Chapter IV
"UGH!!! Are those retarded machines of yours EVER going to work!?" A young teen asks irritatlly.
A sigh comes from the young, teen, inventor of various machines.
"Will you be quiet so I can test it, remember this is still a prototype."
"Yeah, Number Fifty freakin' Six!!!" The first teen groans. "Come on~! Is this thing really going to find Aquné?"
The inventor looks to the companion with narrowed eyes, before sighing.
"Yes it will." She then looked to the first teen from her machine. "Flare and Flame WILL find Aquné, then we will find the others~."
The teen on the couch cackles mercilessly, as the inventors smirk went unnoticed thanks to their mask.
'Aquné, will be found~.'
Eyeliner Jack's POV
I woke up to a heavy feeling on my chest.
I look down and see a sight that places a smile on me.
It was Aquné that was sleeping on my chest.... Not that I don't mind her company.
I carefully sat up a little, making sure not to wake her up, and lightly kissed her forehead, which made her scrunch her nose.
I laughed quietly, so I didn't hear a groan till I felt something press against my lips causing me to melt into them.
Said person parted from me, and smile sinisterly at me.
"Lay your butt back down, I'm not.. Done.. Sweeping~.."
She immediately fell back to sleep, causing me to chuckle at her.
"Child? Are you asleep?" I look to the door.
'I'm wide awake, but Aquné is out again... And she's not letting me up.'
I heard him chuckle, in my head, as he teleports into the room and looks at the situation at hand.
"I will bring you breakfast up, take young Aquné's words and sleep more my child."
I nodded and laid back down, as he teleports away, and snake my arms around Aquné's waist and pull her even closer to me, which she responds by cuddling up in my chest.
I smile and run my fingers through her lavender and violet hair, which made her succubus like tail sway, before falling asleep again.
I woke to something on my neck, when I slowly opened my eyes I saw a certain someone instead.
"Uh. Aquné? What are you doing??" I felt her chuckle in my neck, which made me felt really hot, as she moves to where she in my face.
"Well, that's my way of waking you up~?" She smirks which made me blush darker, than before, before a question popped in my head.
"Have, you woke up anyone like that before... I'm jus--" "No." My hollow eyes widened. "Why?? If I can know that is."
She looks to me and smiles, before shaking her head.
"It's fine." She then lays on top of me, literally her chin on my chest, and her chest on my stomach. "All reason aside, no one honestly cared for me before I died and became a Moxy."
My eyes widen.
"Meeting my girls, the leaders, going to the meeting and seeing my niece~. Best thing that's ever happened to me, was becoming a Moxy and experience all that."
I look to her and saw her crying white fluids, but they were giving me the impression of happy yet sad white fluids tears.
"Do you miss it?" She looks up to me with a confused look. "Your friends and being with others like you?"
Her hollow burnt eyes softens before she closes them and nod her head slightly, making me frown.
"But honestly, I wouldn't mind staying in this realm for a little bit." I look to her wide eyed. "I mean, meeting you guys the way I did, how you treat me for who I am? I kinda like it. I might actually love it."
I smiled before noticing her sniffing around.
"What is it??"
She looks to me then to the window before the door.
"I smell organs, and something off."
I looked around the room and saw four jars, two of each labeled Kidneys and others Hearts.
'Good thing Slendy brought food... Wait what time is it??'
I looked to the clock, that I just so happen to have, and it read 11 o'clock.
'..... Oh.'
I blinked not knowing of Aquné cautiously looking through the window.
I look her way, after picking up a jar each of Hearts and Kidneys, and was confused by the tense she was emitting.
"Aquné??" She shudders and looks my way before I grow blue streaks as I remember what Slendy told me.
{"She would always refused to join us."
"Why?" He sighs and places a tentacle on my head.
"She believes she's to dangerous and would cause destruction in others, and I believe it, but also believe in her Nobility towards others who respect her. So let's go and retrieve a hurt child."}
Now I see why she thinks the way she does.
She doesn't have trust in others, besides those she knew and understand her behaviour, and I have a feeling her being tense and cautious is part of that.
I walk to her and placed the cold jar on her neck, making her squeal.
"COLD!!!" She immediately b-lines for the covers as I chuckle at her reaction.
"What~? Can't take a little cold object~?"
She uncovers her head, and only her head, and hisses, which makes me chuckle more as a knock was heard, as well as a stomach growling.
I raised a brow playfully, and peeped under the covers holding the jar to her, in which she grabs instantly, before standing up, place my mask over my face, and walk over to the door and open it only to see Jane, Clock, Sadie, and Sally at the door.
"Jeff wants you and Spider Girl for some reason." Jane states sarcastically as I heard humming from behind me as well as, "What does Clown Smiles want~?"
