Chapter 10

It had been a while

Nikki was humming as she was cooking in the kitchen. Her newly dyed red hair pushed back behind her ear. The pizza she had in the oven for Judy and the boiled chicken legs she was making on the stove top for herself took her full attention. Judy was currently upstairs playing on her Xbox One. It was peaceful and it was rare that they were both ever home. It was nice.

Picking up the container of salt on the counter Nikki started to pour some into the boiling chicken legs. Right as she was getting ready to pour in the salt she yelped jumping and swinging around throwing the salt container at the unsuspecting visitor.

Crowley grunted loudly after his greeting as the salt container made contact with his chest. The container fell to the floor with a thump, causing both of them to just look at it before looking up at each other.

"Bloody hell, kitten!"

Crowley scoffed pushing his hand across his chest glaring her way. His glare quickly dropped though when he seen her startled and widened cat eye like look. Her chest heaving with a hand over it while the other gripped the back of the counter by the stove.


Before Crowley could even open his mouth, he was suddenly embraced causing his while body to tense. His mouth parted a little as he stood there rugged.

"You fucking idiot!"

She hissed angry with him. She had been worried about him, which she figured he already knew because of the whole mind thing -- but still. It was then it dawned on her that Crowley was standing in the middle of her kitchen.

Her kitchen.

Glancing around quickly making sure that nobody had seen him just appear in her kitchen.

"What are you doing here!?"

She whispered hearing something thump in the kitchen. Her eyes widening as she quickly grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the basement door located in the kitchen. He staid quiet findinf everything incredibly amusing.

"Crowley you can't just show up whenever you want! Not at my home! My family is nothing but hunters and witches!"

"Hunters and witches? I can only imagine how they met."


Nikki hissed embarrassed knowing what he meant. He chuckled a bit pulling closer to herself, her eyes widening darting around his own gaze.

"We need your help."

He said pressing his warm body against her. She swallowed nervously his brown gaze lingering in her blue-golden one.

"And who is we?"

"Squirrel and myself. We're looking for the First Blade. We think we've found it, but some back up is required."

He chuckled. Her face warmed feeling Crowley's finger graze over her hips.

"Does Dean know you're here?"

"Let's not get too much into details, darling."

He said while his thumb rubbed against her hip and brushed her shirt up a bit feeling the warm skin under the fabric.

"Do you really need me?"

She arched a brow seeing that devilish smirk roll across his lips.

'Oh... Crowley.'

'Oh, you be saying my name alright.'

He thought back leaning over and catching her lips with his. She inhaled deeply as Crowley watched her back pushing her against the deep freezer that was right behind her in the basement. She inhaled through her nose as her hands came up behind his head running through his hair.

Her lips were smothered against his own as a primitive growl passed through his.

'Fuck... I guessed you missed me?'

She thought as his hands drifted down to her button on her pants.

"Miss doesn't even cover it, kitten."

He whispered as he lifted her up placing her on the deep freezer. She shivered feeling his hand undoing her pants. She kissed him back roughly he grunted feeling her lift her hips up scooting her pants down around her ankles and onto the floor.

Crowley crouched down pushing his face into her covered couch and running his tongue over her damp panties. She hissed spreading her legs wider to allow Crowley inside between her better.


She huffed her eyes slightly closed and her hand running over the back of her head. She watched as Crowley looked up at her, his tongue running over her undies over and over again causing them to be soaked from both herself and his skilled appendage.


She hissed seeing his eyes meet hers in a mischief manner. He chuckled pulling up and away from her covered cunt and his lips crashing against hers. She sighed against his lips feeling his impressive length pushing against her.

"That's the plan darling."

He whispered against her lips. She moaned a little her hand moving down to remove her underwear for him when she heard her name be called from upstairs. Her eyes snapped open and she pulled away from his lips.

She gasped shoving him back a little as she planted her feet onto the floor and rushed to pull her pants back up.

"I'm in the basement!"

She replied buttoning her pants glancing at Crowley.

'My mother is home!'

Crowley arched a brow.

'The witch?'

'Yeah! She'll know you're a demon if she catches you here!'

Nikki thought as she moved to walk back upstairs. Crowley stood there for a moment by the stairwell before he sighed.

"Why is the salt on the floor?"

Laura, Nikki's mother, asked when Nikki came back up the stairs. Nikki looked at the salt container then to her mother.


She said picking it up and putting it on the counter.

"Its my fault really -- "

Laura gasped when Crowley appeared in the middle of the room. Nikki's eyes widened wondering what the hell the idiot was doing.

"I startled her when I dropped in for her help."

"You -- You're a demon! Timothy!"

