Arc 3, Chapter 80: One, Two, and Three.
Lightbulb felt nothing, yet everything. It hurt... she was fragments, clutched in darkness's cold embrace. She wanted to reach out, and grab hold of something, anything. But there was nothing to grab. Solitude darkness. Her grasp was also absent. She her limbs had been crushed by the fist of the spring. Her eyes drifted across the darkness—at least—she thought it was. Not that it mattered, since she didn't have eyes. Her head had been shattered completely... All that remained in it's place was a ghostly projection of what it used to look like. Or... Roughly. It was funny! Never in her life could she have imagined wanting to die. Not even when Fan had attacked her! She just felt so... Hopeless. As if her life was being drained from her body.
Cobs stepped into the darkened grass, which soon faded into the complete darkness. He walked along the decrepit lands of corruption. Things felt bleak, and desaturated... Broken. He'd never been here, yet it felt like home. Liquid shadow that soaked the area, shifted and morphed. It threatened to take shape in adaptation to his own mind, the previous Crowned of corruption currently had it shaped into a playground of sorts. Withered trees which lacked life and leaves littered the area. The sky above covered in a thick mist, or clouds of sorts. Purple and black were the only faded colours present. The shadows morphed and started to change, but, He suppressed it. For now, at least. This place gave the feeling of staring into the void. Littered around were mindless beasts, yet, he could feel something creeping. More sentient. As if he could feel the fear radiating off of it. He recognized the feeling, and knew immediately what it was. His foot fell upon the blackened substance, and he stopped, the mass of shadow entrapping Lightbulb did too.
He waited, and watched... Silently. His glasses flickered in the dim purple light. The feeling of dread increased to what mortals would nearly describe as unbearable. He then flicked his right hand aside, in an instant, a screech pierced his ears. Cobs's face shifted to a scowl, He winced and looked aside baring teeth. "Immature..." He whispered, shooting a glare to whom resided there, suspended in a tendril of the shadow.
The creature struggled and hissed. Another demon, of course. Cobs had taken amusement in its desperate flailing, but his grin faded and he threw the creature back. "How DARE you!" The creature snapped, lunging again only to be whipped and knocked back down by the tendril once more. It gave a short yelp and whined.
"That's quite enough." Cobs beckoned, his glare sharp as he lowered his hand. The creature let up, and had become defensive rather than aggressive. "I want your name." He demanded.
The creature's guttural clicking became more evident, as it backed off and stood on it's feet once more. "Six..." They spat. Their eyes narrowed, focusing on Cobs, and every single movement he made.
Perfect, another. His suspicions proven correct. "I have a job for you." Cobs demanded, he placed his arms behind his back, the air seemed thicker in that moment. The wind was cold on his neck, but Cobs didn't care. He just stared at Six.
"I only take orders from my master..." Six retorted, they causticly took a step back, but Cobs grabbed it again. They screeched and clawed at the now strands of darkness which wrapped around them.
"You'll do as I say. I'm taking their place." He replied, he didn't explain, there was no need to. His expression was all Six needed to huff, and take a step closer. One of their eyes were closed, Cobs was intrigued, but didn't bother asking.
"What do you want?" They asked, sharp, narrowed gaze... They weren't messing around, despite their young nature. Resentful. Bitter.
"I need you to find my niece, and bring her to me." Cobs ordered, his arms remained behind his back. He fidgeted, then began to pace. "You'll probably be able to sense the emanating shadow. Her aura." He huffed, closing his eyes as he explained.
Six seemed confused, maybe baffled? Puzzled? "What?" They hissed, not wanting to listen to this old man. They would rather be taking orders from family. Of course, many no longer existed, so that was not an option.
"The Crowned of Shadows." Cobs stopped, and turned his head to six, who'd immediately gotten aggressive once again. Their gaze pierced even his. He was impressed, not intimidated... More proud. "—The new one," he added, "Not the deceased."
