Chapter - 12

When Jungkook was called in for a lunchtime meeting with his father, he knew it had something to do with the present situation. He wasn't wrong. Hoseok was already there when he arrived, looking like he'd be anywhere but here. Apart from Hoseok and his father's assistant, there were also a few people from their legal department.

"Come on in, Jungkook. We were waiting for you to start," his father said, his face an impassive mask, giving nothing away. "Mr. Wang, give us an overview of things so my son is aware of the situation."

Jungkook occupied the seat beside Hoseok. "What now?" he whispered.

Hoseok leaned, lowering his voice, "Your dad thought your sister will come running once he laid out his proposition. But she's continuously shooting down his advances. Her attorney responded earlier this week saying she isn't willing to meet us. Then he kicked our attorneys out of his office when they visited for the third time this week and even threatened that they'll go to court if we don't leave her alone."

Wow. Jungkook pursed his lips, holding in his chuckle. That was really something but not surprising.

Wang, their company attorney cleared his throat. "You're already aware of the situation regarding the will. We're trying to reach out to Ms. Jeon for the past week. We know she's in California and we found Mr. Park's son. He shot us down. He knows her whereabouts and is hiding it."

Jungkook shared a look with Hoseok.

"It's important that we speak to her and get her to sign the documents, therefore to ensure a smooth transition when you take over the company," Wang directed his words to Jungkook.

"Her attorney did say that she will sign the documents to ensure a smooth transition," Jay, Wang's assistant intervened. "But he won't let us meet her."

Wang sighed. "We're asking her to disclaim the inheritance. It's not just about letting go of her rights in the company. She owns fifty percent shares as per the will. But the main problem here is that..." he slanted a glance at Jungkook's father before continuing, "The media and the others are now aware of the will. Our PR team is having a hard time and we need Ms. Jeon to work with us."

"I don't understand," Jungkook said. "You're asking her to disclaim the inheritance?" That was atrocious.

"Ah, she doesn't know that part yet." Jay scratched the back of his neck. "We only told her about the company and requested a meeting. But yes, that was our main purpose. If she willingly disclaims the inheritance, it'll go to you since you're next in line."

"That was..." Jungkook frowned. He looked at his father, already knowing why they would do something like that.

"For a fair price, of course." Wang laughed. "Your father isn't heartless, Jungkook-ssi. We will compensate her financially for giving up her rights over the company and other assets."

"But the media and our competitors are trying to use this opportunity to their gain. They cannot know this. The PR team suggested that she attend the Jeon annual gala and a few other events so it appears to the public that there is no bad blood between her and your family," Jay continued.

Now Jungkook laughed. "Good luck with that."

"Jungkook..." His father's stern voice warned.

Jungkook shrugged and stood. "Leave me out of this, dad. This is your mess. I don't wish to be a part of it." He turned to Hoseok. "Hyung, we need to go over some stuff for the conference call scheduled at two." He checked his watch and glanced at the others. "Thanks, gentlemen."

"You handled that well," Hoseok said once they were out of the meeting room.

"Are they for real, hyung? They already shunned her away and now they want her to give up the inheritance, which is rightfully hers." He shook his head in disbelief. When his father first started looking for her, he believed it was to settle the issue.

They kept walking ignoring the glances they were receiving from the staff.

"I'm really surprised on your stand in this issue," Hoseok admitted as they entered the elevator. "I thought you'll be worried."

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not an asshole, hyung. I know what's right and what's wrong. He's punishing her for his mistake," he gritted through his clenched jaw. "She is here because he couldn't keep it in his pants. And he's a coward to accept the responsibility. Even after all these years, he's trying to hide her. She has my respect for not wanting to do anything with him."

Hoseok gripped his shoulder, giving it a squeeze with a proud smile. "Let's just focus on our work, hmm? I don't want to be a part of this either."

"Exactly my point." The elevator stopped in their desired floor and they walked out. "Mark my words, if she's anything like me, she'll destroy his pride and ego."

Hoseok chuckled. "I'm only worried about you."

"I'm good, hyung. I only think about a way to get away from him, but now this situation has given me something to think about."

"As in?"

"Well, I was too comfortable with what I had or still have. I never thought for once what my life would be if I'm not a Jeon. Now is a perfect opportunity to think all of that."

