19. More than an Artefact

Smut starting somewhere in the middle of the chapter.

Warnings for like everything that a/b/o involves. Knotting, breeding, belly bulges etc.


"Alright, but what about the part where he said he will assume your arrival here as consent? You know you were not that glorious in pushing him off two days ago in Kasachstan."

Seonghwa inwardly cursed at San and his useless need to call Seonghwa out for his mistakes. It was not the time for that.

"That's exactly why we waited until he's gone to do this! That would just make things awkward if I told him that uh no, I'm actually not here to get into your bed, I just came to steal from you. Are you sure he's far?" Seonghwa squinted over at the house Hongjoong resided in with his team. It was all dark inside, all lights long since having gone out. He was sitting in the bushes in their little garden and waiting for his signal to go.

"Yeah, his signal's been stuck in Lyon for quite some hours now. Maybe he has a date that isn't as stubborn as you."

Indignant and definitely not jealous, Seonghwa rose to approach the house in a sneak attack. Everybody had left somewhen during the day. Seonghwa had spent his day waiting and watching them, picking up their scents as they took the evening off.

He had been faster than Hongjoong this time. The man had taken a detour to the south so Seonghwa had come right here, ready to sneak off with the artefact pieces.

He had seen all three of the pack members leaving the house one after the other. The first one had been their omega, Wooyoung. He was an adorable little thing with bouncy blond locks and a big smile on his face. He had smelled like peaches, and San had been over the moon when Seonghwa told him. San loved peaches, after all.

The second one had been Jongho and his classy scent of old books. He had left the house in a turtleneck despite it being a sunny day and a gloomy face that showed he was deep in thought.

The last beta had been Mingi, then. Mingi was a tall and red-haired man that Seonghwa first thought smelled of coal or fire when actually it was smores being toasted above said fire.

They made a weird pack, but at the same time, it fit Hongjoong so well that Seonghwa wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. The reminder that Hongjoong was a pack alpha sometimes made his insides feel weird.

"Alright then, in we go." Seonghwa was thankful to be secluded by their garden and fence so him picking the lock of the door wouldn't look as suspicious. Contrary to Seonghwa, Hongjoong lived in a smaller house somewhere in a nice rural area in Paris, instead of a large mansion out of the city. Still, he had some hidden high-tech security that San had disabled for him after Wooyound had left his place behind the computers.

"I hate having to lie to Wooyoung for you," San murmured even now, dejected. Seonghwa imagined him pouting as he stepped in and closed the door behind him quietly. It was completely dark inside, but he had no qualms to hit the light switch.

"Whose pack are you in, you wanna desert us?"

Seonghwa looked around in the comfy but not too messy living room right to his left. Now, where would Hongjoong hide these things?

"I'd ditch you, but never dear Yeosangie. You're lucky. Hmm, there are some more security systems upstairs, he might keep it hidden somewhere. Go up on the next floor and then to the left."

Seonghwa did, sneaking carefully. It was eerily quiet here without anybody around, and he didn't even need to be that cautious, but it could never hurt.

"The second door," San whispered just as tensely.

Seonghwa gave a curt nod and opened said door to step inside, only to find the room already lit. Immediately, an alarm bell rang in Seonghwa's head shrilly. Just now, all lights had been turned off.

"Wait, why-"

Seonghwa gasped at a sudden touch to his ear, flinching away from whatever was behind him. He stumbled into the bedroom in the process, gaining some distance between himself and the man behind him.

It was Hongjoong because, of course, it just had to be fucking Hongjoong out of all people.

With wide eyes, Seonghwa looked from him to the earpiece Hongjoong held in his hand before he set it down on a drawer next to the door slowly. His eyes fixed on Seonghwa then, the flame in them burningly fierily. His scent penetrated the room with a hint of spicy danger.

Oh God, he was serious.

