Chapter 37

Sorry for the long wait...but like I said before this is my comfort fic that I'm writing slowly. The plot is bit too complicated and I made it even more complicated so...he he. I don't want to hurry and miss out all the stuff I want to write. So this will be updated slowly. Please bear with me.

We crossed the first arc of the story and now stepped into another arc. I still don't know how long this will be or how complicated or how soon things will be sorted out. I'm just going with the flow.

Happy reading folks!


Jungkook expected the storm when he entered the home and he didn't have to wait for long. His father was waiting for him and didn't waste a second before exploding on him. His mother was nowhere to be seen, probably in her room as usual or hanging out with her friends.

He tuned out most of the conversation, sitting in front of his father silently in his office room at home. Fortunately, they were alone.

The office hasn't changed much in years except for the increase in the amount of trophies on the shelf behind. Most of them, they earned after Jungkook entered the company, becoming one of the youngest and promising business executives in South korea. But his achievements were overshadowed by his father who always brushed aside his efforts as the face of the company.

"I didn't know," he said for the millionth time. "As I said, I want nothing to do with whatever you're planning. I did what you asked Hoseok hyung and me to do. If your lawyers couldn't convince her, it isn't my fault."

His father continued to fume. "It's our reputation that's in line," he growled.

"Wrong." He met his father's gaze with a frown. "It's your reputation that's in line. I wasn't the one who cheated on his wife."

His father slammed his fists on the table. "Mind your words, boy!"

"Just stating the facts." He shrugged.

"Cancel whatever contract you have with her. I'm not allowing my son to work with someone like her."

Jungkook's blood boiled. "What do you mean someone like her?"

His father narrowed his eyes. "You know exactly what it is."

Jungkook scoffed. "She's just like me. Your flesh and blood. I don't understand why she is any different just because she's living proof of your mistake."

"That's enough," he hissed. "You've already done enough damage as it is. Your name and her name is all over the media. When it gets out that she's your sister it's gonna get worse. We need to be ready for severe damage control. I'll make sure she doesn't get anywhere near my company and you..." He pointed a finger at him. "Be ready. We are moving ahead and announcing your engagement with Jae-Hwa next week."

Jungkook whipped up with wide eyes. "My what?"

His father smirked. "I gave you a choice to get to know her. But you wouldn't listen. So we decided everything on your behalf. The situation with your sister blew up unexpectedly and the PR team thinks it's a good time to announce your engagement to distract the public."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "I'm not marrying her."

"I'm not asking for your permission." His father sipped his water with a smug expression he always sported before winning an argument.

He jumped to his feet. "I'm not accepting this. It's my life. I'm still young and have a lot ahead of me. You can't force me to marry someone I barely know."

His father scoffed and waved a dismissive hand in the air. "I barely knew your mother when I married her. This is how marriage works."

"Yeah, we both can see how that worked for you," he scowled and stood. "I'm not like you. As I said, I won't let you use me for your personal gain."

He pivoted on his heel and was about to leave when his father stopped him. "Think twice, Jungkook. You're nothing without me."

"You don't get to decide my future." He exited and slammed the office door shut.

"You'll regret this!"

Jungkook ignored the taunt and left his home to go to Jin's place.


The next workday when Jungkook showed up for work, it was to find his access to the building revoked. At first, he thought it was a technical issue since Hoseok was able to get inside without trouble.

The atmosphere was a bit different today and he felt like everyone's stare on him. Maybe it was his imagination.

The elevator ride to his floor was short. He parted ways with Hoseok and his gaze didn't fail to notice the way the staff stared at him now talking in hushed voices.

What the fuck is going on here?

When he entered the office, there was someone else in his seat. He paused. "Who are you?"

"Oh, Jungkook-ssi." The man stood and greeted him with a bow. "My name is Shin Young-Jae. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the new CEO of the Jeon group. It's my first day. Please treat me well."

New CEO?

Wasn't he training his ass off to take over for ages?

Is this a joke?

A hidden camera prank?

It didn't appear so. Jungkook stared at him in stunned silence. The rushing sound in his ears didn't seem to subside. He checked his email to find a half-assed generic email sent to him by HR half an hour ago. He clenched his jaw but didn't respond to the man who was clearly older and more experienced than him. He managed a smile and nodded.

As he walked out realization dawned. This was his father's way of punishing him for saying no to the arranged marriage with Jae-Hwa. This was his way of proving he was nothing without his father.

He laughed without humor. His father really took it too far and for what? Just because he couldn't get his way with him.

On his way out, he called two people. The first call was to Hoseok.

"Hyung, I'm fired. I forwarded you the email." To say Hoseok was furious was an understatement. He asked him to wait in the lobby and told him he'd be there soon. He also told him to call Jimin first. "Yeah. Gonna do that. I'm leaving now. Will talk to you later."