Laura screamed causing Nikki's father to come racing into the kitchen. In a panic Nikki threw herself between her parents and Crowley.

"Wait! He's on our side!"

"On our side!? He's a -- "

"Demon, yes, you've made that clear. King of Hell actually."

Crowley said causing both her parents to look at him and her like they were both crazy. Nikki hissed glancing over her shoulder glaring at him.

"Not. Helping."

She said as Judy rushed into the kitchen behind Nikki's father. She seen Crowley here and the stand off in the middle of the kitchen.

"Crowley? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Hello chipmunk. I'm here for your sister. We're in a bit of a bind and need her help."

Judy brushed past her aunt and uncle standing in the middle with Nikki.

"You two had better explain what the Hell the... King of Hell is doing in our house! Right now!"

Laura shouted. Nikki groaned not the least bit happy with this situation. Crowley on the other hand looked more than amused.

"Dean Winchester is after something to help me take down a Knight of Hell. But we need your oldest here to assist us."

Crowley said nodding toward Nikki.

"Winchester? John's boy?"

Timothy questioned. Crowley gave a slight nod. Laura narrowed her eyes a bit as she glared at her daughter.

"I told you to stay away from those boys! They're nothing but trouble!"

"Mom, please, not now."

Nikki said running her hands through her hair. Her mother had been furious to find out about the whole angel snagging Sam's body and a profit dying ordeal. She wanted her daughter to stay away from the Winchester's after that -- but it seems like that wasn't going to happen now.

"You get out of our house demon!"

Laura shouted. Crowley rolled his eyes and places his hand on Nikki's shoulder.


He said with a snap of his fingers. She felt her stomach twist as she fell into Crowley's chest stumbling around trying to keep her feet against the ground. Crowley's hand came out and grabbed her, keeping her upright. She blinked looking around the dingy motel room.

"The hell are we?"

"Missouri. Long story short we're looking for the First Blade."

Nikki arched a brow looking around the room. She didn't see Dean anywhere, but knew he had to have been here or else Crowley would have been in a nicer location.

"Squirrel is out at some bar right now. Which gives us time to pick up where we left off."

Crowley said with a smirk and a crooked eyebrow. She swallowed feeling her body become littered in goosebumps. He approached her, but stopped when her hand came up over his suited chest.

"What happened with that chick Aba-whatever?"

She questioned, wanting to know what happened that night. Crowley scoffed a little his hand coming up to cover hers while pulling her closer into his body.

"Abaddon. She's one more step away from my throne. Not everyone is happy with her, her power is swaying."

He said, his breath fanning over her neck. Nikki closed her eyes tightly inhaling through her nose feeling the warmth coming from his body. Between his closeness and his voice he was driving her completely up the wall.

Judy bolted up stairs after Crowley had vanished with Nikki.

Nikki's mother was going off the walls and calling up her Covenant for backup. Timothy didn't really know what to make of the situation, but he had said a long time ago that he trusted his daughters judgment and if her daughter believed in the King of Hell then he wasn't going to second guess things.

Judy rushed into her cousins room and started to call. She yelled when she heard the vibrating of Nikki's phone on the bed. Tossing her own phone down Judy walked back and forth for a moment trying to think up of something to do.

"Cas! Cas, I need your help!"

Judy yelled at the ceiling. If only her family knew that not only was Nikki all up and friendly with the King of Hell, but she was buddy buddy with an angel... their family would probably disown them altogether.

"Judy? What is wrong?"

Castiel questioned appearing in a room which he had never entered before. He took a moment to look around seeing he was in a bedroom.

"Crowley kidnapped Nikki."

"Kidnapped? You're sure?"

Judy nodded. She didn't trust Crowley and she didn't understand why Nikki did -- she swore the woman thought with her heart and not her head.

"He came and took her. Something about needing her help."

She explained. Cas narrowed his eyes a bit. He touched Judy's shoulder and in an instant they were back in the bunker. Sam jumped seeing the two of them arrive.

"Judy? What s wrong?"

"Crowley has Nikki."


Sam was just as confused as Cas it seemed. She nodded and explained to them what happened.

"Why does Crowley need her help? That doesn't make sense."

Sam questioned. Judy bit her lower lip and scratched the back of her head.

"Uh, well, fuck I dunno how else to say this but fuck it here it goes. Apparently Crowley and Nikki are friends and they can speak to each other through their heads. Nikki made that deal that if he became her friend then she would owe him a favor. I guess he's collecting that favor now?"

Both men looked at her. There was no expression they just looked. It was as if they were both trying to wrap their heads around what she had just told them.

Then finally there was a reaction.

"She what!?"

Sam snapped. He looked at Cas and the angel looked back at him.

