Chapter 27
Sorry for the long wait. I was stuck for a bit in this story. Now I think I'm back on track. I was also sick. So, I took some time away. Here's a 7k chapter for you.
"Hyung!" Jungkook he pulled Hoseok aside. They were in one of the hallways that led to multiple meeting rooms at level eight. "You know that Jae-Hwa...she called my secretary. She wants to talk to me."
Hoseok's brown orbs stared into his gaze. "Don't talk to her then."
"She says there's something important she wants to discuss with me."
Hoseok frowned. "You don't even know each other. What's there to discuss?"
Jungkook shrugged. "I don't know."
"Do you want to hear her out?"
Jungkook worried his bottom lip. That was the problem. He was curious about what she had to say to him. "Kind of. Is it okay?"
Hoseok smiled softly. "Jungkookie, you really don't have to ask me about this. It's up to you."
"I know...I, I was just wondering what she wanted to talk about."
"I think you can talk. It's just a phone call. See what she has to say." He pushed his hands deep into his grey slacks that caused his toned chest to flex a little.
"Yeah." The youngest breathed. "I'll talk to you later."
Hoseok walked away with a pat on his shoulder.
Jungkook was incredibly twitchy when the call finally came in during his break, but to his surprise, he found Jae-Hwa rather likable. She was polite and professional. After introducing herself, she'd gone directly to the point without beating around the bush.
"Jungkook-ssi, I have a mutually beneficial proposition if you can hear me out. Before you ask, I'm not interested in both our parent's arrangements."
Jungkook had sighed in relief. "Thanks. What is that you propose?"
"So, I'm not sure if it's mutually beneficial yet. Because I mainly approached you to ask you for a favor."
"I'm seeing someone."
"Oh." Jungkook blinked, almost guessing where this conversation was headed to.
"Jung-hyun and I met in the university. But he's not what my parents expect my future partner to be, if you know what I mean."
Jungkook further relaxed into his seat. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"Yeah, so, see we were planning to um...elope kinda? Cos' my parents would never allow our marriage. But he was sent to Spain for a project and he's stuck there for another three months. Marriage is nothing but another business deal for my family. And I'm in love with Jung-hyun."
"Why do you need my help?"
"About see my dad said you refused to meet me. The thing is...ah, I'm sure you're not interested but knowing our parents, I won't be the last person they'll try to hook you up with and vice versa."
Jungkook accepted her logic and she was right.
"I was hoping if you would agree to fake date me. It's completely up to you," she rushed to say. "But I'm really desperate, Jungkook-ssi. The only reason I called you is that I know your stand in this but I can't say the same for others. I need to lay low until Jung-hyun comes back. If my parents found out, I don't know what would happen. I might never get to meet Jung-hyun again. Please...I...I'll understand if you don't want to and you don't owe me. I'm a stranger and I'm not in a position to ask you either. But I'll forever be grateful if you do this huge favor for me."
Jungkook slowly blinked. His thoughts raced. While she sounded genuine, a part of him wondered if it was a ploy to get him to say yes. "Hwa-ssi, I...need to think about this."
"Sure. I'll leave my number with your secretary. You can contact me once you have your decision. And thanks for hearing me out."
"It's not a problem."
When the call ended, he was left to ponder alone. He didn't know her. However, she sounded genuine. What should he do?
Jungkook's worry continued as he made his way to the car that evening after work. Hoseok had told him that it was his decision. But that called for another dinner at Jin hyung's place. So they were headed to the grocery close by.
Hoseok and Jungkook looked way out of place wearing their million won executive suits. Several heads turned their way, but they ignored them, each of them grabbing a basket. The youngest wondered why Jin sent so many things. The list he sent was too long and it felt like the eldest was stocking his pantry and using this as an excuse.
That must be it. That sneaky hyung. Jin could rarely go out without getting mobbed. So it made sense.
"Fuck this! I should have brought Joonie." A soft curse reached his ears as he scrolled through the list of things Jin had sent him. He looked up to see an elegant woman dressed to the nines trying to reach for the sauce that was on the shelf taller than her. Even with her pencil heels, she couldn't reach them.
She stood on her tiptoes, teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she tried to reach for it once again. "Why would they keep everything on top?" she grumbled again in fluent English. He caught the familiar accent in her drawl making him wonder if he'd seen her before.