"You really have matured well, Jungkook." Hoseok grinned. "Just know that Jin hyung and I will support you in everything you do."

"I know, hyung. Come, let's eat something."

They halted as soon as they entered Jungkook's office. "Eunji?" Jungkook slanted a glance at Hoseok who was frowning beside him. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just came to see Hoseok Oppa." She smiled jumping to her feet and smoothing a hand down her pleated skirt. Her eyes twinkling as she fixed her glance at Hoseok. "I was wondering if we could go for lunch together."

Hoseok's features tightened. "No. I'm busy." He pushed his hands into the pockets of his dress pants as Jungkook stood there awkwardly.

"But dad said you were going for lunch."

Hoseok lifted a brow. "Why are you here, Eunji?"

Jungkook grimaced at the blatant show of disdain and Eunji's smile fell. "Why won't you go to eat with me? You're going to eat anyway." She notched her chin defiantly.

"You're not a kid anymore, Eunji. You can't just barge in like this and demand things."

"Oppa...It's just lunch."

"One I'm having with Jungkook alone and we're working."

"I'm not leaving."

Hoseok glared at her, his jaw clenching. "Eunji..." his voice rang out in warning. "This is not your home. Get the fuck out of my office before I throw you out."

" can' wouldn't do that," she gasped.

"I can and I will."

Jungkook glanced at his hyung in surprise. It was no secret he didn't like her advances and he had been pretty vocal about that, but the woman just won't take the hint. Their parents were friends and as children they've played together a few times.

"You must leave," Jungkook intervened. "And I'm not asking you this time." He opened the door for her and watched her jaws and fists clenching.

"Fine," she gave up after a minute. "But you owe me a dinner." She stomped out of the office and Hoseok's lips set on a thin line.

"I owe you nothing."

Jungkook put a hand on Hoseok's elbow, dragging him to the desk. "Come on, hyung. We have lot of work to do." Work was a good way to distract his hyung. For the rest of the day, Hoseok hadn't uttered a word and just kept the conversation minimal, speaking only when it was necessary.

Jungkook [3:30:05 PM]:

Eunji came to office today

Wanted to take Hobi hyung for lunch

Jin hyung [3:30:16 PM]:


How is he

Jungkook [3:31:00 PM]:


Jin hyung [3:32:08 PM]:

We need to find Jeoni

Jungkook [3:32:50 PM]:

I looked her up hyung

There's nothing

We need more info

Jin hyung [3:33:25 PM]:

Let's get him drunk this week

Maybe he will spill

Jungkook [3:34:35 PM]:

I'm not sure if that'll work

Jin hyung [3:35:00 PM]:

Leave that to hyung

Jungkook [3:35:06 PM]:

If you say so

Jungkook eyed Hoseok who was busy typing away on his phone. His eyes landed on the wedding ring that now occupied his left index finger. The youngest nibbled at his lip. His hyung would have removed it if he wasn't in love with his wife. It was proof that he still loved her and something was holding him back.

How do I help him?


Despite Jungkook's attempts to stay out of the issue, he still found himself amidst another deep conversation related to his estranged sister. They were once again at the breakfast table with the youngest trying his best to focus on food. His mother was fuming beside his father, which was in turn ignored as usual. He hated to see the legal team members at the table. So much for a family breakfast.

Jin and Hoseok sat to his left and right respectively, something he was thankful for as the conversation intensified. In short, they had no luck in finding Jeong-seon.

"Sir, all we know is that she adopted an American name. But our private investigators found something," Wang stated. "She grew up in the Park household. Mr. Park's son is now her attorney and they still live together."

"Then what's stopping you from reaching her?" Jungwoo barked.

Wang sighed. "It's not that easy." He glanced around the table. "All we know so far is that she made it big and has 24/7 security tailing her. We can't get anywhere near her without appointment and...she isn't giving us one."

"But she's coming to Seoul," Jay piped in with a smile. "According to our sources, Mr. Park booked tickets for himself and his friends. One of them is Ms. Jeon."

Jungkook slanted a glance at his hyungs.

"When is she coming?" Jungwoo perked in his seat, straightening with a glint in his eyes he only had when he was about to nail some high-value project.

