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act one: the disappearance of alison
(season one, episode eleven)

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

Sabrina,Aria,Spencer and Emily stood to the side and watched as the paramedics wheeled Hanna into the ambulance and then the ambulance drive towards the hospital.

"We have to get to the hospital, are you guys okay to drive?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, I guess so" Emily replied.

"Okay, come on" Spencer said as Emily, Aria and Spencer walked away, Sabrina stood there for a moment, just as she was about to leave, her eyes landed on a figure standing in the far distance, a figure that looked oddly like Noel Kahn.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

The four girls sat in the hospital waiting room, informing their respective parents about Hanna's accident.

"We were at Mona's party and Hanna got a text, so we were going to the parking lot to meet her and that's when she got hit" Aria informed her parents, while Sabrina sat there quietly, her mind still wondering if the person she saw was Noel or not.

Sabrina's chain of thoughts was broken when she saw Hanna's mom Ashley walk over to them.

"Mrs. Marin, is Hanna okay?" A worried Sabrina asked.

"She is going to be alright" Ashely assured, "She has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs and they might have to remove her spleen and-" an emotional Ashley looked at the four girls for answers, "What happened?".

"Hanna was coming across the parking lot and this, this car just came out of nowhere" Aria informed.

"Well, the police found the car" Ashley informed the girls, "They said it was stolen from a campground lot"

"Did they catch the driver?" Emily asked.

"No, not yet" Ashley replied.

"Well, the cops should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh" Spencer said.

"It wasn't Toby Cavanaugh" Ashley said, "The police picked him up last night".

"What?" Emily asked shocked.

"One of the officers told me they found him hiding in town and they were bringing him into the station when they got the call about Hanna" Ashley replied, she then looked down at her phone, checking the time, finally realising how late it had gotten, "Oh, you girls should go home, I will call you when Hanna can have visitors".

Sabrina nodded, "Just, please let Hanna know that we were here" she said.

"I will when she wakes up" Ashley assured, walking away from the girls.

After Ashley walked away, Emily turned to Spencer, "Toby isn't A" she told her.

"Well, Hanna knows who is" Spencer reminded, "That's why A tried to kill her".

"You think they're just trying to scare us?" Emily asked.

"Well, it worked" Aria replied.

"I'm terrified" Sabrina admitted. "And I don't get scared I haven't gotten scared since I saw my grandmother naked"

"This was never about scaring us" Spencer said, "That was just a bonus and this started with murder, we were crazy to think that it wouldn't end up like this".

"So should we tell the cops?" Emily asked, feeling extremely confused.

"And tell them what exactly?" Sabrina asked. "Hey we have this crazy bitch black mailing us and that we we're trying figure out who it is the bitch turn Hanna into a fucking pancake"

"Everything" Emily answered.

"We don't know everything" Spencer snapped.

"So what do we do?" Aria asked.

"Well, we talk to Hanna before we do anything" Spencer replied.

"You guys, are we sure Hanna is safe here?" Sabrina asked, worried for her friend.

"Yeah" Spencer replied, alter a moment of hesitation, "I mean, nothing will happen to her while her mom is with her"

And with that that, the four girls walked out of the hospital, hoping that their friend will be safe here.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

The next morning the four girls came back with Everly to visit a now awake Hanna, after receiving a message from her mother that Hanna was asking for them.

"Does it hurt?" Emily asked Hanna.

"Yeah, kind of" Hanna replied.

"Do you remember what happened?" Spencer asked.

"Uh, yeah, I remember" Hanna replied, being as vague as possible infront of her mother, "Um, mom, you've been here the whole time, do you wanna take a break?

Ashely glanced at the girls, a bit uncertain, "Are you sure?" she asked her daughter.

"Yeah" Hanna assured.

"I'II be back in a couple of hours" Ashley said, walking out of the hospital room.

Once Ashley left, Aria stood up and closed the door, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation.

"Noel Kahn is A" Hanna informed, shocking her friends.

"What? Are you serious?" Emily asked, while Spencer grabbed a shocked Aria's hand in reassurance.

"Yeah, I saw him in the woods and he left an A message" Hanna replied,

"I saw him to" Sabrina whispered tapping a sleeping Everly's back.

"You saw him leave a message?" Spencer asked Hanna.

"He wrote something on the back of a car window" Hanna replied.

"What car?' Sabrina asked, "What did he write?"

"I see you" Aria informed, gaining all of her friends attention.

"How do you know?" Spencer asked confused.

"I was in the car" Aria replied.

