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act one: the disappearance of alison
( season one, episode three )

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"Whose idea was this, again?" Hanna asked as the five walk through the woods.

"Emily's mom" Spencer replied.

The five best friends and Everly who was in a wrap on the teen mom were currently walking in the woods, towards the shed they used to spend time with Alison, wanting to pay tribute to her and finally say their goodbyes.

"The shed was me" Emily informed, "My mom just said we should something for us".

"Well, couldn't we do something without mosquitoes?" Hanna asked.

"Fun fact, the things that are currently on you aren't mosquitoes, they are called gnats" Aria informed.

*Whatever, they're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose" Hanna snapped.

"Well, they're attracted to your perfume, and your hair product and your lip gloss" Spencer teased the blonde.

"So, what are you saying?" Hanna asked, "I attract files?"

"Gnats" Sabrina laughs as looks through Eve's diaper bag.

"Same thing" Hanna rolls her eyes as Sabrina finds what she's looking for.

"Completely different Hanna, Here spray this on yourself." Sabrina responds tossing bug spray at the Marin girl.

"Who do I feel like this is the wrong way?" Emily asked, looking around in confusion.

"No, this is it, I remember that tree" Spencer replied, pointing at the large infront of the group, "It's the halfway point, there's a 136 steps left to the shed".

"Have you been out here since, Alison?" Emily asked, confused with how Spencer knew that.

"Me?" Spencer asked shocked, "No, no way".

"But you remember that tree" Aria pointed out.

Sabrina turned to her cousin and states "t's Spencer, of course she remembers the tree I'm mean she like the Spencer Reid of the group".

Hanna nods with the Diaz girl "Bri's right, it's not that weird, I mean, we came out here in eighth grade like, every day, even after" Hanna finished.

"I think this is totally the wrong place to do this, whatever you call it shrine" Spencer said.

"It's not a shrine, it's just a place to remember Alison, what's wrong with that?" Emily asked, suddenly on defensive mode.

"Doing it way out here makes it look like we have something to hide" Spencer replied.

"I'm not the only one than?" Sabrina asked.

"You two are worried what other people think?" Emily asked, slightly shocked.

"Well, aren't you?" Spencer retorted, "Do you really want to give that creepy detective more reasons to question us?".

Hanna looked at her friends, then without saying anything else, started walking away from her friends, who exchanged a confused look between them, but nonetheless followed after her.

"Hanna, why are you so quiet?" Emily asked, a bit worried for the Marin girl.

"I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth" Hanna replied.

"You're allowed to have an opinion on this" Emily said.

"You want my opinion?" Hanna asked, facing her friends, "I saw we hold off and not remember her till we know for sure she's not still here".

"What?" Spencer, Emily and Sabrina asked stimuteanously.

"What are you talking about?" Aria asked confused.

"You think she's still alive?" Emily asked.

"Hanna, they found her body" Spencer reminded.

"Stop, I'm officially scared, can we just not--"

"You know what?!" Hanna interrupted Aria,"You asked for my opinion, I don't believe she's really gone".

"Hanna, we went to her funeral"
Spencer reminded.

"But we never saw the body" Sabrina said.

"Yeah, and when we left we all got a text from her" Hanna said, walking away.

"It wasn't her, someone is messing with us" Emily said, as they all followed after Hanna.

"How do you know?" Hanna challenged,"And what about all those nasty messages? I mean, how does this 'A' person know stuff only Ali knew?".

"But Ali didn't know my secret that was sent to me" Sabrina said as she taps Everly's butt causing her settling down a little."Cause if she did I would probably be dead"

"What was it?' Spencer asked curiously.

"Something about Eve's dad" Sabrina replied clenching her jaw.

"Okay, this conversation is giving me a hive" Aria complained.

"That's a bite, mosquito" Hanna corrected. Emily shook her head at her friends then turned to the youngest Hastings

"Spencer, have you gotten any more messages?"

"Haven't you?" Spencer retorted before all five girls heard a rustling sound coming from the woods.

"What was that?" Emily asked, suddenly very terrified, "Did you hear that?".

"Yes, I heard that" Aria replied, "I'm standing right next to you".

"Hello?" Hanna called out, "Is anybody out there?"

"It's probably a rabbit" Spencer said.

"Hello?" Hanna said again.

