Chapter 18
I'm still reeling from Jikook MMA performance. That was like a dream come true. Dreamy sigh.
"They kicked you out again?"
Namjoon lifted his head from his iPad to see Porshiya toeing off her shoes and putting them aside on the designated cabinet behind the door.
"You speak as if you haven't done it before," he joked light-heartedly.
Their sleepovers weren't new to him. First, when he met them it was just four of them. Then when Taehyung joined them, he fit right in like a missing puzzle piece, completing the quintuple. No one ever truly understood the dynamics of their relationship. But Namjoon knew. They were thicker than any sibling was or friends would ever be. He was grateful to be a part of their group.
Porshiya shrugged off her jacket, draping it on the armchair. "Why aren't you sleeping?"
"I woke early." He continued to scroll through the reports. "I thought you were staying at Jin's place."
"He had to leave early for a shoot. Coffee?"
"Yes, please."
His brows knitted as he read the report for the third time that morning. How did this happen? He didn't remember approving any tenders for this quarter. They had tackled two major construction projects and that was enough to keep them going for two years. And Min group didn't take small projects.
"Did Aera or Jeoni approve any tenders for this quarter?" he asked once Porshiya returned with their coffee—iced Americano for him and a caramel latter for herself. She also brought home-baked cookies, which he appreciated. It was his favorite combo to kick off the day.
"No." She plopped on the couch opposite him and kicked up her feet on the table. "They were discussing about slowing down a bit. Why?"
"Someone approved the tenders and we have more projects than we can handle."
"Mind if I take a look?"
He wordlessly pushed the iPad to her and grabbed his coffee. She scrolled through the reports, her brows pinched and lips twisted thoughtfully. "I'm sure they didn't approve anything new, not after Aera took over the office here and Jeoni is on a break. She hasn't signed anything as far as I know."
Namjoon rubbed his chin. He didn't think it was either of them. Though they both were the key shareholders, Yoongi was the only one directly involved with Min group operations. That was going to change with both of them taking over the group's Asian unit.
They ran on a tight schedule and Aera was packed with stuff related to Vinora before they left. As for Jeoni, she was the laziest of them all and would hardly lift a finger when it came to Min group, unless it was Aera who was making her lift it. He snickered at the thought. Photography was the only thing she rarely complained about. Jeoni would claim that differently and lecture about passion.
"I have to look into this further. Something is fishy."
"How bad is this?"
"We don't have enough resources to pull this off. It's a matter of our reputation."
"Did you speak to that guy?" Porshiya frowned. "What's his name? Lee something. Wasn't he the one handling tenders temporarily before the transition?"
"Yeah, he's on medical leave." That was what worried Namjoon the most.
A deep frown pulled at the corners of her mouth. "Did you talk to Aera about this?"
"Not yet. I just received the reports. I wouldn't have found out if I hadn't run into the client this evening. We were supposed to start the project two weeks ago, but the work hasn't started. Looks like he tried to get hold of Lee, but when he couldn't, he came to me."
"Get hold of that Lee. We will figure this out."
"Yeah." Namjoon couldn't help but worry because they have never faced such a situation before. The Min group had a stellar reputation among their clients, but this was something that would ruin it forever. A black mark. They have never defaulted before. This was the first time. Also, this was happening during the transition and it would make Aera look incompetent. Something he feared more than their reputation or the money that they have to invest.
Porshiya jumped to her feet. "Come on, buddy. We got this and you aren't alone." She patted his shoulder and gave him an assuring smile. "I'll go with you to the office today. Now get some rest before you drive Aera crazy with your mopping."
He nodded and watched thoughtfully as she slipped into his shared room with Aera to join the others. Rest was the last thing in his mind with Aera's reputation and credibility online. He had to speak to Yoongi. Namjoon did not doubt that he'd do anything to come out of this. He won't let her go through this alone.
With that thought, he checked the time and called Yoongi, who answered at the third ring. "Hyung..." he breathed in relief, already feeling light at the sound of his best friend's deep voice greeting him.
"Is everything alright?" His concerned voice filtered through the line. "Tell me they didn't stir up another scandal."
Namjoon blinked. "What?! No. It's more serious. We have a problem. Someone has been meddling with our operations here."
The quintuples—no matter how private their lives are—were no strangers to scandals. People who didn't understand the dynamics of their relationship often questioned their relationship with each other, especially with Taehyung and Jimin. And more often than not they were only happy to fuel the scandal as much as possible.
