Slenderman x goddess! reader

3 person view
Y/n was walking in the forest like she always did. She was admiring the beauty of it. Sadly she could not touch a single living thing, for she is the queen of death. Anything she touched would die even people, any living thing, all but one thing she could create, which was a single black rose. She could create different kinds of roses. Her father is the god of death and her mother was the goddess of life. Sadly she is closer to her dad's magic side but she had her own personalitys. Deep down she was kind, caring, intelligent, and everything that is good just like her mother. And her sister was the happy and cheerful one. Thankfully she had her mother's magic and her personality. For she could create life and give life unlike Y/n. S/n (sister's name) was the daughter of the goddess of life and a simple mortal.   Y/n and S/n are half-sisters. S/n is the queen of life. Anywho back to the story. As Y/n was walking she could hear the beauty of the forest. She could hear the birds chirping, smell the fresh aroma, and see the majestic and beautiful life all around. As she was walking she felt as if she was being watched. She tried to find the being that was watching her but to no avail. She shrugged it off and continued the walk. She was on her way to her and her sister's castle. The feeling went away for a bit but came back, then she could sense where they were . They were hiding behind a big tree. She smirked and yelled, "Come out, come out where ever you are, I can sense where you are." As soon as she said that she turned her head toward wear the tree was. They came out of there hiding place and it was none other than the Mr. and Mrs. Slender a.k.a. Jason and Jessica. Y/n greeted them with a wave and said, "Hello again Mr. and Mrs. Slender, it has been quite a while hasn't it?" Mr. Slender/Jason replied, "Three days is not very long, Queen Y/n." "Feels like a eternity to me." They all smirked and Mrs. Slender/Jessica almost forgot to tell her about something. Jessica happily said, "We would like you to meet our sons'," they stepped aside to show her there sons'. Y/n was observing them.

Y/n's p.o.v.
As I was observing them I could tell that they were nervous at least all but one. He was wearing a formal suit with a red tie. Another was wearing a black leather trench coat with black heavy boots and a flora hat. The third one was wearing a yellowish-orange vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath. Last, but not least there was a man with a polka dot suit with a top hat. After I was done observing them I said and asked, "Hello fine gentlemen, my name is Queen Y/n but you shall call me Y/n. If you don't mind telling me what shall your names be?" The one with the polka dots on said in a cheerful tone, "Helloooo, my name is Splendorman but you can call me Slendy!!!" Grinny over there said, "The name's Offenderman but you can call me Offender." The one in the vest said, "Hello I am the one and only Trenderman but you can call me Trendey btw I love that dress it suits you so well."

The last one said in a formal tone, "My name is Slenderman but you shall call me Slender." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Are you ordering me to call you that?" "Maybe I am and maybe I'm not, the real question is what is your reaction to it, what are you going to do?" I smirked and replied, "You have some nerve to disrespect me, one thing I hate the most is disrespect. So I would suggest you don't do it again or there will be consequences or worse... Punishment." They all 'looked' at me shocked but he just, you can tell, smirked. I said, "Now how about we go to me and my sister's castle to have dinner, shall we?" Mr. Slender and Mrs. Slender nodded there head and told there sons' to follow. As we were walking I came across a hurt wolf I knelt down looked at where to wound was. I almost touched it but stopped myself. I thought on how I could save it and then I finally realized that I have healing magic. I came close to the wound and closed my eyes to concentrate on the animal being healed.

Slender's p.o.v.
I watch Y/n close her eyes. There was a green aura around her hands. The wound on the animal started to heal but before it did a bullet came out of the wolf and was put in Y/n's hand. Soon the wound was healed and Y/n opened her eyes. The wolf stood up and bowed to her Y/n got up and said, "Please don't bow I am nothing to bow for." The wolf started to change into a human but with a wolf tail and ears, it was a man.

Y/n's p.o.v.
When I saw him turn into a man I was abit shocked but at the same time I knew that it would happen one of these days, that I would meet a half ling. They are actually very common. The man said, "M'lady I am sorry but that cannot happen you saved my life now am your loyal servant and protector until the day you or I die. If you don't mind me asking are you the Queen of life's sister?" I grinned and replied, "I don't mind at all, yes I am her sister." "Thank you M'lady. The reason is, is because your sister wanted me and my pack to serve you until the day we die. But now that you saved me I will forever be in your det, whether she would have told me or not, I am yours." "Well thank you kind sir, for your good deed you and your pack can stay at the castle from now and on, you will be rewarded for this, you will get free meals, shelter, clothes if needed, and all for you and your packs loyalty. Thank you my kind sir. Now let's get going we don't want to be late for dinner. I'll teleport us there and also what is your name?" "My apologies M'lady, my name is Jason."

~after teleportation~

3rd person p.o.v.
Once they got to the castle they went into the throne room. Where they found S/n. S/n saw Splendorman and she jumped out of her throne and ran into Splendor's arms. He hugged her and she hugged tighter. Once they pulled apart they kissed. Y/n was not pleased, she was in f/c flames. Everyone took notice and backed away from her. Y/n got closer to them and then they finally noticed. Splendor put S/n down and protected her. He put her behind his back. S/n started to tremble because she has never seen her sister this mad before. Y/n got closer and closer and the room started to get very hot. When she reached them she said in a demonic voice, "You will pay for this, she is my sister, she only deserves the best." S/n realized that she could stop from going to far. She pushed Splendor aside and looked dead straight into her sister's eyes. She yelled, "HE IS THE BEST FOR ME! HE PROTECTS ME, HE LOVES ME, HE IS MINE AND I AM HIS, AND YOU CAN'T STOP THAT, THIS IS MY CHOICE NOT YOURS!!!" Once she yelled that Y/n started to calm down and when she did she apologized, "I'm sorry, it's just I want the best for you, you only deserve the best, and I just, I'm sorry..." S/n sighed and reassured her, "It's alright you are doing what you know what's best. Just be careful okay I don't want to lose you to." Y/n smiled and said, "I wish I could hug you right now." "Heh, me too. But for now we need to get to the dinning room cause I'm starving." Y/n laughed slightly and nodded her head. S/n yelled, "LET'S EAT!!!"

