Chapter 32
"Enjoy your stay" FP muttered shoving Fangs in the cell. Fangs sighed before sitting on the lower bed picking at the sheets. His hand skimmed over the bed sheets but stopped as he felt an object under them. A book, maybe? He peeled back the covers to find a book. Looking at it he glanced at its cover before turning it to its back cover.
From the movie and book Every Day ⬇
the story of A, a person who wakes up occupying a different body each da
Day. ... The story begins with A waking up in the body of a teenage boy named Justin. Upon arriving to school, A meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon, and feels an instant connection to her.
With a shrug Fangs flipped the book open and sat back down on the bed. After what seemed like several hours Fangs sets the book down and smiles before placing the book under the bed. He rolls over and closes his eyes as sleep takes over.
*the next morning*
Fangs woke up stretching his limbs before letting them pop with the satisfying sound. He rubbed his eyes before a guard let him out of his cell and led him to the cafeteria.
Fangs followed the tall guard as they made their way to the crowded cafeteria. The guard followed behind Fangs as the shorter boy stood in line. "I can get food by myself you know" Fangs snapped at the taller guard. The taller guard shrugged and stayed put.
Fangs left the line for food and went back to his cell. The taller guard still on foot "just leave me alone! Since when is it a crime to not eat with people watching?" He grew mad. "You have visitors up front" the guard replied. Fangs pushed passed the taller guy and made his way towards the front. He seen Sweet Pea with Toni and Kevin.
"Guys? What are you doing here?" Fangs asked stepping closer to them. Sweet Pea handed Fangs a book "flip to the front page" he whispered. Fangs did as told and saw handwriting in the book.
'Kevin has his dad's ID he can get you out of here if he takes his dad's suit. As for Toni and I we have the money from Jason that we can use to get you out of here'
Fangs looked up to Sweet Pea "is it true that you have that money from him before he died?" Fangs whispered. Toni nodded and pulled a bag out of her jacket.
"We just give this to Mr. Keller and he can get you out" Toni replied. "I thought he was out of town?" Fangs asked. Kevin nodded "I'm the next Keller that could get you out. I got my dad's signature on paper so you should be released" Kevin whispered.
"Times up people" a guard shouted at Sweet Pea, Toni and Kevin. "Even if we have the money to bail him out?" Toni asked dangling a bag at the guard. "And what ID do you have?" He asked "my father signed a paper that shows you have to let Fangs go" Kevin replied.
"His gaurdian would have to sign it to get him out of here" the guard replied. "This is my family!" Fangs seethed "legally? By blood?" Questioned the security "no but family doesn't have to be by blood to make it real" Fangs argued.
"Unless Tom Keller is your legal gaurdian this means nothing" the security replied plainly. "He isn't my father. My family is either dying or they all left me at a young age" Fangs grew irritated.
"He's my kid" a female voice broke the silence Fangs, Sweet Pea, Toni, Kevin and the security turned to see Gladys. "Gladys?" Everyone asked confused. Jughead stood next to Fangs. "I called her, she'll be able to get you out" Jughead whispered. "You brought her here?" Fangs asked "yeah I guess" Jughead shrugged.
"I'd like to speak to FP" she demanded. The guard quickly nodded and ran to get FP. A few minutes later FP stood in front of the group. "Everyone?" He questioned "FP why would you arrest Fangs?" Gladys pressed.
"Gladys! I arrested him for killing a man and selling drugs" FP replied "did he have a reason?" She asked him. "He was protecting everyone by shooting the gargoyle king. Now that the gargoyle king is dead no harm will be done" Sweet Pea replied. Kevin nudged Sweet Pea "uh, Sweet Pea when you killed the gargoyle king it angered his group. Anyone can step up and take over now" Kevin replied.
"That's a thing?" Sweet Pea asked "that's legal?" Toni asked "yes it is a thing and it does happen to be legal" Kevin replied. "How do we stop it?" Toni asked looking at Kevin. "Usually everyone would fear being killed if the leader died. But in this case they want us to pay for the gargoyle king's death" Kevin replied.
"How do we make it end?" Sweet Pea asked "already on it" Jughead replied as he sent a text to Veronica.
J: Veronica, we need the thing that the gargoyle king group is depended on gone.
V: They can't live with out the fizzle rocks. The new prison is stocked with them, the one my dad bought.
J: How do we get them away from the drugs?
V: Jug, it's Betty I took Veronica's phone, when I was at Sisters Of Quiet Mercy they had drugged me, there was a room with a statue of the gargoyle king. People were afraid of it, they were dependant on what the gargoyle king would do next. I had dressed up as the Gryphon Queen and they had listened to me
J: Are you insisting that you dress up as the Gryphon Queen to make everyone follow you? How will that work?
V: Everyone uses the fizzle rocks like they are a candy. People have the fizzle rocks on them. They believe that the gargoyle king will be there. But what if instead the Gryphon Queen was there to get them out. It would give Veronica enough time to burn the place down.
J: Betty, that's genius but Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea, Kevin, Gladys and I are in the prison. How do I get them out?
V: Easy, let the guards take Fangs back to his cell, Fangs will cause an arguement that will have the guards distracted and everyone can run. Veronica and Reggie will then sneak in, take the fizzle rocks and burn the place down.
J: What about Fangs?
V: He will cause a fight between other prisoners, the guards should then come find the trouble and try to stop it. Fangs will grab the keys to all the cells and unlock them, releasing everyone. Once everyone is out, minus the guards Veronica will go find the fizzle rocks and bring them to Reggie who will burn them, when all the fizzle rocks are out, Veronica will set fire to the prison.
J: Okay, the plan is a go
"Take him away" Jughead seethed pushing Fangs away. Jughead winked at Fangs as if to tell him it was part of the plan. Fangs nodded before the guards took him away. Once Fangs was near his cell he started shouting at people.
"Your cellmate thinks you look gay" he shouted to the next cell. "He does, I told him I wasn't!" The prisoner shouted upset. "Hey, you with the red hair, there's a girl down in cell 116 trying to steal your boyfriend" Fangs lied.
"I am so going to kick his arse" she growled making her way towards cell 116. Shouting was heard very clearly from cell 116. "That boy from cell 112 says you were with another girl!" The girl from cell 113 shouted "and so what if I was, Mary?" Cell mate 116 shouted. "I don't get paid enough" a guard sighed before running to break up the fight. Fangs took his gray platter and struck the guard with it watching as he fell down.
Fangs snatched the keys and began unlocking the cells. "Come with me and you'll be free" he told all the prisoners as he unlocked the cells. Fangs ran towards his friends "I got them all" he replied. Sweet Pea nodded before leading everyone out of the prison. Toni asked one of the guards where the bathroom was before she grabbed a clipboard from behind her smashing it over the guards head. The guard fell to the floor. "Everyone go" Gladys shouted, Jughead stayed back with her to throw the fizzle rocks out. After the prison was clear of inmates and fizzle rocks Gladys looked at FP "come with us if you want but this place won't be here anymore" she replied. FP stayed in the building "I need to stay here" he replied.
"Do you not care about me Dad?" Jughead asked "do you not care what happens to me?" He asked hurt. "Jughead I do care" FP tried to reason "if you care about me, you will let this prison burn down" he replied "Jughead-" Jughead interrupted him "it's now or never" he replied. With a sigh FP left with the group.
"3, 2, 1!" Veronica shouted throwing the lit match in the building. Everyone had just made it out watching as the prison got engulfed in burning yellow and orange flames. "We did it!" Veronica cheered.
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