"Oh no" Sabrina whispered, realising who Hanna and most likely Noel saw Aria with.

"Whose car was it?" Emily asked Aria who hesitated for a moment, but then finally revealed who she was with that night,

"Ezra Fitz" she replied.

"Mr. Fitz?" Spencer asked shocked, Aria nodded.

"Aria" Emily said, disappointment evident in her voice.

"Hanna?" Spencer asked, looking at their blonde girl friend for confirmation.

"It was Mr. Fitz" Hanna confirmed.

"You and Mr. Fitz?" Emily asked Aria, shocked with this information.

"Did you know about this?" Spencer asked Sabrina, who said nothing to her, instead looking out the window, confirming her question Spencer turned back to Aria, "You met him there?"

"The call you got at the party, that was from him?" Emily asked.

"I couldn't tell" Aria said, "I couldn't tell anyone, I promised Ezra and the only reason Bri knew was I can't lie to Bri lying to her is like trying to lie to a lie detector"

"Ezra? Whoa, hold it" Spencer said, "This is something that's been going on? You and a teacher?"

"I didn't just get into his car last night" Aria defended, "Who do you think I am?".

"How long have you been seeing him?" Emily asked curiously.

"Since right before school started" Aria admitted.

"Oh, my god, since labor day?" Spencer asked shocked, Aria nodded.

"Okay, so you don't have a boyfriend in Iceland?" Hanna asked.

"No, I-I did" Aria replied, "Yeah, but it's not like that".

"You were seeing a teacher when I fixed you up with Noel?" Hanna asked  "Oh my god, I fixed you up with Noel"

"And why did you get in his car" Spencer asked.

"We'll um he called me and "Aria stated to say before seeing her friends face"Oh, don't look at me like that"

"My head hurts just as much my legs" Hanna signs.

"What exactly did you see?" Spencer asked.

"Well, I saw Aria go into a parked car and then I thought I saw someone in a black hoodie write something on the back of the car window" Hanna recalled, "And when he turned around, it was Noel"

"No" Aria denied, "It can't be Noel "

"Aria, I saw what I saw" Hanna argued.

"And A tried to kill her for it" Spencer reminded.

"Okay but none of us saw who was driving that car!" Aria snapped.

Before any of the girls could say anything, a knock on the door gained their attention.

"If that's someone with painkillers just let them in" Hanna said as Aria walked towards the door

Aria opened the door and to her shock, Noel was standing on the other side, "Noel" she said shocked.

"I just heard about Hanna" Noel said, "Thought I'd try to visit".

Aria glanced at her friends, who was shaking their head, telling her not to let Noel in.

"Well, Hanna just fell asleep, all of us are just about to leave" Aria informed, coming out of the room and closing the door behind her.

"Give me my niece" Hanna said holding her hands out towards the Diaz girl.

"Are you sure?" Sabrina asked caused the Marin girl to nod.

"Yes she needs to see her favorite aunt" Hanna replied causing the other two girls to look at her offended.

"Uh no I'm the favorite" Spencer and Emily replied before looking at each other "no I am"

Before the argument could continue the door opens and Aria walks in with an upset expression while now a wide awake Everly let's out a happy sequel makes grabby hands towards Aria.

"He lied to me" Aria said. "He said he was with Sean"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"Are you sure that's what you saw on that tree?" Aria asked Spencer and Emily as they entered her room, cups of coffee in each of their hand as Sabrina walks in from putting Everly down grabbing her hot chocolate from Spencer.

"All three of us saw it, Aria" Emily said.

"Well, I know, but, I mean, do you think that maybe Ali just put it up there to see what it might look like?" Aria asked.

"No, Ali may have done some psycho things but she would never do anything tacky" Spencer replied.

"Anyway, lan was with Melissa last night so he couldn't be A" Emily said, "Which brings us back to noel".

"He had means, he had opportunity" Spencer said, "Those pictures of Emily and Maya were stolen at Noel's party, right?".

"Yeah, I know" Aria replied.

"And Hanna saw him write that message on the back of Mr. Fitz's car" Spencer added.

"Just slow down" Aria told Spencer after seeing the dilemma on her sister's face, "You flipped over to Noel awful fast".

Sabrina lifted her head and looked at the Hastings girl, "about twelve hours ago weren't you the who was dead set on believing that Toby was A?'

"A or not, you still need to know what Noel saw" Spencer told Aria, she then glanced at Aria, "And what he plans to do about it"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

Sabrina and Aria stood with Emily at her locker.