~after dinner~

S/n's p.o.v.
'Man I'mma stuffed, but it was soooooooo delish!' I giggled and stood up from my seat and excused myself. I went out on the balcony to get some fresh air. I stayed there looking at the stars for a couple of minutes until I heard someone come out. I assumed it was my sister so I said, "The stars look beautiful doesn't it, big S?" I heard a deep chuckle and before I could turn around I felt someone grab my waist and pull me to there chest. As soon as I hit there chest I knew how it was. My sweet Splendy. He replied, "Not as beautiful as you." He nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck. I giggled and turned around to face him. I cupped my hand on his face and lovingly said, "I'll love you for infinity and beyond plus 1." He smiled and nuzzled his face into my hand. He let go and he got down on one knee. I was shocked and I think I know what he was going to do.

Splendorman's p.o.v.
I was so nervous on what would happen but I was going to do it anyway. I knelt down on one knee and took out the box. I told her, "S/n, I have know you for the past 5 years and they have been the most best years of my life and nothing will change that, I know you might say no but I love you and I hope you know that, yes there are going to be the UPS and downs but that is what help us be stronger, will you do the honer of making me the best man of my life and... Marry me?" She looked shocked she hung her head low and my heart started to throb and I started to frown then she replied, "I'm sorry Splendy but I'm going to have to say... Yes." I looked down and replied, "Ohh I under- wait WHAT?!!!" I was shocked and I was over joyed and she yelled, "YES, YES, YES, A BILLION TIMES YES!!!" I opened my arms and she ran into them. She and I was crying and I said, "I thought you were going to say no!" She looked at me and smiled, "I would never." Then she kissed me I automatically kissed back, we shared a passionate kiss. We broke a part.

Slender's p.o.v.
I watched and started to clap for them as well as the others. But Y/n on the other end, she was jumping up and down yelling, "YEAHHHH AND THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT!!!" I smirked at her and then it turned into a smile. 'She's so cheerful, delicate, beautiful, and amazing... Wait WHAT I CAN'T BE THINKING LIKE THAT, WHAT JUST, NO!!! URRHHH WHAT IS SHE DOING TO ME I BARELY KNOW HER!!! URHHH, whatever...' I sighed.

Y/n's p.o.v.
Once I got done jumping up and down I turned my head to see the Slender family looking at Slender. I was confused but shrugged it off. I stepped in and said to them, "Now that, that has happened we need to get the wedding planned, so first, Trender you get the dress and suit made, it HAS TO BE PERFECT, k, k. AARON YOU GET THE WEDDING CAKE AND FOOD DONE, and Jason you and your pack will get the decorations done! Mr. And Mrs. Slender you will stay back and rela- no you two can make sure they stay away from the wedding stuff for now, it will be a surprise! Offender you will get the perfect flowers and help with decorations! SLENDER!!!... Your with me. OKAY EVERYONE GOT IT!!! GOOD, NOW GET TO WORK!!!" They all did a salute and yelled, "YES, MISS Y/N!" And everyone was off, but Mr. Jason, Mrs. Jessica, Splendor, S/n, and Slender. I summoned a clip board and said for Slender to come here, I told him, "Okay, this is what you need to do, 1. Make sure everyone's doing there job no slackers unless they need a break, 2. Make sure everything is getting done check on everything the list is right there, if you ever need a break give this to the other Jason and explain it to him, I'm going to get the invitations ready okay, okay. Mr. Jason and Mrs. Jessica you know what to do. Splendor, S/n no peeking and the only time you will go in the castle is to get the fitting, got it?!" They replied with a salute, "YES, MISS!" "Thank you. Now to work!" And with that I walked off.

S/n's p.o.v.
I watched she disappear into the shadows and Mrs. Slender said to Slender,"So, you think she's beautiful, hmm?" We all look at him. I was confused but listened. Mr. Slender said to his son, "Well son, I'm happy that you have a crush, it's sweet but be wise on what you choose, you might want her friendship first." Splendy cheerfully squealed, "AWEEE MY BIG BROTHER HAS A CRUSH, HE HAS A CHUSH A-" I put my hand over his mouth and shook my head no. "Don't tease him, it's not nice." "But it's funnnnnn." He whined. I replied, "Point taken. Come on let's go have a walk in the garden."

Slender's p.o.v.
I was very flustered at that moment. I 'looked' at my mother and father. I shook my head and walked off. I got started on my job. 'Wait, is she telling me what to do? Heh cliché, cliché.'