Though the Americans were used to their antics by now, this was Seoul. Their status here was different. The Min group was the most influential figure in the industry and played a major role in the country's economics. The royal tag attached to their name only increased the risk. The tabloids were all eyes and ears for any crumbs they had to offer, majorly because they knew very less about the heirs to the Min group. It was why the family had warned the quintuples to be mindful of their actions in the public and South Korea's conservative society.
They downplayed for most of the part though it wasn't that necessary. The scandals they brought forth was harmless and fun, guaranteeing a good laugh for many. The family did not mind it one bit, they just wanted to be careful with the whole coming out of the closet thing Yoongi had on mind. But this wasn't fun. It was more of a life and death situation. The more he thought about it the more anxious it made him.
"What is it?" All traces of sleep left Yoongi's voice and he heard the rustle of sheets in the background.
Namjoon quickly explained the situation as he paced the living room. Yoongi was far wise and would know how to handle this situation.
Yoongi was quiet for a moment. Namjoon could imagine him rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Do they know?"
"Porshiya knows. I'm yet to talk to others." It wasn't like he could keep it a secret. Aera would have sniffed it out of him anyway, especially now that they worked in the same office.
"Tell them."
"I will...but, hyung this is serious. I don't want them to be involved. They just took over and—"
He was cut off by Yoongi's laughter. "You underestimate them, Namjoon-ah."
"I don't." Namjoon sighed. "Aera is under a lot of stress lately. Jeoni isn't at the office and it shows. I'm doing my best but I'm not Jeoni. You know how it is between them."
"I know that and I also know why Jeoni did what she did."
It was to bring him and Aera closer, he knew that. Wasn't it why he made a deal with the devil? Jeoni always knew what she was doing.
"I just want to help her, hyung. I don't want to add more to her plate."
Yoongi sighed on the other end. "You know what your problem is? You're so used to handling everything alone. But the thing is you don't have to do this alone. Not anymore. You need to learn to share your responsibilities, Namjoon-ah. Why do you think I brought them in when I know you were enough to handle the Asian unit?"
Namjoon rubbed his temple. "I understand but—"
"Trust them, Namjoon-ah. You'll be even surprised."
Yoongi's confidence offered some sort of comfort. Namjoon knew the quintuple had a notorious reputation when it came to working. They were intelligent and known to take risks. Though Aera and Katy were the key shareholders, they weren't involved in the business until recently. It was too early for them and he didn't want them to feel pressured.
"Namjoon-ah, trust me. They'll know what to do," Yoongi insisted again.
"Okay, hyung."
"Good. Call me if you need anything."
With a sigh, he disconnected the call and dragged his feet to the guest room, hoping to catch some sleep that seemed too far. As expected, rest was the last thing on his mind. He ended up working again and two hours later, when he made it to the kitchen for breakfast they were already bickering. Or more like Katy was throwing tantrums over some files.
It was an everyday scene in the morning after they came to Seoul. Katy wasn't a morning person. Aera knew this and he would have thoughts she would work around this, but sadly morning was the only time she got hold of Katy because of their hectic schedules.
"My hands hurt..." Katy whined with an exaggerated pout.
"Just one more." Aera tried to convince her while holding the file in front of her.
"Why do make me sign hundreds of papers every day?"
"It's only twenty, Bubble."
"Each page requires at least five signatures that make it a hundred."
Aera sighed. "Come on, Bubble. Just do this and I won't disturb you for a week, okay?"
"No..." Katy whined. "I already signed three files this morning."
"No." She wrapped her hands around Aera's middle, sniffling. Aera slanted a glance at the others silently asking for help, but they shrugged nonchalantly knowing it wouldn't help. If Katy didn't wanna do something she wouldn't do it. And right now, she was throwing tantrum and this would never see the end of the day.
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheeks to stop the laughter. Because that was the last thing, he wanted to do. Four pairs of eyes turned to him as if sensing his presence and expecting him to say something.
"Why don't you love me anymore?" Katy complained. She was still in her nightwear, bare face, and bed hair.
"It's just one file."
"I don't wanna."
"You're being a baby."
"I am your baby." She sniffled again.
Are they tears in her eyes? Damn. She's getting better at this.
"Bubble..." Aera called exasperatedly.
"You know how to put my signature. Can't you sign it on my behalf or something?"
"That's called forgery."
"Not if you have my permission." She jutted her bottom lip, making her eyes rounder and bigger.