Jane chuckles saying that she likes Aquné's spunk, which makes me sigh in relief, as I felt Aquné look over my shoulder as I turn my head her way, so I was unaware of their surprise expressions until I hear Jane and Sadie squeal, making me cover my ears, before they pounce pass me and onto Aquné.
"H-Hey!! W-Wha!?---" "You are gorgeous~!!!!" They both shout as Clock, Sally and I just watched as Aquné grew appendages and gently pushed them back, which surprises them.
"Wow~! You really are a spider~." Sadie comments as I saw Sally smile bigger than Jeff's messed up face.
"Oh, um. Thanks." I turned to her and held back a chuckle at the red hue under her half mask, as Sadie and Jane started to get up, dragging Aquné with before immediately grabbing my hood in the process and pulled us down stairs to nothing but a black room with Clock and Sally right behind us.
"Um?" "Uh, E.J.?" I hummed and turn Aquné's way and noticed her cautiously looking around. "It's quiet, and those four disa--" She was cut off by everyone jumping up from nowhere shouting Surprise which immediately startled her to the point where I had to calm her and explain everything.
"So, this is a party to officially welcome me into Slender Mansion, and it was postponed do to my lack of consciousness??" I nodded as I saw a nod of understanding before sheepishly turning to the others, while scratching the side of her head, saying "Sorry guys. I've never had a WELCOME party before. I was always so busy that parties were never on the agenda." while also making a small circle on the floor boards with her left foot, and I'll admit it was adorable.
Jane and Sadie then come up to her and slings their arms around her shoulders with goofy smiles placed on them, which makes me sweat a little.
"Man! You are to precious~!!" I saw Jane nod in agreement, as I silently agreed in my head, as she chuckles saying "Thanks?"
Jane, Sadie and all other girls start giggle/chuckling, as I'm here with a hidden smile and the others just groan.
However something felt... Off to me.
"JACK DOWN!!" I was pushed down and subconsciously closed my eyes.
When I opened them they widen at the sight of Aquné with a item through her actual body.
"A-Aquné??" I said as everyone starts to panic and prepared to fight only for her to raise her hand and look around cautiously before I saw her smirk.
"Come and get me Blistered~."
I blinked as I watched her pulled the item out of her like it was nothing, making us cringe a little, and holds it like a weapon before launching outside.
"AQUNÉ WAIT!!!" The others went to Slender as I chased after her with Jeff, Toby, and L.J. behind me.
That is until we lost her in the woods..
"DAMN IT!!!" "Wher-re she g-o??"
I looked around frantic, as the three of them started shouting her name and I was about to as well before a certain sound caught my ears and I raised my hand signal the others to stop, and surprisingly they did.
"Listen." I told them standing still until I heard it again, and this time they did as well.
"What the hell was that!?" I ran ahead ignoring Jeff's question and heard the sound of what sounds like machines??
I pushed through bushes and saw a scene that confused me.
'Why is Aquné battling two Robots??' I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately know it's Jeff trying to catch his breath along with L.J. Toby not as much before he looks and questions what's going on with no stutter which surprises us and him.
"Wait how come I didn't--" He was cut short by-- A SHARP PIECE OF METAL!?
We waited for impacted but nothing came.
We looked up and my eyes widen.
Aquné stopped the piece of metal with only her hand, and she wasn't even phased.
We all gulped and shuddered when she pulled it from hand revealing a, very noticeable, hole in her hand.
"Wow~! Never would've thought the two of you would actually go Co-Op."
I raised a brow. 'Two??'
"HAHAHA!! Well you're crazy as always Qu~!!" Said a voice as a shadow appears and Aquné raised her leg, only for the figure to do the same.
"Stale Mate!!!" They both shout as they start to fight but the presence behind me placed me on guard before surgical scissors was thrown their way and stabs their right hand.
"HANDS OFF TAMI!!" I immediately look to Aquné as a grunt was heard and I turned to see the figure holding a glowing box before tossing it and retreating into the trees as to mechanical figures appear.
"Take Aquné down Flare, Flame!!" I looked to the machines and saw glowing red eyes as they chased after Aquné, as the other figure taps her foot and reaches in her boot and charges at her with a knife!?!!
"Aquné!!/WATCH OUT!!!!"
Everything for me was in slow motion, she dodged right before bending low and forward, then right leaning back before she grabs the figure holding the knife by the wrist creating a massive dog pile with Aquné on top like it was nothing.
"Whoa." I nod in agreement to Jeff as another figure comes out with-- a CHAINSAW!?
'What's wrong with these two!?'
They charge her way as Aquné shouts to Toby for an Axe and he obliges immediately and throws it to her as she collides the Axe head on with the chain jamming it.
"Oh. Come on!!" "You jammed my saw!!!!"