3rd person p.o.v.
As Slender was doing his job as well as the others, Y/n was in her office doing the invitations. She was doing the whole family, friends, and family friends. Once she got done with the family side she started to yawn. She looked at the clock and it said 9:58p.m. she said in her mind that it is time to go to bed that she will let the others go to sleep in there own rooms. She walked down the hall and stopped at the stairway. She cleared her throut and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for all of your hard work. But, now is the time to get some rest. Butler Xavier, show the wolf moon pack there room, maiden Opal you will show Mr. And Mrs. Slender there room together. Slender brothers I will show you y'all's separate rooms. Okay, now go on to bed." I watched as S/n ran up the stair case and stopped in front of me. She asked cheerfully, "Hey sis, can Splendy sleep with me?!" I sighed and reply, "Alright." "Ohh pret- wait what, are you serious?!" I nodded my head. "YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" I whispered, "Shush, your making to much noise!" She covered her mouth, smiled and nodded her head. She held Splendor's hand as they walk down the hall that the royalties stay in. I looked back at the boys and sighed, "Well, let's get y'all to bed." They all nodded there head. I started to walk down the royal hall and I put Trender in a fashionable room that has pictures of dresses and suits that will help him with his work. Next, I put Offender in a room that is a dark red room with a dark wooden frames and the floor was black wooden floor and a heart shaped bed with red silky sheets and covers. As me and Slender was walking down the hall I could tell that something was off. I waited until we got to his door. I asked him, "Hey, are you okay, seem abit off." I watched him snap back to reality. And he replied, "Actually, yeah there is something wrong. I'll tell you inside the room." As we walked into the room I sat down on the bed and Slender sat on the bed afterwards. He started to ask, "How do you know if you like someone and if they like you too?" I have to admit I was a bit surprised but I answered anyway. "Well the first sign is, you start getting butterfly stomach, second, you start to get nervous around them but there are cases where you feel so comfortable around them that they don't get nervous, they feel at ease. For if they like you, they start showing the same symptoms. But, sometimes they cut the conversation short, because they get nervous around you, sometimes it's easy to know how they feel with the way they act, like an open book, but sometimes they are pretty good at hiding it. So, it all depends on there actions." As I got done I looked over at Slender and asked him, "But why do you ask, is there someone who you like?" He grinned and said, "I guess I do after all." I smiled and replied, "Well I'm glad that you have someone in mind it's sweet, now get some rest, you'll need it, and if you don't mind me asking who is it?" "No one you need to worry about." "Alright, I won't pester you. Good night....."

"Something wrong?" I grinned a evil grin. "Good night.... Lover boy." After that I took off running I changed my dress into something more runnable. I looked behind me and seen him right on my tail. I picked up the pace and ran straight into my room and locked it. After a few minutes of catching my breath, I heard silence I unlocked the door and peaked though it but seen nothing. I stook my head out of the door and seen nothing. I sighed a relief and closed the door. 'Maybe he just went back to bed, welp good night' After that being said I ran into something and it hurt my nose. 'Owwwwwwww' "That hurt, what the hell was that?!" I looked up to see a dark figure in front of me. It was pitch black. I stood up and put my hand on it. I could tell it was a torso I ran my hand up it and got to there face I couldn't feel any details so I automatically knew who it was 'Slenderrrrrr I know that's you. Hehehehe.' He replied with sarcasm, "How'd you know?" He chuckled and then pinned me to the door. I was shocked at this but let it proceed to see what he was going to do. I asked him, "Lover boy, what do you think your doing?" I could tell he was smirking devilishly but didn't reply. He grabbed both of my hands and pinned them against the door. I was still in shock and I tried to wiggle my hands out but he had a strong but gentle grip on it. I could hear skin tearing and he put one of hands on my chin and lifted my head to meet him. I could now see in the dark that he had formed lips. He put his thumb on my lips and rubbed them. I smirked. He said, "What are you smirking about?" "This." I broke free of his grip and pulled him down and kissed him. It took a minute for him to realize what I just did, and kissed back. He snaked his arms around my hips and I snaked my arms around his neck. We shared a passionate kiss. He pulled me closer and he picked me up. I grinned knowing where this was going. He put me against the wall and broke the kiss. He asked, "Do you want to do this?" I giggled, "Well of course, if I didn't, we wouldn't be going this far already." He smiled and smashed his lips on to mine.  Again we shared a passionate kiss. He got me off the wall and put me on the bed. I started to take off his shirt and through it aside. We broke the kiss and I looked down to see a 8 pack. I blushed madly and covered my eyes. He chuckled and said in a cooing voice, "Like what you see?" I blushed even more and reply, "S-shut u-up!" "Your cute when you stutter," I could feel my cheeks on fire! "And blush." "S-shut up, meanie." "Awe best one out there. Now let's resume, shall we?" "Why of course kind sir." We both giggled and he started to unbutton my shirt. He through it on the floor and I seen him start to blush. I giggled and said, "And you tell me I'm cute when I blush." He blushed even more. He then started to kiss me gently. After the kiss I told him, "Would you like me to do the honers of doing so." "Only if you let me do yours." "It's a deal." He got up off me and put his hands on my thighs and said, "Me first." He started to pull down my shorts and panties to show that I'm really wet. "Getting excited are we now." "Shut up with the teasing." I flipped us over and did the same he did to me. I positioned my self. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/N!"

3rd person p.o.v.
Y/n woke up and quickly sat up in her bed. She held her head and whispered, "Fuck! What kind of dream was that!" "Lady Y/n? Are you alright?" She looked up from her bed and saw Butler Xavier. She smiled, "Yes, I am quite alright, thank you for worrying." "It's my job M'lady. Breakfast is ready, you need to get down there if you want it hot." "Yes Xavier, that will do, thank you." "Of course M'lady." After that note he walked out of the room to let Y/n get dressed. She got dressed in a beautiful red dress.