Six let up once again, but only slightly. A growl imminent, "That vile THING. Why do you want to bring IT straight to our home?!" They retaliated, a shrill hiss.
Cobs sighed, "She isn't strong enough to fight. Not yet." Cobs informed, he then turned back to Six once again. "You may use any force necessary, as long as you don't kill her." He waved his hand dismissively, "If you must get your frustration out on her I will not be offended."
"Is she not your niece? Family?!" They barked back, making Cobs roll his eyes dismissively. He was very casual. Too casual. "I don't understand..." Six added after their pause. Suspicion in their tone.
"We can't make this place safe for beings like us... If we do not absorb their energy. I already have light... I need shadow." He commanded, "Should your master really be left dead in vein?" Cobs raised a brow.
Six flinched, and scoffed in his face, this was getting weird. This man had barely been here half a minute, "How do you know so much...?! I don't—I don't get it!" Six shouted. Their history, long, and violent. They wanted to know how, and why, Cobs was doing this. Their old master had motives which they understood. But Cobs was new. This old man shouldn't know as much as he did.
Cobs pondered what to say, the darkness within whispered to him. Muttered secrets as it always had, "Your old master spoke to me. Speaks... I can hear them. Now. Still." Cobs whispered reminiscently. His eyes. Soft? Perhaps. Manipulative? Six couldn't tell. No matter how hard they searched.
Six faltered, their eye threatened tears. They approached Cobs as if they were remorseful. Or... Grieving. "They're here...?" They asked in shock.
"In spirit." Cobs sneered, his grin widened to one of malice and sadism as he realized Six's vulnerable state. "They want you to heed my orders, of course, if you don't want to listen to me, I suppose they can hear of your disobedience—"
"—N-NO!" They panicked, angered. "I'll do it! Ju—just you wait! I'll get that fiend's successor!" They yelled in retaliation and warning. Soon after, they disappeared, and left to find what Cobs was after.
Cobs's grin remained, and he walked further into the void like playground. His exhaustion, having not slept for days, was getting to him. He grumbled to himself as his smile faltered finally. He needed to create a place to stay, luckily, the ooze around will do just fine. He held his hands out and raised them. The darkness formed from it's old childish past to a new mor sophisticated facility. He formed room after room. Halls. Roofs. Like his old one. His exhaustion getting to him, he grunted. How annoying. When he was finally done he nearly collapsed, and placed a hand on the blackened wall to his left. Then clutched his chest and panted. If he could sweat in his current form—he would be. He jerked his hand to the side, Lightbulb's prison thrown into the wall. The substance splashed against the wall, and forced chains onto the girl. Her head, not there. A spiritual projection in it's place. A wispy-ghost like was formed over where her head should've been. Chains formed over each ghostly limb. The only part of her, flesh and blood, was her metal screw- asks bottom. Blood fell from it, and it reflected a small light as it began to reform.
Cobs blinked, his brows furrowed as he stared at the girl. How annoying... Springy really did a number on her. She was of no use as of now other than her powers... And perhaps wall decoration. He rolled his eyes, and left the room with a huff. He waved his hand aside and the door closed behind him. He snapped his fingers calling over a creature, he didn't really care which mindless beast it was. He glanced to where it had formed, and immediately took back his previous thought. Of course it was this useless... Thing...
"3GS..." He grumbled under his breaths it had failed the last mission, and one of his eyes didn't even survive the transformation. Though, 3GS was his first attempt. It was still a shame he was the one to show. "Watch the girl. If she gets out... You'll be the one on that wall, understand? Who am I kidding... Of course you don't... Just get in there." He waved his hand, a low growl emitted from his throat.
The creature, Mephone3GS, flinched, and scrambled into the room. His gaze landed on Lightbulb. He didn't really do anything. Just sit down. 'Criss-cross—applesauce' as one may call it. He stared at her without a word. Blank. And Cobs went off to sleep.