He didn't want to stay there any longer either. Not when the entire building looked at him as if he did something wrong. His next call was to Jimin who answered in the first ring.


"I know."

"What?" He halted.

"It's all over the newspapers. Aera just called me with the news."

What the fuck?

What did he mean by newspapers?

What did I miss?

"Don't worry. I got you," Jimin's voice was assuring.

"What do I do?" His voice cracked.

He looked around, loosening his tie. He didn't like the way everyone was looking at him. He didn't like how all their attention was on him. His chest tightened with discomfort.

"I'm actually in my office. You can come over if you want." Jungkook heard shuffling in the background. "Actually, I'd prefer it if you visit. I'll send you the location. Just give your name at the reception."


"Jungkook, listen..."

His eyes stung. He was still clueless about the situation. One second everything was normal and the next he felt like the rug was pulled from under his feet. "Yes, hyung."

Jimin's voice softened. "I'm working on something. We will talk in person, okay?"

"Okay, hyung."

Jungkook called Hoseok to update him only to see the man already walking toward him. He ignored the glances they were receiving as he waited in the lobby.

"Did you speak to Jimin? What did he say?" Hoseok's face was tight with tension.

"He asked me to go to his office."

Hoseok clenched his jaw. "That's what I thought." His gaze darted around. "Come on. Let's get the hell outta here. I tried to talk to your dad but he's not even responding. It's a dick move if you ask me."

They took the elevator to go down to the parking lot.

"He's trying to prove his point. Jimin hyung said it's all over the newspapers."

Jungkook accessed the internet. True to Jimin's words there were already articles written about the new CEO along with the press release of their company.

Shin Young-Jae becomes the CEO of the Jeon group at 42.

One headline read. The news had only been released half an hour ago. He clenched his jaw at his father's cunningness. There was a call from his mother, which he ignored. He was in no mood to talk to her.

The entire drive to Jimin's office was spent in a tense silence. Both men were furious. Hoseok spoke to Jin in between, giving him an update on this.

Jungkook couldn't help but scroll through the news. As more time went by, more articles were being released.

The Jeon group announced Shin Young-Jae as their new CEO.

Seoul, 17th Oct. Jeon Group announced today that Shin Young-Jae has been appointed new CEO of the company. Forty-two-year-old Shin Young-Jae is an experienced business leader with over a decade of experience and several accomplishments under his belt.

Young-Jae will succeed the former CEO Jeon Jungwoo as the CEO and assume responsibilities on 17th Oct.

Jungkook stopped reading after that. The media knew nothing.

The new CEO was in no doubt more qualified than him. Then there were news articles questioning why Jeon Jungkook didn't take over as it was announced earlier. Some wondered if this had anything to do with his grandfather's will. Many wanted to know what was going on inside the corporation.

He was lost in his thoughts and his mind was reeling. He looked up from his phone only when the car slowed down to a stop. The Park Law firm was a standalone building with fifteen stories. The elegant glass building stood tall with a huge P decorating the center of it.

He exited the vehicle and followed Hoseok inside. The reception area was spacious with a dedicated seating area and several customer service desks to help the people who were coming in for the first time.

Jungkook was in awe as he took in the details. Men in black suits were bustling around. They stopped by the reception.

"Good morning, sir. How may I help you today?"

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Jeon Jungkook," he said, handing his ID. "Here for Park Jimin."

The receptionist entered his details quickly. Her gaze shifted to Hoseok. "Is he with you?"


"May I have your ID?"

"Yes." Hoseok handed her the ID, which she scanned quickly.

She handed them both two cards. "Please keep this with you while you're in this building." She beckoned the security over. "These are Mr. Park's guests. Please show them to Mr. Park's private elevator."

The security inclined his head and they both followed. The elevator was located away from the main area in the section that was marked as staff only.

"Mr. Park's office is on the fifteenth floor."

Jungkook thanked him and pressed the button to their designated floor. It didn't take long before he arrived on the fifteenth floor.

Jimin had an entire floor to himself with several cabins lining the expanse of the spacious room. Jungkook looked around and spotted Jimin's office among the other rooms lined the far end of the wall.

"Jeon Jungkook?" An American man approached him.


"I'm Ben. Mr. Park's assistant. He said you'll be here. This way please."

They were soon led into Jimin's office. Jimin looked up from the stack of files piled on his desk. He beamed when he noticed both men.

"Ben, send one vanilla latte and an iced Americano. Also, Katy will be here soon. Show her to my office. You know the drill."

"Yes, Mr. Park."

"Please take a seat," Jimin directed them to the chair opposite to him as he rummaged through his files. "Technically, it's complicated because you and Jeoni are the major shareholders of the company. The board of directors can terminate you from the position since it's a public company, but it'll require their votes."