Once she was done and dressed and got her hair brushed and styled, she walked down the hall and down the stairway. She reached the dinning room and went inside she saw the rest of the gentlemen and her friends. 'Okay, the Slender family is up, my friends are up, wait my friends are here WHAT THE FUCK!' "*coughed* If you don't mind ladies tell me why y'all are here and who let you in without my permission, wait where's S/n?" Splendor said, "She said she'd be down in a bit but it's already been 45 minutes." She said in a dark low voice, "And you didn't bother to CHECK ON HER!!!" They flinched and Y/n ran up the stairs while hold her dress and busted down S/n's door. Only to see what she never wanted to see, her ex raping her sister. S/n was crying begging for him to stop and
Ex/n (ex-name) looked at Y/n and froze. Y/n was boiling with rage. Thorns wrapped around her arms and at the end, it was very sharp. Y/n darted for ex/n. He dodged the attack and disappeared with S/n. Y/n fell on the ground letting out a piercing scream. Everyone in the castle covered there ears as hard as they could. Sooner than later she stopped screaming and started to sob. Splendor stood there shocked and then turned into boiling rage as well. Everyone was standing there shocked at what just happened. They snapped out of it and watched Y/n cry her heart out. Slender felt so bad. He walked up to her and got on his knees and held her close cooing, telling her to calm down. "We will get revenge on him, calm down, everything will be alright." She hugged him tighter and soon stopped crying. She let go of him and retreated her posture. She had on a non-emotional face. She stood up and walked out of her sister's room. She went into her office and pressed a button and the room turned into a weapon room. She got on her battle suit. And got her food to help increase health.

She got her blood moon scythe.

And headed off to her ex's castle, he was next in line to be the devil. Jason asked her, "M'lady where are you going?!" "To get my sister back, he will pay for his sin." She replied in a monochrome tone. He says, "Then me and my pack will fight as well." "No this is me and ex/n's problem, not yours." And with that she disappeared. "Mister Xavier, please you have to take us to her to fight by her side!" Jason cried. Mr. Jason and Mrs. Jessica nodded their head and Mr. Jason said, "Yes, we must stay by her side, she has done us favors and saved us many times please show us the way there." Splendor yelled, "HOW DARE HE!! I'M NOT ASKING TAKE US TO HER!!!!" Everyone seemed shocked except for the Slender brothers. Butler Xavier said, "Alright, but we must get you armed and ready."

~with Y/n~

"You son of a bitch, give me back my sister!!" "Awe that's no way to treat a king." "Fuck you." "I know you would." "Shut the fuck up, dumbass. Give her back NOW!" He laughed historically. He replied with a evil smile, "WELL IF YOU WANT HER COME AND GET HER," He brings her out and puts a knife to her neck. "But be careful we don't want her hurt now do we." He starts to laugh like a maniac. "You fucking dumbass LET HER GO!" She yelled at him enraged. He pushed down the knife a bit to only draw a bit of blood. "Careful of what you say or she might die."

Y/n's p.o.v.
I watched him push down harder on her skin and I started to tear up. I realized that she wasn't crying or yelling for help. 'She's not yelling or crying it's a fake!' I kept up the act and said in a weak voice, "Please just let her go..." "In one condition," I looked at him and replied, "What, anything, please!..." "You marry me." I looked up shocked and said in a sad tone, "Okay, just let her go..." I saw him smile evilly and throw her to me, down the stairs. I watched her and held her close to me. I said, "I'm so sorry." I let her go and told him, "Let's get it over with..." He teleported to me and took my left hand and put the ring on my finger. I took the chance and summoned my thorn stems and stuck it into his chest I gripped his heart and plunged it out. He fell lifeless on the ground. I licked his heart and throw it at him. The decoy of my sister perished and my sister came out of the wall and ran into me, knocking me down.

3rd person p.o.v.
Butler Xavier held back Splendor during the battle. He let go as soon as she won the fight. He ran over to where S/n was hugging Y/n. S/n saw him and leaped into his arms and squeezed him to death. He said, "Can't... breathe..." She heard and let go quickly. She cried and said, "I thought you left me..." He was shocked and said, "Why would I ever leave a kind and beautiful woman like you, sweetheart I love you, I would never do such a thing." He pulled her closer and hugged her tighter, afraid of if she would get taken away. He said, "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner." She smiled, "It's alright I love you too, more than you could ever know." He smiled back and replied, "I love you even in the after life." She kissed him and he kissed back. They shared a loving and gentle kiss. Y/n said, "EEEEWWWWWWWW!" They parted and they laughed. Y/n smiled and said, "Let's get home we have a wedding to attend to!" They all teleported home, to the castle, and Y/n remembered, "Hey, sis, have you ate." She paused and her stomach growled and she blushed of embarrassment, "I guess not, hehehe." They all laughed except for Slender and Y/n, they just grinned.

~wedding day~

Still 3rd person
Y/n was helping S/n get dressed for her wedding. She wore a beautiful blue dress.

And Y/n, the maid of honor, wore a beautiful blue slim dress.

Once S/n was ready Y/n asked, "Are you ready for this?" "... Yes, I'm ready, I love him and I want to be with him for the rest of my life!" She cheered. Y/n giggled and said, "Then let's go, I'll walk you down the isle, jk Trender is walking you down the isle. Love ya. Come on." She laughed and wiped away a fake tear.