"Bubble, come on... It's just one file."
"Sweetheart, she just woke up. Shouldn't you feed her first?" Namjoon piped in knowing exactly how this was going to go. "Porshiya is coming to the office later today. So why don't you leave the file with her? She can get the signature and bring it with her."
Aera sighed. "Fine. But you're signing it today."
"I'll think about that." Katy released her and dug into her western breakfast.
"You tell me not to wake her in the morning and now you're doing the same," Tae chimed, his cheeks stuffed like a squirrel.
"I have an early morning meeting, Tae." Aera sighed. "Unlike you who drag her out just for the kick of it, I have an actual purpose."
Namjoon chuckled under his breath as he served himself a plate of bibimbap. As he glanced around the table, he couldn't help but wonder how different yet same they all were. Their food preferences were nothing alike. Aera was a vegetarian. The only meat Katy or Porshiya touched were chicken and mutton while Jimin and Taehyung were all out for Korean delicacies.
He pondered for a minute and decided to broach the subject. He trusted Yoongi's judgment and besides, he knew what the quintuples were capable of. As much as he wanted to wait, this was the only time he got to catch them all together in the same place.
"There's something I need to tell you," he began and sensed everyone stiffening at the table even before seeing them. Because Namjoon didn't just spring such stuff at them out of the blue. "Someone has been approving tenders without our knowledge. Our construction sector is in trouble."
"How deep?" Katy straightened, all traces of fun and bantering from earlier slipping off her face.
"Shit is about to hit the storm," he grimaced. "We are close to default for our first project."
"Explain." Aera's voice hardened as Katy dropped her fork to grab the file, signing the file with a hard expression.
Namjoon took a deep breath and explained the things he found out so far, including his conversation with Yoongi that morning.
"Projects that don't exceed one million dollars don't need approval from the top management. Lee Lu-Fang has authority to approve them," Katy mused. "We don't take more than two projects in a year. But there's no clear directive that stops him from snatching the tenders. We do take in a few short-term projects in between. We have subcontractors to pull this off. But I guess, all are now engaged in the new shopping mall construction in Daegu."
Namjoon lifted a brow, clearly amused at her observation. For someone who hasn't even been to the office for a day, she definitely knew more.
"Jeon and CCM are the ones who often take these short-term projects," Aera added. "Why would Lee take in so many projects when he clearly knows we don't have enough resources to deploy at these sites?"
"Heard there's a new player." Katy pushed the signed file toward Aera. "Chan Incorporated. Ring any bells?"
"That construction giant from China? I think I've heard something."
"They entered South Korea market a year ago, but lost the shopping mall contract to the Mins and the short-term airport expansion to the Jeons," Katy supplied.
"How?" Namjoon lifted a brow, his eyes widening. Even he wasn't aware of this information. Well, he had a team who monitored stuff like this and in his defense, he had other things to handle.
Aera smirked. "We have our ways and she's a good observer."
"I may not be in office. That doesn't mean I am unaware of what's going on." Katy grinned. "I know everything."
He inclined his head at her. "I see how it works. So, how do you plan to tackle this?" Namjoon was more intrigued than anything. Now that he knew they knew more than they let on, he realized he worried for nothing. They might be able to figure out a plan of action to solve this situation.
"I might have a few ideas." Katy flicked her gaze over to Jimin and then the others. "Give me a week or two."
Aera whipped her head to Katy, her eyes widening. "Bubble?"
"Are we thinking the same thing?"
Katy's lips stretched, forming that wicked smile, the one she had on her face before pulling something huge. "As always."
Aera cursed under her breath, a rare scene, but her grin mirrored Katy's. "You're fucking brilliant."
Katy shrugged. "I know. But you might want to look at the timeline for these projects and do damage control."
Namjoon nodded. "I'm already meeting this client and we will figure something. We have to move around a few things, but I think we can manage this."
Katy and Aera nodded. "You do that and leave this to us," she stated confidently and Namjoon could only wonder what went on their minds. From the look on the other's faces, they didn't have a clue either. But none of them were pushing it. So he decided he will wait for them to speak about it when the time comes. He could already see the wheels turning in both Katy and Aera's heads.
Katy finished her breakfast and stood. "Minnie, schedule an appointment with Jungkook for a call some time this week. Send one of your assistants to meet him after. We need to discuss a couple of things."
Namjoon noticed something flicker in Jimin's eyes. He shared a look with Taehyung.
"You changed your mind?" Tae asked. "Are you sure about this?"