*It's a rabbit, Hanna" Spencer snapped, "It's not gonna answer you".

"Can we just go to the shed?" Emily asked, as the rustling got louder.

"Spence, that is not a rabbit" Sabrina said, as all the girls looked around in worry. "I have a tasers and I'm not afraid to use it"

"Someone's out there" Hanna realised.

"Let's turn around" Emily said.

The girls turned to leave, when all their phones starting ringing at the same time, they all sighed and took their phones out, having an idea who this message was from.

Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars and I'm hunting... ~A

The group of five looked at each other, then around the woods, all of them now extremely paranoid jumping when Everly lets out a wail.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"Good morning Marin family" Sabrina exclaimed as she walked into Hanna's house with Everly.

"Sabrina? What you doing here?" Ashley asked walking down the stairs, dressed for work.

"Picking up Hanna" Sabrina says following behind the woman but stop when she see Detective Wilden standing at the fridge in just a towel.

"There she is, it's canola oil" Wilden exclaims, shutting the door before his eyes land on Sabrina who was covering Everly's eyes. "Morning Sabrina"

Sabrina doesn't reply but tossed him a disgusted look as she walked past them and sit at the island.

"Darren why don't you get dressed, I'll take care of breakfast" Ashley tells the man.

"Yeah" Wilden responds tossing the cream cheese on the counter, before kissing Ashley on the cheek.

"So, what does here now?" Hanna questions, walking around the counter.

"Will you grab the milk?" Ashley asks, ignoring her daughter.

"Is this a permanent thing?" Hanna questions as Sabrina stands up from the chair.

"Will you keep your voice down?"

"They were one pair of sunglasses and they were last season" Hanna tell her mom.

"Grab the waffles" Ashley says, taking the milk.

"Mom you don't have to do this?" Hanna says.

"Do what?"

"Squeeze his grapefruits" Hanna responds and Sabrina snorts.

"We will talk about this after breakfast" Ashley says giving the girl a look.

"I don't eat breakfast and neither do you" Hanna exclaimed to the woman.

"Look until we can get the store to drop the charges for your shopping spree we are not kicking anyone to the curb the last thing we need is an enemy on the police force" Ashley whispered to them.

"I get okay?, but I didn't count on having to buy him a Father's Day card" Hanna said.

"Hanna" Ashley scolded."this situation is delicate and by the way if you're buying anyone a card it should be me" Ashley says while Sabrina pulls out her phone while Hanna walks over to her bag grabbing it before walking out.

"You know I could get those charges dropped for you if you need me too" Sabrina shrugged as Ashley rubbed her nose.

"How would you do that?" Ashley asked, raising a brow at the teen who shrugged again.

"I know a guy who knows a guy" The brunette replied proudly.

The Marin woman laughed, shaking her head at the girl "No, get your butt to school Sabrina"

"Yes ma'am" Sabrina salutes, kissing the older woman's cheek. "Bye Mama M"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

Aria and Sabrina walked over to Spencer, who was opening her locker up, and just as she did, a bunch of books fell to the ground, the cousins quickly bent down to help the Hastings girls in picking her books up.

"Russian history?" Aria asked amused, handing the Hastings girl her book.

"Yeah" Spencer replied.

"How many AP classes does it take before your brain explodes?" Aria asked, as Sabrina put Spencer's books back into her locker.

"I'm already drowning in there" Spencer replied, shutting the locker."I've got a AP history paper due Monday all I've written so far are two words, my name".

"That's not very Spencer Hastings like" Sabrina said, worried for her friend, "Are you okay?".

"Hey, you're not still freaked out about what happened in the woods yesterday, are you?" Aria asked, Spencer shook her head, "Look, we do not have to do this thing for Ali until--"

"No, it's just not that" Spencer interrupted, "it's, everything, is there any chance your family wants to adopt me?"

Before Sabrina or Aria could say anything, the three girls heard a cane hitting the floor, looking ahead, they saw Jenna making her way through the school, her step brother, Toby Cavanaugh right beside her.

"Holy shit" Sabrina whispered, shocked seeing Toby in school.

"He's back, too?" Aria asked shocked, as Emily and Hanna walked over to the trio,"When did that happen?".

"Maybe she needs help sending radioactive e-mails" Hanna suggested.