Her brown curled locks tumbled around her shoulders, loose chiffon blouse tucked into a pencil skirt that gave her a sophisticated look. Everything about her screamed she wasn't from around here though she was Korean.
"May I help you?"
She jumped back, startled, and almost tripped over the shopping cart that was behind her. Jungkook's hand shot out, steadying her. Big, brown eyes locked with his gaze, her red painted lips forming a frown before it turned to a small 'o'. The youngest let go of her hand and reached for the sauce she was trying to reach.
"How many do you want?" he asked in fluent English.
She was blatantly staring at him, eyes still wide and phone clutched tighter in one hand.
Jungkook tilted his head to the side. "Excuse me? You okay."
"Jungkookie..." the woman breathed, a blinding smile breached her lips, lighting up her entire face. "Oh, my God! It's really you."
It was Jungkook's turn to blink. "Um...Do I know you?" He tried to rake his brain and came up with nothing.
"It's me." She bounced on her feet. "Aera," she said as if that was everything he needed to know.
"Aera?" Jungkook was lost. That name sounded familiar, but he couldn't put a finger on it.
"Jeoni was right. You look so cute." She squished his cheeks. "You're really a little bunny."
The youngest shuffled, unknown how to handle the bubbly brunette and her sudden show of affection. Jeoni? Did she say Jeoni?
"Jeoni? Y-You, know her?" His eyes were wide, badly trying to piece everything together.
"Of course, she's my little sister. You've already met Jiminie, Poshi, and Tae. I was dying to see you. They wouldn't stop talking about you. Oh, I'm so happy now that I've met you."
Jungkook's eyes widened. Min Aera, the leader of the group, the second eldest, and seemingly the one in control of the quintuples. His face broke into a wide grin. "Noona," he greeted. "I'm sorry. I've heard about you a lot. Are you alone?"
Aera huffed, her cheeks puffing out as she tossed the items into the cart. "It's my turn for grocery run this week. Well, it was supposed to be me and Tae, but he bailed as you know. So I'm left alone to fight these ridiculously tall shelves."
Jungkook chuckled, already feeling a strange connection with her. If she was anything like the other four, he could imagine him being coddled by her. She looked at him and he swore she cooed at least once when he smiled. It definitely felt good to have siblings. Well, he knew Jeoni was adopted. If Aera was her elder sister that meant she's also his sister.
"Come, Noona. I'll help you."
Aera was already looping her hand into his right elbow, thrusting her phone into his other hand. "This list is ridiculously long and I don't even know where the heck these things are." She looked around with a frown.
"Don't worry. I got you."
"Jungkookie, are you done? Oh." They stumbled onto Hoseok, who looked between Jungkook and Aera, his brows knotting in question.
"Oh, my God!" Aera squealed. "You're here too." Her eyes were wide and she bounced again.
Jungkook fought the grin as Hoseok looked at the woman as if she'd grown horns.
"Um...sorry but..." he drawled. "Ah, you look familiar..." He looked at Jungkook for help.
Before the youngest responded, Aera beat him to it. "I'm Aera and you're Jeoni's Hobi," she giggled. "Of course, I know all about you. I would be damned if I didn't know about a man who eloped with my sister."
"Oh." Hoseok's eyes were wide as saucers and then he was grinning awkwardly and shuffled on his feet. "That'" He shrugged before squaring his shoulders and moving forward. "I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you."
"Min Aera," she gripped his large hand, one hand still hooked with Jungkook's. "I'm so happy to meet you finally. I'd have whooped your ass if my sister isn't head over heels for you. That was one hell of a stunt you pulled in Vegas. What were you both thinking?"
"Ah..." Hoseok's startled gaze met with Jungkook, silently pleading. "We...ah..."
But Aera wasn't giving anyone a chance to think or recover. She left Jungkook's arm, stepping into Hoseok's personal space, narrow shoulders squaring and chin notched up in defiance. "She swore that you're a good man. But brother-in-law aside, hurt her and you'll know what kind of bitch I can be. Even if I see one tear that's caused because of you, dig your own grave and bury yourself, cos' it won't be pretty when I'm done with you."
