Chapter 24

Taehyung smiled widely when he saw his phone flashing with a gummy smile that infiltrated the several layers of his chest and spread warmth to his entire being. He didn't know if it was possible to love someone so much. Yoongi was his world and they never missed this time they dubbed as "Taegi time."

Every day Yoongi would facetime him at the exact same time, no matter where in the world he was and Taehyung always made sure he was available to attend the call. There was a time when he was on the show, but still, Taehyung ran to his private room to take the call.

He thought communication was very important for a harmonious relationship. They've had several ups and downs with Yoongi struggling to admit his feelings for Taehyung and finally take that step, but once Yoongi committed there was no going back.

Taehyung had pined after the eldest for so long that he was ready to jump through fire hoops if that was what required for him to be with the man he loved. Thanks to Jeoni, it didn't come to that. Yoongi's baby sister had played the role of a perfect cupid, bringing them together forever. Fortunately, the only thing he had to do was to sacrifice his rights to claim Yoongi as his husband in the public. Not that Taehyung minded it. As long as he had a place in Yoongi's heart, it didn't matter.

Though their marriage was legal in the United States, Yoongi wasn't ready to come out to the world mostly because of their family status in South Korea. He wasn't an exhibitionist and didn't feel the necessity to flaunt their relationship. They were faithful to each other. Their friends and families knew. That was enough for Taehyung. It didn't bother him in the least that the world didn't know about them.

As an upcoming fashion designer, he had to deal with a fair deal of scandals, sometimes even with his best friends turned sister-in-laws. But that has never been a problem. He learned early that he could never stop the people from talking. The world loved to gossip and nothing he could do or say would solve that. So he had grown a thick skin and took everything with a grain of salt. As long as they didn't throw dirt on his work, he was fine.

Again, he'd come to accept his life for what it was and love the people dearly. They made every obstacle small and easy to pass.

"Thinking about the fight again?"

"Not really." Tae smiled. "It wasn't even a fight, to begin with. You know how Jeoni is."

"So she soaked your shirt again."

Tae lifted a brow, laughing light-heartedly. "She did. This is all a bit too much for her, you know."

Yoongi nodded, flashing that gummy smile that always sent a rush of warmth inside his chest. "She will handle it. She always does. Now tell me about your day, my little sunshine."

"It was actually boring." Taehyung snuggled under his sheets, getting comfortable. "There were a few misunderstandings but you know we would never go to sleep without sorting it out. Then..." he trailed off. "Joonie and Aera might finally reconcile tonight. I swear, hyung, sometimes it's alarming what Jeoni can do. Aera was hissing and clawing at Joonie when he came to Seoul but now she's acting like a pliant kitty demanding scratches."

"I thought you'd know that better than anyone. We're married now, aren't we?"

"Not even my charm was enough to melt that cold heart of yours. I had to strike a deal with the devil to finally knock some sense into your head."

"You never gave up on me, on us. I'd say it's all you, Taehyungie. I'm sorry I pushed you away. I know I have told this several times, but I love you so much and there isn't a day that goes by without me thanking all my lucky stars for bringing you to me."

Heat flared in Taehyung's cheeks. He felt it sting and tingle. "Shush, hyung. You say that all the time."

"And I'll keep saying that for years to come. I love you so much that my heart hurts sometimes. You make me whole. Thank you for everything, Taehyung-ah. You keep our family together. You take care of them in ways they don't realize. Most of all, you make it up for me for not being there in person when they need me. I can't ask for a better partner than you."

Tae's eyes stung as an emotional lump formed in his throat. "What's got you so emotional today?"

"I just miss you so much," Yoongi's voice cracked. "I just wish you're here with me. It's...It's so hard today. I don't know why."

"Book my tickets," Tae said.


"Book my tickets, hyung. I'm coming to you."

"Taehyung-ah, the show—"

"They can handle it without me, hyung. I just have to be here a day before the show. We're already done with rehearsals and this is not my first rodeo." He smiled fondly at Yoongi. "And I miss you too, hyung. I miss you so much. I know it's barely a month since we last saw each other, but I feel homesick."

A soft smile lifted the corner of Yoongi's mouth. "I think I'm homesick too. Yeah, right, that's the right word. And you're my home, Taehyung-ah."

Tae blushed. "I can't wait to see you again."

"Hold on." Yoongi fumbled with his phone before grabbing his laptop. The silence stretched for a few minutes. "Alright, it's done. I emailed your travel itinerary."

Taehyung checked his email, his smiled widening. Yoongi had booked the next flight to Paris. "Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Aren't you gonna pack?"

"You know I always have a packed suitcase ready," he wiggled his brows. This wasn't the first time they were doing this. "I was hoping to come to you after the show," he admitted. "So, I packed early. I just have to grab a passport and throw myself into a taxi in less than..." he trailed, looking for the time. "An hour."

Yoongi chuckled. "You keep reminding me why I love you so much."