Y/n's p.o.v.
I walked toward Trender and I gave him, her arm he looked at her in awe. "You look beautiful in that dress, I'm so proud of myself." He wiped away a fake tear as well. Me and S/n giggled and I demanded for them to move on out there. I speed walked to the side of the thingy they get married under. It had different kinds of coloured flowers. The music started to play. I watched as S/n walked down the isle.

Splendor's p.o.v.
It was breathe taking when she walked down that isle. She wore a beautiful dress that fitted her so well. I thought I was in heaven but 'Anywhere she is, is heaven to me' I smiled at her and she gave me a weak and nervous smile. I gave a slight laugh. I watched her come to me and I held out my hand and she took it. I guided her to be beside me. We both looked at each other. After the preacher said his words, the last thing he said was, "You may kiss the bride." I pulled her close and we shared a passionate and gentle kiss.

Y/n's p.o.v.
While they kissed I yelled, "GET A ROOM! HAHAHAHA!!!" All the people gave me a 'wtf' face and I just laughed and apologized, "I'M SARRYYA!" They all just laughed, Slender gave a grunt and a sly smile(he's in human form as well as the others). Just looking at him made my heart flutter and my cheeks heat up. I looked away and gave a nervous smile. My voice in my head echoed 'What's wrong with me?! UUURRRRRHHHHH!!! Kill me please. It's cool the my voice has a echo, HELLO, ANYBODY IN THERE? Hello
Y/n. WHAT THE FUCK!!!' I seen someone try to make me snap out of it. I shook my head and looked up. I seen my sister, I smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm fine go enjoy your self I'll be there in a few, k?" She gave me one of the biggest smile in her life, I could see my sister so happy. It made me happy to see her so happy. She walked off. 'If only she knew.' I gave a sad smile. I started walking off to the maze garden. I was the only one who knew how to get to the 'center' safely and get out safely. Once I got to the 'center', you could see the ocean, I gazed out into the water and sighed happily, "So, this is where you went, huh?" I grinned. "Yeah, whatcha doin here?" "Could ask you the same thing. Why aren't you at the party?" "I needed a breather." "Crowds not your thing?" "Not really, I just needed to think." Slender sat beside me and replied, "About?" "Heh, about the future." "Oh." It stayed silent for a few minutes until I asked, "What does love feel like in a relationship?" He looked at me suprised and turned back to the water. He was in deep thought. I looked at him and sighed. I then asked, "Is there anyone you like?" "No, but there is someone I'm in love with." For some reason my heart started to ach. I still put on a smile and asked, "Really! Who is it?!" He started to get nervous and said, "Well, she's beautiful, smart, mysterious, kind, strong, and loyal to her friends and family. She has h/c, e/c, is a queen, loves her sister to death, and is sitting next to me...." My eyes widened. I looked at him and yelled, "ME!!! BUT-  WHA- HOW- WHEN- WHERE?!! Wait did you mean all those things you said?" He smiled and nodded his head. "I truly do love you, I know it's in a short period of time but I feel like I need you in my life... No, I know I need you in my life, I love you and always will." I stayed shocked and fell to my knees. I started to cry, "So *sniffles* this *sniffles* what *sniffles* love is like! Hahaha! I love it!" He smiled and held me in his arms. After a minute it clicked in my head, I pulled apart from him and to see if there was any burn marks, but there wasn't. My eyes widened, "So, the prophecy is true..."

Slender's p.o.v.
"So, the prophecy is true..." I looked at her then remembered what I read about the queen of death, it said, 'The one that the queen doesn't burn or isn't affected by her magic will be the one for her, whether it be who she is close friends with or the worst enemy, she is stuck with him/her forever together.' She hugged me tighter with her arms around my neck. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her into my lap and hugged her tighter as well. We pulled apart and we looked into each other's eyes. We leaned in and w- "Hey guys they are about to leave t- ohh am I interrupting something?" Y/n's eye twitched and she replied irritated, "Yes. You. Are." He backed away slowly and said a quick sorry and ran out of the maze. Y/n sighed and got up, dusting herself off, and said, "We better get going, I don't want to miss teasing S/n." I smiled and got off the concrete and dusted myself off as well. She was about to walk away, when I grabbed her wrist gently and spinned her around to her hit her chest with mine and I cupped her cheek and kissed her gently. She closed her eyes and kissed back just as gently. We pulled apart for air and I read her mind, 'Stupid air!!!' I chuckled and she puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms, "Whatever, let's go," she beamed, "Time to go annoy and tease S/n!" I smiled and put her hand in mine. I teleported to the party. My brothers saw us and our hands intertwined together. Offender smirked evilly, Trender gave me a thumbs up and nodded, Splendor got S/n attention and pointed at us, S/n started jumping up and down and ran to Y/n and tackled her to the floor.
Y/n's head hit the ground and she held her head, "Owww, that hurt!" "Sorry, sis, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!"

