Third person's POV

As the six legendary worriors find their way to the digital world, an uneasy mysterious feeling had suddenly striked on to them once again

"What in the world- what is this? I've never felt this kind of thing before"

Said the worrior of flames,Takuya, while holding onto one of the poles of the train and cluting his hands onto his shirt and bending a little

"You can say that again, we've never felt like this before, atleast i think so, right?"

Asked the worrior of wind,Zoe, who was sitting down and put her hand against her stomach, which was unuasual feeling a little uneasy

"No, not even a bit, i guess this just means that the digi world is in a really big mess right and that we really need to be there as soon as possible and help them"

Answered the worrior of light, Kouji, who standing next to Takuya and handling the uneasiness better than the others

"Assumming if we really can help them, remember, right now we're powerless and have nothing, sure we can help them but our help won't be that much help"

Said the worrior of lightning, JP, who was clutching his fists to ease the pain that he felt like the others

"JP's right, what can we do? What if our D-tectors don't show up? What if a powerful digimon attacks us and we can't do anything about it?"

Questioned the youngest of the group, the worrior of ice, Tommy, who was filled with so many worried question in his head while facing his friends with a very worried expression plastered on his face

"Don't worry Tommy, i'm sure Omphanimon's going to help us along with Seraphimon and Cherubimon, so don't worry too much alright, you too you guys and girl"

Said the worrior of light, Kouchi, who had a reassuring smile plastered on his face to make the atmosphere of theirs lighten up and giving the others more confidence

"Yeah Kouchi's right, and we'll do everything in our power to help the digi world, and i'm sure we've gone through tougher times than this, i hope"

Reassured Takuya but mummbled as he was unssure aboit the last part

"I hope?"

Kouji, Kouchi, Zoe, Tommy and JP all said in chorus while sweatdropped and had worried faces looked at their so called leader


Takuya shouted at his five friends which was aslo heard by others else on the train, Takuya, who after shouted at his friends, realized what he did, and got a little embarrassed

While his friends, Zoe, Kouchi, Tommy and JP were trying on holding in their laughter, which Kouji just shrugged and looked out the window


minutes passed

Minutes passed and Takuya and his friends had finally arrived at their destination

"We should hurry, the earlier we get there, the more we can help"

Stated Zoe, who was now out of the train

"Yeah, but question is, is the way to the digi world the same as last time you got there?"

Questioned Kouchi, to his friends while they were walking

"Oh yeah, you weren't there when we first got to the digi world, weren't you Kouchi?"

Tommy said as he suddenly remembered that time when they got there

"Your right, this is the first that i'll be experiencing that elevator ride, speaking of that ride, how was that ride you guys?"

The others who were thinking back at their previous elevator ride when they first got to their way to digi world, suddenly had worried expression plastered on their faces

Kouchi, who noticed this asked

"What's wrong you guys? Did something bad happen that time?"

"Trust me Kouchi, you don't wanna know, atleast not now"

JP said but muttered the last part

"What do you mean 'atleast not now'?"


Said the rest of the gang while they were on their way to elevator

"Alright, the elevator's here, we better go, what's wrong you guys?"

Kouchi questioned the others who had worried faces

"Isn't there another way to go to the digi world without using that, i hate it whenever we use that"

Said Zoe who was averting her eyes from the elevator

"Yeah, we might get bruises this time around and it'll just hurt"

Complained Tommy, who was holding Takuya's jacket

"Look, we don't have any other choice, it's either we go through here or let digi world be ruled over by darkness"

Kouji stated as he got inside the elevator along with twin brother

"Yeah, Kouji's right, we just have to hold on to the bars as tight as we can and hope that nothing and no one will get hurt and we have faced more dangerous situations than this right?

Takuya said proudly as he, himself got in the elevator while pulling in Zoe, Tommy, and JP in side as well

While Zoe, Kouji, JP, Tommy and Kouchi were just staring at him wide-eye and saying nothing, until Tommy started

"When did Takuya get so mature?"

"I didn't expect those words coming out of his mouth, nope not even once"

Said JP while he shook his head left to right slowly, and still looked a little suprised

"Yeah, me too, didn't expect that as well, but i guess even Takuya can change as well"

Said Zoe, which after Kouji spoke

"Huh, so goggle head does have a brain in there somewhere i thought it got thrown away"

"What'd you say bandana head?!"

Takuya shouted at Kouji, who eventually shouted back

"I said 'your brain got thrown away' stupid!"

"Now, now Kouji, we don't want to turn this into a fight, now would we?"

Kouchi said to his twin while he butted in through their fight before it got worst

"Kouchi's right you two, and beside-

Zoe almost lectures the two when they heard a loud


"what was that?"

