"Wait? What do you mean he just left?"
Judy asked obviously upset that Cas was no longer in the bunker. Sam gave Dean a questionable look as well, he didn't understand it much either.
"This isnthe safest place for him. If he's a target then -- "
"He didn't wanna intrude, Sammy."
Dean quickly interupted. Sam frowned glancing at Judy. He seen how upset she looked at Dean right now, she was silent and had a glare that could slit his throat if possible.
Judy snapped before she stormed away. Dean sighed and rubbed the back of his head watching as she vanishes toward the bedrooms. Sam looked at his brother.
"Well, I called up Charlie to come take a look at our security system since the lock down..."
Crowley was sitting chained up in the basement thinking about his little excretion late last night when the lights came on. He hummed, his eyes glancing up at the ceiling as a sudden shuffling sound filled his ears. He gritted his teeth together from the horrid screeching sound that filled the room.
"Bloody hell! What in God's name are you doing!"
He barked unable to take anymore noise. The bookcase doors opened and there stood Nikki with a huff. A metal table behind her and her hands on her hips.
"Bringing you something we talked about last night. Jesus, a little thanks why don't ya?"
She huffed turning back around and pulling the table into the room. Crowley closed his eyes, his body tensed until the table was placed before him and the horrid screeching sound stopped completely.
He cracked open his eyes watching Nikki dust off her hands with another huff. He turned his head fully look at her.
"Canr believe you even recall last night, kitten. You were pretty far gone."
"Not far gone enough if you ask me."
She snorted. Crowley chuckled a bit his eyes turning toward the table that now sat before him. He put his hands on it.
"Thank you."
He said causing Nikki to nod. She knew the boys wouldn't have ever allowed him something like this so she went ahead and did it herself.
"No need for thanks. I'm still alive, you could have killed me last night if you wanted to."
She said putting her hands in her pockets before she pulled out some crumpled up paper and a pencil. She placed it before Crowley.
"Also, Moose wants three names of some demons that are apparently stirring up trouble some where."
Crowley arched a brow.
"So, I'm exchange for the table you want my demons?"
"No. You not killing me last night was in exchange for the table."
"I was rather enjoying myself to much to even have the idea of killing you cross my mind, kitten."
Judy huffed as she paced around in her room. She was beyond pissed. Why would Dean just allow Castiel to leave so easily like that? After everything that they had done to rescue him Castiel had just left without so much as a word to her and apparently Dean allowed him to go. It made her so mad with the brunette that she bald her hands in Fists and slapped her sides with them.
"God damn Winchester!"
She growled as she walked over to her door and flung it open. She was going to find that man and give him a piece of her mind. But the one thing that stopped her from heading to his room with seeing something on run through the hallway.
She stopped instantly seeing what looks like some old lady with long white hair dressed up and some dark robes. She became very very confused as she stood there watching the woman disappear. Rubbing her eyes she looked again only to find an empty hallway. She didn't know who that was or if what she seen was an actual person, but the woman looked weird. It wasn't but moments later Sam came running the direction which the woman came from.
"Oh this can't be good..."
Nikki now sat on the edge of the table looking down at Crowley. He eyed the paper she had dropped before him seeming to be debating on whether or not he was going to write down the names of those three demons that Sam wanted.
"You want those names?"
"I honestly don't care, It's Sammy that wants them."
She replied truthfully. Crowley nodded his head a little bit and made a small humming sound as his eyes stayed attached to hers. As he shifted in his chair the chains jingled on his cuffs.
"How about we make a deal?"
"You wanna make a deal or just wanna kiss?"
Crowley was silent. It seemed that after their little turn of events last night Nikki was no longer shy about their sensual conversations. He couldn't help but smirk about that.
"That would be rather delightful -- "
And just like that she leaned over and found her lips on his. Crowley groaned a bit as he reached up and pulled her face closer to his. His tongue skimming across her bottom lip. Just as she was preparing to open her mouth the lights went out startling her and the doors to the room slammed opened.
Nikki jumped back off the table. Her eyes widen as a strange old woman she had never seen before slime turn into the room looking around. It wasn't until she reached the edge of the book case stores did she actually look at the two that were before her.