"Yeah or he may be sending a few of his own" Spencer said.

"Hanna", the five girls turned around to see Detective Wilden standing behind Hanna.

"Detective Dickbag is back" Sabrina whispered.

"I just spoke with your principal" Wilden informed Hanna, "Asked him if we could have a chat"

Hanna shook her head, "No, I have to get to class" she protested.

"Don't worry, you've been excused"
Wilden said, leading Hanna towards the principle office, "Let's go".

"What is going on?" Aria asked confused, once Wilden and Hanna had walked away, "Why just her?".

"He probably thinks she's the easiest to crack" Emily replied.

"She is" Spencer said.

"Whisper, whisper, whisper' Jenna said, walking past the four girls, startling them, "Almost feels like Alison's still here"

Sabrina glares at the Marshal's girl ready to jump on the bitch, but was tackled but her friends, who wrestled the older girl to the ground and sat on her.

"Get off me!" Sabrina says, trying to get the three girls off of her. Sabrina sends a glare at everyone who looks at them weirdly.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

SEPTEMBER 17, 2004

Eleven year old Sabrina Diaz walks up the side walk up to her house.

"Derek? Mom? Dad?" Sabrina asked walking into the house tossing her backpack on the beach at the entrance of the house."I'm home"

"I'm here Bri" the voice of Seventeen year old Derek Diaz flows through the house.

Sabrina walks into the house fully to see Derek along with three guys and one girl sitting in the living room.

"Uh hi?" Sabrina said confused.

"Hey Bri come met my friends"  Derek responded waving the girl over. "Bri these are Ian,Garrett, Melissa and Jason guys this is my sister Sabrina"

Melissa smiles at the girl while the the boys nod at the Diaz girl.

"Nice to meet you" Sabrina replied.

"How old are you Sabrina?" Jason asked looking at the girl finally and seeing she looks close to Alison age.

"Eleven" Sabrina replied standing up to walk towards the kitchen for something to drink.

"We'll I have a sister a year younger than you I know you guys just moved here so if every want to play with her have Derek give me a call"

Sabrina nods her head looking at the Dilaurentis boy before looking towards her brother.

"I'm gonna go play the piano before doing my homework" Sabrina said not waiting for a reply and head down the stairs towards the basement.

"Don't be playing to long mom's gonna be home soon Bri" Derek yelled before hearing a faint okay.

"She actually plays the piano?" Garrett asked as piano notes reached up the stairs.

"She also can sing really well for eleven years" Derek replied "l don't know where she learned cause none of can play or sing"

The five sit there in silence as a soft but high voice sounds over the piano as Sabrina sings

'My hearts a stereo

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"What are you doing?" Spencer asked Aria, as the four girls leaned against Hanna's locker, Hanna still talking to Wilden, "Is that a new phone?".

"Yeah, I'm checking my Kin" Aria replied, "I'll just write on Hanna's wall from here".

"Aria, if Hanna's not answering her texts, I doubt she's going to answer you on Kin out of all places" Spencer said.

"It's worth a try" Aria said, typing on her phone.

"What's going on?" Hanna asked, walking over to the girls before Aria could send the text.

"We've been trying to get a hold of you" Aria replied, "What happened in there?".

"Nothing, just the same old stupid questions" Hanna replied, opening her locker and putting her book back in.

"You were in there for an hour, Hanna" Spencer said, "What else did he ask?"

Hanna shut her locker, "Nothing, he just took a couple calls and I just sat there waiting for him to shut up" she said.

"Well, is he gonna question all of us alone now?" Aria asked, slightly worried.

"Who knows?" Hanna asked, "Look, let's do this at lunch okay? I have to hit the ladies before my next class".

"Is she being weird?" Spencer asked the other girls once Hanna had walked away.

"She's being weird" Emily replied.

"She's Hanna" Sabrina bluntly replied .

"I see you guys at lunch" Emily said.

"Sure thing, come on Spence, ill walk you to AP history" Sabrina said, looping her arm with the Hastings girl.

Spencer groaned in annoyance, "Kill me now"

Sabrina laughed at her best friend's dramatics, "See you at lunch Aria"

"See ya" Aria waved, laughing as Sabrina drags Spencer down the hall while she planted her feet to the ground.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

After school, the two went to grab Everly from Jane when Ella texted ask the girls to grab some thing. So Sabrina went with Aria to her Aunt's new art gallery, carrying a bunch of food bags and pushing the stroller as they entered the gallery, they were shocked seeing her aunt talking to Meredith.