Asked Kouchi who faced his friends

"Oh no"

muttered Takuya and Kouji under their breathes and suddenly Takuya said

"Hold onto the bars, quick"

Everyone had held onto a bar already, as tightly as they could and then


They screamed as the elevator went down with incedible speed, and after a few seconds the elevator stopped and it's doors slid open and they all went outside and collapsed at the ground on all four

"What it really like that when you got here?"

Kouchi asked to his friends as he got up


They answered also standing up from their collapsed state a while ago

"Well, will you look at that, the legendary worriors haven't changed a bit"

A voice said that got the worriors attention and faced the direction where the mysterious voice came from, once they realized who and where it was, they called


They called together, as the train-like digimon took a glance at them

"Hey there buddy, how you doin'"

Takuya questioned the train-like digimon

"Yeah- don't call me buddy"

"I was just being cheery, hmph"

Takuya said as he looked the other way

"Oh be nice Takuya, hi there Worm, it's been a long time, hasn't it"

"It's nice to see you too little girl, now hurry up, Lady Omphanimon has quickly ask for prescence at once"

The train-like digimon, Worm said, with a little seriousness in his voice once he talked about Lady Omphanimon summonning them quickly

Once they got in, they immediately took their seats and Tommy asked

"Hey, Worm do you know why Lady Omphanimon called us again?"

"Well kid i think it's best if you let Lady Omphanimon explain that herself, so you can understand our situation better"

Worm answered Tommy, who was satisfied with his answer and just sat down kept quiet again

As Worm moved, a portal appeared in front of him and he went in, as they got in, they noticed that their surroundings had building that were upside down , and the background was mixed with dark colors and little of light colors and an erie, scary and dangerous aura was spreading through out the whole place

The worriors, who were confused why they went in the portal and why their background was a creepy aura, had asked

"Hey Worm, where are we? this isn't the way to the digi world, and why does it look like a monster's home"

JP asked while looking out the window

"Well for starters, this is now the new way to digi world, whether you like or not, second: it looks like a monster's home because IT IS a monster's home, the thing that lives here, is one of the same things that is causing a really big mess of digi world"

Worm said with a hint if sadness and anger in his tone of voice

"What kind of digimon would live here? It looks like a wreking ball was going crazy, not only that, it also feels like the aura around is gonna come at us anytime now"

Zoe said as she analize the surroundings

"Well that's the thing, those things aren't digimon"

The worriors were confused and were about to ask, when something had glowed in there pocket

When the the glowing stopped they realized that their phones were transformed into their d-tectors again, but unlike last time, their spirits were already in them

"Our d-tectors, their back, oh how i miss this and and digi evolution"

Tommy said excitedly while he held his d-tectors close to him

Then they noticed that they were already out of the portal, revieling a huge castle in front of them

"Lady Omphanimon's castle? i don't get, aren't you suppose to stop at the fire terminal?"

Asked Takuya while he and his friends got out of Worm

"Well since it was urgent, Lady Omphanimon had made a way to her castle instead of having you journey through allot again"

Worm answered, while e closed his tain doors

"Oh come on, we were here before, we know digi world like the back of our hand"

JP said confidently

"Well if that's what your saying, well gotta go back to the fire terminal, see ya' kids"

Worm said as backed away and back to the portal leaving Takuya and his friends in front of the huge castle

"Alright lets's go!"


they agreed and started to walk their way to Omphnimon's castle


"What was that?"

Kouji asked as he turned back to the tall tress in front of him

"Huh? Is something wrong Kouji?"

Kouchi asked his twin who was intently scanning the area

"No, it's nothing let's go, the others might leave us"

Kouji said as he shrugged off the sound earlier

"Alright then"

Said Kouchi, who was now following his brother and friends


Somewhere in the trees in front of Omphnimon's castle

"See what you two nit-wits did, he almost noticed us!" the mysterious boy named Hurricane scoled the two boys, Bolt and Blaze

"Hmph, Well he didn't and that's what matters" answered Blaze who was facing the other way clearly mad being scoled

"Yeah and besides even if he did notice us, it doesn't matter, we can just erase his memories remeber?" Suggested Bolt who was smiling at his idea

"Yes, well according to the data i got, that Kouji fellow is pretty sharp, so you two better be careful, cause if he wants to achieve something he's not willing to give up so easily" remarked Shadow who did not really like the so-called idea of Bolt

"Hmph, it was just a suggestion, meanie" muttered Bolt


"What was that?" questioned Shadow who had an angry aura around him after he smacked Bolt on the head with his fist

"Nothing!" Bolt, who was clearly scared and nervous, answered quickly

"Really you guys, we'll be easily discovered if you keep fighting, so stop it" Flurry had told the boys while she stood between them to stop their rambling