Hoseok took a step back, extremely alarmed and Jungkook was taken back too, not expecting something like that from a petite woman. She looked hella scary and ready to strike, unlike the woman who was all smiles and coos for him minutes ago.
"I...I wouldn't dream of it," Hoseok replied, mouth slightly agape.
She regarded him for a long moment, hands folded against her chest. "Good, because I kinda like you." Her shoulders relaxed. "I've never seen her getting flustered for any man before." She turned away from him, returning to Jungkook's side and taking his hand again as if nothing happened. "Now, lead the way gentlemen. It's getting late and I don't wanna deal with the grumpy kids back home, especially your wife. She's a spoiled brat," Aera continued as she dragged Jungkook along. "Wait!" She suddenly paused, causing Jungkook to bump into her. "Do you know how to cook?" she asked Hoseok.
"Um..." His hyung blinked. "I do cook."
"Good." Aera's sharp gaze accessed him for a moment before she began walking again. "Cos' Jeoni can't cook if her life depended on it and she's the clumsiest person ever to live. Aside from my husband that is. They are really the clumsiest duo." She clucked her tongue with a shake of her head. "Both of them almost burned our entire kitchen while trying to heat some food. In short, never put them together in the same room and leave them unsupervised."
Hoseok fell in pace beside them, his nervous gaze locking with Jungkook's who was clearly enjoying this encounter. Aera definitely lived up to her name. He could see why she was in charge of the reckless group. She was a spitfire. A very dangerous one.
"I will keep that in mind."
"You have a lot to keep in your mind," Aera countered. "First, you need to childproof your home, because my sister trips out of thin air. Trust me when I say you have no idea what is waiting for you."
"Ah... Okay?" Hoseok looked startled and Jungkook knew how it felt to wrap his brain to so many things at once. His hyung was too shocked and surprised to say anything.
Aera stopped once again and this time Jungkook expected it so he stopped without bumping into her. "That bitch sprained her right ankle fifteen times in the span of eighteen months. So you better watch out when I say you do. And don't let her anywhere near the stairs."
She turned away again and Hoseok swallowed. "Noted." A smile played on his lips.
Aera was a lot of things. She was witty, sarcastic, funny, but most of all protective of her best friends. Her voice took a fond note whenever she talked about them and she loaded Jungkook's basket with chocolates and snacks despite his protests, shushing him with a glance. The youngest couldn't help the warmth that spread in his chest. All of them were his favorites.
When they finished shopping, she had swatted Hoseok's hand away and handed her card to the cashier, paying for both of them. Her driver hurried to open the door while another man in a dark suit grabbed the cart. He eyed them both warily his body stiff but his eyes were covered with glasses. "It's okay, Max. They're family. This is Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok," she said as if that would make sense to the guy. But the bodyguard relaxed and nodded curtly toward them. She stopped a few feet from her car and turned to them.
"I want to take you both to our home for dinner, but Jeoni will have a heart attack if she saw you tonight. She's looking forward to meeting you during Seoul Fashion Week. You better show up with the best flowers. She doesn't have any preference when it comes to flowers but she's a sucker for romantic shit." She slipped a card into each of their hands as the dark suit loaded the things into her car. "Call me or text me if you need anything."
"Thanks." Hoseok smiled. "Nice to meet you Aera-ssi."
"Call me Aera. No need for formalities. I can't wait for you both to meet. Oh, dress in a nice suit, will you?" Her gaze slid over his tall frame, appreciation spreading her features. "Something like this...but work on that hairstyle. Show that forehead."
Jungkook chuckled. This woman was really something. He looked at his hyung who looked awestruck. "Are you going to tell her?" he asked.
Aera lifted a brow, a smirk lifting the corner of her lips. "Nope. I'll just have to remind her Karma is a bitch who bites both sides."
Jungkook shook his head with a smile, bidding farewell to his sister.
"I can see where Jeoni got her wits from." Hoseok was still baffled as they watched Aera's car disappear from the view. "She's scary though."
The youngest looked at the snacks in his bag. "She liked me though." He jiggled the bag in front of Hoseok with a wide, goofy smile.
"Brat! I don't know why everyone is fond of you." He spun on his heels walking toward their parked car and loading the items into the trunk.
"Because I'm cute." Jungkook batted his lashes, causing Hoseok to roll his eyes.