With the quickness she came forward only to hiss and jump back as she had stepped into the circle which caused her a great deal of pain it seemed. Nikki on the other hand had taken a few steps back only for Crowley's hand to reach out and touch hers.
"Stay in the circle darling. You're safe here."
He whispered to her. She nodded. Her hunter instincts kicking in telling her to grab a weapon off the wall and go to town on the old lady. But she quickly became distracted by Crowley and the old lady - who was apparently a witch from what Crowley said - as she hissed at the both of them.
The room fell silent as he rolled his head around.
"Right, enough chit-chat."
He said picking up the paper and pencil and tossing it to her. She caught it with both hands.
"Best write it down. Tell Daddy what it is you want."
Again, Nikki felt her teeth press together out of irritation. She was starting to believe that she actually became jealous when Crowley refuered to himself as Daddy with other -- women.
The witch wrote it down and tossed the paper back to Crowley. He opened it up and Nikki seen that it said 'key' on the paper.
"Key. Right..."
Crowley said arching his brows and glancing up at Nikki before he looked back at the witch.
"The boys keep the keys in the kitchen."
And before either knew it, the witch was gone. Nikki frowned deeply looking at Crowley.
'The keys aren't in the kitchen? Why would you tell her that?"
"Isn't it obvious? To keep us from dying."
Crowley said rolling his eyes.
"I swear you're as daff as those two idiots sometimes."
He couldn't help but smirk hearing her scoff and seeing how she crossed her arms over her chest almost as if to pout.
Things has quickly become a mess. Apparently the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz including Dorothy and somehow wound up in the bunker through a jar that have been broken in the computer room causing them to become entrapped by a spell. After a whole charade of running around trying to find the Witch and melting her the boys and Judy finally ended up Victorious.
"Well, that happened."
Dean said as they returned from the garage. Judy felt half dead but less angry now that she had just chased a witch all around the bunker. Sam shook his head. The fact that their friend had went to Oz with Dorothy, well, that was something else.
"Yeah, but, why was Nikki in the basment still with Crowley? She clearly seen the witch, yet she didn't do anything to help?"
Sam asked. Judy looked at him and frowned crossing her arms over her chest.
"You asked for names, she was probably getting them."
She said although not forgetting about what Nikki had informed her what she and Crowley had done in the dungeon a few nights back. It was clear to Judy that there was way more going on here than what Nikki would ever allow on with the boys, but then again it was probably a smart move that they never found out about anything.
"Yeah, but, witch -- "
"Probably had faith in us?"
Dean look at Sam and Sam looked at Dean. The two of them paused for a moment as if to have a silent conversation between each other. Judy knew that that was never a good sign. She only hoped that the brothers wouldn't catch on to what her cousin and the Demon King of Hell we're up to in their alone time.
"It's just odd. Why spend so much time with someone she hates -- loathes really?"
"Doesn't make sense."
Dean agreed shrugging his shoulders and looking at Judy. She went to open her mouth, but before she could say anything the woman of their topic appeared.
Nikki said holding up the paper for Sam. His eyes widened as he looked at the paper before looking at Dean.
"And uh, how did you get them?"
"A lady never reveals her secretes Sammy."
Nikki chuckled before tossing her arm over Judy's shoulder.
"Let's go out."
Nikki said with a cheesy grin. Judy arched a brow.
"I'll buy."
She added. Sam and Dean looked at one another confused. Then Dean gave a shrug of his shoulders. If Nikki wasn't going to tell them now, then it must not have been too much there to know. She was always like that, if it was major important she'd tell them.
"Alright. Fine by me."
Dean said with a nod of his head. Sam rolled his eyes and sighed, but agreed anyway.
"Come on, let's go get smashed. You can tell me more about that hand thing you have for -- "
"Shut up!!"
Judy screeched causing Nikki to bust out laughing and Sam and Dean to look at each other very, very confused.
Stumbling back into the bunker everyone was in a good mood. The four of them went their separate ways. Dean and Sam wandered off to their rooms for some much needed rest, while Judy hit up the bathroom, and Nikki, well, she paid a little visit to their guest.
Crowley's head rose as the lights turned on and he seen Nikki walking toward him. He arched a brow, but couldn't keep that sly grin off his lips.
"Hello darling."
"And what do I owe the pleasure?"