"The owner refuses to use a computer which is only mildly irritating because half of these contacts died during the Reagan administration". Ella informed, as Meredith chuckled hearing Ella.

"That was fast" Ella said, finally seeing the three girls, "This is my daughter Aria and my niece Sabrina, and my great niece Everly also known as my saviors because when I got here there were about three cups, thank you, my dears", Ella took the bags from the girls hands.

"Uh, this is Meredith, she works with your dad"

"Uh, we've met, actually, nice to see you two again" Meredith said, looking at Aria, who was trying not to strangle her.

"Meredith just wandered in, she's looking for somebody who shows alternative art" Ella informed as Sabrina covered Everly, knowing she was gonna get violent.

"Oh, and your mother's been very helpful" Meredith said, giving Ella a smile, "Thank you so much. Ella"

"Oh, you're welcome" Ella said, completely oblivious to the tension between her daughter and Meredith, "So, we'll see you tonight?"

"Mm-hmm" Meredith replied.

"Tonight?" Aria asked shocked, while Sabrina tied her hair up.

"Yeah, I invited her to the opening, which may be a success now that we don't have to eat cobb salad with our fingers" Ellan informed, walking away from the trio, "Thank you, I'II see you later"

"Sure, bye-bye" Meredith said, waving at Ella. Before Meredith could walk out, Sabrina grabbed her wrist.

"You're not coming tonight" She stated, glaring at the blonde.

"Why not?" Meredith asked confused.

"You know why the hell not" Sabrina snapped, "I swear to god Meredith, I will not let you ruin this for my Aunt ".

"I don't what you're talking about" Meredith said shaking her head.

"Oh, let me dumb it down for you" Sabrina nodded before grabbing the woman by her neck and pushes her against the wall.

"Sabrina" Aria exclaimed in shock, quickly looking over shoulder to see if her mother saw.

Sabrina ignored her cousin her attention focused on Meredith "Stop trying to be a home wrecking whore, and if you show up tonight" Sabrina shakes her head letting the woman go "I'll beat your ass again"

Meredith looked at Sabrina, holding her throat, before she walked out the door without saying anything.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

It was now night time, and before going to her aunt's opening, Aria and Sabrina decided to attend Noel Khan's party. Well Sabrina was forced after her aunt told her to go be a teenager while grabbing Everly not giving the girl time to say no.

"He tackled Ben?" Aria asked shocked,

"What was Toby even doing in the girls locker room?"

"Wait, why are you shocked?" Spencer asked, "Toby's a perv, we caught him peeping through the windows watching us undress"

"Ali saw him peeping, not us" Sabrina corrected, "the lockers room echoes when one or two people are in there I should I know I've had sex in their twice I think"

"What's up?" Hanna asked, walking over to her friends.

"Toby Cavanaugh got into a fight with Ben over Emily" Aria informed.

"It wasn't over me, god" Emily snapped, "Look, he just, saved me".

"For what, himself?" Spencer asked.

"Ew" Hanna said, her nose scrunched in disgust.

"Spence it doesn't matter okay all that matters is Emily is okay" Sabrina said as Emily smiles at the Diaz girl. "And Ben got what was coming to him being a perv I don't really care about Toby but at least he saved our best friend"

"Well, if we hadn't asked you about Ben would you have told us about this?" Aria asked Emily, who stayed quiet in response.

"Bri, Em, both of you need to realise that Toby is not a good guy" Spencer said, "He could be seriously dangerous.

"If he's such a bad guy, why'd he take the fall for us?" Emily challenged.

Spencer and Sabrina exchanged a look, they both had a slight idea as to why Toby took the fall for them.

"Is this another secret?" Aria asked, seeing the look Spencer and Sabrina were exchanging, "Do you two know something that we don't?".

"Guys, why don't we just, like, chill and talk about this somewhere else?" Hanna asked, before Spencer or Sabrina could say anything, "When we're alone"

"I don't even know what, just us, means anymore" Aria admitted.

"Agreed" Sabrina said, "I always feel like I'm being watched and it makes me wanna run away to Alaska"

"That's called paranoia Bri" Spencer said.