"You're a spoiled brat."
"Not my fault everyone I come across likes to spoil me," the youngest shot back.
The elder just shook his head. "I almost shit my pants. Not gonna lie. Can't believe I just ran into my sister-in-law just like that." He stood frowning with his hands planted on his hip. "I just realized how little I know about her. When I was there, I just wanted an escape and now I recall we never talked about each other's families."
Jungkook sunk his teeth into his bottom lip. How would his hyung react if he found the truth? He shifted on his feet and forced a smile. "It's not too late, right? You have all the time in the world to catch up."
Hoseok sighed. "Yeah. I hope so."
"Hyung, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah?" Hoseok put the last of the items into the trunk and shut the door before walking to the front of the car.
"What was it like?" he asked. "Meeting her, I mean. How did you know she is the one? did you realize you were in love with her?"
A smile tugged at his hyung's lips. "Get in." He jerked his head toward the car and Jungkook obeyed. They were quiet until they eased into the traffic.
"Tell me," Jungkook asked again, reaching out to shake Hoseok's thigh.
Hoseok glanced at the youngest with a small smile. In the past, he refused to talk about Jeoni only because it hurt to think about their time in Vegas. He thought she was avoiding him purposefully and it was just a fever dream. But things were looking up for him again and this time, he was determined to make this work.
"I don't know where to start," he said as they careened through the city traffic.
"From the beginning."
"Wait until we get to Jin hyung's apartment. I'm sure he wouldn't wanna miss it."
Jungkook squealed, causing Hoseok to shake his head. "I love our storytimes."
Hoseok rolled his eyes, but the mood was even lighter when they got to Jin's apartment. They unloaded the things on the kitchen counter, eying the already cooked food pensively.
"If you wanted us to do a grocery run, you should have just said so," Hoseok griped. "You said you just needed these for tonight's dinner."
"Would you have gone if I said it though?" Jin cocked a brow looking handsome as ever in his soft pink pajamas. "I ran out of soju and I knew we needed some tonight."
Hoseok huffed, leaving the items to be sorted out later as he plopped on the chair. "I'm glad I don't have to wait for food. I'm starving." He grabbed a pair of chopsticks, digging in as the others joined him.
"Hyung is going to tell us his love story," Jungkook chirped happily as he stuffed his mouth.
"Finally." Jin grabbed the soju, pouring them each a shot. "I've been asking him for ages. How did he even agree?"
"I asked him nicely." Jungkook beamed again, flashing his nose scrunching smile.
Hoseok scoffed. "I would have told you eventually."
"Yeah, once I turned ninety and my teeth had fallen off. Now, stop stalling and start. I have so many questions as to why you would agree suddenly but that can wait."
"We ran into Aera Noona and she told us a few things about Jeoni Noona. So, I asked him what it felt like to meet Jeoni Noona for the first time and how he knew she was the one," Jungkook informed like an obedient maknae he was.
"Good question," Jin agreed as they took a shot and poured another round.
Hoseok put the chopsticks down, collecting his thoughts and a soft smile stretching his lips. " know that I was in Vegas to discuss a merger."
"The one you lost to the Min group," Jin quipped and Jungkook glared at him.
Hoseok ignored his hyung and continued. "I wasn't in a great mood. So I decided to extend my trip and cool off a bit. I was strolling through the streets one evening and she bumped into me."
She literally bumped into his back that it had hurt, not to mention the cool liquid that had begun to soak him and numb him to the bones. But the moment he had whipped around and met her big, brown eyes...he was a goner. All the words that were in his throat had died down.
"Love at first sight?" Jin teased and Hoseok smiled.
"You could say that..." he reminisced. "I mean...There were so many street vendors and I was looking for a souvenir. Then someone ran into me. She spilled her drink on my clothes and you know how much I hate it when that happens. She offered to buy me a new shirt." He pushed his food around the plate. "She was panicking, but there was something calm about her. She was so beautiful and alone. I told her I'd let her buy a shirt if she let me take her for dinner."
"Damn," Jungkook chuckled. "That was smooth."
"Yeah, I didn't know he had it in him," Jin agreed.