"Did you know about this!?"

"First I've heard of it."

Cas replied giving a shrug of his head.

"But, it makes sense now why they've been so... touchy."

Cas was referring to the moment in the car where Crowley had his hand on her knee. Sam ran his hands through his hair. He inhaled deeply sighing trying to calm himself. Judy could tell that this news wasn't good for the guy, then again would this news ever be good?

"Alright, so, Crowley and Nikki are friends? What? How does that even work? And why would he have to kidnap her couldn't he just -- I dunno have asked?"

"He appeared in the middle of her kitchen and her mom was ready to kill Crowley when she found out he was not only a demon but the King of Hell... they were very loud with this conversation."

"So where are they now?"

Sam asked in which Judy shook her head.

"I dunno! She left her phone in her room and I figured that Cas could track her."

Cas frowned looking between Sam and her. Sam cleared his throat a bit. Judy arched a brow looking between the two of them.

"What? You can't track her can you?"

"It's not that I can't, but we're focused on something else right now."

Sam said looking at Judy. She frowned crossing her arms over her chest.

"And what would that be?"

She snapped already angry.

"We're looking for Gadreel."

Her anger vanished as quickly as it came. They were looking for the angel that had killed Kevin? She felt sadness swell in her chest. Kevin's death had impacted her greatly. She may not have been close to the boy, but he was sweet and didn't deserve to die the way he did.


Judy whispered clearing her throat. Even though she didn't want to leave Nikki alone with Crowley, she understood that finding this rouge angel was important to not only Sam and Cas, but also Judy.

Nikki laid there on the motel bed. A sheet thrown over her naked body while the air conditioner. The room was finally starting to cool down. A warm hand moved slowly over her hip and up to her waist. Her blue eyes fluttered open from her resting feeling lips against her neck.

Shifting on the bed a little, she rolled and seen Crowley smirking down at her. His fingers making small trails across her body.

"I say you're enjoying your freedom."

Nikki's light hearted words drew a chuckle out of Crowley's naked chest.

“More than enjoying myself, kitten.”

Crowley muttered his lips coming back to her neck. She snorted giving him a look that was almost mocking. She felt his own lips curl into a smirk of his own.

“You know we should probably get dressed. Who knows when Dean will get back.”

She said feeling his lips making no motion to leave her body. Arching a brow she was becoming a tad bit worried about Crowley’s sudden care free notion of Dean walking in on the two of them finding them in this position. Shuffling a bit to try and get out of Crowley’s grasp, Nikki found that she was unable to move due to the tight grip.


Nikki warned only to receive a chuckle as her reply. Rolling her eyes she groaned and pushed him back with her behind. She wished she hadn’t done that. She felt him against her backside which didn’t help her to want to get up out of bed anymore than she was currently.

He released her after that little motion from her. Feeling his eyes on her back as she scooted out from under the sheet and sat up on the bed. Glancing around the room she went searching for her clothing which was tossed every which way, no thanks to Crowley.

“You know kitten, I don’t understand why you hang around with the Winchesters?”

“I could ask you the same thing, Crowley.”

She teased over her shoulder as she slipped on her panties she found on the floor by the foot of the bed. He rolled his eyes and sat up with his back pressed again the headboard. His eyes gazed over her body that moved around the room collecting her clothing.

“It’s a mutual agreement. I do something for them, they do something for me. It works.”

“Up until the point where they just try and kill you because the three of you fight over the stupidest things.”

She muttered under her breath not sure if Crowley even heard it or not, but he had. Crowley watched as she slipped her shirt over her shoulders and dragged her pants up her legs. When she finally turned around the face him, she seen he was just relaxed up against the head of the bed.

“Why do you seem to care so much what happens to me?”

Crowley questioned causing the room to fall silent all but for the loud motel air conditioner that was going. Her eyes flickered to the wall behind Crowley’s head at the ugly painting of some type of fishing dock.

“We’re friends remember.”

“Friends that have a good shag when the notion arises.”

The tease in his voice caused her face to warm. She huffed and turned away from him moving over to the old TV box that sat on top of the dresser at the foot of the bed. She turned it on with a flick of her wrist having some type of soap opera come on. Crowley frowned rolling his eyes and snapping his clothing on still resting in the bed. Hearing the found of his fingers, Nikki glanced over her shoulder and couldn’t help but smile a little bit.

Not only was he now laying there fully clothed, but he also had his favorite drink in his hand. He was just typical Crowley at this point.

“None for me?”