"I know what's it called Spence" Sabrina angrily said, "I may have got held back but I'm not an idiot".

"Let's just talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Hanna said, her eyes landed on Shawn, who was finally done playing foosball with Noel, "Are we still meeting up at the shed?"

"Yeah" Aria replied, as Hanna walked away, "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Where are you two going?" Emily asked, seeing Aria and Sabrina grab their purses.

"The gallery" Aria replied, "We promised my mom"

"Bye guys" Sabrina said kissing the girl cheeks.

"Bye" Emily waved back.

"See you tomorrow?" Spencer asked.

"Definitely" Aria replied, walking away with her cousin

After Hanna went to Shawn, and Emily left with Maya, Spencer stood alone in the party, remembering what her and Sabrina saw the night of Jenna's accident.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

JULY 4, 2009

After making sure Aria, Emily and Hanna were okay, Spencer and Sabrina decided to go check on Alison, both wondering what was taking her so long.

When the two girls finally saw Alison, they saw her yelling at Toby about something.

"I'll make sure everybody knows!" Alison yelled, causing Toby to flinch, terrified of the girl infront of her, she then turned around and saw both the girls, "Didn't I tell you two to stay over there and let me take care of this?", Alison grabbed Spencer and Sabrina's wrist wrist and started dragging them away, "What did you two hear?"

"Nothing" Spencer replied, "We heard nothing.

"What's going on?" Aria asked, as the girls walked back to them.

"What happened to Jenna?" Emily asked.

"It's done, we were never here" Alison replied, taking the girls away from the accident spot, "Let's go".


"But what?" Alison asked Hanna.

"What if we said it was an accident? Maybe--."

"No, we're not telling anybody anything" Alison interrupted Hanna again.

"But it was an accident Ali" Hanna argued back, "They will understand".

"Damn it Hanna" Alison snapped, "Don't make me sorry I ever included you in this in the first place, you know what? I have gone out of my way to bring your wannabe butt into this group, you better keep your mouth shut, unless you  wanna go back to spending your weekends alone with dance dance revolution and jumbo bag of chips"

Sabrina glared at Alison, "Keep this attitude up and it won't be Hanna who will be left alone, Alison, it will you, who will be alone with no one there because at the end of it all we'll fine with or without you, you selfish bitch" Sabrina turned to Hanna, "Come on Hanna,"

Sabrina and Hanna linked their hands together and walked away, Emily, Aria and Spencer following them, leaving behind a pissed Alison

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

Aria and Sabrina were now at Ella art gallery, greeting all the guests that had decided to attend the opening night.

"Thank you so much" A woman tells a smiling Sabrina, who was filling a glass of wine.

"No problem" Sabrina said, smiling at the women.

Sabrina and Aria suddenly froze seeing Meredith enter the gallery, she quickly looked towards her Aunt and uncle  and breathed a sigh of relief seeing them talking to couple with everly on her aunts hip.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
Sabrina asked, walking over to Meredith, "Did you forget what I said to you?".

"I listened" Meredith assured.

"Well, what didn't you understand?" Aria asked, walking over to her cousin and Meredith, "You need to leave, now".

"Listen, sweetie, I'm not in high school" Meredith said "Neither of have a say in any of this. Especially the teen who got pregnant with her bastard of a—"

A smack sound threw around the room and Meredith head snaps to the side.

"You ever mention my daughter again I'll bury you bitch" Sabrina says glaring at the woman before going to her aunt

"Um Aunt Ella I'm not feeling well so I'm just gonna go home" Sabrina said as she grabs Everly walking out before she could say anything.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

As soon a Sabrina got home she put bathed Everly before putting her to bed. As Sabrina got in bed her phone starts ringing.

Sabrina freezes before she could answer it her phone dings.

Tick tock bitch, you have 24 hours to tell your lover boy about little Eve or this gets sent to the police. Choose wisely -A

Attached to the message was a picture of two naked people in a bed faces very well shown and Sabrina has her head thrown back with her mouth open while mid moan, Jason's face was smug and scrunched up in pleasure he was receiving from her.

Sabrina is so frozen in fear, she didn't notice she answered the call or could she hear Jason calling her name.

"Rina? Sabrina? Hello? You there?" Jason asked.

"Sorry I'm here" Sabrina responded coming out of her shocked.

