7. Plans for Japan

"They don't belong to you? Then who is it?" Seonghwa furrowed his brows at Hongjoong, disliking the way the smirking man was standing so lax in his grip. He seemed entirely at ease with the current situation, even knowing that strangers were hunting them.

"I actually came to discuss that with you, seeing as it interferes not only with my work but also with yours. Aren't I such a good arch-enemy?" Hongjoong blinked innocently as if they wouldn't shoot each other on sight. Seonghwa pressed him against the rough wall boldly, aligning their bodies with each other. He tried to ignore the way Hongjoong's smaller form felt against him to the best of his ability, but his treacherous mind kept wandering off.

"Do you want me to call you a good boy now?" Seonghwa growled back darkly, trying to hide his irritation behind a defensive facade. Hongjoong shuddered as he breathed in Seonghwa's scent.

Seonghwa knew that this was wrong, that he was involuntarily luring in the omega with his promising scent. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to step back.

"Maybe? But I'm afraid you won't praise me even if I ask nicely. Let's just call it a favour from me," the redhair purred lasciviously, making the tension all the thicker as his eyes dropped to Seonghwa's lips. It was painfully obvious what he was trying to do, and for the first time, Seonghwa was glad not to be able to smell the other man. He might have tricked Seonghwa with that.

"Stop this; I'm not attracted to you." Seonghwa shifted his legs further apart to stand threateningly above Hongjoong. He wanted to clear the table right away and not leave Hongjoong any opportunities to tantalise him further. Their hostility towards each other would not escalate in attraction, no matter how gorgeous Hongjoong was these days.

"Are you sure? The way you look at me doesn't match your words."

"Stop teasing me, I know you're after the artefact. You came to talk, so talk."

Hongjoong gave him an angelic grin that curled the corners of his mouth like those of a cat. Immediately, he stopped trying to break free from Seonghwa's grip on him subtly.

"You got me again. You've grown sharper over the years, Park."

"Yet, it seems like your light has dulled. Aren't you more creative than that?" Suspicious, Seonghwa looked him up and down, shaking his head at the impractical piercings in his ears. One day, Hongjoong would rip his ear off because of them, and Seonghwa would laugh at him. He deserved that.

Still, Hongjoong's face looked far too smug for Seonghwa's liking. His pointy features made him appear like a mischievous imp. Seonghwa suspected he had ulterior motives. He had to, he always did.

"Hm, maybe I just came to confuse you? Who knows. So, what do you know about Takuya Terada, Angry Bird?" Hongjoong leaned back against the wall with a challenging stare.

Seonghwa quickly racked his brain and tried not to think about Hongjoong's firm chest pressing against his too much.

"He's that yakuza," San quickly supplied, and in exchange for that information, Seonghwa ignored the amused tone in his voice. That little brat was enjoying Seonghwa's struggle in his warm chair in England.

"The yakuza?"

Hongjoong gave a grave nod.

"Rather than me, you should worry about him stealing this artefact away. He broke into the university in Waseda to gain another piece a few days ago. Take a wild guess whose men this might be."

Perplexed, Seonghwa lifted his brow at the other man, not quite believing his words. But then again, Hongjoong had never lied to him. He was honest to the point of oversharing.

"What do the yakuza want with some amulet?"

Hongjoong shrugged, alerting Seonghwa of his loosening grip. Again, he grabbed the man's wrists more tightly. Hongjoong playfully rose both of his brows at him for a moment. Seonghwa stubbornly ignored the implication he was getting at.

"I don't know; maybe he needs it to make one of his consorts a heartfelt compliment. The why does not matter, Seonghwa. It's how we get it back."

"There is no we. It is my artefact to claim. I don't even know what you want with it."

Hongjoong rolled his eyes at him, making Seonghwa punishingly press his weight against the other man. With the way Hongjoong shifted his shoulder grimacing, inducing pain had worked.

"Yeah, I get it, you big child. What I was saying was that both of us would probably take on the yakuza for this. I'm kindly asking you to stay out of my way."

Speechless, Seonghwa stared down at him. Hongjoong's eyes did not waver, and their seriousness proved his point.

San dared to throw a word in.

"If you let him get it and get it from him later, you won't have to bring up the whole Japanese mafia against you," he timidly tried.

Seonghwa didn't listen to him.

"As if I would do that. I just told you, this is my business. I'd rather you keep your paws off already. I totally don't need you to mess things up further." Especially not in that damn catsuit, but Seonghwa was not going to tell him that.

Hongjoong gave a defeated sigh.

"I knew asking you politely would not work. I should have sealed you in here and gone there right away instead."

"You little dwarf can't keep me from doing my job," Seonghwa hissed at him darkly. However, Hongjoong further remained nonchalant to his threats. It riled Seonghwa up. He wanted to see the omega cower with fear.

Despite being accepting and tolerant of the genders, the need to push Hongjoong into a lower rank in hierarchy seemed to fill the alpha's mind restlessly. Seonghwa would never try to make an omega submit to him just because he could, but now, he considered it.

He just hoped Yeosang would not see this, but then again, Hongjoong did not seem to react to Seonghwa's scent at all. How was he not submitting yet?

"I guess I can't. I owe you twenty, Mingi," Hongjoong chuckled into his own earpiece, completely calm.

Irritated, Seonghwa fought down the need to rip the man's comm away. He wanted Hongjoong's attention on him only.

The possessive thought startled him, but then again, he shared a long story with this nemesis of his.

"I guess we don't have anything to say to each other then. Even if I told you to just go for another piece first, of course, you'd try to keep me from getting any. Let's keep up this struggle, then."

Seonghwa drew his eyebrows together at the way the man was speaking to him. How dare he talk down on Seonghwa as if he was a stubborn child? He could always back out himself.

