Chapter 31

Katy and Hobi finally meets...he he he.


"Taehyungie, can you manage the things over here for a couple of hours? I have to go somewhere," Jimin asked sifting through the documents in his briefcase.

Where did it go? He remembered putting the file in one of the drawers in his home office. He would have to stop by their penthouse to grab the files.

Taehyung didn't look up from the mannequin he was fumbling with for the past half an hour. "Yeah," he replied absent-mindedly.

Jimin hurried out of the venue and jumped into his car, dismissing the guards who wanted to accompany him. He made a few phone calls on the way. Several things clicked into his mind after overhearing Katy's conversation with Jungkook. The apartment was empty when he arrived.

When they moved in they had a chef coming in to cook for them, and cleaning staff that came in for cleaning. But then Aera had dismissed them later saying just because they moved countries doesn't mean they have to change their lifestyle. They'd grown accustomed to doing their chores over the years. Aera thought it was what kept them grounded from all the fame and improved bond with each other. They did everything together.

He shared his home office with Katy, who had one of the corners of her bedroom transformed with double monitors and cabinets. He strode to his table, opening the top draw to sift through the files, finding Katy's file immediately.

He opened the file thumbing through the papers to check he had everything he needed. Jimin paused when he found the divorce papers.

There is no need for this anymore.

He pulled it out only to freeze when he noticed the signature at the bottom. Jimin sucked in a sharp breath, quickly going through the papers. A familiar emotion tightened his throat. Katy had signed every single page. She found it?

He shook his head.

Of course, that demon would have signed it. He should be surprised if she didn't. Jimin exhaled, feeding the damned papers to the shredder, and grabbed the post-nup documents.

Time to fix things.


"Hoseok-ssi, your 4.30 p.m. appointment is here."

"Send him in," Hoseok said without taking his eyes off his monitor.

He looked up when he heard the soft footfall approaching him and surprise washed over his features when he saw Park Jimin. He was still in the white button-up shirt, black slack, and ginger trench coat that without doubt belonged to Vante's collections. The elegant curl of the Vante logo was a dead giveaway.

"Jimin-ssi," he greeted as he stood and extended his hand. He was confused when he received a phone call from him earlier asking for an urgent meeting. While he was busy the entire day without Jungkook to help, he had pushed a few meetings to accommodate Jimin's request.

"Hoseok-ssi." Jimin nodded. "Looks like you know me already."

Hoseok shrugged one shoulder. "Please take a seat. It's hard to miss a person you see every day on a billboard sign. Besides, Seokjin hyung is all praises for you guys. He's my best friend"

"Oh, Seokjin hyung." Jimin's smile was more relaxed. He occupied one of the seats, crossing his legs. "He's a great person."

"He is," Hoseok agreed. "How can I help you today?"

Jimin's smile dropped as he leaned forward on his elbows, placing the black folder he carried on the table. "I was hoping to have to private chat with you, Hoseok-ssi. I assume you might have already guessed what this is all about. Or in specific who this is all about."

Hoseok felt the tension coil his nerves again. "Jeoni?" He narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him. What was the point in beating around the bush when the only connection he had to this stranger was her?

Jimin nodded with a soft smile but he looked hesitant for some reason. "I'll come to the point," he said, pushing the folder toward him with two fingers. "We can both agree what you did in Vegas was completely reckless." He stopped before Hoseok could object. "I'm not against your relationship. I can see why she fell for you, but marriage is something that connects two families and their friends, Hoseok-ssi."

Hoseok took the folder, opening it to see the post-nup agreement.

"Jeoni's family is not happy. They're from a traditional background and they live by certain standards," Jimin continued. "I hope you can understand where they come from."

Hoseok sighed. Jimin had a point. They were indeed reckless. Did he regret it? Never.

"I'm here on behalf of Jeoni and her family. I know you both parted ways and are yet to reconnect." Jimin's eyes darted to the wedding ring on Hoseok's finger. "I also know it isn't too far. This, here is a post-nup."