Jungook grimaced. "So I can't do anything?"

"Well, shareholders who don't have any control of the business can usually be fired this way by the controlling owners." Jimin smiled. "Your grandfather was clever when he wrote that will. It's as if he has foreseen this situation. He has left your father as a guardian with a power of attorney that allows him power only until you turn twenty-five. His terms and conditions are clear." Jimin pulled another file from the pile pushing it toward them. "If the company remains private by the time you turn twenty-five, then you and your sister would remain co-owners. If the company went public, he wanted you to own the majority of the shares equally. At present, it's sixty-seven percent and you both are equal owners."

Jungkook frowned as he skimmed through the documents.

"Your father knew of this. He knew he wouldn't have a chance but to hand everything to you if they stayed private. So he pushed your company to go public. This way removing you if needed was an option. He would just need the support of the board of directors."

"Fuck," Jungkook cursed. "What do I do now?" he asked exasperatedly.

This wasn't what he expected. That old man knew his game. His mind reeled and several thoughts clouded his mind.

"I was summoned." The door to his office opened, jerking him out of his thoughts.

Katy stepped inside looking as if someone dragged her out of the bed before she could properly wake up and have her caffeine. When Taehyung stepped inside with her, Jungkook realized he was right.

Their hair was disheveled and they had worn jeans with a sweater. Something that appeared as if they'd shimmied into the first thing they saw that morning. Taehyung's eyes were a little red from lack of sleep. He shook his head with a smile tugging at his lips.

His sister's eyes widened when she noticed Hoseok.

"Oh, my God! You didn't tell me he's gonna be here. I didn't even comb my hair." She patted her hair down with a scowl.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Your brother's ass is on fire. Everything else will have to wait."

She sobered immediately and instead of going to the empty chair as Taehyung did, she climbed over Hoseok's lap, wiggling around until she found her favorite position.

"Who do I have to set on fire?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "No one. You just need to sign something for me."

"Where do I sign?" she asked.

Warmth rushed to Jungkook's chest and suddenly it felt as if everything was going to be okay.

"It's not ready yet," Jimin said. "But there is a change of plans. You'll have to accept your shares."

Katy frowned. "Why?"

Jimin repeated what he said to them before they arrived and she listened intently. "They'll need a reason to remove Jungkook and there will be many. He'll be answerable to the public. They can demand a better performance or claim he isn't suitable for the position and that Young-Jae is more qualified than him with a proven track record."

Taehyung growled with a curse. "That's a shit move even for him."

Jimin grimaced. "Your father must have guessed Porshiya wouldn't willingly give up the share and your public association with her would have set him off. He must have thought you both are trying to throw him off his position and he's running ahead to remove any competition."

"What are our odds?" Katy asked.

"It's complicated." Jimin met her gaze. "Jungkook is young and people don't even know who you are yet. I can't promise he'll get his position back, but his position as a shareholder is at risk if he was alone. But with you by his side, they wouldn't touch him easily. However, since we have Hoseok hyung inside, we can think of something later."

Jungkook frowned. His father despised her. How was it going to help them?

"Because Jeoni is one of the major shareholders of the Min group with a good reputation as a successful business woman in the US. To put it easily, the revenue of Vinora alone speaks volumes. The board cannot just ignore her and most importantly cannot claim she is incompetant."

"And her status as a royal is a cherry on top. No one would want to mess with a Min." Taehyung chuckled.

Oh. That's right.

He often forgot who she was. He knew of a few board members who were on good terms with the Min group. This might work in their favor.

Katy clenched her jaw. "Then I'll go public. If they thought they could screw him up just because he's young and alone, they're wrong."

This time Jungkook smiled.

"That's why I want you to accept your half of the shares. You aren't much older than him, but your experience and societal status precede him. It will take some time, but our first step is to prevent Jungwoo from doing more and reinstate Jungkook's position as the major shareholder of the company."

Katy nodded. "Let's get it. So how does this affect our partnership with the Jeons?" she asked.

Jungkook remembered the partnership agreement he signed while he was still in position with Hoseok. He had initiated the plan as soon as he found out who she was and finalized everything with Namjoon just a couple of days ago.

"Aera was the first to sign it. Yoongi hyung signed it when he visited this time. Only your signature is pending," Taehyung said.

Katy's eyes widened visibly. "Wow. You guys work really fast behind my back."

Jimin lifted his hands in surrendering motion. "It was Aera's idea. You were too busy skipping the office for the sake of the fashion show. So don't blame us."

She huffed. "Whatever. Why do I sense a but coming?"

"We are yet to present this idea to the board," Jimin said.