Katy nibbled at her bottom lip with a shrug. "Maybe." She briefly met Aera's gaze. "I need to talk to Jungkook first not as Katy Min but as Jeong-seon."
Jimin nodded thoughtfully. "I'll see to that."
Namjoon once again looked quizzically at them. Katy hadn't uttered a word, but they all seem to understand something. There was a slight shift in the mood. They always did this weird shit and this was one of the times he felt so out of place and wanted to know what the hell was going on.
"I feel left out. You all seem to know something I don't. Can you at least give me a hint?" he asked, flicking his gaze at each of them.
Aera smirked again. "Well... Who's the main competitor of the Mins?"
"Who has enough resources to pull this off apart from the Mins?
"Ah, Jeons?"
"Who's Jeoni?"
Namjoon stared at her, his mind working faster. "Fuck! That's..."
"Incredible. I know," Aera finished it for him. "Now you get it, my dear husband. I feel like the fate is working in our favor."
"She's going to push him to collaborate with us, doesn't she? But what about her relationship with Jungkook?"
Aera only smiled in response. "She will do what she has to do. This is a priority. Jeoni is and will always be a Min first." She reached to pat his hand in assurance. "Trust us, Joonie. She knows what she's doing."
Namjoon nodded feeling almost relieved. Again, he couldn't help but wonder how this would affect everything. Katy was treading on thin ice. It was risky. This could ruin everything she worked on so far. Even if she was able to convince Jungkook, his father Jungwoo will never agree to something like this.
"Is there no other way around this?" he asked, hoping they could find something else. "Jungwoo will never let Jungkook agree to this arrangement."
Katy silently grabbed the empty plates, carrying them to the sink. "According to my sources, the Chans were buying smaller firms and partnering with the others all over the country. I did my research and they have a notorious reputation in China for trying to monopolize the industry."
"The Jeons despise us." Aera shared a meaningful look with the others. "Jungwoo would rather partner with Chan than working with us."
"So, you're going to use your inheritance as a trump card?" Namjoon asked.
Katy shrugged. "I want to talk to Jungkook first." She sighed. "He seems different. I'm sure he will see the reason. If not, I'll be left with no choice. Now that it has come to this, I'll do anything to bring us out of this situation."
Namjoon clenched his jaw. The situation was complicated as hell. It wasn't just her relationship with Jungkook that will be affected. With Jung Hoseok in the picture, everything could go to hell.
"I know what I have to do," Katy said. "I won't reveal my identity before I get Hoseok to sign the postnup. It's the only risk I see at this time. He still loves me. I trust him, but I'm afraid he won't feel the same once he knows who I am." Her gaze was determined. "That's why I said I need time. I don't want to complicate a situation than it already is."
"What about Jungkook?" Taehyung asked. "I thought you were making progress with him."
Katy shrugged again. "I'll be fine, TaeTae." Her voice was sad but still determined. "I just have to be careful."
"It's alright, book. I know you can do this," Porshiya who was a silent spectator all this time added. "Just be yourself and do what you think is right. You know you're not alone in this."
"I know." Katy smiled. "Jungwoo had a proposition for me. I'll hear him out," she said after a moment. "I'm still not interested in the inheritance. But I'll demand this in return for whatever he has to offer. If he doesn't agree, I'll do what I have to do. That's why I have to speak to Jungkook first. I need to know what's his stand in this entire situation. I have to know..." she trailed off. "I have to know what he thinks of me."
Namjoon nodded in understanding. "I'll buy you time. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." He decided to trust her like he always did. Yoongi was right. He didn't have to do anything alone. They were in this together.
Aera reached out squeezing his hand as if sensing his line of thoughts. "We got this," she said softly, a warm smiling lighting her elegant features, reminding him why he fell in love with this amazing woman. He felt a weight lift off his heart and nodded.
"I love you." He squeezed her hand back and admired the pink hues dusting her cheeks.
"Eat." Her lips twitched as she averted her gaze and retrieved her hand. However, Namjoon knew they were okay. That soft look in her eyes was enough. He will work hard to earn her trust again and he will work harder to keep it. And he believed, they will get through this.
Sorry for the delay in updating :) I took a short break from writing. The updates will be slow because I'm still on a hiatus because of a burn out.I'm taking it slow.I'll bounce back soon. I'm doing well health wise just burned out because of work.Happy reading!
Oh, I loved reading this fic by the way. It's on AO3.
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