"You okay?" Jason asked worried.

"I'm fine?" Sabrina reassured.

"No your not I know you Sabrina I know when you lie so what's wrong"

"Do you remember when you had to get me and Ali from Hollis Campus police" Sabrina asked.

"yes you got arrested for kicking umm the Merida girl your uncle cheated on your aunt with." Jason replied.

"yea we'll the bitch showed up today while they where at breakfast with Ella than had the nerve to befriend Ella who invited her to her art show and I may have threatened to break the bitches nose if she showed than the bitch mentioned our-" Sabrina cut herself off before she continued saying it.

"Our what?" Jason asked worried he knew Sabrina.

"Do you still leave in that apartment in Philly?" Asked changing the subject.

"I do why?" Jason responded confused as to why she needed to know that.

"Do you think tomorrow we can meet halfway there is something I gotta talk to you about?" Sabrina asked staring straight at her daughter's crib that held said girl.

"Umm can't it wait till the memorial I'm coming rosewood for it or tell me it now?"

"No it's kinda important I would have waited of it didn't and better if I tell you in person"

"Yea we can meet at that diner" Jason suggests.

"That works, I'll meet you there after school than"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

Next morning, Sabrina woke up early so, she along with all the other girls could go to the shed to pay tribute to Alison. Entering Aria's room, she saw her cousin sleeping on her bed.

Once Sabrina had waken Aria up, everything that happened last came crashing down on to the Diaz girl, checking her phone, she almost forgot what had happened last night and how much time till she has to meet the girl and she has to meet Jason at Kelsey's diner.

After getting dressed Sabrina heads down stairs where her aunt is drinking coffee.

"Hey how are you feeling this morning" Ella greets here Niece.

"I'm better now" Sabrina adds "um I gotta tell you something"

"Okay" Ella said as she eyed her niece "you're not pregnant again are you?"

"What? No!" Sabrina says as she looks at her aunt with wide eyes shaking her head frantically. "One baby is enough for me right now"

"Oh thank god" Ella responds in relief "than what's up buttercup"

"Um Eves dad called " Sabrina nervously says to her aunt who freezes at the mention of Everly dad when Ella found out about her being pregnant Sabrina lied about who the father was she told her and and uncle she knew who he was but it's was a one night stand.

"And he wants to met up and and I think I'm going to tell him about Everly"

"Are you sure that a good idea?" Ella asked in a unsure tone.

"It's better for me to tell him before someone else does" Sabrina admits "you know how this town is one single hint of who he is a boom Sabrina Diaz's baby daddy's name is on the front page of every new newspaper"

"Okay are you going to take Everly or what because me and Byron are working late tonight and I know Jane is in Texas for that baby shower"

"It's fine I'll someone to watch her" Sabrina said as Aria walk down the stairs.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"Alison wanted us across the street so she could have it out with Toby" Spencer informed, as her and the rest of the girls stood together in the woods, "Ali had something on him".

"Besides being a total perv who peeped in our windows?" Hanna asked, as Sabrina let out a yawn, she was exhausted and nervous.

"Yeah, something way bigger and she was threatening to tell everybody, that's why he took the fall for us" Spencer replied, "Bri, back me up here".

The girl look at the Diaz girl to see her half a sleep leaning against a tree.

"What's wrong with you?" Hanna asked the Diaz girl, confused with her behaviour.

"I'm fine" Sabrina mumbled, lifting her head on the tree.

"Why are you and Bri waiting until now to tell us?" Aria asked confused looking at her cousin worried.

"Ali made me and Sabrina promise and I guess I was scared" Spencer admitted, "I thought if we never talked about that night again, it would just go away".

"And I already pissed off Ali that night." Sabrina said. "Wasn't gonna do it again"

"Well, it's not going away" Hanna said,

"Not unless we toss our phones and join the Navy".

"I'm down" Sabrina said, as Spencer grabbed her hand and helped her stand up.

"Look, there's four of us and one freak sending messages" Emily reminded, as the girls started walking again, with Spencer and Sabrina arms looped together.

"You sure you okay?" Spencer asked, worried for her friend.

"It was a long night yesterday and and even longer day" Sabrina admitted.

"Want to talk obout it?" Spencer asked.