"Come on, enough cuddling, let me leave. I'll leave you with this and make sure I'll be faster in Japan. Then I'll take off with my second piece while you struggle with the yakuza." Hongjoong gently pulled on his wrists, and Seonghwa immediately stepped back with a scowl. He let go of the man, but he kept one of his hands near his backpack at any time.

However, Hongjoong just lifted his empty hands diplomatically before turning on the spot. He jumped down the platform swiftly, rolling off before making his way over to the bottomless pit.

Seonghwa suspiciously watched his retreating back and the sway of his hips. He would deny how good those weapon holsters looked strapped around the man's thick thighs.

"You sure you're not attracted to him?"

Seonghwa felt the need to swat at San like an annoying bug. He kept it in mind. As soon as he got home, Yeosang got a petting session, and San would get hit. Maybe he should bring a gift for Yunho, out of solidarity.

"I'm not. Check if what he said is true. I want a ticket to Japan as soon as possible. I might just not come home in between and go straight ahead; maybe we can outrun him." Seonghwa jumped down the edge, too, following closely behind Hongjoong.

"Will do. I'll leave you to it for a moment, gotta make some calls for that. Don't fall to your death because you are busy staring at his ass."

Seonghwa grumbled to himself.

"Those shots are all for you, sweetie. Gotta treat my thirsty coworkers."

San merely gave a snort before the audio cut off as he went to work. Seonghwa knew that he was on mute right now, but his screen was still on. San would watch him anyways and jump right back in if Seonghwa needed him.

Seonghwa could also send a warning signal to him anytime if something were to happen.

Quietly, he stalked behind Hongjoong through the corridors. Both of his hands were ready to pull his weapon at any time, and he kept his body alerted should the man decide to attack him suddenly.

However, he hesitated when Hongjoong turned left where Seonghwa would go right.

"You're leaving that way?"

Hongjoong threw a casual gaze over his shoulder.

"It's faster. My chopper can only go this route."

He slowed down when he noticed Seonghwa remaining stood in place. In the end, he turned, looking Seonghwa up and down.

"You know, you can still follow. If you have no motivation to kill those guys coming down here, this way is safer and quicker. But in case you're too prideful for that, see you later."

It was not that Seonghwa didn't want to fight. He was not afraid of conflicts. But he was yearning to spend more than five minutes with Hongjoong, and at the same time, he didn't want to fall into his trap either.

Hongjoong turned again, stalking off.

With a defeated sigh, Seonghwa followed him with a big enough distance between them.


Hongjoong's path, too, ended in the water. They swam through it comfortably, and indeed, Hongjoong didn't try to attack Seonghwa even once. Seonghwa was still suspicious, though. They climbed out on the other side of the rocky hill. It was hidden enough that luckily no mercenaries were there yet.

"Well then, I'm gonna get my bike and meet my friend in the city," Seonghwa murmured after getting out of the water and pushing his hair back. This goodbye was kind of awkward.

"I'm gonna come with you. I wanna see if it's really as red as my hair, and if there are enemies nearby, I might get a few pieces of information out of them." Hongjoong shrugged calmly, and then they were walking again.

Indeed, there was no enemy nearby when they reached the bike. They must have either descended to search or given up already. Seonghwa just hoped they were leaving Yongguk alone.

Glad to see his bike unscathed and strategically hidden behind a few bushes, Seonghwa pulled it free and swung his right leg over it. With deft fingers, he opened the storage and put his backpack inside, locking it again in front of Hongjoong's eyes.

"I loved the black one, but I like this one more. It's pretty." Hongjoong appreciatively ran his fingers over the handlebar, humming. Seonghwa imagined the man's gentle touch on his own body instead, nearly shuddering.

When Seonghwa spoke, his words came out far too dumbly. He did not think and winced in regret right after he had spoken them.

"Care for a ride?"

Seonghwa felt himself blush, the need to throw himself off a cliff rising quickly. However, Hongjoong just gave a graceful laugh.

"I see how it is, Park. Not attracted to me, huh?" With that, he confidently swung one leg over the bike in front of Seonghwa, stunning him with his flexibility. Hongjoong settled down over Seonghwa's thighs, grabbing his shoulders for purchase.

Seonghwa sat frozen underneath him, not daring to move a muscle while he held them upright on the bike. He had a latex-clad, red-haired and gorgeous boy on his bike, in his lap. He needed to remember how to breathe for now. He tried to keep his body from reacting.

He nearly flinched when Hongjoong extended his hand to caress Seonghwa's cheek, pulling him in slowly. Their faces were far too close together, both of their lips parted with breathless anticipation. Seonghwa caught himself grabbing Hongjoong's waist and tugging the man just a tad bit further up his thighs.

Hongjoong hummed low in his throat. One of his hands slid into Seonghwa's neck, brushing through the short and wet hair there before settling over his tattoo. They breathed each other's air now, Seonghwa's heart desperately yearning for the other man.

However, Hongjoong did not kiss him. His prettily bowed lips always stayed just out of Seonghwa's reach.

"Stay clear of Japan, and I will fulfil your desires," he murmured slyly.

Warningly, Seonghwa squeezed his hips.

"Don't speak lightly of this. I will hold you to it."

Hongjoong threw his head back with laughter. For a moment, he looked down at Seonghwa fondly, then he moved down from the bike again. His heat disappeared from Seonghwa's grasp as fast as it had come.

"I know you. I don't have to worry about this, as there is no way you won't show up in Japan. Go. Take your badass flower tattoos back to England and take a break. We can still play in Japan."

With that, Hongjoong gave a lazy wave of his hand and took off to where his chopper was just appearing in the sky. Seonghwa was left dumbfounded.

San rudely turned his mic back on.

"What the hell did I just witness?"

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