Hoseok's brows knotted as he stared at the folder. He stared at it for a moment before cocking a brow at Jimin in a challenging manner. Did he think that he was after Jeoni's money? Didn't he know that he was a CEO of the freaking Jung group, one of the top leading conglomerates in South Korea?

"I'm not after her money. I don't give a damn about who she is or what she is. I only care about her."

"I know." Jimin sniffed, running his hand through his silver hair. He regarded Hoseok for a long moment before he spoke again. "Jeoni didn't leave you that morning and whatever happened was a misunderstanding. I really hope you both could talk it out because we're literally tired of all this pining and whining." He sighed. "I swear I'll throw myself out of this floor window if she told me one more time about the man with the most beautiful smile in the entire universe. She's whipped, I get it." He chuckled.

That drew a smile on Hoseok's face. Some of the tension eased from his shoulders.

Jimin continued, "Jeoni's family...what can I say, there are things...rules." He worried his bottom lip, sharp eyes narrowing with a frown. "Whoever marries into the family must sign a prenup. It's a mandatory condition one must fulfill to marry into the family. No exceptions. There are at least a hundred things you both probably broke by eloping and her family isn't pleased."

Hoseok frowned. "Is she in trouble?"

Was that why she never contacted him?

"She's not in trouble, Hoseok-ssi. At least not yet." Jimin's smiled softly. "But she has her reasons. I'm here to get this postnup signed, so we can get out of your way and let you both figure out how you want to take things forward."

Hoseok grabbed the folder, flipping through the pages and reading through quickly. He was surprised to see that it was in favor of both parties.

"We know you both do not care for material assets. So, I drafted this accordingly. She does not expect anything from you if this doesn't go well and vice versa," Jimin explained.

Hoseok contemplated for a moment and decided there was no harm in signing the agreement though he didn't care if they didn't sign. He grabbed a pen and signed the document after reading through it once. Jeoni had already signed; her signature was a familiar crawl on the papers. Something he'd looked upon several times over the months and ingrained every curve into his brain.

Jimin beamed as he took the folder back. He took one copy and handed it to him. "Here is your copy. Thank you for your cooperation, Hoseok-ssi. Welcome to our family." He extended his hand and stood up. "Now this is out of the way, I think it's safe to call you hyung."

"Um...yeah, sure." Hoseok forced a smile. He didn't know how to feel about the post-nup. He shrugged the thoughts off.

Hoseok stood again, shaking his hands. "We made necessary arrangements for you at the show. You can come straight to the venue and give your name to one of the security staff stationed at the entrance. They will take you backstage," he said. "See you tomorrow, hyung."


Hoseok watched the attorney leave and slumped in his seat, staring pensively at the agreement. He didn't give a fuck about his wealth, but then he wondered what kind of family Jeoni came from. A call from his assistant distracted him and he tossed the documents into his drawer, immersing himself at work.


That night when Jimin went home after running a few errands for tomorrow's show, his friends were already there sprawled on the living room floor.

"Dinner is at the table," Porshiya said without taking her eyes off the daily planner laid out open in her lap. Aera and Taehyung were looking at what looked like the layout of the venue.

"Where's Jeoni?"

"In her room," Porshiya answered absent-mindedly as she scribbled something in her planner. Her lips were drawn into a thoughtful frown and he didn't ask further questions.

The shows were always stressful. As much excited as they were, they also worried that everything should go without any hitch. It was that feeling of butterflies and a nervous twist in the guts one felt before doing something big. This was huge for Taehyung and their company.

He dropped his briefcase on the couch and headed to the room. Katy was lying on her stomach, reading something on her phone. A half-empty glass of wine sat at the bedside table. They must have ushered her to the room early since she tended to stress a lot before the shows.

"Hey," he greeted as he toed off his shoes and climbed on the bed. "What are you up to?"