She questioned. Her only reply was him arching his brow and bringing the tumbler to his lips taking a small sip for himself. She snorted and went to scold him for not sharing only to jump instead when the motel door came open. Dean came walking inside. His eyes widened seeing Nikki standing there at the foot of the bed, Crowley laying and relaxing on a messed up bed while having a drink.

Dean’s eyes traveled back to Nikki, who merely lifted her hand and waved at him.


She greeted causing Dean to snap out of his trance. Between her and Crowley he wasn’t sure what the hell was going on right now.

“Nikki? What are you doing here?”

Dean’s question filled the air. Pointing her thumb over her shoulder she motioned toward the demon that was just chilling on the bed.

“He kidnapped me. Something about you two need help with something? First Blade or whatever the thingy was he said?”

“You seriously drug her into this whole mess!”

Dean snapped. Crowley shrugged his shoulders looking at the man wide eyed.

“We needed help. You said it yourself. So I went and fetched help.”

“I didn’t mean her!”

“Excuse me!? I’m right here, asshole!”

Nikki snapped feeling neglected and hurt by Dean’s words. The man was acting as if she couldn’t handle whatever it was that the two of them were facing. It wasn’t as if she was an inexperienced hunter – far from it actually. She had great mentors from past hunts, including her father, and her mother who was a witch. She wasn’t some helpless little girl.

“I can help! You would just rather I didn’t!”

She snapped causing Dean to slam the motel door behind him. He looked at her with a type of gaze that she often seen him give Sam a lot of the time when the brother did something he wasn’t agreeing with – oh joy for her!

“The lady is right, Dean. She can be very useful. Another hunter should be welcomed.”

Crowley said causing Dean to look at him as if he had two heads.

“You’re agreeing with her? What the hell happened to you? You become her bitch?”

Nikki couldn’t help but laugh but quickly covered her mouth in the process. Crowley was far from her bitch, they both knew that, but Dean on the other hand seemed as if he was becoming suspicious about their relationship. Something that Judy had warned her about a while back to be careful about.

Crowley gave her a scowl in which she just glanced at him.

‘Sorry, it was a funny thought.’

He rolled his eyes accepting her apology. But Dean didn’t know that, nobody knew about the whole mind reading thing but Judy.

“She’s capable of things you wouldn’t think her, Squirrel. I’ve seen her at work. She knows what she’s doing.”

Crowley vouched for her. Arching a brow she turned her whole body to face him. Crowley vouching for her? That was a first. But she had done it before with him so maybe he was returning the favor? Perhaps? Dean looked between the two of them as if trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Between the messed up bed, the way the two of them looked – no, he shook his head – it couldn’t have been what he had been thinking, there was no way.

“Alright fine. But you will listen to everything I say and if I tell you to do something, you’ll do it.”

He snapped. Nikki rolled her eyes thinking about how much Dean sounded like his old man. Like father like son she supposed. Shrugging, she nodded agreeing with the terms.

“Fine. But you’re not ordering me around the whole time Deano.”

She said pointing her finger at him and tossing him a wink. She chuckled a little and flopped back down against the bed with a bounce laying there looking at the TV. Her eyes grew heavy after the things Crowley had done to her. Yawning she closed her eyes and let her tired body relax.

The next morning when Nikki rolled up and out of bed the first thing that she had to do was use the bathroom before they hit the road again. Dean had taken a moment to explain to her in the car what it was they were looking for and where they had tracked the location. After that she rested in the backseat just kind of kicked back laying against the empty back part of the car.

“So, this blade can kill Abaddon? And Abaddon is a Knight of Hell, who is trying to become the new King of Hell? So that’s why you and Crowley have teamed up together in order to kill her?”

She questioned wondering if she had followed everything that Dean had told her.

“More or less that’s the shortened version of it.”

Dean said. Arching a brow she shrugged figuring that anything else they had about Abaddon wasn’t important. She was a powerful demon that wanted control of everything and she wouldn’t stop at anything to get it.

‘So Dean is playing the lesser of two evils here?’

Crowley couldn’t help but give a smug smile when he heard her question in the back of his head.

‘Devil you know, love.’

He replied. Dean drove for a while longer. Nikki was dozing on and off in the backseat during the whole ride like she normally did on long car rides. She awoke with a startle when the road they had been on turned into a bumpy one. She shot up out of her backseat and glanced around spooking Dean in the process.

“You okay!”

He snapped causing her to look around and nod noticing that they were no longer on the main road.

“Fell asleep and things got rocky suddenly. Woke me up.”

She explained rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She wasn’t sure where they were all she knew is that they were in Missouri and apparently somewhere in the country side from what she could tell, but aside from that she wasn’t sure at all.

“Are we close?”

“Right ahead, darling.”