Seonghwa stepped further back as he lifted his hands in a placating gesture. His heart was racing with what he assumed to be a worry for a misunderstanding. When Hongjoong slowly followed him after kicking the door shut casually, Seonghwa nervously swallowed around his spit.

Hongjoong must have been home for quite some time now, as he was wearing just some low-riding grey sweatpants and a baby blue crop top that read 'straight' in glittery silver letters. He looked completely not like Hongjoong, yet Seonghwa's eyes were stuck to the sliver of his stomach and the lean muscles his skin outlined.

He looked gorgeous even when in casual wear and he was right here instead of Lyon.

"So you came," Hongjoong noted with a playful rise of one of his brows as he further crowded Seonghwa in the direction of his bed. Seonghwa panicked.

"This is not what it looks like! I came to rob you, not to- do that."

"Oh, Seonghwa..." Hongjoong gave a defeated sigh, but he didn't stop. Soon, Seonghwa was forced to sit down on the bed and look up at him defiantly. He was slightly nervous, yet he wasn't looking for an escape route either. Rather, he watched Hongjoong step up between his open legs with bated breath.

"Do you think I wouldn't know that? You're so easy to read. You came here expecting to make use of the information I gave you, and here you are blushing for me and staying despite pretending to be oh so disinterested." Hongjoong slowly leaned over Seonghwa to gently catch the man's chin with two fingers and tilt his head to the side. When he spoke right against Seonghwa's ear, Seonghwa found himself shuddering. His hands jerked up to grab at Hongjoong's warm waist when the man's lips brushed his lobe.

"I can smell your arousal, you know?"

Seonghwa bit his lip at the teasing lilt his voice had assumed, but he didn't move when Hongjoong reached down to slowly open Seonghwa's pants with his free hand.

"You had hoped this would happen when you came here, didn't you? Be honest with yourself. You wouldn't have risked it if you weren't so damn curious." He pressed a gentle kiss to the shell of Seonghwa's ear that made the man flinch at the noise. Hongjoong chuckled at him.

When Seonghwa didn't reply, the man pulled back just a bit. He stared down at Seonghwa quizzically as he stroked his thumb over the man's cheek.

"Tell me. You came here for the artefacts, but you couldn't forget about my offer either, right?"

Seonghwa was staring at Hongjoong's lips and God, he knew he wasn't supposed to do that but Hongjoong just had really pretty lips. Lips that Seonghwa wanted to know what they tasted like. Was it thunder, too?


"Maybe is not yes, Seonghwa."

Ah, right. He was asking for more than just the answer on this topic.

Seonghwa nibbled on his lip for a few more seconds before nodding slowly and squeaking out a tiny yes while he avoided Hongjoong's eyes. He had spent the whole flight here thinking about their conversation in Japan, about what Hongjoong had said. And thinking about it like that had made Seonghwa too curious indeed. Not only if he would manage to get Hongjoong in the same position but also if he could actually take a knot as well. And maybe he wanted to try that with Hongjoong even more than with San.

He also definitely didn't search the internet upon that topic. There was no browser history to expose him.

"Alright. Tell me immediately if I hurt you, we don't want that."

Seonghwa's slow brain was still catching up with what he had said when Hongjoong already fell down on the bed next to Seonghwa. With a few quick pulls, he had Seonghwa seated on his lap while he slowly peeled his pants off him. Seonghwa was not looking at him, instead embarrassedly hiding his wavering gaze in some corner of the room. He felt himself losing his clothes and weirdly enough he felt shy about it despite Hongjoong having been down there more than once anyway.

Seonghwa was just kicking off his pants when Hongjoong reached over to his nightstand to bring a little vial of oil out. He stripped out of his shirt before setting it down on his chest and grabbing onto Seonghwa's hips again.

"You do it. Your fingers are longer."

Seonghwa didn't hesitate in taking up the task. With this, he at least knew what he was doing, his body quite used to it. Whenever Seonghwa decided to sleep with Yunho he needed excessive preparation, too, so at least he knew how to get his body to open up easily.

