Ellie's POV
"Ellie, I don't think us being together is a good idea," He said slowly.
"What?" I croaked out, forcing the lump in my throat away. After everything we've gone through, he didn't want to be with me anymore?
"Ellie you keep getting hurt, and my mother is dead!"
"I may have gotten hurt, but I had you there for me. You don't blame me for your mothers death, do you?"
"Of course I don't but. . ."
"You do," I said sadly.
"Ellie, I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all," Xander said, trying to hold my hand.
I yanked my hand out of his, and glared at him coldly. Was I really that much of a burden to him?
"Xander you're hurting me more by letting me go than by staying with me!" I yelled, angrily.
"Ellie, I just can't." He disappeared through my window.
I walked into my bathroom and slammed the door. The tears brimmed my eyes and were eventually beading down my face. The longer I sat there lost in my thoughts, the worse I felt. I shouldn't have yelled at him after his mother just died, but I didn't want to lose him either.
I sat on the toilet seat, and buried my head in my arms. I don't know how long I had been crying but when I came out of the bathroom Xander was long gone, and it was pitch black outside.
Changing into my Pjs I sat on my bed, wiping my tears away. I heard the door creak open, and I saw my mom staring at me anxiously.
"Boy troubles?" She asked walking over to the bed.
"Y-yeah," I said hiccuping.
"You know when I was younger I met a vampire. We fell in love, he left me heartbroken, but only when I met your father was I able to cope with everything. I soon fell in love again and. . . Well we had you, our beautiful little girl.
"You fell in love with a vampire!? What was his name?" I asked all too eagerly.
"It was a long time ago, but his name was Michael. Turns out he was a very terrible person. I'm glad I married your father, and I'm so glad you are our daughter."
What the actual fuck!?
I wanted to ask my mom another question, but she was already on her way out the door.
"Goodnight sweetie! And don't worry, everything will shape up."
Oh my god. My mom dated the psycho vampire trying to kill me!? What the fuck!?
I woke up drenched in sweat. My clock read only 3 A.M. I groaned and rolled over. A small chill creeped up my spine, as I realized the window lay slightly open. I swear if Xander had been in here I was gonna kill him.
He doesn't have the right to break up with me, and then constantly watch me after. Just the thought of it made me want to cry. I sat on my bed and made loud groaning sounds. Apparently my mom had been awake because she walked in.
"Ellie what are you groaning about? Is it Xander?" She asked me making a sorrowful face while standing in the doorway.
"Mom, I told you I don't want to talk about it." I said the tears coming to my eyes.
This was the eighteenth time this week she'd asked me.
"Aww sweetie I'm sorry. But you should express your feelings." My mom said walking over and putting her arm around me.
"I don't want to hear about it either," I said laying down, and stuffing my face in my pillow. Especially the fact that my mom dated Michael. I still could not get over that.
"Tell you what I will make your favorite for breakfast, okay?"
Mumbling a yes I rolled back over to sleep. I was happy that she was making me waffles, but waffles can't solve all of my problems.
Somehow my window opened again and I was getting annoyed. I closed it shivering at the constant flow off chilly morning air. Normally I would lay in bed for another ten minutes, but I decided to get up now since I would probably end up staying in bed all day.
I put on some dark jeans, a purple top, and put on my black converse. Grabbing my jacket I made my way into the aroma filled kitchen. A plate of steaming waffles and a note were placed on the table. Thank goodness she hadn't forgotten. I could really use these waffles right about now.
I grabbed a container of whip cream out of the fridge and poured it all over my waffles with a gallon of syrup. If anything could drain out my problems for a few minutes it was syrup.
Once I sat down I decided to read the note. It read, "Ellie I love you and I hope you have a good day! Try not to think about it too much." Well if anything I was gonna think about it more now. Gee thanks mom!
I finished my waffles and put the plate in the dishwasher. Making my way into the living room, I started packing my bag for school.
Taking my phone, I headed out the door. I wanted to get to school early so I could talk with the girls. I had already texted them about what happened but they wanted to meet me. Caroline was already there for before school hours, helping in the library.
Caroline and Skyler met me at the front doors. We walked to the library, and they just sort of stared at me. I would have thought Skyler would have said something by now, but she was oddly silent.
"Ellie, I'm really sorry," Was all they managed to get out before I broke down into tears.
Who knew I could get so emotional over a guy. Oh wait. . .I'm on my period. That just makes everything worse.
"But he was your guy," Caroline said looking me in the eye.
"Huh?" Skyler muttered utterly confused.
"Uh nothing," Caroline said still looking me in the eye.
They both pulled me into a group hug, and I started to feel slightly better. The bell rang and we had to walk to class. I sat down just as Vanessa walked in. She sat down in the seat next to me, and started talking with her friends. Yup, definitely planning something.
She turned to me, and made the biggest smirk she could muster. Great.
"So Ellie how are you and Xander doing? Oh wait–" She said laughing and snorting.
She thought she was so clever. I turned away from her and kept my emotions in. I would not show her I was sad. I would not give her the satisfaction of messing with me.
"No wonder he dumped you, he wouldn't want to be seen with someone as ugly as you," She said as a chorus of oohs erupted from her group of friends. Everyone was watching me now.
She continued to make comments on me, what I wear, how I act, how I look, and anything that could annoy me to my core. Anything that could make me feel worse about myself.
She continued to taunt me until Caroline walked over. Looking fed up she grabbed Vanessa's wrists and looked her in the eyes.
"Will you stop bothering Ellie for the love of God!" Caroline said clearly extremely annoyed with Vanessa's actions.
I watched Vanessa nod her head and turn to her friends. Caroline winked at me, and I couldn't help but smile. I was really happy that Caroline defended me, and risked using her powers in school. She was truly a good friend, even though she erased my memory that one time.
The school day was pretty glum, and Xander wasn't in class. I was a little relieved because we would be awkwardly staring at each other throughout class, and I would probably cry.
After school I walked home through the woods and for once it felt normal. I could hear the birds chirping as the wind blew slowly around me. It was starting to get warmer out.
As I made it home I walked inside to find both of my parents already home. They smiled at me and I smiled back. It wasn't a real smile but it would have to do.
I did all of my homework, since I had nothing else better to do and, decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. It was quiet. Not eerily quiet but peaceful. Almost too peaceful.
Without vampires my life seemed to move extremely slow. It was like watching paint dry. At least Xander brought something into that, even if it was danger, but now he was gone, and I felt extremely alone.
I headed home and decided to go to bed early since I hadn't been sleeping well lately. I tossed and turned but I couldn't fall asleep. Finally on the brink of salvation I drifted off only to be woken two hours later from another nightmare.
I swore I saw a figure looming in the corner of my room. Turning on the light, I noticed no one was there but my window was open, again. I shut it and this time locked it tight. I was done with having Xander watch me as I slept, if that was even him.
Crawling back in bed I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself not to cry.
"Good morning, sweetie." My dad said, adjusting his tie.
"Morning daddy. Do you have a meeting today?" I asked yawning.
"Yeah. I have to leave now though, don't want to be late. Bye sweetheart!"
I frowned, and my dad seemed to notice.
"I mean sweetie," He said with a nervous smile.
I sighed and went to pack my bag. Only three days until the weekend. I could make it three more days until I could just lay in bed all day. Or I could fake being sick and just stay home now, but I was determined not to let our breakup ruin my life. But the longer I thought about it, the more I wanted to cry again.
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