"Do you wanna know or not?" Hoseok whined, his face growing red. His romantic life was practically non-existent with his parents breathing down his neck all the time. He also couldn't date publically unless it was Eunji. So he chose to stay away from the dating scene until Jeoni.
"Yes, please continue." Jin waved his hand.
"Okay. So...She laughed and said she'd spill a drink on me every day if that meant I'd take her to dinner."
The men cracked up.
"That sounds like her," Jin laughed. "So did you take her to dinner?"
"No. Not really. She dragged me to this pricey shop, got me a new shirt and a jacket first. When I came out after changing she thanked me for not yelling at her for ruining my Saint Laurent shirt. Then with a perfectly straight face, she told me that my offer was enticing but something had come up. I asked for her number but she told me she doesn't give her number to strangers and if we are meant to be, we will meet again."
"And you met again," Jungkook supplied.
"Literally." Hoseok leaned forward, elbows resting on the table and his eyes twinkling. "We met at the same night again. I was going back to my hotel and she bumped into me. Guess what? This time it was an ice-cream."
Both Jin and Jungkook burst into laughter. Hoseok joined them.
"She offered to buy me a shirt again, but I just stared at her know how could you run into the same person twice in a matter of hours and both times you ruin their shirt? I told her I don't want a damn shirt but her number."
It didn't exactly go like that. She was hesitant but he was persistent.
"Is it your hobby to run into random men and ruin their shirts for fun?" He had asked with a slight irritation flaring in his voice because having a sticky ice cream soaking your skin was not fun. Not to mention this time it was all over his chest and he hated it.
Jeoni had stared at him with those wide eyes again. "I-I'm so sorry." She had looked around, teeth sinking into her plush bottom lip. ", ah, I got lost." She rocked on her heels as she looked up at him sheepishly. She was short and small compared to him, looking adorable with a small pout that reminded him of someone he knew. "And...uh, there was this guy who was following me and I didn't see where I was going."
Hoseok had looked behind her and sure a guy was looming behind. "I see him."
Jeoni gasped. "You do?"
Hoseok stopped her with firm hands on his shoulder before she turned and pulled her closer to him. "Play along," he murmured against her ear as he hugged her to his chest, inhaling her soft soapy scent mixed with that of a mild floral-scented perfume. Was it Roses? He closed his eyes burying his nose into her shoulder. She smelled so good.
"Pink roses..." He heard her say with a slight tremor in her voice. "D-Do you like them?"
"I love them," he voiced out before his brain could process what was even happening. "Let me buy you dinner, please..."
"Why should I let you?"
"Because I like you."
"Like me enough to hug me for no reason even when I'm a stranger to you."
"Something like that," Hoseok shot back without hesitating for a moment. "But I'm hugging you for a reason. He's gone now. Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi if you want." He pulled away to stare into her eyes. "I'm a businessman. Came here on a business trip, but now on a short break."
"Is that how you hook up with women?" She had an eyebrow quirked as she stared at him incredulously. "Does this shit even work?"
Hoseok laughed out loud. For a man, who was used to women pining over him, this one was different. It was no secret the woman in front of him liked him. He saw it in her eyes, but she wasn't giving in. There was so much caution and doubt.
"I don't go after every woman I meet, Miss...?" He tilted his head to the side.
"Je—" She slapped a hand over her mouth, eyes going wide. "Oh, shit. I can't...I shouldn't. Minnie will kill me if he found out."
"Minnie?" His smile had fallen at the mention of another man's name. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He took several steps back seeing as the other man had already left. "I'm sorry, Miss." He bowed, ready to pivot on his heel. He had to control his urge to laugh. After all these years, he found one woman who grabbed his attention and he had taken the leap without even considering the consequences but it had to come to this. It shouldn't disappoint him this much, but it did. He turned away with a tight smile and a curt nod.
"Jeoni!" she yelled, making him halt in his tracks and causing his heart to thunder against his ribs. "You can call me Jeoni," her voice was soft again. "And...ah, I don't have a boyfriend. Minnie is my best like a big brother. He's just...protective?"
Hoseok spun on his heel and was rewarded with a cute pink blush that was staining her cheeks. Jeoni. Her name was Jeoni. "Nice to meet you, Jeoni." He extended his hand, trying to stomp down the hormones that were going haywire inside him. The moment her small hand slipped into his large ones, he was overcome by an emotion so strong that he didn't want to let go. "So, will you go on a dinner with me?"