"Trying to read," she replied, tossing the phone aside and sitting up. "Where were you?"

"Running errands." He ruffled his hair and adjusted the pillow to rest his back against the headboard.

"Is everything okay?" She shifted closer.

"Yeah." He smiled. "I have something for you." He handed her the post-nup agreement.

"W-What?" She grabbed the paper with a gasp. "You met him?"

Jimin hummed. "I did." He flicked her nose. "You'll be meeting him tomorrow. I don't want anything to hold you back. You're free to court your man."

"We're already married." She pouted though the corner of her lips curved into a smile.

"Doesn't mean you can't go on dates and woo him. Maybe try to do things normally for once."

"What's gotten into you lately?" she huffed. "When did you start giving dating advice?"

"Since now." He bumped into her shoulder. He exhaled and schooled his thoughts. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Okay..." She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, scooting closer to face him.

"I..." He inhaled deeper, meeting her gaze. "I like Jungkook."

Her jaw dropped, round eyes almost popping out of their sockets. "Y-You what?"

Jimin chuckled. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Y-Yeah...But... Is this a prank?" She cocked her head to the side. "Did Tae put you up to this? It's a bet, isn't it?"

Jimin shook his head as he barked with laughter. "Why would I lie about something this serious? I wanted to ask him out after the show."

"For real?" She leaned closer, eyes still wide.

"Yes. So, tell me, do I have your blessings?" He folded his hands across his chest.

"Why do you need my bless—" she halted, expression comical. "Oh."

"Yeah. Oh."

"Of course. Go. Sweep him off his feet," she squealed. "Oh, my God! Finally!!!" She jumped off the bed. "I need to tell the others."

He watched with a smile as she skipped out of the room, excited squeals and yells reached him and he waited for her to come back. It took longer than he expected. But she returned and hopped on the bed once more with childlike enthusiasm.

"I'm so happy. I didn't even have to do anything this time." She clapped excitedly with another squeal.

He tilted his head to the side, waiting for her to calm down.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she frowned. "Do I have something on my face?" She patted on her face.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "No. But I'm patiently waiting for your brain to function again."

"What's wrong with my brain?" she clutched her head with a confused frown, making him laugh again.

He leaned against the headboard and crossed his legs at the ankles. "Think of our conversation from before."

"Oh." She frowned. "Um...the thing about us being a package deal?"


She nibbled her lip. "That...he should accept me as his sister?"

"Mhmm..." He nodded and her expression fell, but she was smiling brightly again.

"Don't worry about it. I'm almost there. You just wait. I'll smother him with all my love that he wouldn't be able to reject me when I finally tell him who I am."

Jimin unfolded his hands, sitting cross-legged. "I think he already knows, sweetheart."

"Huh! What? How?"

Jimin shrugged. "Looks like you weren't that careful and slipped somehow."

"T-That's not...I..."

Jimin cocked a brow.

He could literally see the wheels turning in her head. It was fun to watch the comical expressions on her face, switching from one emotion to the other before she held up a finger. "Wait...He hasn't said anything and he's affectionate than ever."

"Jungkook is reserved. From what we have observed throughout the years, he's closed off when he's around the others. However, when he's with us, he's a different person." Jimin rested his face on his joined palms, leaning to rest his elbows on his knee.

"That'" She sat on her heel, resting her palms on her lap. "That's because I'm married to Hobi and he's close to him."

Jimin shook his head. "Even then, he treated you with respect and admiration. I remember the night when his demeanor suddenly shifted toward you. He stopped treating you like a co-worker or a woman married to his favorite hyung. There are a certain fondness and affection in his action."

Katy nibbled at her lips. "I...I didn't realize that."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Panda is right. For someone so intelligent, you're stupid. He practically orbits around you and looks up to you as if you hung the stars and moon. He's now acting as your bodyguard, scaring off anyone who so much as look at you."