Seonghwa carefully coated his fingers in the oil and just reached around his body to insert the first one, when Hongjoong suddenly grabbed onto his thighs again.

"Wait a moment," the other man murmured distractedly and reached for a pillow he could prob his head up on. Then, he pulled Seonghwa closer to his face until he could reach his quickly filling length.

"Knot my mouth while you do it. I can take it."

"Hongjoong, we've been over this, you- hnngh-" Seonghwa dropped the protests when Hongjoong opened wide to take most of him in one go. For a second, Seonghwa's thighs trembled pitifully in Hongjoong's grip, then he managed to get to work.

The first two fingers were always easy for him and due to Hongjoong's methods of distraction even the third one slipped in fairly easily. However, from that on it got difficult, and Seonghwa found his hairline dripping with sweat by the time he finally worked up to the fourth one. He was gently thrusting down Hongjoong's throat with every push and pull of the man's hands on him, completely controlled.

Seonghwa gave an impatient whine when the stretch was already so much for him, clearly not used to it. He uselessly switched between fucking his hips down Hongjoong's throat and back on his fingers as if his body was not able to do anything else.

Hongjoong's fingers joining his inside to press against his prostate was what made Seonghwa come soon. His eyes rolled back to the feeling of Hongjoong's thumb hooking inside, and then he was already releasing down the man's throat with weak jerks of his hips.

With teary eyes, Hongjoong fought to swallow around him frantically to keep himself from suffocating, and every tightening of his throat around Seonghwa's length made him whine.

He gave his best to hold still then, not wanting to hurt his companion even as they stretched him out until seven fingers from which three didn't belong to Seonghwa gently massaged his insides. It was more than Seonghwa had ever taken before and even knowing that this would be enough to have Yunho slip inside with no resistance at all, a knot would be as big as a fist.

"Hong-" By the time Seonghwa started writhing from the overstimulation, his knot had thankfully deflated enough to slip free from Hongjoong's lips. When Seonghwa slowly pulled out, he found Hongjoong's lips reddened and swollen from their strenuous task.

"Shh, I'll stop. Come on, lay down, you look ready to collapse."

Hongjoong's arms were surprisingly gentle as they embraced Seonghwa to roll them around and bring the twitching man underneath. For a second, Hongjoong sat above him with wild hair and flushed skin, then he decided to push his pants off.

Seonghwa weakly reached out for him to brush his fingers over the tattoo of the Aurora Borealis on Hongjoong's forearm. He had seen it quite some time and thought it quite pretty, dare he say.

Hongjoong was slicking up his length and settling between Seonghwa's legs when the whole thought of this caught up with him one more time.

He was really doing this. He was really going to let his rival and an alpha knot him. And oddly enough, that made another wave of pleasure force Seonghwa's body to ache.

Hongjoong looked up once more to check on Seonghwa before doing anything. His big eyes met Seonghwa's narrowed ones.

"Do it already, I don't have all day." Seonghwa reached out to pull Hongjoong in by his hips impatiently. He had taken long enough to decide to actually do this, now he would follow through with it.

Hongjoong slipped inside smoothly, right up until his knot. Like this, he was about two thirds in, and despite it not being the deepest Seonghwa had ever taken, it punched his breath out of his lungs. For a minute, he tried to collect himself but couldn't because this was Hongjoong he had in between his legs. Hongjoong with his gorgeous body form, and cheeky grin, and dangerous scent.

In the end, Seonghwa had to turn away his head again in order to survive against the onslaught of sensations that hit him. Hongjoong chuckled at his defiance and leaned down until their chests brushed against each other. His first thrust was accompanied with a gentle lick over Seonghwa's ear that made him shudder and claw at Hongjoong's hands.

With every gentle thrust, he could feel the pull of the man's growing knot on his rim. While it seemed impossibly big already, Seonghwa also felt excited to take it. He wanted to show Hongjoong he could.