"I love you, hyung. I'm going to get ready."

"Love you too, baby. Come soon."


Noona [11:00:02 PM]:

I have to confess.

Jungkook smiled at the text message he received from his sister while he was in the shower. It was in English. Now that he knew who she was, he changed her name in his contacts.

Jungkook [11:15:10 PM]:

What is it?

Jeoni noona [11:18:45 PM]:

Oh, hey.

So, actually...

The thing is I lied.

Well, I did not lie but I hid the truth.

My Korean is shit.

I can hold short conversations but that's it.

My reading and writing skills are really bad.

So I took my friend's help.

They were messing with you and we had a fight when I used Google translate to see what they said to you.

It was embarrassing.

Okay, so...what she meant to ask you was about your 'gag reels' and the auto-correct messed it up.

I'm extremely sorry.

Can we start over?

I promise not to hide anything ever again.

Jungkook read the messages with a smile. She followed his advice after all. His mind was oddly calm as he lay on his bed like every other night. For some reason, he didn't want to share this secret with Jin hyung. Even when he called earlier asking about his day, Jungkook hid the truth and acted normal. Jeoni aka Jeong-seon was his sister and he was going to protect her at any cost. Even if it was from his hyungs.

He didn't think Jin hyung will hate her, but he felt that it was too early and his hyung will be shocked. Moreover, Jin hyung was really close with Hobi hyung and they called themselves platonic soulmates. It would be a disaster if Jin hyung accidentally said anything to Hobi hyung.

Jungkook [11:26:05 PM]:

It's okay, noona.

I understand.

Don't worry about it.

Jeoni noona [11:27:02 PM]:



So, ah, good night J

Jungkook [11:27:15 PM]:

Good night, noona J

Jungkook put the phone aside with a smile and when he slept, he slept with the same smile on his face.


No one batted an eyelid when Aera marched into the kitchen looking like a demon out of hell with her morning hair, all frizzy, glasses perched on the tip of her nose, and night robes hanging loose.

"Just so you know, you're not allowed to have sex with Hobi." She pointed at Katy who was chewing sleepily.

Jimin sputtered his coffee and put his iPad away. Aera's face was red and she looked like a real devil minus the horns. Porshiya covered her mouth with a hand, cracking up. He expected something like this, but this was lit.

Katy looked up from her plate, brown eyes blinking repeatedly as she focused on Aera. "What? Did you just...ban me from having sex? With my husband?"

"That's right."

"Why would I listen to you?" She quirked her brow, challenging the eldest.

"Because you owe me and I'm calling in my favor." Aera planted her hands on her hips. "You won't sleep with him until he knows that you're a Min and accepts you for who you are. That's my condition and it comes to effect immediately."

"That's unfair!" Katy whined as Aera pivoted on her heel. "Babe!"

"I'm not talking to you for a week. This was just an announcement." She flipped her hair, exiting the kitchen.

"This is fucking war!" Katy growled under her breath.

"I warned you." Porshiya put another pancake on her plate. "I can't believe how easy it is to trap you in your own game."

Katy scowled at her, stabbing her pancake with a fork. "You can laugh until karma comes back to bite your ass. Don't forget I still own two cards to use against you."

"Yeah, whatever." Porshiya shrugged it off.

Katy fixed Jimin with a pointed glare next. Jimin shrugged, averting his gaze to his breakfast. His lips twitched so he ducked his head hoping to avoid her scrutinizing gaze. Namjoon entered the kitchen just in time and dropped on a chair.

"How was last night?" Porshiya asked first.

The answering shy smile on his face was worth it. "It was good." He cleared his throat. "Um...we made up."

"Just say you made love and get over it," Porshiya huffed, bringing him a plate of pancakes. "Here's your favorite. Now that you're together again don't ruin it."

"She put a sex ban on me because I helped you," Katy griped. "Mess this and not even the real devil can help you the next time."

"I won't," Namjoon promised. "And Jeoni, I'm sorry she took it out on you."

"She's just being a baby." Katy waved a hand in dismissal. "It was worth the risk and I wasn't planning to have sex with him anyway."

Jimin choked on his coffee for the second time. "Are you for real? I wish Tae was here to listen to you."

"I am." She frowned as she chewed thoughtfully. "He hasn't signed the postnup yet. And I don't even know how our meeting will turn out. I'm not going to complicate things by adding sex into the mix. Aera is right to put me on a ban."

Jimin nodded. "At least you're thinking straight now."

She scowled at him. "But you won't be thinking straight anymore when I'm done with you." She pointed her fork at him challengingly and he saw that devilish smile on her face again.

"Jeoni..." his voice rang in a warning.

She smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn ya."


"You don't even know what I'm planning."

"Whatever it is...don't."

Katy huffed. "When did I ever listen to any of you." She pushed the empty plate aside. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get ready for the day."

"I don't like this," Porshiya mumbled.

"You don't have to," Katy sang, disappearing into the room.