"Flurry's right, we'll easily be discovered if you keep that up, so you guys better stop and it's irritating me, and Shodow, your right, once again, about that Kouji guy, being sharp, we should keep an eye on him while we still haven't showed our ourselves yet, so no fighting or you'll get what's coming to you" Celestia said, with a warning tone saying 'not to push her to the edge', the others just nod quickly, while Flurry just sat next to her, calmly

"Let's go, i stll need more information on them, but just incase something comes up, i want Hurrican and Bolt on guard, Shadow, search the area if there are any new villages and stay guarded there, Flurry, Blaze you do the same as well, but please Blaze don't get carried away,again"

"Alright then, so i'm pressuming you'll be the one observing them"

Blaze said to the girl, Celestia, sitting at his right side

"Obviously, you'll just complain how idiotic that Kanbara kid is, and if we were lucky then you'd get caught through your loud complaints" Celestia said with a montone voice

"Well good luck then, bye go guys" Blaze said as he jumped from from one tree to another and disappearing from the others sight

As soon as Blaze was out of sight the others had went to their positions while Celestia teleported to the place where the worriors were discussing with Omphanimon, but invincible so no one would notice her prescence


Back to Takuya and his friends

As Takuya and his friends went through the halls of the castle, they had seen three digimons in front a huge door that looked very familiar, Takuya, who looked intently on who were the digimon, realized who they were and called out to them

"Bokomon, Neemon, Patamon!"

"Worriors! Your finally here, were glad to see you once again"

The white digimon, Bokomon, welcomed them back

"Hey- who are you again?"

The yellow-rabbit-like digimon, Neemon, questioned tilting his head at the side

The others just sweatdropped at the question of their yellow colored rabbit, wearing his red pants

"Their our friends, the legendary worriors remember?"

Patamon said for Neemon to remember

"Oooohhh..........i don't know?"

The others just sweatdropped again, but then Kouji asked

"It's nice to see you guys again but why does it look like you guys haven't aged, we've been gone for a year in our world, but here in the digi world, wouldn't that mean we've been gone for years"

Kouji stated who had a look for wanting answers

"Well yes, about tha-"

"Let them in Bokomon"

"Ofcourse Lady Omphanimon"

Bokomon instantly said as he opened the door, revieling, Omphanimon, Cherubimon and Seraphimon sitting in front of a large round table as they face the worriors

"Welcome back children"

Greeted the the three rulers as the worriors goes in the room

"As you've already noticed, the way you got here wasn't like the last time, the digimons haven't even aged a bit even though you all have been gone for a long time in our timeline, and the portal you went through like of a monster's home, you've noticed those things, right?"

Lady Omphanimon questioned the children, while they just nodded their head at her question

"Well those all concern the problems here, that's why we have called you here and a few others"

"A few others? You mean more kids are coming here to the digi world"

Asked Takuya who was a bit surprise of a new arrival

"Yes, but they have not yet come here, so for the mean time we will explain to you what happened, when the others have come, you may explain this to them, if that's alright"

"Don't worry Lady Omphanimon we'll do eveything to help out again"

Said Tommy in enthusiasm

"Thank you, well then here goes, a week after you all left the digi world all was peaceful until one day this weird looking aurora appeared, and it was spreading through all out of the digi world, no digimon knew what was happening, even we didn't know what was happening
The auroras was very weird looking, some of the auroras were colored red and black, the others, blue and white and the rest was grey and yellow"

Omphanimon said, while Cherubimon continued for her

"We thought that it meant nothing when suddenly the auroras started to form three figures, once the figure was completely visible, we didn't know what or who they were, until they spoke:

I am Palkia, pokemon ruler of space, and i will rule over this world and it will become mine

No you will not, i, Dialga, pokemon ruler of time, will be the one to rule over this world and all will bow down to me

I will prevent both of you from being rulers, for i will rule this world of insanity, i, Giritina, pokemon of antimatter will asure that"

Cherubimon finish for Seraphimon to take over

"But after that, they had begun fighting each other, we three, tried to stop and reason with them, but their powers were extra ordinarily powerful than ours, since we do not know who they are and were, we did not know how to fight against them

That's when we called an old friend, if he knew about these pokemon rulers, and indeed he did know, and it seems that these pokemons are creatures similar to us digimons though there are differrences as well, aside from those three

It seems that there are more of those pokemon creatures but some of them are not as bad they are, he has also said that these pokemons may be captured through these ball called poké-ball, and you may use them in battle, but that is all he knew"

Seraphimon said as he gave the so called poké-balls to the children, each one of them had six balls, as they got them, Omphanimon continued

"The three pokemon rulers then got along for the mean time and challenged us, to bring them our mightiest heroes and battle them, but the problem is, your journey will lead to many of their worriors pokemon for you to battle