He asked watching as she entered the circle with him. She stopped at the edge of the table beside him. She scooted her butt onto the table and smiled softly at him causing him to arch his brow higher.
"Just visiting my favorite demon. That so wrong?"
Crowley flashed a bright smile. Though he hasn't expected that, he was more than happy to hear it.
"Never thought I'd hear the day those words fell from your lips."
"I wanna make a deal."
Silence fell into the room. Crowley just looked at her in shock.
"A deal? You seem rather drunk, Nikki. Not sure it's smart that we -- "
"Not for my soul. A favor, if you will. I keep my soul, but you do me a favor and I do you one."
Crowley narrowed his eyes, his mind boggling at what all the possibilities could be that lay before him. Certainly helping him escape was the top of the list at the moment, but he knew that even drunk, she was far too smart to agree to that unless --
"And I'm not letting you go either."
"Well then kitten, let's hear what you want then?"
The room became silent. He watched as her confidence quickly shifted. Rubbing the side of her face she looked away from him.
"I... I wanna be.... friends."
Well, this was most certainly not what Crowley expected at all.
"Friends? You want to be friends with me? Crowley? King of Hell? Why on earth would you -- "
"Because it's not fair! Because Judy is friends with Castiel, yet the daff angel won't even spare me a second glance! He's friends with the Winchesters and Judy and I hate the feeling of loneliness!"
She spoke loudly and her words in a slight jumble as she started to cry. Crowley watched almost horrified looking as she broke down and spilledit all to him.
"I'm lonely Crowley. Judy is the only person I feel gives a damn and -- I almost lost her because we weren't on the best terms. But it isn't just about that, I like you, Crowley. I like you a lot and I want us to not try and kill or hurt each other everytime we see one another, I want -- "
She yelled jumping while her lips were tugged onto his. His hands had reached out and grabbed her shirt pulling her over backwards to where Crowley could lean over just enough and smash his lips against hers.
Eyes fluttering closed she pressed her lips back, sealing the deal.
"Any news on figuring out this tablet thingy?"
Nikki asked walking out into the library with wet hair. It was late into the afternoon and she had been asleep for a long while. Sam and Judy looked toward her while Kevan kept his face shoved into the book. The profit, Nikki came to know, didn't seem too intent on getting to know her well, but Judy was a different story.
That only added to the pile in which she had made her deal with Crowley last night.
"Not really, and Dean is gone."
Judy said. Nikki arched a brow. Though it wasn't unusual for Dean to disappear, she couldn't help but wonder where he went in these three were looking through books.
"Okay? Did he say where?"
Nikki asked moving toward the kitchen. Judy shook her head and Nikki rolled her eyes.
"Just that he had something, a case."
"And he went alone?"
Sam chuckled and shook his head.
"He just wanted to get out of doing research."
Nikki snorted and walked herself into the kitchen. She started to make a cup of coffee, but nearly dropped the filter in the sink when she jumped at the sudden voice.
'Awake now, kitten?'
Nikki gasped and turned around only to find that the kitchen was empty, yet Crowley had just spoken to her.
"What the -- "
'Hell? Yes, well, we made a deal right? What better way for you to no longer be lonely than to be able to speak to you every moment?'
'Crowley? Can you really hear me?'
She thought to herself. Although she hasn't expected their deal to turn out this way, she couldn't really complain.
'Knew you'd like this, kitten.'
Her expression changed as her eyes widened. He could hear her every thought?
'The kinky ones are my favorite.'
Her whole face warmed and she placed her hands over the hot skin. Oh Jesus fucking Christ, what had she done. Her soul was hers to keep, that was made clear, but she didn't think he'd invade her very thoughts. Suddenly she kicked herself for the dirty thought that popped into her head.
On her knees between Crowley's legs while he sat on the throne getting sucked off by herself.
'Dirty, dirty girl.'
'I was just testing it!'
She yelled in her mind causing Crowley to chuckle. She turned back around and filled up her coffee after getting the pot ready. Crowley was quiet during the process, probably because he was too busy listening to her thoughts of instructing herself on how to do it.
'So, do you always think about every move you make or is this just another test?'
'No! Sorry. Fuck this is embarrassing. I always think things through. My mind is never quiet.'