EchoBulb entered the temple sloppily. Baxter was sat inside the temple's front doors. The front doors were massive, it was no surprise that he'd managed to get through those. But the next ones would be tricky. She stared at the dragon, then to Flower who had been pacing the room since Baxter had dropped her off here. Flower noticed EchoBulb—To which she'd believed to be Lightbulb—and ran over. Flower grasped her shoulder and checked her over.
"Are you okay?! I thought you died! I heard a scream..." Flower frowned, as she looked down at EchoBulb.
EchoBulb blankly stared and shrugged limply, "Yeah! I'm fine..." EchoBulb giggled and glared into Flower's eyes after, smiling lifelessly.
Flower exhaled with relief, and looked to Baxter uncomfortably, it was a dragon after all. Flower had only ever heard myths really. Baxter had a strange unreadable look. Seemed almost like disgust, but then again, how could you tell what expression a Dragon made? Flower sighed and turned back to EchoBulb. "You uh... Know where we should go—?"
"—LIGHTBULB!" Paintbrush screamed as they burst through the doors. Alongside Meohone4 and X. They ran over to EchoBulb and embraced her. "You IDIOT!" They scolded.
Lightbulb flinched and with a sense of emptiness. No expression came except her lifeless smile. She hugged back, "Sorry Paintbrush! I didn't mean to scare ya'!" She huffed.
Paintbrush backed up and looked her over, "You're lucky you didn't DIE! What were you THINKING?!" They groaned, and tugged at their eyelids. They then look to Baxter, then back to EchoBulb, "But... You did save Baxter."
EchoBulb looked puzzled for a moment, before she snapped out of it, and gave a firm nod, "you betcha!" She snapped her fingers with a grin. Her dull wings fluttered silently.
Paintbrush was about to talk once more, but a loud rumble followed by a crash rang out, and their eyes darted to the door. X quickly jogged right up to the crowd of people. "We need to get to safety! There's a safe room! This way!" X pointed.
Paintbrush took EchoBulb's hand and froze. "Wait, what about Baxter?!" Paintbrush asked with clear concern. They pointed to the Crab-Dragon with their free hand. EchoBulb said nothing.
X glanced back and pondered the thought, "W-We could hide it in this room...! Follow me..." They commanded, Paintbrush obliged and dragged EchoBulb into the next room, following X. They beckoned for the dragon to follow, and Flower attempted to push the Dragon through the slightly smaller doors. Eventually they made it. And X directed the large beast into a corner, ordering it to stay hunched up. Paintbrush was about to protest—but they were quickly dragged along with Mephone4 and Flower—to the safe room.
Mephone4 tripped, and fell flat on his face when he came to a stop. Flower snorted and snickered slightly. Mephone then grumbled as he glared at her. X shut the door and the room sealed shut. There was no windows, solid stone walls. No engravings in the walls. But there were several pillars and such. Mephone got up and dusted himself off. He began to explore the area a bit. His gaze trailed the dark walls.
"Some boring room this is..." Mephone4 complained as he glared at the lack of—well—anything really. He looked back at the others who seemed annoyed.
"Well, it's keeping you safe... So shut up and count your blessings." Paintbrush retorted with a mean expression, laced with annoyance and anger. They finally let go of EchoBulb's hand. They stumbled back against a wall and leaned against it. "Holy... What WAS that, X?!" They asked worriedly.
"Arch Demons." X sighed, they turned to the all different objects in the room and then averted their gaze to the ground. "The most powerful out of the creatures of the dark—though—I-I guess that much was obvious." They frowned.
Mephone4 kicked a small piece of concrete, or, maybe a stone. "Is there any way to stop them?" The boy questioned.
X sat down, and felt the concrete beneath them, not knowing that it was cold, but assuming so. They lacked nerves, but not brains. "well... We—or... Four and I could've. If we were still alive..." X responded hopelessly.
EchoBulb shrugged limply, "I think we got this!" She chimed blankly.
Flower grumbled, "What part of THE STRONGEST did you not understand?!" Flower yelled, to which Paintbrush pushed off the wall and swatted the back of her head. She yelped, her pollen puffs swayed at her shoulders. "What was THAT for?!"