Katy chuckled. "He's just protective. He got irritated when that Plexis guy wouldn't leave me alone."

"Have you ever thought why he isn't that way any of us?" he asked and she frowned again.

" thought it was because I'm married to Hobi."

"And I have a strong feeling that this has nothing to do with Hoseok hyung." Jimin sniffed and leaned back once again, folding his hands behind his head. "I don't know much about Jungkook, but he makes it so obvious. He cares about you more than anyone else."

"Does this mean that he accepts me?" Katy asked.

"Yes. There's no other possible explanation for it." He took her hand in his. "Also, Namjoon hyung called me earlier. Jungkook contacted him again regarding the proposal this evening. If everything went well, hyung will sign the deal tonight so we can start the projects that are held up. Hyung said he agreed to provide more men to finish the project on time."


"Yeah. So the only problem we will face now is with this royal gala. Just be careful with whatever you do, okay?" Jimin warned. "There will be eyes everywhere. Plexis already knows who you are. I won't be surprised if the others find out before the royal gala. You have to tell Hoseok hyung before that."

Her shoulders slumped. "I'm scared, Jiminie. What if he hates me after that?"

"I don't think he will hate you, but if he did then he doesn't deserve you." His expression hardened. He lifted a hand caressing her cheek. "Don't let any man decide your worth. You are who you are. If anyone can't accept that, then they're not meant to be in your life."

She shuddered with a nod.

"Come on. They have agreed to collaborate with the Mins. Maybe it won't be that hard." He tried to lighten the mood.

"Collaborating on projects and this is different. For years, we have been competing against each other. I just...I don't know how to tell him. He's consort now and he doesn't even know what he signed up for." She chuckled without humor. "It'll be a shit storm when word goes out. I'm not sure if he wants any of this. His life is relatively calm know...we are anything but calm."

"Come here..." He opened his arms wide and she snuggled into his chest. "Communication is the key. How would you know if he's ready or not if you don't even talk to him? Stop making decisions for him, will you? Put the cards on the table and let him decide. When he does, respect that. That's all I can say."

"What if he decides that he doesn't want any of this?" she sniffled, her voice cracking.

"Then you'll have me," he spoke gently. "I'll be here to catch you if you fall. And you know I'll never let you fall."

"I don't want this to affect you and Jungkookie." She lifted her head. "Promise me. Whatever happens between me and Hobi, you won't let that decide your relationship with my brother. He likes you so much, Jiminie. Don't hurt him please."

Jimin smiled. "I promise.'s all in Jungkook's hands. I'll give him one chance. For you."

Katy nodded. "He won't fuck up. I promise."

Jimin laughed. "You don't know that. Stop making promises for others."

"I know enough. My baby brother is head over heels for you."

"Right." He cocked a brow.

"Shut up. You act as if you didn't know already. I know how your brain works." She snuggled into him again. "I'm so glad it's you, Minnie. He's so precious. Too good for his own good. I can't think of anyone better than you. You'll treat him better."

Jimin exhaled. He stroked her hair absent-mindedly. "You should sleep early. Finish that wine. I'll wake you tomorrow."

Katy pulled away with a sigh. "I hate when you knock me out like this." She pouted, but she grabbed the wine glass anyway.

"You know exactly why we have to do this. Posh has her entire night planned out with Jin hyung. She will skin you alive if you ruined it for her," he reminded her.

With the trio living together for so long, their monthly cycles always synced. It messed up with their shows in the past because Katy always got her cycles early when she stressed out. Handling their mood swings was such a pain in the ass and they could do much better without the added pain.

So, Porshiya recently found a way to keep her relaxed. Her idea was to knock her out every night starting a week before the show with two glasses of red wine. During the daytime, she loaded her with her favorite hot chocolate and muffins, and also kept her distracted. It worked out in their favor so far and kept them away from tragedies.

