gems with visions of their deepest fears and regrets, to bask in their terror, and fear, and misery, what would you say to her to get her to stop, when she is on record as completely lacking any empathy, even for other gems?" Steven suddenly put his arms at the sides, and glowed slightly pink. He was, unconsciously, channeling his Diamond power. Steven: "I'll think of something! I'm not going to go back and undo all this progress just because a few gems are monstrous, when the majority deserve this freedom!!"
I took a step back. Steven closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming down and returning to normal. (Y/N): "I'm sorry Steven. But these are the things that you have to think about. Gems can choose to be monsters. And some of them will come here to take advantage of that." Steven gave me a hard look. Steven: "Then I... no, we'll deal with it when that comes." I smile a bit at that. (Y/N): "Alright Steven. Understood." Steven nodded. Steven: "I'm glad this is settled."
I feel... at peace. If he's willing to try so hard for gems I know are beyond saving, then maybe he really can help me. Maybe I can learn to control the voice with his help. But... how would he handle someone that is not only beyond saving, but would consciously drag down everyone else with their very being? (Y/N): "So... I hope we never have to implement it... but what's the plan if something even worse than a gem that chooses to be monstrous appears. What's the plan if, say, an Inpietalite shows up?" Steven looked confused. Steven: "Inpietalite?" He did not know what they were? Damn, I regret bringing them up. (Y/N): "They are, for lack of a worse word, demon gems. They-"
Inner Voice: "KILL!!!"
The voice returns with a loud scream. It rings painfully in my head, drowning out all sound, and my vision goes blurry. It's like I got hit with a flashbang grenade! I clutch my head and drop to one knee to stay steady. Steven turns to me, with a worried expression on his face, and tries to say something to me. But I can't hear a word, it's like he's miles away from me.
Inner Voice: "MURDER! Did you really think? SLAUGHTER! That you would be rid of me? MAIM! So easily?! DESTROY!!"
I try to concentrate, and tune it out, but it's fighting so hard and fast. My eyes turn bloodshot and I can feel my body tense up to strike. Suddenly, I faintly hear the roar of a creature nearby. Steven turns to look at the source of the noise, and puts his hands up. Attempting to placate the creature.
Inner voice: "A creature has ambushed us! If you don't destroy it, it will kill Steven!" (Y/N) (internally): "Steven can handle himself. He has the powers of a Diamond, he can defeat anything that was born on this planet with one hand behind his back." Inner Voice: "IF HE FIGHTS BACK!! With his soft heart, he's going to try to reason with it, placate it, and it will strike him down while he is talking to it!" I try to find fault in its logic... and fail. (Y/N) (Internally): "But we should-" Inner voice: "LOOK!" I glanced over to find the large creature towering over Steven, as he tried to communicate to it that he meant no harm. With one swipe of its claws it could rip his human body apart. If his human half was killed, would he die, or would his gem get back up? Inner Voice: "KILL IT NOW!!!!"
Steven POV
As I tried to, and was largely succeeding at, getting the grizzly bear in front of me to calm down, I heard a far more terrifying, and louder roar from (Y/N). He drew an axe with his left hand and, with one swipe, cut the bear in half. He followed up with a hook from his right hand, causing the, now separate, upper half of the bear to explode into gore!
We both stood there, me in shock, and him panting for breath. The bear blood on him sizzles and pops as if it were on a skillet over flame. I look at the grizzly's corpse. Steven: "I... don't think I can fix this." I turned to face him. The voice must have come back and overwhelmed him. I need to say something, to comfort him. To help him regain control.
He took one look at me, covered in bear guts, and ran off. (Y/N)... He stops for a second. (Y/N): "I need some time by myself. I'll be back, I promise." He then continued to bolt off into the woods. A faint, and familiar voice in the back of my head whispered to me. Steven's internal Voice: "We must save him." I nodded in agreement.
To be continued
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