"Don't yell at her! What the hell?! She wants to help. And last I checked, she likely saved you!" Paintbrush stomped their foot. Flower flinched as their flame sparked a bright red.
"Okay, okay...! SorRY." She spat, then turned her heel and crossed her arms with a huff.
Paintbrush looked away, and their flame died down to blue. X stared in awe, but looked away. Paintbrush took notice from their peripheral but decided not to mention it. Mephone4 sat against the wall next, on the opposite side X had been. He hugged his knees... Skin... He grimaced. It felt weird. To... Have nerves. And... Man! Was he hungry. So THAT was what real hunger felt like. He felt bad for other real people. He tried to summon a snack, but nothing came. He forgot he was a book now. He groaned.
Flower looked over, "Something wrong pipsqueak?" She asked bitterly. She was leaned up against the far wall. The one next to Mephone's but not the same as Paintbrush's or X's.
Mephone grumbled, "Don't call me that..." he muttered, which made Flower chuckle. He hated being belittled like that... Cobs did that enough back when he had lived with him.
"You didn't answer my question, y'know." Flower spoke up, as she looked down at Mephone again. He didn't look up at her. In fact, he had been doing his best to IGNORE her. But Flower didn't let up, she then spoke once more, "You look troubled." She pointed out, which Mephone winced away.
He scowled, to which Flower kept pestering him, "I'm FINE." He responded finally. A clear lie. He seemed peeved. Which, wasn't unreasonable. You couldn't blame him really. He didn't really like her. "I don't know how people can bare to visit your stupid inn..." Mephone4 stilled his eyes.
"Mephone—!" Paintbrush was about to scold him, but Flower stepped in, putting her hand up.
"It's obviously because I have a fortunate face, y'know, a lot of people would DIE to stay at my inn because it!" She boasted, and put a hand on her own cheek. She did a slight pose, Mephone rolled his eyes, and Paintbrush groaned. Flower snapped her gaze to Paintbrush angrily, "What?! Jealous?"
"No! Eugh... I just don't like your boasting..." Paintbrush grumbled, they tiredly leaned back against the cold stone.
Flower scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah! Sure! Whatever—" a loud crash once again plagued their ears. They yelped and shielded vital areas as the ground shook and rumbled.
EchoBulb had not reacted in the slightest.
She sat and swayed her feet from side to side out of boredom. Blankly staring. Now wasn't a good time to attack anyone. Not while they were on guard! So she waited silently, with a blank smile. Her gaze unfocused.
Flower took a shaky breath. She really hoped Ruby was okay... Paintbrush was concerned for 'Lightbulb'... She seemed out of it. Maybe she had been worried for Baxter. They didn't know. X had been worried about Four... When they left—They hadn't seen them since... Mephone4 was scared... Scared Cobs would come for him... Nervous he couldn't revive. He was just...
The forest was dense, So much so that it was difficult to see more than a few yards ahead. Trees obscured the horizon line. Microphone had her gaze fixated on the snow below. She didn't bother go of track again... not after what happened last time... She didn't want to look back either. She didn't want to look at Taco. She wasn't sure as to why, however. She got a strange indescribable feeling when she did. Not in a good way... And—frankly—she was still upset with Knife. They continued through the deep snow until they had eventually found their way to a clearing. The sound of rushing water was in sight. Cake saw the distant canal and exclaimed with happiness. He grabbed Fanny's cloak with his mouth and dragged her along. She yelled in protest, but didn't fight it.
Knife sighed to himself, "Finally..." He huffed, his feet sunk deep into the snow, still. Deeper now that there was almost no tree cover. Almost, but still some.
Microphone walked ahead, she didn't bother respond to Knife's aggression. What's the point? He'd only scream at her again. She didn't exactly want that. Pickle walked up next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, "He's a bit... Emotional right now... He'll get better I—... I promise..." He smiled at her.