She gently pulled her hand away, rocking on her heels again. "I really shouldn't." She looked around nervously. "I-I can't be seen with you."
Hoseok had frowned at that. "It's just dinner, but it's fine if you don't want to." His shoulders slumped with defeat. At least he got her name. "I'll let you be. I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience."
He was ready to bid goodbye with a heavy heart. As much as it hurt him, it didn't feel right to persuade a woman who was refusing for personal reasons. He could see the fight in her eyes and could tell she wanted to go, but he didn't want to make it harder for her.
"It's okay, Jeoni. You don't have to feel bad. Have a safe night." He bowed again.
This time she stopped him with a grip on his sleeve, hesitant eyes looking up to him with a tilted head. "C-Can we eat there?" He turned his head to look where she was pointing at some street vendors.
A blinding smile brightened his face. He knew that must have affected her because her beautiful eyes widened with a sharp intake of her breath. Hoseok knew his smile was his strength. His hyung and dongsaeng always told him that he had the best smile and he should smile often. But he rarely smiled in public. Not that he had any reason to smile in public at first.
"Your wish is my command, Princess Jeoni!" He bowed dramatically and laughed when he saw the shock on her face.
"Why would you call me that?" Her voice was a squeak and her expression was opposite to what he had expected. She looked alarmed.
"You don't like it?" he asked, panic set in. Didn't woman like it when they were called princesses? He blinked.
She blinked several times, shaking her head. "Please don't call me that."
There were so many questions he wanted to ask when he saw the seriousness in her face. "Okay. I won't. Shall we grab something to eat then?"
She worried her bottom lip again, a frown tugging at the corner of her lips. "I have a condition," she said after a moment. "I-I' for a reason. It's my...get away from everything. To you, I'll be only Jeoni. You won't ask me anything I'm not willing to share. Likewise, you'll only be Hobi to me. I won't ask you for anything more. We can eat if you agree, else I'll have to say goodbye now."
Hoseok stared at her for a long moment. What did that mean? She didn't want more than a fling? Was this a one-time thing? But the longer he looked at her, he found himself agreeing to her every whim. He was a stranger to her. It made sense she would want to be cautious. He scolded himself and offered a smile again.
"Sounds good to me."
At this point, he was willing to take anything she would offer. No one had made him curious enough to pursue them before. Hoseok didn't know how to describe it. But it was the same itchy feeling he got right before he pursued a potential business opportunity. Only now, it was personal and involved his heart. But what's life if it didn't involve some risk. If one thing, he learned in his life, it was to be never afraid to take that leap. It was okay if he failed, at least he would know that he tried. It was better than living with regrets of what-ifs.
She had visibly relaxed. "Thanks."
"Wow..." Jungkook swooned when he recalled the incident.
"Sounds reasonable. Jimin is a force to reckon with," Seokjin agreed. " question is how did you get her to marry you in a week?" Jin cackled. "You hate when something happens to your precious clothes. But you let her off the hook twice just like that? That's whipped culture."
"I was just fortunate," Hoseok replied.
"Did she give you her number?" Jungkook asked him.
"Nope." Hoseok shook his head. "She left me once again after our dinner at one of the street vendors."
"I'll give you my number if we meet again."
Hoseok shook his head. "At least let's meet here," he jerked his head toward the shop. "Tomorrow, same time."
Jeoni shook her head. "I don't know if I can come." She looked down at her feet. "I don't want to give you hope."
He almost snorted at her words, but his breath hitched when she stood on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you for the dinner, Hobi." She proceeded to hug him. "I don't like to take any decision when I'm confused," she mumbled into his chest, slender hands wrapped around his neck. He couldn't help but marvel at how she fit so perfectly with him. "And you confuse me so much. So, I'm gonna sleep over this and let fate deal with the rest." She stepped out of his arms much to his dismay. "If we are meant to be, we will meet again." There was a small smile playing on her lips. "And if we meet again, you can have my number."
"What if—"
"I'll be here till the end of this week," she cut him off, backing away from him. "Good night, Hobi." She turned away only to pause and look over her shoulder. "Just so you have the most beautiful smile in the entire universe."