Crowley answered nodding toward the farm house that was right before them not far in the distance. She arched a brow and leaned over the back of the front seat to get a better look. Both men glanced at her and her actions.

“So that’s where this blade is? In the middle of no where at a farm house?”

“That’s what the map said.”

Dean informed her. She rested her chin against the seat as Dean drove up the to approaching home. Curious to find out just what this blade looked like since it was the only thing that could kill this Knight of Hell.

When the trio pulled up to the farm house in the impala Nikki climbed out of the passenger's seat letting Crowley our of the back. She looked around before walking forward with Dean, Crowley grabbing hold of her wrist causing her to stop.

"Wait a minute. Something's not right."

Nikki looked toward Crowley confused. What did he mean something wasn't right?

"What's wrong Crowley?"

She questioned looking between Dean and him. Crowley narrowed his eyes.

"There's something dark. We shouldn't be here."

She arched a brow looking at Dean and then back to Crowley again when she felt his hand squeeze her wrist. She followed his gaze to a man that was working with a bee farm.

"No, we have to go."

Crowley said the fear in his voice. Nikki arched a brow looking between him and Dean. The Demon King sounding afraid of something, now that was a first.

"What are you allergic to bees?"

Dean questioned watching as Crowley placed his hands on Nikki's lower back and started to guide her back toward the impala.

"Not the bees! The bee keeper!"

Crowley said trying to push the woman toward the car as fast as possible. She could feel his hands shaken, something that cause fear to rush through her as well.

She had known Crowley for the longest time, and never before had he been so afraid of anything. She was worried.

"Crowley, who is it?"

Nikki asked stopping causing Crowley to run into her back. He grunted and grabbed her forearm quickly. She shook her arm free or at least tried to as Dean came up and grabbed Crowley.

"He's the father of murder!"

Dean shook his head confused.

"It's Cain!"

He explained causing Dean to narrow his eyes trying to find a lie in Crowley's eyes.

"Cain? Like thee Cain? From Cain and Able?"

"Dean, we need to be a world away from here. From him!"

Crowley said pushing Nikki forward only for her to be stopped again, but this time because she ran into something. Stepping back she gasped seeing the bearded man looking right down at her as he removed his headgear.

Her breath hitched, she didn't really know how he appeared in front of her, but he had. His eyes narrowed a little seemingly irritated by the fact that she had ran right smack dab into him.

There was a quick tug on her and Crowley pulled her back against him and away from Cain.

"You're not going anywhere, Crowley."

His deep voice rumbled from his chest. Nikki's face warmed a bit, his voice and the way he looked made her whole body become covered in goosebumps. She swallowed nervously feeling Crowley's hands on her squeeze her tighter.

"Come inside."

His voice wasn't demanding, but his eyes were. What choice did they honestly have though but to listen?

The trio found themselves in the livingroom sitting on the couch. Nikki was beyond worried, Crowley was freaking out badly. She hasn't ever seen him like this before and it scared her. This Cain, the father of murder, as Crowley called him, must have been powerful to make Crowley quake in his wake.

She looked around the living room. It was an older farm house, she started to wonder just how long Cain had actually been here.

"If you don't wanna be here then just zap out or whatever."

Dean gruffed. Nikki turned from looking at a picture on the wall to look back at Crowley.

"I can't... Cain is... doing something to me."

"Like zapping your powers or what?"

"I dunno."

Crowley said looking at Nikki now after her question. She felt her stomach turn. If Crowley was this afraid of something then this was bad. She had never seen the big bad King of Hell afraid of anything, let alone anyone.

"Dean, maybe we should go."

Nikki's voice wavered a bit the feeling tightening in her chest. Dean just looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"We can't leave without the blade. If you're worried go wait in the car -- take Crowley with you."

He scoffed. He wasn't trying to be a douche right now, but he didn't have time to babysit the two of them while they were shaking in their boots. Crowley had brought her here for help and by damn that's what she was going to do was help.

"If you're not leaving then neither am I. What if you need back up?"

Hissing she looked at Dean the moment Cain came walking back in with a tray of tea.

"Here you are."

Cain said making the tea for Nikki after he had set the tray down on the coffee table. He made her cup and handed it to her after she took her spot on the couch to the right of Crowley. Looking down at the cup she took it with a small thanks. Her finger tips brushed against Cain's and she felt her whole body begin to tingle.

She swallowed her nervousness and took the small saucer setting it against her lap. She didn't notice the look that was on Cain's face until Dean cleared his throat drawing her attention up seeing Cain's expression only to have it quickly shift.

Blinking a few times she brought the cup to her lips.

"So, why have you come here?"

