Mitolohiya Series


Set in the modern era, the Mitolohiya series explores the enchanting adventures of seemingly normal students, each harboring a secret they are hesitant to reveal. They are all referred to as Demigods.

This is the tale where Philippine Mythology will pique your curiosity. It's not just a simple myth; rather, it's a story where Filipino half bloods discover the truth about the divine powers inherited from their parents. They intend to wield this power to safeguard all people from the lurking dangers around the world—a duty they take on as heroes.

The series comprises individual stories, each with its own conflicts and twists, crafted by different authors. The final story of the series, the last installment, will be our collaborative novel. Here, we will unite our main leads in one story for a final adventure.

In this ultimate installment, the characters embark on a journey to the realm of Philippine gods and goddesses to fulfill a prophecy and confront a villainous deity.

8 authors. 8 different characters. 8 different types of adventures that will enchant you in adventure that you haven't explored yet.

Mitolohiya Series List:

#1: Phantom of Vision
written by SiKertAko

#2:Death Curse Escapade
written by goddess_aba

#3: Crimson Nemesis
written by MissNerdyGirl20

#4: Moonlight Divine
written by horuswedjat

#5: Wings of Equilibrium
written by RonRaViolet

#6:Memories of Liberty
written by fleurdelishe

#7: The Progeny of Oblivion
written by HatingYouIsGreat

#8: Heaven's Devastating Devotion
written by MajCreations

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