She pulled her coffee toward the fridge and deposited two ice cubes to cool it down before adding her cream and sugar and stirring it. She started drinking it before heading back into the library. Crowley staying quiet as she looked at Judy.
"So, how'd Dean find a case?"
Nikki questioned. Sam looked up.
"Someone called him."
She rolled her eyes. Sam was just going yo be blunt about it then there was no use in talking to him.
"Hey, do you think you could get Crowley to translate these?"
Judy asked holding up some papers. Nikki walked forward and took them from her hands. She wondered if she thought of the images if he could see them too.
'Of course I can, kitten. But it'll cost a phone call.'
Nikki blinked now knowing the answer she lowered the paper.
"Yeah, but he's a demon, he'll want something in return."
The trio just looked at you, only one of them knowing your actual connection with Crowley.
'Should have known you would have shared the juicy deets with your cousin. You two are something.'
'She's always known.'
"There's only one way to find out."
Kevan said during her conversation with Crowley. Sam looked at Kevan.
"How do we even know he can read it?"
"He can, he's informed me of all the languages he can read. He likes to... boast."
Nikki said causing Sam to look at her, obviously knowing something else was off with her by the way she looked.
"Are you okay? You seem a little out of it?"
"Just thinking."
She said with a shrug. Crowley chuckled in her mind.
"Well, let's try it? What harm can it do?"
Judy asked standing up along with Sam. Nikki sighed before she started to head back toward her room.
"Y'all have fun with that, I'm gonna dry my hair."
She said not bothering to go since she had no need.
'Oh no love, I want you down here too.'
Crowley said causing her to stop and hear heart leaping to her chest. She turned around after a short pause and headed after Judy and Sam into the basement.
Crowley jerked around a bit when he seen Nikki walk into the room. Sam and Judy both looked at her and she just shrugged. Sam looked at Judy then back to Crowley.
"Can you read it or not?"
"Of course I can, but I want a phone call."
"No way."
Sam said shaking his head brushing past Nikki. She watched as the tall man walked out of the room not even trying to wheel and deal with Crowley.
"So, how's the head?"
Judy's neck nearly snapped at the speed as she glared at Crowley. Nikki grabbed her cousin by the arm.
"He's not tryna be an ass right now."
"I'm not?"
Crowley smirked looking toward Nikki. She narrowed her eyes and Crowley rolled his.
"I heard what happened. Feathers healing you and everything. I have to admit that when I threw you I never expected for that to happen."
"You're only saying that because she gets your dick wet."
Judy snapped. Crowley's brows shot up as he chuckled looking rather impressed at the older woman.
"Chipmunk has spunk. Guess I never really hung around long to find out. But it seems you do know. Curious as to know just how much juice gossip was shared at the lunch table."
Judy quickly glanced at Nikki. She narrowed her eyes. Something was up, Crowley was an ass and evil, but when Nikki wasn't telling her everything Crowley would usually drop the hints left and right about it.
"What's he talking about?"
Judy's question fell silent as Sam walked back into the room with Kevan. Nikki shook her head and let Judy go. She was done, exhausted, so she returned to her room while the things got started in the basement.
She had been sleeping until she wasn't. She awoke to Crowley whispering in her head.
'Did I wake you, kitten?'
His tone was soft and almost drozy like. Nikki sighed and snuggled back into her pillow. She hasn't been asleep for very long it felt like as she was exhausted.
'You know you did. What are you even doing?'
'Just thinking.'
She snorted and keeping her eyes closed as she moaned softly, which must have caused her to do it in her head as well.
'Such lovely noises you make for me, kitten. I'm curious as to why they're for me though?'
'Because you're the one that started this wonderful relationship between us all those years ago.'
'Well, you did seek me out, kitten. I just decided to go along with it.'
Nikki snorted rolling over more onto her stomach.
'I met you at the crossroads once, it was you who decided to keep on me after that. Now why is that Crowley?'
'Keeping an eye on my future investments, love.'
'Whatever Crowley. I'm going back to sleep.'
She thought snuggling into the pillow more. She laid there for a moment before she heard him humming in his mind again, well, in her mind. He was acting odd. Between his voice and his words, he was off. But she decided that she wasn't going to think too much into it. It just wasn't something she wanted to deal with at the moment.
So instead she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. Listening to the lulaby she was unaware was for her.
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