We and you may not know when one or many of them will strike, so that is why i suggest you all must capture your own pokemons, pokemons who will fight beside you, and do not worry, when the three of them got here, many pokemon had also arrived here, some of them have already lived peacefully with us, some had just become distant and did not mind us digimon, they do not talk like us, but apparently we understand them, so you will take Bokomon, Neemon, and Patamon with you once again and here are what you humans called a small bag to put in your captured pokemons, inside there are more of those poké-balls, you will learn how those things work yourselves, so may get use to it"

Omphanimon said as she gestured Bokomon and Patamon to give them the childrens' bag

"That's allot to take in, but i guess i understand, i think?"

Tommy said as he got his white and green colored bag with the same symbol of his digimon evolution colored indigo

"I don't think i can proccess that so easily, it's making my tummy a little uncomfortable"

JP said as got his blue and yellow colored bag with his digimon symbol on it that had the color red

"Yeah, even i can't proccess that much in just one day, but i guess i'll get used to once we start"

Zoe said as she got her violet and pink colored bag with her digimon symbol colored yellow

"I think i might get a head ache from all that, he he he..."

Kouchi laughed nervouly then got his black and peach colored bag with his digimon symbol colored violet

"I think i get it, so i guess we aren't suppose to under estimate them, if we do then we might get pummuled"

Kouji stated as he got his indigo and grey colored bag with his digimon symbol colored green

"So basically, we need to get our own pokemon to defeat these pokemon rulers together with these new kids?"

Takuya clarrified to Lady Omphanimon which she nod as an answer of yes

"I still don't get it"

Everyone in the room including the digimons just sweatdropped

"But i'll try to understand it"

Takuya said as he got his red and orange colored bag with his digimon symbol colored blue

"So i guess were a team again, huh?"

Patamon asked as he, Bokomon and Neemon got near their human friends

"That's right, we're all off to another adventure"

Takuya stated rasing is fist up in the air excitedly


"What was that?"

Zoe asked as she felt a little startled

"That was a pokemon, and by the sound of that roar, i'm guessing it was a Salamence, they are mostly the pokemons that are attacking, children we must go hurry"

Lady Omphanimon said as she, Cherubimon and Seraphimon stood but failed

"Lady Omphanimon! You three must not go anywhere, you three must rest, since you all had allot of injuries in the last Salamence attack"

Bokomon said as he got near Lady Omphanimon while Patamon and Neemon with Cherubimon and Seraphimon

"Don't worry Lady Omphanimon, now that we're here, we'll take care of this, you three need to rest, just leave to us"

Takuya said with a determined smile and ran out of the castle with his friends and saw three dragon-like creatures, which they pressumed as the pokemons called Salamence

"Those are pokemon? they look like dragons, but the scary and terryfying type"

Tommy said as he backed away a little

"We can take him, let's do this!"

Takuya said as he and his friends brought out their d-tectors and together they said








As they had transformed back to their digimon selves, Agunimon was the first to attack followed by the others







Attacking and waiting was nothing to be considered together at this point, in their current mindset, they had to attack and defend quickly or many of their digimon friends were gonna be goners

"Guys we can't keep this up, we need help!"

"On it Takuya! Guys cover for me"

Just as Kumamon was about to go ask for help, she was hit by another Pokemon that looked nothing like a Salamence, some of them looked more like a dragon made from steel

While the rest were made from black, blue and red feather like skin, and it looked like it had no eyes


Kumamon then fell to the ground and turned back to her original human form, just as Takuya was about to go and protect the defeated girl, he too, then got shot, fell to ground and back to his human form and tried to get up

And just when the others were still trying to protect their injured friends, it had looked like all hope was lost and now all of them were on the ground in their human forms trying to get up and flight but miserably failed

(Sorry I ain't good in writing battle scenes like that, so I may skip allot of those in my up coming news chapters)

Each and everyone of them tried to get up but couldn't for they were to weak, and just when the opposing creatures were about to fire and attack, they had blocked by things or......... people that Takuya and his friend could barely see

"You people are useless, more so than I thought............POKEMON, EXECUTE SPIRIT EVOLUTION!"

After that familiar sentence, everything blacked out for Takuya and his friends


Okay so apparently, this is just chapter two and it's one heck of a long chapter I know, I didn't even think it would be this long for one chapter to be finished but hey at least I finished....... At least the second chapter hehehehehehehe

Yeah well at least now I'm trying to update this story more right? And I don't really care if it'll be an underrated story, as long as some people enjoy it, I enjoy it, it'll be alright

BTW the new characters will now be officially introduced in chapter three though you guys may have to wait long sorry in advance already

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