Katy's pout increased. "I can't help it. Shit just happens." She sipped the wine without another complaint.

"Alright, I'll let you sleep." He ruffled her hair.

"Did you eat dinner?"

"Not yet."

"Eat and come back." She put the empty cup aside and slipped under the covers. "Good night, Minnie."

"Good night, sweet heart." He kissed the side of her head and slipped out of the bed, exhausted yet pleased with how the day had turned out.

Tomorrow was a big day.


Aera felt relived after a long day of work. Most of all, she was happy with how things turned out with Jungkook. The youngest didn't disappoint. Now she doesn't have to worry much about Katy. Jungkook was now on their side so whenever time comes he could help them, especially with Hoseok and Katy. She needed to play her cards right or everything she achieved till now would be messed up.

She glanced around the table, trying to stifle her laughter. Jimin was eating while the other two flocked him, giving him an overview of everything. What will happen if they found what she had done? She did a lot of things behind their back but none to this extent.

She had been planning this for too long now. The Jeon's demand to meet Katy had been a game changer. Coming to Seoul and meeting Jungkook though it would endanger her family's reputation was a part of her plan.

She was tired of her brother hiding from the world. How long would they keep running? How long would Taehyung keep pretending that it didn't bother him to hide his relationship with Yoongi? How long did she have to watch those women trying to get their claws on Yoongi?

He was well past the age of his marriage. It wouldn't be long before their family was pressured to make that decision. He was after all, the heir. The crown prince. He was expected to marry and produce heirs.

No one could blame her for plotting against the rules. They should know she set her own rules, not follows the others. She had a reputation to behold. This time she giggled little loudly which caught Jimin's attention. He didn't ask anything, just cocked his brow in question. She needs keep herself in check or soon he will catch her in her own game and that won't be good.

All her friends were sneaky asses just like her. Porshiya was the only one who didn't fall in that category. The eldest of the group always spoke her mind and dealt with stuff in her own way. She sucked at planning and plotting but always a pawn in their games. It was mostly such an Aera and Katy thing to do, always doing one thing or the other.

Nothing harmful of course. She'd cut her own hand before she hurt anyone else. The others often knew they were up to something and played along.

She texted Hoseok once again, letting him know the whereabouts of his dear wife. Katy would be in for a shock of her life tomorrow. She couldn't wait to see her gaping like a fish out of water. Well, she deserved it for what she did to her.

What was she even thinking? Always pushing her into Namjoon's hands.

Two can play this game and Aera enjoyed it.


Nervous didn't quite explain Katy's current predicament. The d-day was nerve-wracking and nothing ever eased her nerves. She checked the equipment and lightings at least umpteen times. Despite the technical team, assuring her everything was perfectly in order, she couldn't help but fidget.

"Stop fidgeting. You're making everyone nervous." Porshiya slapped her butt. "Get your ass over there and eat something. We don't want you fainting out there."

Aera was running around with a plate of food, feeding Taehyung and Jimin who were dressed to the nines, their hair and make-up already done. "Just a few pieces of fruit before the show wouldn't hurt," she heard her chiding her best friends who were ready to walk the ramp.

It was no secret the models tended to go through unhealthy diet plans to maintain their physique. However, at Vinora, their rules were simple. No models starved at their watch. They had an in-house nutritionist who designed a healthy diet plan for every model signed with them. They also had a therapist who always evaluated the models before any show. It helped a lot.

The buffet table held various assortments of fruits, salads, snacks, and fresh juices. Everything was light and catered with the models in mind. Katy was glad to see their models munching on the healthy treats as they chatted merrily.

The backstage was always a chaotic mess, but not for Vinora. Their well-organized space was mostly relaxed with upbeat music playing in the background as the models got ready for the day. She walked around making sure everything was in order. The artists have already reached and were in their designated waiting rooms.

"Bubble, did you eat?" Aera called out from where she was feeding Jimin.