"So you didn't tell Mr. Fitz about Noel?" Sabrina asked.

"His name's Ezra" Aria corrected.

"Maybe you get to call him Ezra" Emily said, "He's still Mr. Fitz to us"

"Thank you".Sabrina exclaimed, agreeing with Emily.

"So you didn't tell him?" Emily asked Aria.

"No, I couldn't'" Aria replied.

"Bad decision" Sabrina said.

"Well, how could I?" Aria asked her cousin .

"Well what about you and Noel?" she asked curiously.

"There isn't a me and noel" Aria replied. "There never really was"

"Does he know that" Sabrina said.

"I think he does" Aria replied

"You think he does" Sabrina and Emily asked.

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"Bar? You met him in a bar?" Spencer asked Aria, as her, Aria and Sabrina walked in the woods. Sabrina had given Mike 30 bucks to watch Eve for him to watch her not that he minded.

"It's not a bar, it's a pub" Aria replied.

"It's a bar" Sabrina retorted, making Spencer chuckle and Aria glare at her "Sorry but it's in the name 'Hollis Bar & Grille'."

"And he hit on you?" Spencer asked Aria.

"Yeah, we were talking about writing" Aria replied.

"Yeah, read any good books lately?" Spencer teased, making Sabrina laugh.

"Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call fine print!" Sabrina also teased her cousin wiggling her eyebrows causing the Hastings girl to laugh.

"Hey, seriously" Aria said not amused by the two girls.

"Boy, part of me thinks this is really self-destructive behavior, but most of me just thinks it's really hot" Spencer said.

Sabrina chuckled, "Maybe it's a rosé thing dating older guys I mean your dads what two years older than your mom and mine was five years older than my mom my ex boyfriend is 5 years older yours is six"

"Guys, don't tease, okay?" Aria said, as Spencer and Sabrina high fived each other, "It's not funny, it's the opposite of funny"

"I'm sorry" Spencer apologised, "It's just, I don't know how I'm supposed to react to all of this".

"Yeah, neither do I" Aria said.

"I do" Sabrina said, making Aria and Spencer turn to her, "Things I don't know how to react to, I usually pretend they don't exist because".

"That's not healthy" Spencer said worried.

Sabrina shrugged, "Well if I over think things, I end up fucking my ex boyfriend who helps me relax a lot".

"How is sleeping with your ex relaxing?" Spencer asked.

"Orgasms are very relaxing and Jason gives me very good orgasms" Sabrina admits with a smirk.

"Just show me the stupid tree, okay?" Aria said laughing at her cousin.

"Follow us" Sabrina said.

Spencer, Sabrina and Aria walked over to the spot where Emily, Spencer and Sabrina had seen the tree that had both lan and Alison's named carved on it, but to Spencer and Sabrina's shock, the tree was cut off and the only evidence of it being there was the tree stump.

Aria looked at Spencer and Sabrina's shocked faces, "You are not gonna tell me that-_"

"No, this was it" Spencer stated, "It was right here"

"Wait, are you sure that you two have the right spot?" Aria asked.

"Yes, we're sure" Sabrina replied, "I knew we should have taken a picture"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"We should call Hanna and Emily" Aria said, as the three girls entered the Hastings kitchen after failing to find the tree.

"We'll talk to them at the hospital" Spencer said, opening the fridge.

"A tree guys, an entire tree" Aria said, as a confused Spencer took out two bottles of wine from the fridge.

"What's with the wine?" Sabrina asked, confused seeing the alcohol in Spencer's hands before she could say anything, lan entered the room, dressed up in a suit,.

"Oh, you found my stash" he said, seeing the bottles in Spencer's hand. "Should be cold enough, right?", lan took the bottles from Spencer, "Yeah", Ian then looked at the three girls. "Well. you have great timing, grab some glasses, Melissa's out in the barn"

"I like to know what I'm celebrating before I drink to it" Spencer said.

"Well I mean, you don't have to be celebrating something to drink champagne" lan said, "That's very old-fashioned thinking".

"Then why are you dressed up as if you are going to a high class party?" Sabrina asked confused.

"And you canceled practice today" Spencer added.

"Yes, I did" lan said.

"To be with Melissa?" Spencer asked.

"Yes" lan answered nodding.

"Why?" Spencer asked as lan glanced at Aria and Sabrina.

"Uh, you know, why don't you come out and talk to your sister?" he told Spencer.

"No, I think I'd like to hear this from you" Spencer said, just as Melissa, in a white wedding dress, entered the room and looped her arm with lan's.