Cain questioned pouring tea for Crowley and Dean but not handing it to them as he did Nikki's cup. Crowley was shaking so badly that his cup was chattering. She looked at Crowley while Dean spoke to Cain.

'Crowley, I'm worried are you okay?'

His eyes darted toward her.

'I'll be fine, kitten. Just... A little on edge.'

She frowned. The wishful thinking of taking her hand and placing it on Crowley's knee crossed her mind, but she knew that wouldn't be smart with Dean there beside them. And the last thing she needed was for Cain to use her against Crowley -- seeing as how he was apparently so powerful.

"I don't have it. Not anymore."

Her eyes snapped to Cain. Wait? What? He didn't have the blade? So why had they come all this way if he didn't have the blade? Cain rose from his chair walking away from the trio only to have Dean swiftly follow after.

"I need the blade! The map lead us here, you have to have it!"

"The map must have lead you to the power that fuels the blade, not the blade itself."

Cain explained. Nikki rose from the couch approaching Cain. The demon turned and looked at her, she paused for a moment.

"We need that blade. Anything you can do for us, no matter how small, will help. Please."

Rarely was she ever like this with someone. Her voice kind and soft. It usually did the trick she needed to soften someone's attitude toward her. Cain's nose twitched as he just looked at her. Their gaze locked like an iron grip with each other.

"If you can find the blade, I'll help you."

He said looking back at Dean. Dean looked somewhat surprised, but the surprise left his face the moment he and Cain caught sight of each other.

'Very clever, kitten.'

Crowley's voice praised in the back of her mind. She felt her face warm as she took a step back and away from the two men.

'Whatever I can do to help.'

She told Crowley turning her attention to the picture frame that held a woman's picture. It was on the fire place mantle and for whatever reason it drew her in to look at it.

"Extracting the grace?"

Judy questioned following after Castiel and Sam. They walked into the medical bay of the bunker.

"If we can extract enough grace then we'll be able to track Gadreel. But only if he left enough within Sam."

Castiel explained while Sam unwrapped the needle that they would be using. Judy watched closely before stepping back. She turned her back unable to look. A sheer horrifying feeling flushed through her when she seen the size of it. It made her sick and light headed, her chest tightened at the thought of it.


Sam's tone was obviously worried. Judy shook her head.

"I hate needles."

She explained realizing that she wouldn't be able to watch this part. Excusing herself from the room Judy wandered back into the main area of the bunker. She sighed and pushed her hands through her hair. She placed back and forth for a moment. Her thoughts on Gadreel and Kevin, Castiel and Sam, Nikki and Crowley -- wait a minute Crowley!

That was it!

Pulling out her phone she dialed the three digit phone number for Crowley and put the phone up to her ear. Why hadn't she thought of it earlier? Nikki didn't have her phone on her, but she was with Crowley and Crowley had a cell. She cursed when she reached his voicemail box. Hanging up she dailed again and again.

Tapping her foot against the floor she was going to spam Crowley until the asshole picked up.

Nikki yelled as she watched Crowley get punched across the face by one of Abaddon's minons. Crowley's cellphone had been ringing for the past minute and a half, but he was too busy to answer it. Rushing forward, Nikki sucker punched the demon in the face only to be picked up and thrown back against the back section of the couch, rolling up and over it onto the cushions.

Shaking her head she heard the demon scream out and Crowley saying that he was good, but how he was Crowley. His heavy footsteps filled the air then and his cellphone landed on Nikki's chest startling her. Glancing up at Crowley in question.

"It's chipmunk, figured it's you she wants to talk to not me."

He said turning around and watching Dean fight off the three demons in the kitchen. Huffing Nikki picked up his phone yelling over the sound of the brawl and the demons trying to knock down Cain's front door.


"Nikki? Where the fuck are you!"

Judy yelled on the other end. Nikki's eyes darted into the kitchen seeing Cain doing nothing while Dean killed on of the three demons.

"With Crowley and Dean. We're going after this thing that's gonna kill Abaddon."

"Thing? What thing! Are you okay? What the hell is that in the background!?"

"Uh, TV have it up so I don't hear the people next door going at it. I'll be back soon -- "

"In with Sam and Cas at the bunker -- "

"Okay, I'll see you there then -- "

"Wait, Nikki -- "

"Love you bye!"

Nikki hung up the phone while climbing up off the couch and handing it back to Crowley right when Dean killed the last demon.

Judy listened to the silence that now filled the phone. She was so angry right now with her cousin that she could beat the snot outta her. Looking down at her phone she was half tempted to call back and yell at her, but she knew it wouldn't do any good. She might not even pick up this time.

"Stupid idiot."