Then she had disappeared into the crowd, from his vision, leaving him alone in the middle of the street with a heavy heart.
"What k-drama is this?" Jin exclaimed.
"Oh, my God!" Jungkook was inches away from his face, his doe-eyes wider. "When did you meet her again? And How?"
Hoseok's smile grew wide. Fates had worked in his favor. That night he thought he'd never meet her again and made a note to go that street every day at the same time and hoped she would come. The next morning he didn't have much planned. He had opened his door to go down for breakfast when he froze. Jeoni stood with a hand on the door just opposite his room.
"I met her next morning." He glanced at the men. "Turns out we both stayed at the same hotel, same floor and opposite rooms."
"Wow!" Jungkook whistled low, his eyes twinkling. "It's getting interesting. So you got her number."
Hoseok nodded. "We exchanged numbers and ended up spending the entire day together. Being with her was fun." His smile was warm. "She was like the breath of fresh air. She told me about her interest in photography and was pursuing it as a profession. We strolled through the streets aimlessly, talking about anything and everything. She didn't ask about me or what I do and I didn't ask about her. We were just a man and woman getting to know each other without any labels of family or social status."
A sigh drifted past his lips. To her he was just Hobi, a man with a beautiful smile and a good heart. Nothing more nothing less. To him she was just Jeoni, a woman who had a burning passion for photography and a keen eye for details. She was also much more than that. So different from the sophisticated women he was accustomed to.
Jeoni was clumsy, reckless and had a loud laugh that made heads turns. She ranted and complained about a lot of stuff, but she also didn't mull over it much. Like a butterfly, she was hopping from one thing to the other and soon it all became much more endearing to Hoseok. By the end of their third date and a kiss shared under moonlight, he'd realized he'd fallen deep for her to the point he couldn't think of any other woman.
"We hit the club on our fourth day, got drunk and I proposed to her with a ring I made out of a flower stem."
"She said yes?" Jungkook's eyes widened.
"Your hyung is irresistible. Of course, she said yes. Even suggested that we should get married immediately."
"You both were drunk?" Jin was laughing. "This couldn't get any better."
"It was one drunken mistake I'll never regret. Though I was drunk I remember everything." He did remember every single detail of their date.
"If you wanna marry me, then you have to do it now." She whispered against his ears, nibbling at his ear lobe and sucking the soft shell of his ear. They were drunk and all over each other on the dance floor after his out-of-the-blue proposal. She pulled back to cup his face. "Because once I go back, it's as good as done," she continued, her gaze glued to his lips.
"Why?" he asked. "Is it your family?" Desperation clawed at him as her words cleared the drunken haze. "I'll meet them. I'll convince them."
"It's not easy." She shook her head and he saw the tears forming. "We can't be together. No matter how much I want us to be."
"Why? If it's my social status you're worried about, Jeoni, you don't have to worry about it. I have my own business and I make enough for both of us. I'm sure I can convince your family."
Jeoni shook her head, her tears falling freely now. She tugged his arm, dragging him through the crowd and pushing him toward the exit. Darkness surrounded them as she latched on to his neck once more. "You don't understand," she said hurriedly. "It's not about money. Trust me. It's not just my family. There's more to that."
He cupped her face. "I know we don't talk about our family or work, but you really have nothing to worry about. I have more wealth than—"
"There are things I can't tell you now," she cut him off again, and this time much to his confusion she was crying. "I'll never be yours if you let me go now."
"Let's get married then. Right now if you want."
"B-But how?"
"This is Vegas, Baby." He had kissed her then and she responded with the same fervor. "But we are drunk. So let's marry tomorrow. I'll have everything ready for us by evening."
"O-Okay. Are you sure?" she asked.
"What if you change your mind?"
"Then I'll tell you."
"What if I regret this tomorrow?"
"Then you should tell me."
"Are we moving too fast?"
"Maybe?" He shrugged in the dark, seeing only the outline of her features in the glow of soft green emergency light. "But I've never felt this way for anyone else."
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything." He rested his forehead against hers.
"I have my reasons to rush the marriage, but what's your reason?"
Hoseok couldn't tell her then it was because he had a fiancé-to-be back home. That his parents had almost finalized the alliance with Eunji's parents. It wasn't cheating since he never acknowledged the talk or gave his consent. "I can't tell you now, but it's nothing that'll affect you or our relationship. It's just my family."
