Chapter 3 : Rising Danger

Chapter 3 is here! >^> sorry for delay, I had it but it disappeared , I got mad, very mad. Anyway now that I got over it and stopped pouting it's here again! I down own Junjou Romantica! I own this fanfiction~ so anyway let the chapter start!

Misaki POV

I couldn't stand the sight of the elderly couple being forced to dance, I had to stop myself from crying out a whimper when the elderly man went limp in his lover's arms. She sank to her knees and shook him, she was crying desperately.

"Dear?... Dear, dear! Please answer me.. Don't leave me..."

She cried as she held her deceased loved one to her chest, I could feel tears start to stain my face as well. I tugged on Usagi's sleeve for comfort and looked up at him. His kind lavender eyes were filled with sadness but he didn't cry like me.

Usagi you're so strong.. I can't believe that man did that.. That couple was innocent and had noting wrong.

This isn't right at all.. This is just plain sick.


The leader yelled at them, I was appalled by his actions.

He's dead yet you still expect her to dance with him?!? Please.. Just let them go..

I had to bite my tongue to stop myself, I knew that it would be safer for me and her if everyone just obeyed. The lady looked at him in shock, my stomach churned when I realized that she wasn't going to continue dancing.

No... Please.. Don't.. Please dance, I don't want to see you die..

The leader seemed angered by her reaction, he began to walk towards her, I froze. I knew what was going to happen, I looked at the lady who was trembling as she held he loved one. I felt Usagi cover my eyes, I went to remove his hands but he stopped me.

"Misaki please you don't need to see what's going to happen, I don't want you hurt anymore. When I uncover your eyes, please look away"

Usagi whispered just barely loud enough for me to hear, I knew he didn't want to catch any attention so I nodded silently and turned my head away. I felt Usagi sigh and he uncovered my eyes, he still held me however.

I flinched as I heard screaming and shouting, I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself at whimpering at the screams.

I just want this all to be a dream.. Please, I don't want so many people to die..

I relaxed when the screaming died, hoping that the beating had ended, however my blood went cold when I heard a gurgling sound. I was terrified of what had happened, I forgot what Usagi had said and looked, I would have cried out if Usagi hadn't covered my mouth that I had uncovered beforehand. I felt like I was going to be sick, the sight of the dull lifeless eyes, the weird angles at how her body was twisted and the bubbling blood that was oozing from the lady's neck. She had been beaten to death. I felt so helpless, nobody could have saved her, if they tried that person would have been killed along with the lady.

I heard another crash and I whipped my head towards the source, I felt a rush of relief wash over me as a saw the police.

We're going to be okay! The First Lady who died is a hero... If only nobody could have died.

"Put your hands up! You're under arrest!"

The police called, I sneezed from the dust that the police had thrown into the air at their arrival. The leader looked at the police then at me and smiled. I felt Usagi grip me tightly, I looked at the leader in fear. He pointed his gun towards me, the police froze.

"Come here or I'll shoot you"

He smiled as he threatened me, I looked up at Usagi slowly, his lavender eyes were filled with despair. He nudged me towards the leader, I would have felt betrayed if we hadn't experienced what happened to those who disobeyed him. I nodded towards Usagi and walked slowly towards the leader cautiously. I was terrified but I knew if I didn't listen, I would die for sure. When I was an arms length away from him he pulled me towards him. I looked at Usagi with fear as the leader pulled a pocket knife up to my neck, I assumed he didn't want to waste bullets.

"Now if anyone moves, including the police. This boy will never see the light of day again"

I heard some of the police officers curse as they lowered their guns.

No... Because of me. People are going to get hurt..ignore me! Save everyone else!

I looked at Usagi, he looked like he was about to break. I couldn't stand seeing him so upset.

It's my fault, if only I hadn't sneezed and caught his attention this wouldn't be happening.

One of the police attempted to step closer to us and I felt a sharp pain in my neck, I could feel the small drizzle of my blood flowing down.

I'm scared... Usagi.... I'm sorry, I insisted on going shopping today and you're also still in danger.

The police need to be able to make their move...if so then...

I'm sorry Usagi...

I put my hands on the knife against my neck, I looked at Usagi and smiled, I could tell that tears were coming down my face. He looked at me in shock, as If not knowing what I was about to do. I pressed the knife against my neck and cut across it deeply, I didn't want to be the reason the police couldn't save everyone.


I heard Usagi yell as I slumped onto the ground, I must have shocked the leader because the last thing I heard before everything went black was the police fighting the supposed gang members.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to be the cause if everyone's danger. I don't want to die, I really don't.. Please save me when this is over Usagi..

I know my actions probably hurt you a lot..

Usagi POV

It was sickening as me and my poor Misaki watched the elderly couple being forced to dance. The man suddenly ceased moving and slumped into his wife's arms. I felt Misaki begone to tremble as we watched the lady sink to her knees and shook her husband, trying to keep him alive, I understood her tears. I would be acting the exact same way if that was me and Misaki in their place, I shivered.