She spat putting her phone back in her pocket and rubbing her eyes. She was beyond exhausted and her endless search with Sam and Cas about any type of information to help find Gadreel had worn her out.

Pulling a chair out at the world map table she plopped down into it. She couldn't remember the last time she was this angry and tired at the same time. But everything was starting to get to be too much.

Something had to be done and soon.

"We're not there yet?"

Nikki drozy voice came from the backseat as she looked out the window. It was night now and Dean had been driving for who knows how long. Everything that happened today had been hectic.

Cain had put Dean to the test to see if he was capable of bearing his mark. In the end Dean was accepted by Cain. But the only problem was is that Cain had tossed the blade into the deepest part of the ocean. And so their long drive begun.

Dean glanced in the rear view mirror back at Nikki. Her hair was messed up by a tad having the hair sticking upright on the top of her head. Crowley gazed over his shoulder at her, seeing just how exhausted she looked.

"Not yet."

Dean said. She looked at the side of his head, having sat up in the middle of the back seat, and rubbed her eyes.

"Aren't you sleepy Dean? Shouldn't we stop somewhere for the night?"

Nikki, as both of the men had found out, was extremely kind hearted when she first woke up from any type of sleep. It was almost as if she wasn't the same nearly emotionless type of woman she displayed through her every day life.

Dean shook his head as his eyes became fixated once more back onto the long stretch of blacktop before him.

"I'll be fine."

Was all he said, which gave Crowley room to speak. The demon turned slightly in the front seat to get a better look at the woman. Though it was dark in the car he could clearly make out her slightly rounded face which held a sharp chin. Her hair was messy. Her skin not nearly as pale as it once was when he first met -- she tanned out a bit, but not by much.

Her sleep blues looked at Crowley as she was still not fully awake. And then she smiled. Crowley couldn't believe his eyes when he seen her give him one or the warmest and love filled smiles he had ever seen from her.


She asked before she yawned. Crowley just watched her mouth stretch open before she covered it with the back of her hand. What was most certainly a question that was floating around in his demonic head.

"You should get some more sleep, kitten. We'll wake you up once we're there."

He told her, which presented him with another smile before she disappeared back down into the back seat of the car. He watched as she rolled over and snuggled back into the seat to get comfortable.

It wasn't long until the two believed her to be asleep again when Dean cleared his throat.

"So what the hell is going on? You two are just buddy buddy now all of a sudden?"

Crowley arched a brow but didn't bother looking at Dean. He could tell by the man's tone that he was already frustrated with the suspicion he had about them. But he was Crowley, so why not have a little bit of fun with it?

"Dunno what you mean?"

"Cut the crap Crowley! Ever since you arrived at the bunker she's been acting weird and so have you! You've both been acting like you're hiding something and I wanna know what it is!"

Dean's voice was filled with anger but he kept it low to not wake up the sleeping woman in his backseat. Crowley rolled his eyes and finally looked at Dean, who was glancing at Crowley out of the corner of his eyes.

"I know it's hard for someone like you to wrap your head around this, but when someone acts civil with another person that other person usually returns the expression."

Dean's head whipped around to face Crowley. His knuckles tightening on the steering wheel which caught Crowley's attention.

"When I walked into that motel room it smelled like sex and the sheets were messed up like the two of you had been in them!"

He snapped. Crowley just looked at Dean with a blank expression.

"Can't blame a girl for her needs, Dean."

No sooner did the words leave Crowley's mouth did Dean slam on the breaks. Nikki was jolted awake as she was flung into the back seat of their seats with a gasp and slid into the floor.

"Dean what the fuck!?"

She screamed scared that they were crashing. The moment the impala came to a stop in the middle of the road Dean reached over and went to attack Crowley, only for the man to vanish, reappearing in the back seat.

"You need to take it easy! You could have killed her!"

Crowley snapped watching as Dean was about to climb into the back seat. Nikki placed her hands on Crowley's knees and climbed up out of the floor only yo turn around and grab Dean, keeping him from Crowley.

"What the hell is wrong with you two!?"

She yelled holding onto Dean's arms keeping them away from Crowley.

"Did you fuck Crowley!?"

She looked at him and their struggle stopped. Her lips parted open as she just couldn't seem to find her words. Dean's only answer was her looking wide eyed back at him. Narrowing his eyes he yanked his arms away from her and turned back to face the steering wheel.

"Get out!"

He yelled startling Nikki. She jumped not sure if he was talking to her or Crowley.

"Both of you get the hell out of my car!"

There was hesitation from Nikki, but she quickly moved out of the car followed by Crowley. They stood there both looking at Dean before he drove off, leaving them there on the side of the road. Nikki slowly moved into the road just watching as the impala tail lights disappeared into the dark.