Microphone smiled vaguely, her gaze soft towards Pickle, but still evidently upset. And rightfully so.
Clover walked up behind them both with a smile, "How about we—u-uh... Sing a road song?" She shrugged with a nervous toothy grin. Microphone looked back at her irritably. Clover looked away, and rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous expression.
Pickle groaned to himself, of course. He just wanted this walk—at least the walk—to be peaceful. But, one can only hope, eh? He looked back at Knife, who had a tight grip on his cloak. He seemed quite upset too. Why did everyone have to be so upset...? "Eugh..."
Clover looked at Pickle as he was audibly upset, she didn't know what she could've said to cheer him up. Her gaze turned to the snow beneath them, and she kicked it along the way. In silence.
Trophy grumbled to himself, Knife shot him a glare. Trophy scoffed and glared back. "My KNUCKLES hurt! BUDDY." He spat, anger in his tone. He didn't like dragging Taco around, mostly because she was DIFFICULT to drag. But also because he thought it wasn't right.
"Well, too bad..." Knife muttered, his fists clenched. He was restraining himself...Though he wanted to attack Trophy. He had told himself he just... Wasn't himself at the time. That he was off his brain medication. And it was messing with his head. Which had been true. "You literally have to drag her... SHES ON A ROPE! Your only job is to keep her from escaping." Knife rolled his eyes.
Microphone froze. Knife, who had been looking back at a Trophy, bumped straight into Microphone.
The trees casted shadows onto the snow below. Only select spots glimmered in the sunlight.
"Why hasn't Taco escaped yet?" Microphone asked with furrowed brows. Her gaze shifted back to the two in the back. She'd hadn't noticed Zero, who Taco stuffed in her shell.
Knife raised an eyebrow, confused. "She can't... She's on a ROPE. What part of 'she's on a rope' is there to misunderstand?!" Knife grumbled.
Microphone shook her head. "She can travel through shadow. These trees! They cast a shadow." She pointed down, at the shadowed blanket of white below. "She could've left. But she hasn't..." Microphone muttered.
Taco flinched, Microphone noticed. She bit her lip and looked away. Knife thought for a moment, and looked back at Taco. He questioned this too... Taco lurched back nervously... She didn't want to talk to anyone. She was... Scared... Strange.
"Gonna play dumb, now? I'm pretty sure that never worked for you in the past..." Knife hissed through gritted teeth. He approached her. His knuckles turned white from how hard he had been clenching his fists.
She staggered back. And shook her head, "Kn-Knife— Please I didn't even d-d...Do anything!" She whimpered, her legs still shaky. Eventually she ran out of slack, and Trophy did not move with her.
"Why haven't you left?!" He seethed, gripping the top of her shell. Zero had to
Duck down, and cover their head in fear to stay out of sight.
Taco's eyes darted between each of Knife's eyes. "I—I just... I—I don't actually know, alright? I-I suppose I... Mh..." She looked aside, sadly. Remorsefully.
"What? Gonna slaughter the next village we encounter?!" He gripped her shell tighter, a crackle rang out, a thunderbolt like crack shot through her shell, and quickly began to trickle blood. It connected to her already evident injury...
She yelped in pain, and ripped away from Knife, kicking at him, "STOP! U-UNHAND ME!" She screamed, seething with sadness and pain.
Knife was about to go after her again, but Clover and Microphone both went to stop him. Knife struggled and shoved Microphone away, but didn't manage to get Clover off of him. "LET GO—! URGH!!!" He thrashed.
Trophy stepped in front of Taco, and tried to calm Knife down too, it was a jumble of screaming and shouting from the teens as they held Knife back, and attempted to shield him from ripping her apart. Pickle soon noticed and panicked.
"KNIFE—STOP!" He screamed over anyone, and ran in front of Trophy to push Knife back, "Dude! You're irritable right now. Okay?! Just take it easy..." Pickle soothed in a soft voice, as if trying to talk to a wolf animal.