Jimin could only shake his head with a deep sigh.


Jungkook expected a storm when he approached the breakfast table the next morning. Fortunately, his father had already left or skipped breakfast for some reason. It was only his mother.

He greeted his mother with a bright smile before pulling a chair and sitting with them. They sat closer than usual now that his father wasn't there.

"You look happy today," his mother observed as Jungkook served himself.

"I am happy," he replied with the same smile, digging into his breakfast.

"Your father told me that you started photography again." His mother's voice was impassive. Again, it was nothing new. She often hid her emotions really well. Jungkook wished she didn't do that in front of him.

"He did?"

"Yeah. He wasn't happy about it," she confessed.

Jungkook shrugged. "It's a great opportunity and I love photography. Dad has no reason to be unhappy as long as it doesn't affect my work. So far, it hasn't."

"I don't care about that, Jungkookie," she said softly.

Jungkook stopped eating and glanced over at his mother. She rarely called him that these days. It brought him memories of his childhood when she still used to read him stories and play with him. When he grew up, she slowly began to drift apart. She loved him, he knew that, but she just became emotionally distant for some reason.


She pushed the plate aside and wiped her mouth with a napkin before dismissing the servants with a wave of her hand. "I know your father wouldn't be happy if he knew I'm telling you this, but I'm tired of pretending." She gave him a sad smile.

Jungkook looked stunned, his mouth agape. How long had he wished for his mother to be open and honest with her emotions. He couldn't believe she was finally opening up.

"This entire situation with your sister made me realize a few things." She sighed, her calm façade falling a little. "I'm not happy, Jungkookie. I haven't been happy for a while and I regret the decisions I made."

Jungkook felt like a lump growing in his throat.

"After we talked the other day, I did some thinking. You were right, she has always been a part of our lives. I don't like her and I was talking to my therapist the other day and I realized I don't even know her. That is unfair."

Jungkook's eyes widened. His mother visited a therapist? And he never knew.

His mother rested her hands on the table, a sad smile tilting her lips. "Not all my friends are bad you know," she said as if sensing his thoughts. "I've been depressed for quite some time and one of my friends suggested that I get some help. So, I started seeing this therapist. It's...It's helping me a lot." She cleared her throat. "So, ah, actually, what I wanted to say is...I was so young when I got married, but if there is one thing I never regretted it's becoming a mother." Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them away. "So, um...if you decide you want nothing to do with all this..." She waved a hand around them. "I'll understand and that's fine. I just...I just want you to be happy. That's all."

Jungkook rushed to her side, kneeling in front of her and pulling her into his embrace. "Mom..."

For the first time, her demeanor cracked and she let out a soft sob. "I'm sorry, son. I know I'm not the most supportive mother. But I love you."

"I love you too, mom." He rubbed her back. "I'm sorry too. I wish I were there for you more. I'm sorry for not understanding."

"You were always there for me, Jungkookie. You told me to speak but I never did. I'll try from now. I'll try to be more honest with you."

Jungkook nodded. "I'll always be here for you."

She sniffled. "I know." She rubbed his back and then patted. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. I guess it was just my way of coping. I didn't realize what I was doing until recently."

Jungkook's eyes stung with tears and he bit the inside of his cheeks to control his raging emotions. It hurt to see his mother cry. "It's okay. I'm glad you're getting help." He pulled away, cupping her face. "Don't push me away again. I still need you and I miss our time together."

She nodded tearfully. "I missed that too." She kissed his forehead. "I'm so proud of you, Jungkookie. I don't want you to follow in your father's footsteps. Don't repeat any of my mistakes. I could have saved us both from pain if I had left him sooner. But you know how it is. I have no place to go and I think I became more accustomed to this life to bring myself to move on."

"You can still be happy, mom. You can still move on."

"I don't know," she said. "I don't even know what I want anymore. I felt so lost, Jungkookie. I still feel lost. I'm trying to find myself though." She forced a smile and patted his cheek. "I'll get there on time. But don't let any of this stop you. I haven't seen you smile so brightly since your university days. It's so good to see your genuine smile again."

Jungkook nodded, gripping her hands in his. "I want you to be happy too, mom."

"I am." She sighed. "When I heard your falling complaining about you taking a photography gig this morning, I was happy. I know how much you love photography. I'm glad you're finally doing something you love. And that's enough for me."

"I've made new friends," he said, his smile returning. "You'll love them. They're nice people, mom."

"I'd love to meet them someday."

Their moment was broken when Jungkook's phone rang. He looked at her with a grimace. "Thanks for talking to me mom." He checked the time. "I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later."


When Jungkook jumped into his car that day, his heart felt light. He couldn't wait to talk to his hyungs. For years, he tried to talk to her and felt like hitting a wall. He couldn't help his smile. Finally, things were working out in his favor. He found who his secret Santa was and now his mother was slowly coming back to him. This was the best morning ever. With the same smile, he drove to his office.

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