Crowley stood there watching as her chest started to heave and her breaths came out quickly. Her hands balling into fists as she started to walk forward, only to stop.

"Fine! Fuck you, Dean Winchester!"

Her scream echoed through the night dancing around the pine trees that littered the area. A blood curdling scream erupted from her throat causing even a chill to crawl down Crowley's spine. Once that was done she turned and looked at Crowley breathless.

He had never seen her like this before. Usually she held her emotions in check, but she was different. She was angry, upset, sad, and she was lonely. Crowley heard everything that went through her mind at this moment and... It hurt. It hurt him to hear her thoughts.

"Darling. Let's get you out of the cold."

He approached her only getting close enough to see that she was also crying. His hands reached out and touched her forearm and she allowed him. Her body sank over into his chest as she wrapped her arms around him.

He sighed teleporting them out of the middle of the road.

Her eyes opened slowly. She looked around the room only to find that she was in a room that was unfarmilar. Quickly sitting up on the bed Nikki noticed that the bed was large. The room was a peachy color and it was almost like a hotel room. Sliding off the bed was when she noticed that she wasn't in her usual clothing, but some night attire. Black silky pj bottoms and a matching sleeveless top.

She looked at herself confused.


She called out wondering where the demon had gone. She didn't recall much after she had fallen into Crowley in the middle of the road. Slowly sliding up off the bed Nikki tip toed to the large sliding doors and pulled them open just a bit. She jumped having Crowley standing right there as if he had heard her call to him and was coming to check on her.

"You're awake."

He said standing there in almost the same matching attire, except his shirt was long sleeved. Nikki caught site over his shoulder seeing another woman in the room. She was dark haired, tanned, and thin. She was also wearing a dress that was shoeing a good amount of cleavage and she would also guess leg if Crowley wasn't blocking her way.

"Whose that?"

She asked causing Crowley to motion toward the woman.

"Her names Lola. She works for me."

Was all he said. Nikki arched a brow while looking at the woman again. She didn't seem happy to be there -- of she wasn't happy that Nikki was their, probably the later.

'Why is she here?'

'Shes bringing me things that I need while I'm searching for the First Blade.'

Crowley explained through their thoughts. Hearing movement Nikki glanced back over Crowley's shoulder seeing Lola walked toward him.

"Is there anything else you'll be needing my King?"

Her voice was slutty, which instantly caused jealousy to rise in Nikki. Crowley couldn't help but smirk, his brow cocked at the 'You fucking bitch.' That he heard - among other things - projected from her mind.

"No, that will be all Lola."

Crowley said dismissing the obvious demon. Lola frowned, Crowley hadn't even turned around to face her, his gaze staying on Nikki, whose eyes were watching Lola while every curse words ran through her mind and was pin pointed toward the female demon.

"Of course..."

She hesitated her eyes on Nikki, seeing the angry expression that she was getting from the human. She huffed a little and turned away leaving the hotel room quickly. Once gone, Nikki looked back at Crowley only now seeing his expression.

"Such naughty language you were using with poor Lola. She's only assisting her King."

Her face pales before it warmed. Even her ears turned the same red as her hair color. Crowley couldn't help but grin even more while his hands came up to slide onto her hips. She jumped her eyes shifting down to his arms before back up to his face.

"I -- "

She started to say but caught herself. She was embarrassed, still not use to all of her thoughts not being private. Embarrassed that now whenever she got jealous Crowley could hear it --

"So you were jealous? Kitten, I would have never guessed between the angry face and the way you seemed to wanted to kill her."

"I'm not -- I -- . . . Shut up, Crowley!"

She snapped which only caused Crowley to pull her closer into him. She squeaked feeling his detection against her thigh. Her hands holding his forearms as they both stood there looking at one another. His head slowly tilting to her left ear.

"It's okay, you dont have to hide it when it's just us, darling. I actually kind of enjoy seeing you get the way you do when it comes to me."

She swallowed nervously feeling her legs go weak. The way Crowley spike to her sent sensations straight down to the pit of her stomach and further below. He enjoyed it? He enjoyed the way she got jealous and angry when it came to either another woman flirting with him or he flirting with another woman?

How long has he felt this way?

"A while kitten. A while."

He drew a gasp from her as his lips and teeth wrapped around her ear lobe and sucked. This caused her to grind against him, exerting a moan from him. Feeling him pushing her back she stumbled backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed. She fell back with him toppling over her.

"I want you to make sure this whole floor knows who is fucking you. I want you screaming my name."

He growled running his lips down and over her neck. Biting her bottom lip she kept from moaning.

Crowley's words deeply effecting her just like they always did.

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