"'Cause I SAW that coming." The two chuckle as I'm confused as two what's going on. "So~ why are T.T. and B.R. here anyway? Not that I don't mind a good run." I blinked as the one in the dog pile launches up like nothing happens and dusts themselves off, while also taking something off their neck.
"Well, we thought you were captured by FuckTards." My eyes widen at the figures voice.
"I concur." We immediately turned to the other figure with wide eyes. "With Seth, and Rogue here strength in numbers is vital."
"Says miss shakes a lot when she anxious or upset~." "SHUT *shakes* UP!!!"
"See what I mean~?" Aquné chuckles while shaking her head sideways, before catching my gaze and smirks?
"Mega's I'd like you two, to meet some friends of mine~." I saw question marks on their heads, as Aquné jumps in front of me and grabs my hand, with a cheeky smile, and tells the others to follow as she drags me to the two.
But she really needs to warn me when she pops up out of nowhere.. Not that I'm really complaining.
She runs, dragging me, to them, with the guys following, but I still couldn't really see what they looked like.
"We can't see shit!! Our eyes ain't like yours!!!" Toby nods his head in agreement as I turn to Aquné.
"I already figured you could see better do to that fight." She shrugs her shoulder saying "Eh. It wasn't anything big." She then says, while looking to the two figure with femine tone, "Just two posse members looking for little ole me~." "Hoe please!!!" We all looked the spoken figure, who marches and grabs Aquné by the hood and hoist her up... Scaring the crap out of us. "You are far from fuckin' little." I heard Aquné giggle as she's let down and they all turn to us.
"Guys? This is Tamara Fray, Murder name: Techno Terror." Said person bowed, as the other clicked her tongue only to get punch by Aquné.
"The one I gave a skull fracture to~ is Kikiyo Eins, Murder Name: Blistered Rose." She just scoffs and turns her head away with crossed arms, as L.J. states that they still can't see them, before I looked up to the night sky and smirked.
The moon was full and about to show~.
"Give it a few seconds." "Why the hell should we!?" "Wow~, someone's gotta pouty mouth, need a bottle of soap and water~?"
"Why You--!?" I chuckle as they got quiet and I looked up only to have my eyes widen.
They were both smirking at us as I felt Aquné pull me away from the others and into the woods, making me confused, as I looked to her only to see her smirk as she leans up to my ear and whispers something that catches me off guard.
"Those three have a lot more in common, I just wanted one on one~." She then blew in my ear making me groan a little.
"I wouldn't do that~." She then wraps her arm around my head and pulls me to her level where I can see the burnt outlines of her eyes through her mask.
"Just try me Kidney boy~." She said against my lips, and that set me over the edge as I picked her and ran deeper into the woods and pinned her to the tree and began what she started and what I wanted.
Ticci Toby's POV
I was shocked at who I was looking at. I mean sure the only thing noticeable was the figure giving the impression it was a girl, but her stance was familiar to me.
"Hey, ghoul girl." I stated earning both female eyes, and wide eyes from the others, and mentally me on this speech miracle but I shook it off for right now and walked up to the two as the other girl backs away, so I was in front of her. "Who are you?"
She chuckles and release her stance to place her palms on each elbow, another stance I was familiar too, before she looks to me a familiar violet left eye.
"Like Aquné said, my name is Techno Terror." I felt my brow twitch. "Your real name. That's what I want to hear." Her head immediately shoots up with a glare, as I sighed and raise my hands. "I was lost in thought and didn't catch yours."
Her violet eye narrowed as she then starts circling me making me confused before I inhaled sharply at a poke to my side.
"One of your sides is vulnerable." I blinked and looked to her as she glares at me. "You must not sleep on it at all!!" I shudder, for she was right.
"How did you know that I sleep on my left side???" "I didn't, until just now~."
(-_-) I twitch with a tic and cursed so I didn't notice her wide eyes.
"Hey, is your name, by any chance, Tobias Erin Rogers?" My eyes widen as my twitching got worse until she press a spot on my neck and they slowed down, but there were two things that bother me. The pressure point, my full past name? There was only one person that knew that.
That when a thought came and I immediately look to her. 'Could, she really be her?'
"Tell me, is your name Tamara Mariah Fray?" I saw her eyes widen in surprise as I smiled and hugged the crap out of her and spun her around while shouting happily. "I thought I wasn't going to see you again~!!"
I heard her giggle and try to pat my back, with how I was holding her, not knowing of the others staring as I sat her on her feet but got to my knees and continue to hug her waist and stomach.
"Ah, Toby?" "Who's the masked chick??" "What no crack ups chrome clown~?" I heard L.J. growl and insult the other girl as she fires back and Jeff is clearly laughing, but what caught my attention was the sound of a button and a figure being flung behind Tami.
