Lmao I was casually browsing through tumblr yesterday only to have Onebizarrekai go on a rant about how the ship name "Kréme" is shit :'D
WeLl I'm SoRrY kAi BuT fJhCzXuFdkJ--
❤️💜lmao and 15k💜❤️
---Killer's POV----
As soon as I saw them I booked it, spinning around on my heels and sprinting down the alleyway.
I ignored them, sprinting as fast as I could, twisting and turning round bends in the hopes to loose them. I could hear their footsteps pounding behind me, keeping pace.
"KILLER STOP RUNNING!!" A voice called, followed by the sound of footsteps running closer. "LET UE TALK TO YOU!!"
I risked a look over my shoulder as I ran, my eyes widening as I saw that Error and Dust were only a few meters behind. Full on sprinting.
A yell of frustration rang out behind me and before I could process what was happening something wrapped around my ankle tightly.
My foot was yanked back and I immediately tripped, yelping as the hard concrete ground came rushing towards me at full speed. I threw my hands out in front of myself in a pathetic attempt to protect my face as I smashed into the floor.
My body crumpled and I landed in a messy roll. It broke my fall a little, but my clothes were now ripped and my left arm and both palms had been ripped raw by the harsh floor.
The guys caught up with me and quickly surrounded me, staying at a distance as I gasped and panted for air, completely winded from my fall.
"You're...faster than I...remember." Dust said between pants, hunched over slightly.
I didn't respond, simply glaring at all of them coldly.
Error looked me up and down, keeping his strings wrapped tightly around my ankle in case I tried to make a run for it again. "My my...that's not the welcome back we were expecting Killer."
I hissed, looking down at my bloody palms. "I wasn't exactly expecting this either."
"Well we just wanted to talk." Error growled. "But you ran away! Why?"
"Because I know what you're going to ask and the answer is no! I'm not joining back into your gang and doing illegal shit again! That life is behind me!" I backed up slightly as the others surrounded me, looking slightly menacing.
"We didn't want to join again either Killer." Dust said, his voice dull. "But our kids are in serious danger..."
I snorted. "Well I don't have kids."
"So you're going to be selfish and let us fight this alone?!" Error hissed, gripping onto Ink's hand tightly as the small cop tried to calm his husband down.
"Yes! It's been fifteen years guys!"
"I don't care." Error growled. "We're taking you whether you want us to or not."
I hissed and thrashed as the strings around my ankle started dragging me towards them. "Stop!"
Suddenly I felt wind rushing past me and the strings went slack.
We all looked down in shock to see an arrow embedded into the floor, cut perfectly through the strings. It had an obsidian arrow head and dark wood, accompanied by some speckled feathers.
At the same time we all looked to the right to see none other than my mystery friend stood down the alleyway, holding a wooden bow that was pointed us.
He slowly stepped forwards, loading another arrow which he shot immediately at the others.
Error let out a yelp as it speared the ground an inch away from his foot and stumbled back, looking at the guy. "Who the fuck are you?!"
He didn't answer, simply walking closer. "Let him go."
I blinked, my eyes wide in surprise. He was defending me?
"Excuse me?" Error hissed before looking at me. "Killer who is this guy?!"
"I-I don't actually know!"
Another arrow speared into the ground next to Dust and he yelped, scrambling out of the way.
As soon as he did that a bigger gap in their ring around me formed and I took my chance, jumping to my feet before stumbling over to my mystery guy.
I skidded to a stop behind him, panting. "Th-Thanks..."
He glanced momentarily at me, his golden eyes scanning over my ripped and bloody hands before hissing softly. "I'll heal that later for you..."
I blinked. "Y-You can heal?"
He went to answer but only let out a yelp as strings suddenly wrapped around his waist. "Shit--"
They yanked him over to Error and he yelped, struggling and thrashing as Error held him up with his strings in the air.
I froze for a moment, but immediately started running over as Error brought him closer, his mismatched eyes scanning over to my friends shadowed face.
"Who are you?" Error hissed.
He stayed silent before spitting on Error. "Fuck off."
Error was triggered. He yanked the guys closer and gripped onto the top of his hood, making him panic slightly and struggle more. "I'll expose you right here, right now."
I skidded to a stop where my guy had dropped his bow and picked it up, looking over it quickly. This is one of the times where I'd wish I could still use magic.
Just as Error went to expose him I shot an arrow. It slammed into Error's wrist, making him screech and drop my guy. Now I'll be honest, I was aiming for his foot. But the wrist has the right effect anyway.
The guy stumbled back onto the floor and I quickly rushed to his side, pulling him up and behind me.
"Guys stop this!" I yelled, backing up slightly. "This isn't how I wanted our reunion to be!"
Error didn't answer, too busy cradling his broken wrist as Ink fussed over him, starting to heal it.
Dust looked me up and down warily before glancing at my friend behind me. "So uh...I'm guessing that's your boyfriend?"
I stiffened and shook my head rapidly, both me and the guy yelling "NO!" At the same time. I could tell I was blushing, and upon glancing at my friend, I could see a slight glow on his cheeks as well.
Dust raised an eyebrow before stepping forwards and holding a hand out to me, sighing. "Truce?"
I looked him up and down before breaking out in a grin and shaking his hand. "Truce."
Dust sighed in relief. "Thank god. I was scared you'd blast or stab me. Or maybe get your...friendboy...to help."
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I let go of his hand. "I won't be throwing any magic at any of you guys. Literally."
Dust raised an eyebrow but didn't question further, simply looking at me weirdly.
As Error stepped forwards I stepped back, gulping. "Uh, sorry?"
He glared at me before sighing, his face relaxing. "Whatever Killer. There's no point forcing you into this, you're still as stubborn as ever. But I need to know. Are you in or out?"
I looked down at my feet, going silent.
The thought of joining back up with the guys was a thrill that I'd love to go through again. But I don't know if I'm really up for those risks anymore. Having no magic has really made me conscious of everything that could kill or hurt me. Number one thing on that list; joining the gang again.
I let out a loud, heavy, exasperated, forced, harsh and long sigh before looking up at them. "...Fine..."
They all cheered and whooped, patting me like I was some dog or something.
I just rolled my eyes, glancing over at Ink.
He was staring at my guy, an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes were narrowed and his eye lights were off.
My guy looked away, pulling the hood further over his face as he glanced up at me, his expression cold.
"Come on." I whispered, petting him. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile."
He rolled his eyes, keeping his expression the same.
I sighed, looking away. "Never mind then."
"Right guys." Error said. "All we need now is Geno."
We all jolted as a voice rang out.
"What do you need me for?"
Mmmmmmmmmmmm killer prottec
Mmmmmmmmmmmm killer attac
Mmmmmmmmmmmm killer *insert word here*
Some aFtErDeAtH and shit tomorrow.
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