"Okay." She didn't push for more. "Let's get married then."
"We got married the next day and it was the best day of my life. When I woke up the next morning, she was gone." He looked down at his forgotten food.
The wedding was nothing fancy. Jeoni had worn a white mini dress she found in her bag. He wore his black suit with a white shirt. She carried the flowers he bought on their way to the chapel. The wedding itself was over in less than ten minutes.
The night that followed was full of tingling laughter and rustle of sheets. The only best night in his entire life. She was a wet dream and he was elated to find out they were each other's first. It had been a great decision to wait. He had several other reasons to wait, but he never felt happier about it before.
The happiness, however, didn't last long. He woke up alone in his hotel room, naked under the sheets with not so much as a note from her. He had panicked. Went to her room only to be told that she had vacated that morning. Hoseok had felt so many emotions course through him then. He didn't know if he should felt betrayed or worry for her wondering if her family had something to do with her disappearance.
"Did she say anything?" he asked the guy at the reception.
"No, sir. She had sent someone else to retrieve her luggage." He sifted through his computer and then offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, sir. That's all I can offer you now."
Hoseok nodded with defeat. She was truly gone. What happened? She could have at least told him that she has to leave. Was he not worth a goodbye?
He'd tried to call her, only to realize her phone was turned off. He had slept in late that morning and his secretary had called him to tell him that he should leave immediately if he didn't want to miss his flight. Hoseok left a note for her in his room, hoping she'd come back. He even extended the booking for one more day before leaving.
"I'm sure it was a misunderstanding," Jungkook offered, squeezing his hand gently. "She loves you so much. I can still see it in her eyes whenever she talks about you."
Hoseok shrugged. "I don't know. Someone stole my phone at the airport. You all know what happened after."
It wasn't like he never tried to contact her. He did. He truly did. Only he never got anywhere near her. Hoseok tried everything he could only to be met with steeled walls. Not even his family's influence could break through it. All her warnings had flooded his mind then. He believed it had something to do with her family.
Then he also had this thought that kept him wondering if she purposefully avoided him. And so he had held onto their marriage with a drop of hope. As long as they were legally bound, she wouldn't be able to move on. She had to come to him at some point in time. So he waited.
He had lost her number along with his phone. It felt like a dead end sometimes. Unexpectedly, as the fates would have it again, she was close to him again. In the same city as him. Heck. His dongsaeng met her every day and he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to meet her right then and there. But he waited. She could have easily taken that step toward him. She left him after all, didn't she? She left without a word.
Again it didn't make sense to Hoseok that she never hid her rings. If her family knew already, why hadn't she contacted him yet? With a sigh, he grabbed the water, sipping it.
He would give her space for the time being. She knew he was here. A part of him hoped she'd come to meet him first, apologize for leaving him. Another part of him wanted to drive right away to her apartment and demand answers. He was torn. But when he looked up to see the two most important people in his life, he knew he should wait. He will meet her at Seoul Fashion Week.
His phone vibrated as if on cue. He pulled his phone out to check the text from an unknown number.
Unknown number: Hello, brother-in-law, this is Aera.
Hoseok: Hi? How did you get my number?
He didn't remember giving it to her. She was the one who gave her business card to him.
Aera: I have my way, bubs. Anyway, I thought you deserved something for making my sister fall like that. Here you go.
[Image attached]
Nighty night.
P.S: She hates cleaning.
In the image was his wife, crouched on the floor with a furious pout behind a man whose shoulders were broad. He couldn't see his face since he has turned to the other side. But it was clear they were on cleaning duty. In the background, he saw Jimin laughing with a hand clutched over his stomach. An involuntary smile stretched his lips at the scene.
Hoseok: Thank you, sister-in-law. I appreciate this. I owe you.
Aera: I love when people owe me things. I'll reap when the time comes.
Btw... You're welcome J
Hoseok: Good night.
Aera: Good night.
Perhaps, things wouldn't be that bad this time. Somehow, he'd earned the favor of his sister-in-law and he was keen to use it to his advantage. But first, he needed to meet his wife.
What do you think? Should Jungkook give a benefit of doubt to Jae-Hwa?
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