"Dear?... Dear, dear! Please answer me.. Don't leave me..."

I couldn't stop myself from imagining Misaki like that, I felt like I was going to cry.

I noticed Misaki begin to cry as we watched her hold her loved one to her chest, I wanted to be able to hug my Misaki and tell him everything was okay. I knew I couldn't however, I felt Misaki tug at my sleeve, I looked down at his tear filled emerald eyes trying to figure out how to make him feel safe.

Misaki, it hurts to see you cry so sadly for others. You're so sensitive to their feelings..

I wish you weren't here right now..


The leader yelled at the lady, I couldn't believe his actions.

He's already dead... How could someone with even a shred of sanity expect her to dance with her dead love?!

I wanted to match over there and teach the man a lesson, the thing that stopped me was the thought of leaving my poor Misaki defenceless. I couldn't help myself from wanting her to obey that crazed man.

Obey! Just listed to him! Damn, it's the best choice you have if you want to live!

The leader had anger written all over his face from the way the lady was acting. I couldn't help but feel sick as he walked over to the trembling lady holding her loved one. I covered my Misaki's eyes, I knew what was going to happen and I didn't want him to see. He want to remove my hands but I stopped him.

"Misaki please you don't need to see what's going to happen, I don't want you hurt anymore. When I uncover your eyes, please look away"

I whispered so that I was only loud enough for my Misaki to hear me, I didn't want to catch attention and cause us to be noticed. I sighed when Misaki nodded silently and turned his head away, I then uncovered his eyes but I didn't let go of my Misaki. I felt him flinch as the lady began to scream as she was beaten to death by the leader, I couldn't bare to watch. I knew that if I didn't force Misaki to look away, he would have been frozen in shock. I noticed him cover his mouth as if forcing himself to stay quiet.

Misaki, please stay quiet, I don't want you to be targeted next. I can't believe this is happening.

I noticed Misaki relax slightly when the screaming had died, I was too slow to stop hi lam from turning his head to the sound of the lady gurgling on her blood. He froze and uncovered his mouth, fear filled me and I instantly covered his mouth with my own hands. I knew he would have screamed or cried out at the sight.

I heard a second crash, it was much like the first one and I spun my head around towards the sound. I felt relief envelop me as I saw that it was the police.

Thank god, now Misaki will be okay.. We can finally leave this murder area..I wish Misaki could have never experienced any of this.

"Put your hands up! You're under arrest!"

The police called, I heard Misaki sneeze and I felt fear grip me. The leader looked at the police then at Misaki.

Oh god NO!.... Please no..

I gripped him tightly, afraid of what was going to happen next, I felt Misaki look at the leader with fear, my blood ran cold as ice when he pointed the gun at Misaki, the police froze in their advance.

"Come here or I'll shoot you"

No no no no! This can't be happening! He's just a kid..

He was smiling cruelly, I looked at Misaki, I was filled with utter despair knowing that I had to make Misaki go. I didn't want him to die. I nudged him towards the leader, he nodded grimly at me and cautiously walked towards the leader, my heart felt like it was about to break. When my poor Misaki was close, the leader grabbed him and held a knife to his neck. My Misaki looked at me with fear radiating within his emerald eyes.

Misaki..... This can't be happening.. Please nobody move.. Nobody risk my Misaki's life.. Please.. Why couldn't we have just stayed home!?

"Now if anyone moves, including the police. This boy will never see the light of day again"

I was relieved when the police officers lowered their guns and cursed.

Thank god...

I felt like I could die any second, I couldn't bare watching my Misaki being in so much fear and danger.

Misaki I'll find a way to save you somehow, just hang on! I don't want to risk losing you ...

One of the police attempted to get closer to them, I felt like I wanted to murder that person. I gasped when the leader dug the knife slightly into Misaki's neck, the blood drizzled down slowly.


I felt so helpless, the one I loved more than anything in the works was about to die. I couldn't do a thing to save him but watch.

My eyes went wide as I watched Misaki grab the knife in his own hands.

What the hell are you doing?!..


He looked at me and smiled sadly, he was crying still. I could stop the shock from overtaking me, my Misaki pressed the knife against his neck and cut it deeply.

No no no! Misaki! You can't just kill yourself!

You can't just leave me alone.. I need you!


I cried out as my Misaki slumped to the floor, the police took advantage of the confusion and shot all of the enemies. I didn't care about that, all I cared about was my Misaki who was unconscious on the ground. I ran towards him and help be bleeding Misaki in my arms.

You idiot! How could you kill yourself.. Stop being so caring of others..

Me: chapter 3 is finished! Again...

Usagi: Misaki! How dare you make him do that!

Me: hehe a cliffy for fun~

Usagi: don't ignore me!

Me: hehe too bad Usagi you can't do anything~

Usagi: Misaki....

Me: hope you enjoyed the chapter~

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