"I'll have a fruit bowl," she responded, grabbing a ready-made bowl laid out on the table.

The sweet melons seemed appetizing than anything else. She didn't think she could stomach anything else until the show ends. This and a few glasses of fresh juice in between should do. She liked to keep it light while she was working.

She let her gaze sweep around as she munched on a piece of melon. The sweetness exploded in her mouth and helped her relax a bit.

Porshiya was strutting around in her nude plumps with red bottom. Her customized peach-colored bodycon dress, which flared at the bottom, accentuated her curves in all the right places. She paired it with matching La Perle jewelry designed exclusively for the event. Hands down she looked like a wet dream. Jin hadn't been able to keep his eyes off her since he saw her this morning. Even now as the stylists prodded at his hair, his eyes were glued to Porshiya.

Aera wore one of the best pieces Taehyung ever designed. Her wine-red off-shoulder dress with a split on her thigh accentuated her slender legs. She had paired it with black stiletto heels and custom-made La Perle accessories. She looked like a sexy portrait. Too bad, Namjoon wasn't here to swoon. She made a note to take candid photos to tease her dear brother-in-law and show him what he was missing.

As for Katy, she was the black sheep as always. Her skinny jeans with low-cut boots and V-neck sleeveless inner tops with the checkered coat were designed for comfort. She didn't fancy cocktail dresses or high heels. Only wore them for occasions that demanded her to do so and that too just for the sake of her family. She never gave a damn about what others thought of her fashion sense. To her, comfort was everything.

She was too lost in her thoughts when a soft fragrance invaded her senses. Her eyes fell shut as she inhaled it deeper, her lips involuntarily stretching to form a smile. It smelled so good. Katy whipped around, her nose finding the source and her eyes flew open, locking with the eyes that held the entire galaxy. Her breath hitched as she took in the bright smile with adorable dimples she wanted to trace.

"Hobi..." she breathed.

He looked stunning in his black fitted shirt with the top two buttons undone, revealing his smooth collarbone she wanted to lick. Fuck those black fitted slacks that accentuated his slim waist. She sucked in a sharp breath. And that fucking red jacket. There was only one man who could render her speechless just by existing.

"You look so fuckable," she whispered causing Hoseok's eyes to widen and cough.

Katy blinked, realizing what she just blurted out. Oh. Poor thing must have choked on his spit. But it wasn't her fault he looked so delicious. If it wasn't for the situation they were in, she'd have already jumped his bones. Oh and that fucking forehead. If anything, he'd gotten sexier than the last time she'd seen him.

Hold on.

Black shirt, black slacks, red jacket, exposed collarbones, and expose the forehead. The only one knew her weakness. Was she going behind her back? Abso-fucking-lutely. Nothing else explained this.

That snitch. Oh, little hamster, you fucked with the wrong person.

Okay. Wait. The bet. Oh, no!

Did she lose it already?

She slowly turned her head to see the little minions crowding the place with their cell phones out recording everything. Huh!

I knew it.

"Didn't know you were such a runner," Hoseok said gaining her attention. "I'd have tied you to my bed if I had known."

Katy narrowed her eyes, a witty response ready on her tongue but then she saw the flowers. "Are those for me?" she beamed.

"Oh, yeah." He offered the flowers to her. "I don't know what they mean. It reminded me of you."


"I won't give up my promise. I'll love you forever," Katy whispered, her vision blurring with tears. When she glanced up, Hoseok looked awestruck causing her to chuckle. "The flowers..." she said, blinking the tears away. "That's what they mean."

She'd learned enough about the flowers in etiquette lessons to remember what they meant. While she wasn't particularly picky with flowers, this meant a lot. Though he didn't know the meaning, he chose well.

"Oh." He smiled, rewarding her with that heart-melting smile. "You look stunning today. I expected you in one of those." He pointed behind him at Porshiya and Aera.