Y/n's p.o.v.
I hit my head on the ground and with her screaming in my ear it's making me have a headache. I finally got her off me and I said, "Now, what I really came here for, I want me some NIECES AND NEPHEWS!!!" She and Splendor blushed madly and looked at each other then back at me. S/n covered her face in her hands and Splendor looked away still blushing like crazy. S/n took a deep breath and said, "If he wants them I wouldn't mind..." All our faces looked shocked and we all turned toward S/n. She said quickly, "But, that's only if you want to, I-I-I m-m-mean I understand if you don't, I'm just saying that I wouldn't mind, you know what just forget everything I said no problems, hahaha, hey look I gotta go use the restroom, haha, Y/n follow me now." She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom. No one was at the party no more they just left because it was over. I looked back and seen the guys ask him questions and Slender was trying to calm them down then they let him talk. Once we got in the restroom she started to freak out, she started saying, "What did I do!!!! What if he says, no, he doesn't want to have kids, what if he finds it to soon and he divorces me, what if he doesn't love me no more, w-w-what if-" I stop her right there and said, "One calm the heck down, two don't say that your only making it worse for yourself, three don't assume things you don't know what he's going to say, just... Calm down okay, everything is going to be fine." (Watch it not be and he breaks up with her, kekeke) She started to calm down telling herself that I'm right. After calming her down I said, "Now let's get back out there before they get worried, more importantly before Splendor gets worried." I helped her up and held her arm for her support. She dusted herself off and wiped away the tears. I redid her make-up and we went back out. I saw the boys look our way and she seen too. She started freaking out again and she ran back inside. I looked down angered and looked up and said, "CURSE YOU.... WHATEVER YOU ARE CALLED THAT FREAKS MY SISTER OUT!!!!!! ARRRRRRHHHHHH I JUST CALMED HER DOWN!!!" I walked over to Splendor and the others moved out of my way, Slender was waiting to see what I was going to do. "Splendor, You. Will. Calm. Her. Down. Do you hear me. She IS FREAKING OUT BECAUSE SHE IS AFRAID OF WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY AND DO! SHE KEEPS ON PUTTING HERSELF DOWN AND AFRAID OF IF YOU WILL BREAK-UP WITH HER OR DIVORCE, WHATEVER!! NOW GO IN THERE AND CALM HER DOWN!!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the restroom and shoved him in and slammed the door shut. I sighed heavily and put my ear to the door, I could hear Splendor shushing S/n. I sighed again and pulled away from the door. I walked back to Slender and his brothers. "I just had to say something, arrrrrrhhhhhh, whyyyyyy?!" I put my head on Slender's chest and he started to pet my head. I stood back up and smiled, "O'well!!! It makes them have a stronger connection and understand each other more! Yay! Awe man, my dress is messed up..." (Here are you and your sister's after party dresses)



(Yeahhh pretty sick uh, I <3 them, I got more!)
Slender said, "I still think you look beautiful." I started blushing, "S-shut up!" 'Curse you studdering!!!' "But t-thank too." 'ARRRRHHHHHH' I turned around and started to walk away. I felt a strong breeze coming from behind me and I whipped around only to see the last person I would ever want to see my dad, death himself. I saw him look at the others and then Splendor and S/n came out of the restroom and S/n froze at the site of him. He looked their way then he spotted me. He started to float toward me and S/n tried to run toward me but I yelled for her to stay back. He finally got to me and he raised his hand and slapped me hard on the face. It burnt like hell, I tried to touch it and it stung even worse. He started to yell, "I TOLD YOU, YOU ARE NOT TO BE ABLE TO BE WITH SOMEONE UNLESS IT IS EX/N. AND YOU RUIND IT, YOU KILLED HIM!!" I looked down and I looked up with my eyes closed then opened them to stare right into his soul. My eyes changed into demon eyes.