"Oh, please..." she whined. "Does this mean I'll have to go to the board meeting?"

"Yes," both Jimin and Taehyung said in unison.

"It's time they met their other CEO in person," Jimin continued.

"CEO?" Jungkook frowned.

"She's the third CEO for Asia actually, but she doesn't like to go to the office so does her stuff at home and people don't even know she exists. She has access to Aera's email and does the majority of stuff through her." Taehyung chuckled. "She even uses Aera's name while taking business calls so like I said people don't know she is actively involved in the business. She enjoys staying in the shadows so much she doesn't even bother."

Katy scowled with an exaggerating pout. "I like it that way. But wait...what about the Jeon group?" she asked.

Jimin smiled. "Once you reveal yourself, we will tackle them to finalize the partnership. They've already signed the contract so they have to fulfill the terms."


The day moved slower than Jungkook's liking. However, Jimin was working like a well-oiled machine. He hadn't even gone for lunch and just scarfed down a sandwich Jungkook brought to him.

Hoseok got hold of the board of directors and found it fishy that he wasn't informed of the meeting because he was one of them. He spoke to the others and learned that Jungkook was removed citing his recent freelance position as the photographer.

While some thought it brought the Jeon group huge exposure, Jungwoo was adamant that his son was young and irresponsible so he cannot be trusted with the position as its CEO. Besides, he also brought in a valuable candidate who they couldn't turn away.

Jungkook understood that at the end of the day it was all business. They only saw what profit each deal brought them. So, Jungkook definitely faded in comparison in front of Young-Jae's experience.

What a bummer.

Jungkook didn't know what to think or how to feel. If he was sure of one thing, he knew he wasn't getting the position back. It hurt a lot. Because he had sacrificed almost everything for the sake of that position. He had lost several nights of sleep just to learn and put up with the expectations. In the end, it didn't matter.

When the evening rolled in, Jimin had the document ready. Jungkook didn't even read it over before he signed. Once Katy signed, it was a done deal. There was a storm brewing in his mind and he had hours to think through it.

He realized his father never intended to give the role to him. To him, it was a means to control Jungkook and he succeeded. Not anymore. He took a deep breath. He was still the major shareholder of the company. Thanks to his grandfather. However, he didn't know what the future had in store for him.

"Hyung...can I stay with you for a while?" he asked Hoseok when he came to sit beside him after a call.

"You don't have to ask, Jungkookie."

As if reading his mind, Hoseok engulfed him in a hug and he relaxed a bit. At least, he wasn't alone. Not anymore. They were in an empty conference room next to Jimin's cabin.

"Come, I'll drive you. Let's pack and get you out of that house, hmm?"

Jungkook nodded with a smile. "Thanks, hyung."


The door to the conference room opened, revealing an exhausted Taehyung. "Oh, Jungkook-ah, here you are." He came over. "Jeoni wanted to ask if you wanted help packing."

"Packing?" Jungkook blinked. How did she know? He just told what was in his mind to Hoseok.

"She doesn't want you to go back to the same house as him," Taehyung scowled. "We have several properties in the city if you want a private space. Or you can just move in with us." He shrugged.


He had to blink several times. He looked at Hoseok who was smiling at him genuinely. "I..."

"It's up to you of course. No pressure," Taehyung said.


"Oh, the offer extends to you to Hobi hyung." Taehyung grinned. "Jin hyung just packed a bag and came over last night. I think it'd be better if you both came over too. We also have another apartment in the same building if you prefer. But yeah, it's up to you."

Before Jungkook or Hoseok could respond, Taehyung's phone rang and he left the room to answer the call.

Jungkook gasped. Did he just—

"I don't think I'll get used to this."

His eyes were wide like saucers. He wasn't worried about getting a place to stay. He had enough money and he also knew he could go to either Hoseok or Jin's apartment. But the way the quintuples dealt things always caught him off guard.

He should really get used to this and keep in mind that his sister was now a Min and that came with certain benefits. Not to mention, his favorite hyung was now his brother-in-law.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this," Hoseok murmured beside him. "They just asked us to move in...just like that."

Jungkook chuckled fondly. "This is gonna be our life."

Hoseok sighed, crossing his leg at his knee. "How are you feeling?"

"Numb?" He leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "I don't know what to think of this. This is all I have ever known until a month ago."

"I get it." He nodded, rubbing the back of Jungkook's neck. "You have us now and take your time to think about what you want to do next."

Jungkook shrugged. "Well, I'm not totally jobless." He forced a smile. "I think I'll just not think more about it now."

Hoseok put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Take your time, Jungkook-ah. We got your back."

Jungkook smiled. "Thanks, hyung."

Hoseok hugged him again and Jungkook sank into his embrace with a sigh. At least, he wasn't alone. 

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