Katy smiled, her cheeks flaring. What was this man? How did he manage to turn her mellow just with one glance? She was sure her friends would tease the living heck out of her for this, but couldn't care less.

"Thanks. You don't want me to break my neck by walking around in that while working, do you?" she asked earning a chuckle. "How have you been?"

Hoseok shrugged. "Truth or lie?"

"Always the truth," she whispered. It was one of their promises. To never sugarcoat things with each other.

"Miserable," he replied. "Imagine waking up to an empty bed with not so much as a note and realizing the one who owned your heart and soul just left you in the middle of nowhere."

"I didn't leave."

"Then why did I wake up to an empty room?"

Katy nibbled at her bottom lip, glancing around. Hoseok as if sensing her turmoil grabbed her by her elbow and dragged her to one of the dressing rooms nearby.

"Can you give us a moment please?" Hoseok asked the stunned stylist, who hurried out of the room with a bow, leaving them alone. Hoseok turned her around, gripping her forearms as he looked at her intently. "Tell me. Why did you leave?"

No matter how much she had prepared for this conversation it was never easy. All thoughts had flown out of her head the moment he was in front of her. She took a deep breath and schooled her thoughts.

"I panicked," she said in a low voice. When she stepped back, he removed his hands letting them fall by his side. Katy moved to sit on a chair, hugging the bouquet to her chest. "I was supposed to meet the others that day. When I woke up, there were texts from them and I panicked. I didn't know what I'd tell them about us."

"So you left." His hands fisted by his side.

"No!" She glanced up. "I went for a walk to clear my head. Then I ran into my brother and ended up talking to him. He told me to go back and talk to you first. When I came back you were gone." She pouted. "I even got flowers and breakfast." Her shoulders slumped. "I really didn't leave."

Hoseok sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "You didn't respond to my texts. Your phone was switched off."

"I forgot to charge my phone."

His stare was intense and she looked down at her lap, knowing what was coming next.

"I had to leave because I had already booked my flights and I had to be in a board meeting the next day. I wanted to tell you that I'll come back after the meeting," he said. "Someone stole my phone in the airport and I lost your contact."

She looked up only to be taken back by the pain she saw in his face.

"You were gone, Jeoni. That week was the best in my entire life. I was reckless but I never regretted my decisions. But you left."

"I didn't."

"You ghosted me!" he hissed and she shrank back. "Same." He threw his hands in the air. "I went to the address you mentioned in that form. Guess what? You moved out."

"I'm sorry." She couldn't meet his gaze then. Hoseok had always been a ball of sunshine and it hurt to look at him like this.

"I don't want your apologies. I need reasons. Give me one valid reason, Jeoni. One fucking reason to why you ghosted me."

"I-I can't." She shook her head. The tears she tried hard to hold back fell.

"You can't or you won't?"

"Hobi..." She looked at him exasperatedly.

"Is this because of your family? You know I don't give a fuck about your family or your background. To me, you were just Jeoni. A fun-loving, independent photographer I fell in love with."

"You wouldn't understand." She shook her head and stood. "I have my reasons."

"We are married, Jeoni. Whatever your reasons's hurting me. It kept us apart all these months." He was now breathing harder, his face red with anger. "You still don't want to tell me why? You must be kidding me." He rubbed his temples, the other hand planted firmly in his hip.


"Don't," he hissed in warning.

She pursed her lips, watching him pace the small space like a caged tiger. Shit. What would she tell him? She couldn't just blurt out she was Jungkook's sister or that she was a Min. That would complicate things.

"'s not that easy."

"For you or me?" He whirled around. He reached her in one long stride, grabbing her arm and pushing her to the wall, caging her with his body. "Tell me, Jeoni. What kept you away from me?"

"I...I can't..." Tears slid down her cheeks.

"Did you love me?" He cupped the back of her head. "All those things you said...was it even real?"

"I never lied to you," she was quick to respond. "I hid things but I never lied."