"We're married" Melissa informed, shocking the three girls.

"You're what?" Spencer asked, thinking she might have heard the wrong thing.

"We eloped" Melissa replied.

"Yeah, it's incredible" Ian said, "It's like last year never happened".

"Congratulations" Aria said, while Sabrina rolled her eyes looking at her phone his intentions did not seem pure to her.

"Do mom and dad know?" Spencer asked her sister.

"Not yet" Melissa replied.

"Yeah, we expect they'll be a little surprised, but-" lan said.

"Surprised?" Spencer asked.

"This is what I want, they'll understand" Melissa assured Spencer,

"You'll help me with them, I know I can count on you". Melissa turned to lan and placed a kiss on his lips.

After the kiss, lan turned to the girls,"Alright, bring some glasses" he said, "We'll have a toast"

"Oh Bri can't drink yet" Melissa said looking at said girl who wasn't even paying attention.

"We still can have a toast we'll just give her water" Ian replied with a nod looking at the Diaz girl.

"I am not toasting to him" Sabrina stated smiling at Jason's response to Everly Halloween costume, after lan and Melissa had walked out.

"Spence, what just happened?" Aria asked.

"Melissa just got married to the possible older man Ali was seeing, that's what just happened" Sabrina replied.

"Am I the only one who thinks that this was intentional?"

The three girls glanced at each other in worry, all three wondering what was lan planning as Sabrina phone buzzed.

"Who keeps messaging you" Spencer asked seeing Sabrina smiling at her phone.

"I sent Jason a picture of Eve's costume"

"What is she going as?" Aria asked with a smirk confusing Spencer.

"Stitch It's the movie me and Jason used to watch and when I was pregnant eve would move around nonstop now she falls asleep watching it all the time"

"You made Jason watch Lilo and Stitch" Spencer asked with wide eyes.

"No, Jason made me watch it"

━━━━ CRUEL SUMMER ━━━━

"You told them?" Aria asked Emily, as Spencer, Aria and Sabrina met up with Emily at Hanna's hospital room.

"Yeah" Emily replied, talking about the fact she had come out as gay to her parents.

"How did they take it?" Sabrina asked.

"Roughly" Emily replied.

"Do I need to go yell at them?" Sabrina asked causing Emily to shake her head at the girl.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, Em" Aria assured.

"I don't know what it's gonna be but, it's gonna be different" Emily said.

"Of course it is, but they're your parents, they're going to love you no matter what" Sabrina said, making Emily give her a small smile. "you know my parents where the same way when I told them I was bisexual"

"Really?" Emily asked Sabrina who nods.

"Yeah after a week of not talking to me my dad comes in to my room said Sabrina eres mi mundo entero no me importa si eres gay, bisexual sigues siendo mi hija." Sabrina said before seeing the confused looks "he basically said he didn't care what my sexuality that I was I was still his daughter."

"So the whole tree?" Hanna asked Spencer while grabbing Sabrina's hand after seeing the Diaz girl face when talking about her father knowing she was upset. The Diaz girl never has gotten over here parents death.

Sure Jackson Diaz wasn't her real dad but given the fact he the only father she's had it never changed he still loved her and treated her like his daughter.

"Yeah, lock, stock and bird's nest" Spencer replied also seeing the tears forming in the girls eyes.

"Why?" Hanna asked, "I mean, why show something like that and then just take it away?"

"Like A had a split personality" Emily said.

"That's great, homicidal and nuts" Hanna said.

"We've been thinking, maybe we're dealing with more than one person" Spencer informed.

"A and Ali's killer are two separate people?" Hanna asked shocked, the girls nodded, "You are freaking out the invalid"

"No, think about it" Aria said.

"No, you think about it" Hanna retorted, "I mean, aren't we in enough trouble? I know I am, just look at me"

Sabrina sighed, she looked at Hanna's broken leg, when something caught her eye, "Han" she said, removing the sheet from her cast, "Who the hell wrote that on your leg?"

"I don't know" Hanna replied, "People have been in and out all day and so have I".

"Oh, no" Emily said, as the other girls read what was written.

"What?" Hanna asked confused, "What's on there?"

"Sorry about losing my temper, my bad, love, A" Sabrina read.

"Who put that on my leg?" A freaked out Hanna asked.

"Who wrote that?" Spencer asked.

"Did somebody come in here while you were asleep?" Emily asked.

"I don't know, just get it off, just wipe it off" Hanna snapped, "Get it off me!".

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