"SHES TRYING TO SLAUGHTER MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE!" He screamed, shoving Microphone and Clover back once more, Clover wasn't thinking about restraining him, so she let her grip slip on accident.
"YOU DONT KNOW THAT!" Pickle retorted, shoving him back, before he could lunge. Knife stumbled back, and glared at Taco. Who took a step back with unease. Her gaze then shifted and her eyes widened.
Pickle flinched and shifted his gaze too. Knife took the moment of opportunity to lunge, Taco yelped, and tumbled to the ground, Trophy lost grip of the rope and looked at what was before them. Fanny and Cake both screamed from across the snowy clearing, on the edge of the fog. A massive mass of shadow towered over them, but... It hadn't attacked yet. It's eyes landed on... Taco.
Knife grabbed Taco, and pinned her before she could scramble away. She kicked at him, but it hurt. Knife raised a fist to punch her, "I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE ELSE YOU BITCH!" He yelled, and threw his first blow. Her shell crackled and part of her head once again broke and splintered. She screamed out, band cried in pain. Knife raised another fist....
Zero, however, was knocked out of Taco's shell. They made a squeak like sound and collapsed into the snow.
Knife looked up from Taco, a bloody fist. He'd recognized that as some sort of shadow creature, or at least, something which resembled one. He looked down at Taco, "What the FUCK is that?!" He seethed.
"D-DONT—!" Taco cried out for Zero, her gaze shot to Zero, but then quickly looked back at the mass of darkness, whom she'd noticed prior, it raised a spike-like limb and raised it up to attack Knife. Taco, despite have her head cracked and crumbled, she used every ounce of her strength to shove Knife aside. Knife tumbled into the snow from the suddenness. He grunted to see Taco's shoulder stabbed into. She screamed out.
Zero stumbled up from the ground, and took a nervous step back they recognized who had attacked Taco... And they weren't happy about it.
Knife's eyes widened. He was shocked that she'd do that after he quite literally beat the shit out of her...
Taco held up her hands, still bound, they had been shaking violently as she tried to have her shadowy spikes emerge from the ground. Her pain more than evident.
A few shot up and stabbed into the beast above. The shadow creature shrieked and extended it's blade arm and stuck it into the ground to give it balance to compose itself. It almost seemed to want to cry about it. The creature seethed with anger and removed it's blade from the dirt below. Taco scrambled back, she screamed in pain, and sunk into the shadows of the trees beneath her.
She re-emerged near Zero, and lifted them up. The shadow creature growled gutturally. Lowly. Taco felt a massive surge of fear and dread. She could barely stand, and she took a step back. Zero was cowardice and hid in her arms, Knowing that they were too clouded by rage to notice them. As the monster raised it's weaponized limb, she could only stagger back, as she then fell to her knees. Her eyes shut tightly and she curled around the child, trying to protect it, and brace herself. Her arms firmly bound.
The creature slashed it's arm down, and attempted to maul Taco, only to wince at a flash of light. There was a short ring in their ears, and the surrounding objects yelped in panic. A figure stood in front of Taco, a face of determination implanted on her face as she gripped a spear tightly, blocking the blow fiercely. "I assume you're six?" She beckoned.
The creature growled in response.
Knife froze, and looked towards the voice, Lightbulb?! She was wearing a new cloak, and her wings were gone. He furrowed his brows confusedly. Microphone, Pickle, and the others soon noticed in suit. Trophy spoke up, "Lightbulb?!" He flinched, "How did you—?!"
Lightbulb glanced back to Trophy, "Trophy—? How—?" She yelped and stumbled as she was slashed at, she jumped back, baring teeth "Jeez! You demon thingies really are ruthless, huh?!" She clutched her spear tightly, and jumped out of the way more with more co-ordination. She slid back.
"Whatever— JUST STAY BACK!" She beckoned, spinning the spear within her fingers skillfully, and standing proud. "I got this..." she muttered, protecting Taco.
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