And I got transformed into this suit,

His feet was on the ground and he started to cower away but regained his posture. I said in a demonic low voice, "You want to fight, then LET'S FIGHT!!!" Slender came up behind him and tried to stab him with his tentacles but my father dodged. He came up behind Slender and was about to knock him out cold but I teleported behind him and grab him by the throut and slam him in the ground. I get on top of him and started punching him to death. A voice said in my head, 'The only thing that can kill death is his little death herself' My eyes started glowing a even darker red and I summoned my thorn vines and right when he was back in the real world I said, "Say hello to brother Aaron for me, cause your going straight to hell, bastard." And with that I stabbed him in the heart and ripped it out, "You don't deserve this." I licked his heart and created a portal to my hellhounds I threw his heart in there, as well as all his intestines, and picked up his body went to the ocean and called for Serina, a siren, and gave her his body. "Have a feast with your family and friends!" I say happily. She thanked me and swam out back into the water. I got out of the water and walked back to the group. I closed the hound portal then out of nowhere another portal came and one of my dad's servants came up to me and bowed. "Thank you M'lady for saving us, your father has put us through a lot of things and you set us free, now behalf of the underworld of Death you are now the new empress, the new goddess of death. You will obtain his powers, belongings, and his castle. You are now Death herself." S/n beamed with joy and ran into me, giving me a huge hug. "Yayyyy, my sis is a goddess! Wait that means your her emporor, *big gasp*, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!" She started to twirl around and jumped into Splendor's arms. I face palmed and Trender and Offender started laughing and Slender came up behind me and pulled me close to his chest and put his face into my neck. I giggled and I then realized, "WAIT!!! YOU AND YOU HONEYMOON NOW!!!" I whistled for the car/limo and sure enough it came and I pushed S/n and Splendor in and slammed the door shut. And on that they drove away. I waved fake crying saying, "She's all grown up *fake sniffle* I'll miss you." Slender chuckled at my actions. They all came up to me and Slender took my waving hand and I smiled brightly, "Now! Time to get my friends... Wait their already here. ARRRRRRHHHHHH, WHY, JUST LET ME HAVE MY MOMENTS FOR ONCE!" Offender, Trender, and Slender looked the way where my friends were. I yelled for them to come over. BestF/n (best friend's name) ran up to me and tackled me. "Okay, what is up with people tackling me, am I that easy to tackle?" Offender answered, "Ye-" "You say yes and I swear I will hurt you." He shut up really quick. BestF/n said, "No you won't." I looked at her and said, "And who's going to stop me?" "Me." "You can try." "I tackled you, did I not?" "Because I let you." "Oh really..." "Yes." "Seriously, point, blank, period. Dang, *whispers* meanie." "You know your right on top of me right, I can hear you." She got off of me and dusted herself off and helped me up. I dusted myself off as well and then F/n (friend's name) came over and gave me an evil smile tapping her fingers together. "What are you doing?" I say a bit scared. "Look behind you." I looked behind me and there she was right behind me. I looked back to where she previously was and she wasn't there. "Okayyy, well, new magic trick, gotta get used to that." She laughed a bit and said, "Don't worry, I just found out that I could do that. I love being one with darkness." I face palmed, "You just figured that out, I could tell you all about what your powers are." She brightened up and said, "Really!!" "Hahaha, no." She gave a(n) 'are you serious face'. "Yep, I'm serious." I smiled brightly. "I'll give you five seconds to run," I took the idea and started to run all she did is say, "5!! GET BACK HERE!!!" And she was on my tail running as fast as she could. This went on for 2 minutes until Slender got a hold of me and Trender held her. BestF/n face palmed and said, "Y'all are like sisters." I said, "Awe thanks, how sweet of you." She gave me a -_- face and I snickered. F/n said angerly, "Hey coward, over here." We all looked at her and she was staring dead at BestF/n. BestF/n said, "Was you talking to me?" F/n nodded her head, "Yeah, gotta problem," "Yeah, I do!" "What ya going to do about it, cry to your mommy? Hahahaha!" "Why you little piece of shit!" She started to go toward her and she was about to hit her before Offender held her back while she was struggling to get loose. I was shocked as well as the others but BestF/n was furious. F/n went limp and Trender held her up and then put her down gently. She woke back up and she held her head, "What the heck happened? Urh my head." BestF/n calmed down and Offender let go of her. She bent over and said, "You tell me, you started the fight, and pass out, you okay?" F/n realized, "You piece of crap, get out of my body!" Another person inside of her said, "Why would I, it's only revenge." "We'll get your 'revenge' some other time and way. I'm busy so F off." "Okayyy." Then someone came out of her body and I recognize who it was, it's her ex-husband/boyfriend. He was a spirit of some sort. He said, "How ya doin hun?" "Don't call me hun I'm not yours no more, so back off." "Aww such a shame, I was going to give a special kind of gift, it's a one of a kind." BestF/n barged in and said, "What kind of gift? Are you going to try and kiss her again, or try to force her to marry you again, what, cause you've done ruined your chance with her, you rapist cheater. I'm glad she flipping killed you. You deserve it after all." He got mad and slapped her, "How DARE YOU! I WILL HAVE HER AS MINE! SHE'S MINE FOREVER!!" Offender saw this and he got pissed. He teleported in front of her and him and he punched him. BestF/n looked shocked. Offender said anger clearly written on his face, "Don't you EVER HIT HER AGAIN, SHE'S NOT YOURS, SHE IS A INDEPENDENT WOMAN, AND SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU!" He got mad and stood up and put his fist in the air about to punch him until his stomach was pierced inside out. He fell lifeless on the ground and it revealed F/n behind him with her 'lucky' knife. She licked the bloody knife and said to his body, "Don't F-ing mess with my friends, b****." I said, "Wait I thought he was already dead?..." We looked at F/n and she shrugged her shoulders. I then say, "Well... This has been eventful night. Time for bed! Goooooooood night!" And with that I walked away.

~3 years later at the Slender Mansion~

Slender's p.o.v.
I waited for Y/n to come over and show her around the mansion. She showed me around her father's castle, which is now her castle, her sister has her old castle, it was very beautiful, it suits her, but it wasn't as beautiful as her.(he's talking about you not your sister) I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Someone got right close to my ear and said, "Hello darling." I jumped and turned around and Y/n started to chuckle. I sighed, "Please don't do that." "No promises." I smirked. She hugged me and I did it back. She asked me, "Do you think my outfit looks good? F/n says it doesn't, and we argued about it, and now I'm started to think it doesn't." I looked at her outfit and started to blush. It showed a bit to much.

"Y-yeah, beautiful a-as a-always." She looked confused, "Are you okay, your face is red, do you have fever?" My face got even hotter. "Y-Y/n, umm, c-can you p-put on my j-jacket, please?" I took off my jacket and put it around her and she looked down and watched me put it on her. She looked back at me with a smirk. I asked, "What are you thinking about?" "Ohh, nothing, just have an idea." "What kind of idea?" "You'll see, can you give me the tour now, pleeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeeeee?" I was confused but went with it.

~After showing you around the mansion~

"And here is my room." I opened the door and she asked if she could go in and I said of course. She looked around in awe because it was so big and the decorations.

She looked around, she went to the pictures and looked at all of them then she stopped at one. I closed the door and walked over to her.
*Warning lemon in motion*
I looked at the photo and it was a picture of my mom, dad, me, and my brothers. I smiled. I made my face have a mouth. I pulled her to my chest gently and I put my face in the crook of her neck. She turned around quickly and seen my mouth. She closed her eyes and grinned evilly. I was confused again but then realized what she was up to. We have never done 'it' in the past together. I grinned as well. She put her arms around my neck. I pulled her close. We were about to close the gap between us but someone opened the door and it was Masky, he had his head down saying, "Hey, boss, sorry to bother you but I have a question, I wa-" Y/n pulled out a dagger and throwed it at his face but he realized and dodged it barely. Terrified was written on his face. He looked back at us and put his hands up, "Sorry! Didn't know that I was intruding something, please carry on!" And with that he left. Y/n put her head on my chest and sighed. "What's wrong?" I cooed. "We get interrupted everytime something good is about to start. *Heavy sigh* Life..." I chuckled and lifted her face to meet mine. I caressed her cheek, she held it and closed her eyes and put her face in it. She looked at me and smiled. She said, "You have no idea how much I love you." "Then why don't you just show me, love?" She widened her eyes and turned her and toward me. "W-what?" I slowly got close to her face inches from her lips, "You heard me, show me." She closed the gap and we kissed gently then it started to get passionate. We pulled apart, she said which made me laugh, "F-ing air." We kissed again and I put her against the wall and pulled her even closer. I picked her up and put her back to the wall. Someone opened the door but we ignored it.