"Uh A wants me to tell everly dads about she has given me 72 hours before she turns in a the police statement" Sabrina said "And I might have to take her cause I can't find a babysitter Jane is with her husband in Texas for her cousin's baby shower"

"Why a police report" Spencer asked

"Because Eve's dad is 22" Sabrina says as she looks down at her feet.

"Okay First well talk an about that later and second I can watch her if you want" Spencer said "if you tell me who her dad is"

"Soon I promise I gotta get throw with telling him that his a dad first " Sabrina replied.

"You better, so you can drop her off at mine" Spencer said before smirking and added "Besides shell get to spend the day with her favorite aunt."

"Will do" Sabrina said, smiling at the Hastings girl.

"If we just talk to each other like this I feel like it makes it easier to deal with everything" Emily said, bringing Spencer and Sabrina back to the main conversation.

"I think Emily's right" Aria said, "And there's way too many secrets, we shouldn't do this in the middle of nowhere, we should do it where we can see it everyday".

"You mean, like, somewhere in school?" Hanna asked.

"No, in town, we should ask if we can put a bench somewhere" Aria replied, "Wait, and you know what? Whoever did this to her, if they're still in Rosewood, we should make them look at it everyday, too".

"Wait, you hate the idea?" Spencer asked, seeing Hanna's expression.

"No, no, I just, I had a rough night Hanna admitted.

"Welcome to rough night club" Sabrina said, just as the the girls heard rustling around them, "son of bitch not again" she whispered, looking around in panic. "Who out there I have a taser and I'm not afraid to use it"

All the girls looked at each other, and after placing their bags on the floor, they rushed to follow the sound, wanting to know who has been following them. After running for a while, the girls looked around and frowned seeing no one.

"Look" Hanna pointed, seeing something on the floor.

"Oh my god" Sabrina whispered, shocked seeing a bracelet laying on the ground, "It's Alison's bracelet".

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

It been hours since the incident in the woods now Sabrina is sitting at the diner where Jason and Sabrina use to go for dates. Sabrina was in her head she didn't even notice Jason walked in till he sat down in the booth seat in front of her.

"Hey" Jason greeted as he sat down infront of a nervous girl.

"Um hey" Sabrina replied as she looks up from the table.

"So what's up what was so important that you couldn't wait" Jason says getting straight to the point.

"Um okay so I-I uh you know we use to date and everything"

"Yes" Jason replied slightly confused.

"Um well" Sabrina stutters out a way to say this.

"Hey take a deep breath" Jason says as he grabs her hand. "I mean it can't be that bad-"

"After you left and me and my family moved to Iceland I found out I was pregnant" Sabrina blurts out.

"What?" Jason asked pulling back.

"About a month after everything went down umm I was late for my period and was sick and I took a test It came back positive"

"So it's mine" Jason asked

"No dumbass I just asked you to meet just fucking cause" Sabrina replied sarcastically before adding "yes she's yours"

"She?" Jason asked in shock "What's her name, how old?"

"Yea I had a girl" Sabrina replies playing with her fingers as she adds before pulling her phone out to show him a picture "Her name is Everly and she 3 almost 4 months"

"She adorable umm I want to met her if that's okay with you" Jason said nervously.

"Jason I wouldn't have asked to meet to tell you about her in person if I didn't want you to meet her" Sabrina replied as she grabs his hand and adds "anytime call me and we can set up when and where you want to meet her"

"Than when can I met her?"

"How about homecoming things are crazy at home and Ella can't watch her cause of work and I don't trust Byron and Jane has a really big order for a wedding the next day she has to do so she she can't"

"That works for me" Jason said smiling, He couldn't believe he had a daughter "Can you tell me about her?"

"Um her name is Everly Taylor Diaz she was born June 8, 2010 at 6:35 in the morning at 6lb and 5oz"

Sabrina and Jason sat at the diner for about two hours till he had to leave for an emergency at work as Sabrina walks towards her car her phone dings.

Good job bitch you earned yourself a award but I won't tell you when -A


April 26 - Some people have made comments about how Jason had a thing for Sabrina when she was 11 and my answer is No, he didn't this flashback was just of how Ali and Sabrina became friends. They were introduced by Jason and Derek. Jason started to fall for when she was 15 and Halloween night. Where the two had a full conversation.

Eleven year old Sabrina Diaz


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