"Next week, sir," Jay beamed. "A little birdie said she's gonna attend Seoul Fashion Week."

Jin whipped his head to Jungkook so fast that Jungkook that he heard a soft crack of his muscle.

"Seoul Fashion Week?" Jungwoo trailed off, his gaze automatically landing on Jin. "Aren't you walking on the show?"

"Ah..." Jin flicked his gaze to Hoseok and Jungkook. "Yes, uncle."

"So you can get us in."

"Um..." He laughed nervously. "I...ah..."

"We already have an invite, sir," Minseok added. "Heesung-ssi reserved two seats on our behalf. Hoseok-ssi is attending the show with Ms. Ahn."

It was now Hoseok's turn to glare at Lee as if he'd sprouted two heads. "What? I never accepted the invite." He narrowed his eyes at the assistant.

"Heesung-ssi cleared your schedule for the day and confirmed it Hoseok-ssi," Minseok explained with a professional smile.

Hoseok clenched his fist under the table and Jungkook put a hand on his thigh, patting once.

"Can't we get two more people in?" Jungwoo asked. "Jin?"

"Ah..." Jin blinked. "I...I'll talk to my agency, uncle."

"Good. That's settled then." He stood, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "It's affecting our share values and the investors are asking for an explanation."

Jin's shoulder slumped and lips pursed. He was regretting his decision to come over this morning, Jungkook could tell. Beside him, Hoseok jumped to his feet. "I can't do this," he gritted through his teeth before storming out.

Jin shared a meaningful look with Jungkook. "I don't like this." He pursed his lips, risking a glance toward his aunt, who had a stoic expression.

"Uncle Heesung won't push something like this if he isn't serious about Eunji," Jungkook grimaced. "This isn't good, hyung. Hobi hyung doesn't even like her."

"When did that ever mattered?" Jin hissed under his breath. "Marriages are nothing but a business alliance to them. Ahn family has a good reputation and you guys are doing business with them for decades. It only makes sense they want to cement the relationship with something like this."

"A merger..." Just like how they merged the Kim group with Jeon all those years ago. His mother's father was more than happy to merge his business with Jeon and solidify their relationship with their arranged marriage. "I hate this, hyung."

"That's why we need to find her soon," Jin whispered. "Listen, the only way to find her is to get more information from Hobi and that can happen only if he talks."

"We know he married in Vegas..." Jungkook lowered his voice. The others have already left except for his mother, but she can't hear them. "I reached out to my contact there. To see if we can, you know get hold of his marriage license or something. We don't the exact date of his wedding but I managed to figure it out the week."

"You did?" Jin's eyes widened. "Aww...I'm so proud of you."

"I might have gone through his card statements..." Jungkook grinned triumphantly. "He's my hyung. I can't let him settle with someone he doesn't love, can I?"

Jin wiped his imaginary tears. "I brought you up so well."

"Shh... hyung. It'll take some time and even it's a long stretch but we have to do something."


"So are you gonna talk to your agency?"

"Like hell I will," he scoffed. "You do realize I can bring in whoever I want? I just have to inform the agency and they'll get the passes."

"I know."

"So, are you coming? Hoseok is going. You should come too. Don't you want to see hyung in action?"

Jungkook chuckled. "I've seen you multiple times in action. Besides, I have an important meeting that day, hyung."

"Hmm...What about the after party?" He stopped Jungkook before he could respond. "I'm not taking no for an answer. It's been ages since you attended anything besides those boring corporate parties. You're coming and that's final."

Jungkook smiled knowing Jin wouldn't take no for an answer. "Okay, hyung."

"Good." Jin looked at his aunt, who was now focusing on their conversation. So he forced a smile. "I was telling Jungkookie that I won't get them into Seoul Fashion week."

His mother's shoulders relaxed visibly and a small smile curved her lips. "They'll find her one way or the other."

Jin shrugged. "I'm not helping them." He pushed the empty plate aside. "It's clear she doesn't want to do anything with us. I gotta go, auntie. I'll come over some other time."

His mother nodded. "See you soon, Seokjin. You're a good kid."

Jin smiled and Jungkook stood along with him. "I'll also get going, mom."

"Sure, son."

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