"I still can't believe you're letting me do this. Mighty alpha Lord Park is spread out in front of me and I'm about to breed him full of my cum. That would make it on the cover of every magazine," Hongjoong rasped rawly around his abused throat, and Seonghwa threw his head back overheatedly. His fingers were digging into Hongjoong's shoulders, too busy holding on to explore the other man's body.

Hongjoong grabbed Seonghwa's thighs again and pulled back slowly to slip in deeper, testing the waters. The further his knot spread open Seonghwa, the wider his lips dropped open in a soundless moan.

So far, it still felt good. The stretch was nothing more than a little pull, no pain involved. With lidded eyes, he nodded at Hongjoong that he was alright when the man worriedly glanced down between their sweaty bodies.

When his not yet fully formed knot finally slipped inside and Hongjoong bottomed out, Seonghwa threw his head back with a choked out moan. Hongjoong used the moment to scent him and suck a few calming hickeys into Seonghwa's skin right away. With breathy groans, Seonghwa got used to the size that seemed to only fill out more inside of him as Hongjoong approached his orgasm.

After another long moment Seonghwa weakly rolled his hips down that would for sure hurt like death in the morning, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Hongjoong picked up on the hint right away and started up his thrusting game again. This time, he pushed his knot inside with every thrust too and after a few first careful movements, he finally picked up speed.

Seonghwa weakly held onto the man as he just took it, his own length neglected on his stomach where it was angrily leaking precum again. The stench of sex nearly choked him with both of their pheromones fogging up each other's brains. The one thing that Seonghwa still very much noticed despite the delicious pleasure was the dirty sound of their slick skin slapping against each other.

"Seonghwa- I- I'm gonna come."

Seonghwa just made some noise that was meant to translate to 'go on'.

Hongjoong ducked down to Seonghwa's neck with his teeth ready to strike, but Seonghwa reacted in the correct moment. He caught the man's lips with his before the instinct to bite Seonghwa overpowered him, and they finally shared their first kiss just as a violent shudder took over Hongjoong. One last time he forced his knot inside, this time with noticeable difficulty, and then stilled, his muscles locking up.

They were not even kissing at this point. Both of them breathed harshly against each others lips as they concentrated on the feel between them. Seonghwa already felt so full that when Hongjoong's knot finally inflated just a bit more to lock them together, his body nearly tried to avoid the pressure. However, Hongjoong held his hips firmly enough to bruise them as he came with deep, shuddering breaths and filled up Seonghwa even more.

The pressure soon became too much, Seonghwa's legs trashing as he had no way of pulling off without causing them both a trip to the ER. He also came somewhen without even noticing, too busy getting overwhelmed by the feeling inside. By the time Hongjoong stopped coming, Seonghwa's stomach was bulging just barely enough for him to notice.

It was uncomfortable with the amount of liquid inside of him without him being able to run to the toilet to get it out, but Seonghwa couldn't care less. He just dropped his heavy head back in the pillows and carefully shifted his weak legs so he could lay down comfortably without jostling their crotches.

"Oh God, I'm queasy."

Hongjoong gave a breathless laugh as he leaned over Seonghwa to kiss off bits of his drool that had collected in the corners of his mouth.

"It's because you don't have a womb to fill. It will get better soon, though. I'll help you get it all out as soon as we can move again, too."

Seonghwa gave a tired nod as he watched Hongjoong pull back with a breathless grin on his lips. His tanned skin was glowing with sweat and his hair stuck to his head, yet he was undeniably attractive.

"Was it worth it? Getting bred and knotted?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes at him, moving to push back his own sweaty hair.

"I might need some time before I want to go all the way again, but it sure motivated me to do the same thing to you next time."

Hongjoong gave a crude smile before settling down on Seonghwa's chest slowly and carefully so they could rest together.

"Alright, I think that's fair."

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