Sally's p.o.v.
I opened the door to daddy's room and I found him kissing Miss Y/n. I said, "Ew." Jane came by and seen them then picked me up, closed the door, and started to walk away quickly. I asked, "Jane, what was Daddy doing to Miss Y/n?" "They were doing grown-up stuff. Now, let's play tea party, okay?!" I beamed with joy, "Okay!!!"

Slender's p.o.v.
As I held her against the wall we separated from the kiss. I went to her neck and started to kiss it softly going down the collar bone. She started to bit her lip to hold back a moan. I didn't like that. At. All. I pulled away from her neck and whisper in her ear, "I'd suggest you don't hold it back or you might get punished for it." Her eyes widened and she said in my ear, "And what if I don't listen? How bad could it be, aye?" I smirked and replied in a low husky voice, "I guess you'll find out." She yelped. And I chuckled. I went back to attacking her neck trailing kisses hearing her moan a bit until I found her sweet spot. She moaned louder than the others. I started to suck and nibble on that spot and I finally bite it enough to draw blood she winced but felt pleaser in it. I smiled and licked the blood off and I found her blood very sweet almost like a virgins blood. I looked at her and said, "Are you a virgin?" She looked down and nodded. I chuckled and said, "I'm glad to be your first." She looked at me shocked and said, "Thank you." We connected lips again and I got her off the wall and walked toward the bed. I sat down on the side with her legs on each side of me and her in my lap. We broke apart one last time and she got up and started to get undressed in front of me. I seen her body and it was perfect but I noticed some scars and that she has abs?(tell me what you think about that) I looked at her then she realized what I was looking at, "Well, shiz." I asked her sympathetically, "What happened to you, where did all these scars come from?" "Umm, battle?" I said, "Your bad at lying." "I know, I got them from my dad, ex and me. When I didn't do something right for my dad he would beat me and then I would go to my room and cry. Afterwards I would find something very sharp and started cutting myself because I was so used to pain that I loved it. My ex would start to use a whip and start beating me with it. My mom was the only good thing at that moment. My sister never found out until she got older and started asking questions because I started using to much magic to cover it up. So, yeeeeaaaaahhh, that happened..." She started to look off trying to avoid making 'eye' contact. I sighed, "You've been through a lot in your life. Let me help you ease that pain." I put my body against her naked one and shivered as my breath hit the back of her neck. She said, "You know, it's not fair, I'm undressed and your not." I chuckled darkly. Her eyes widened she then said, "How dare youuuu, you just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, you little..." She squinted her eyes at my and I slightly laughed, "Well, I'm sorry kitten, but I do my best." "Did you just call me kitten?!" "Yes, yes I did." "Well... I like it... Keep it up!" She smiled childishly. I chuckled once more. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, I started to try and unbutton my shirt but it was being stubborn. She walked over to me and removed my hand. She started to unbutton all the way down. She reached the end of the shirt and took it off me. I started blushing seeing that we are very close to actually doing 'it'. She froze. I looked at her and asked, "Kitten what's wrong, are you okay?" She started to get irritated and said, "Your pastas need to know their boundaries, cause if I find one more of them interrupt us, I'm going to put them though hell and after that I'll kill them." She said the last part demonically. I sweat dropped and said, "Just ignore them, their the ones who will be scarred." "Point." After us being undressed, we went back to business. I put her on bottom and started to attack her sweet spot, she moaned while I was doing the same treatment I did before. I savoured the taste of her blood because of it being so sweet. It almost made me not want to have 'it' with her. But like I said, 'almost'. (I'm sorry gals/guys but I will not go into detail about this until I get comfortable, sorry😅😓😞) 

Y/n's p.o.v.
I was on top now and I positioned my entrance with him and let's just say that I was numb the next morning.

(Lemon over)

I was curled up next to Slender with his arms around my hips holding me close. He started to shift, I got in front of him, laying down on his chest, "Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?" "I should be asking you that." I giggled and closed my eyes while lieing on his chest, I asked, "Can we just stay in bed all day, please?" "No, I have work." "To bad it isn't up for debate. Your staying and you know you can't win, I'm stubborn." "Fine, we can stay for a bit but I'll get to work afterwards." "Okay!!! Better than nothing!!"" I smiled.

~10 years later~

3rd person p.o.v.
Y/n and Slender had a baby (boy/girl/both) and it's name was (baby's name). The child was now 17 and they grew up with Sally. Sally was the same age now. Child's name was with Sally since 3rd grade. You and Slender was very pleased and y'all lived happily. Y'all became friends with Zalgo and defeated each other's enemies.

Hello my killer kittens, I hope you like the story, I'm also working on a new one so yeah. Cya later killer kittens~ P. G. AKA Psycho Girl ✌️🖤

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