His eyes darted between her eyes, searching her face. "Do you still love me?"

"I do." A sob broke out of her chest. "And it fucking hurts. I—"

He cut her off with his lips. Katy closed her eyes, ignoring the bouquet slipping out of her hands as her hands flew to clutch his waist. One hand climbed up resting above his heart that was beating wildly against her palm.

Hoseok kissed her with fervor, pouring in all the longing he felt for months. One hand held her head in place while the other gripped her waist. He slotted their lips together, deepening the kiss and leaving her breathless as ever.

When they parted for breath, he rested his forehead against hers. "Will you ever tell me?"

She nodded breathing as heavy as him. "One day."

"Why not now?"

"It's complicated," she said truthfully. "And I'm scared." She cupped her cheek.

"Scared of what?" He leaned into her touch.

She smiled softly. "To lose you. I don't think you're ready to hear it yet."

Hoseok scoffed. "I'm not ready? Why don't you let me be the judge of it? I told you already I don't care who you are."

Katy shrugged. "Maybe. But it's not that easy."

He watched her intently. "So what happens now?"

"Um...we date?" She bit her lip. "But we can't let anyone know. Yet."

Hoseok chuckled. "Do you know? The fiancée my parents chose for me is right here in this show as we speak. I was supposed to walk on the red carpet with her."

Katy's eyes widened. "Your what?"

"You don't even want to tell me what's bothering you or what's keeping you away from me." He released her and stepped back. Her gaze followed his hand when he lifted his left hand, showing her the ring. "I'm ready to tell the world about my wife. But looks like we will have to keep this a secret."

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. "That's not..."

"So I can walk out of this room and tell everyone that we're married?"

"No! You can't do that."

"Your family already knows. What's stopping you?"

Katy knew he was baiting her. Ugh! She should have known he was too clever.

"It's not just my family." She groaned. "Please...can I be just the Jeoni you met on the streets of Vegas for a little while?" she asked exasperatedly. "Can we...can we be just Hobi and Jeoni?"

He stared at her for a long moment. "It doesn't make sense." He shook his head and bent to pick the bouquet she had dropped earlier. He placed it on the table. "You don't hide your ring, but you don't want anyone to find out either."

She looked at her ring and then exhaled louder. "There are a lot of things you don't know about. I just need more time." She stepped closer. "The ring...I didn't want to hide it. Everyone in my group has one. Three of us are married and the world doesn't know. You could say we are hiding in plain sight. It's easier this way."

"So this thing..." he trailed off. "How serious is this? Especially if you don't want anyone to find out yet." His face was now serious, eyes narrowed.

"Serious enough to rip us apart." Her smile was sad. "We were never meant to happen, but I let my emotions get the best of me. I fell in love and didn't think about the consequences. None of this should have happened. It's my fault, but I don't regret it. That's why I need more time to sort this out."

Hoseok regarded her for a long moment then averted his gaze with a shake of his head. "You know you speak as if you're a royal and I'm a peasant." Katy's eyes widened and she clamped her mouth shut in time to stop the gasp. When his gaze flicked back to her face, his face was unreadable. "Just so you know, even if that's the case...I don't give a fuck. You're mine and I'll be there for you as long as you want me."

Someone knocked at the door. "Ma'am, ten minutes."

He stepped back and squared his shoulder before grabbing a tissue from the table and turning to the mirror to wipe the lipstick stains off his lips. She watched him mutely as her head reeled with his words. Once done, he moved to her, fixing her hair and makeup patiently.

"Re-apply your lipstick and touch up a bit," he murmured. "I'll be out there." He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I heard this is important to you. All the best." He leaned to peck her lips. "Let's talk later, yeah?"

She nodded wordlessly and watched as he slipped his card inside the pocket of her jeans.

"I love you."

This time she smiled. He was gone before she could respond. "Love you too," she whispered to the air. She had to come clean, but this wasn't the time.


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