"Good thing I made upgrades for situations like this, and Kikiyo?" The figure, I'm dubbing as Kikiyo, hums as we both looked to Tam and she screams as I just blink. "STOP PICKING FIGHTS AND USING MY BOOTS AS COLLATERAL YOU PSYCHOTIC PIECE OF PETAL!!!" She yells turning around to make a scene that made me smile, but I feel like she could pull through with it, so I got up, pulled my mouth guard off and blew in her left ear, which made her just as tense as I remember, for she jumped and fell to ground, as I hold my guard over my mouth, saying I shouldn't do that with shakes and pauses, which caught my attention as she curses herself.
"Great~, now you got her going."
"Go-*tic*-ing??" My eyes widen as she appears to catch on.
"Tourettes?" I blinked before looking to her and nodded, confused to why I wasn't speaking fluently anymore... It was kinda depressing. "I see what's up, you inhaled the aroma therapy scent that Tami gives off when she's calm, or busy." My eyes widen as she then looks to Tam, who's desperately trying to hide, saying the effects only work with tourette people and disappear when her heart gets too excited.
'....... Guess this is my fault hehheh.'
I chuckle, not knowing that the others were wide eyed, well L.J. more than Jeff, as I approached Tam and move her hair out of her face and pick her head up.
"Go-od thin-ng. We'r-re reun-nited agai-in." Even if I can't see any other part of her face, I can tell she was smiling from her eyes as I help her up and hugged her to calm her down, but then wandered where E.J. and A.S. went.
It was then we heard rustling and saw Tams friend with a red face making me blink.
"Kiki??" "Tami..." We all look to her as I smelled blood and saw that it was trailing from her nose, as she tries to hold it. "D-Don't go into the woods, at least not right now."
"Huh?/eh??" L.J. and Jeff question before looking at her face and I swear I saw them with cat faces before they ran off with Kikiyo, but not before dragging me and Tami, who I'm carrying bridal style, with.
Kikiyo's POV
'This isn't going to end well.' I thought as I was currently riding on the Crazy London Clowns shoulders, dodging every branch that threatens to snag my hood, while telling knifey boy which way.
"Alright chick which way now?" I raised a brow at how eager he is, it was making me curious.
"Why? Is seeing Qu get hammered by Mask Boy that amusing??" They both chuckle as I her Tami shout "SHE'S WHAT?! BY WHOM!!!" 'Uh oh.'
Tamara's POV
I was shocked by what scar girl said and desperately trying to get out of Toby's arms, man funny how a Pasta who's stronger even dead, he still has a good grip on me, damn!
"Easy Tam. Why so anxiou-us??" He blinks as Kikiyo said it's a rare Creepypasta occurrence.
"What? Come on, Proxy girls can't get pregnant." The knife loving dude, I know as Jeff thanks to Toby, states.... And oh is he wrong...... But how did even get that answer so quickly? I wonder.
I start to shake, while also pushing the thought away for now, before letting a series of cackles out scaring Toby I'm sure, as Kikiyo let's out giggles knowing, exactly what I'm laughing at.
"You are SO wrong." All boys question as I calmed down and gave a stern glare in which results in Toby putting me behind his head, which makes me happy that he remembers, and I begin to lecture as Flare and Flame brought out a information board, as I get out my pointer stick. "You see boys, in truth Proxy girls cannot get pregnant--" "So Jeff's right?" The Clown, that Toby said was Laughing Jack, said as I smirked. "By you~." That gave me eyes, Toby's included as they all questioned "What!!!!!!?" as I nod and return to my lecture board my tow robots were holding.
"You see, now matter how many times during intercourse, the chances of pregnancy between two Proxies is slim to none." Laughing Jack raises the hand that isn't holding Kiki up, and I point my pointer to him.
"So you say we can't get diseases??" I sweat dropped.
"Uh, no diseases are still exchangeable." "Then how come female Proxies can't?" "....." "Tams??" Kikiyo started laughing her ass off, as everyone looks her way.
"Your asking questions you should be asking both her AND Aquné, they work with each other and are major nerds." "All I can say is a Proxy needs a Moxy to get pregnant, and vice versa." They all blush, and Laughing Jack looked pale, for some reason, as Kikiyo went "uh.." making us look her way.
"Mask Boy still hammering Qu, and I don't think the Prox has a sheath on his length." My eyes widen as I snapped my fingers and Flare and Flame put my lecture board away as I point forward with my pointer.
"Lecture postpone, right now find Qu and Mask Navy!!" "Eyeless Jack, Tams." I smiled at Toby, even if he can't see it and said "Thanks Tobs." before he ran with me still on his shoulders, as Kikiyo leads only to stop, and I see red on her ears as I hear high class moans which makes me blush and bring my knees closer, completely forgetting about Toby till I felt him touch my leg making me look down and blush tremendously and say sorry, but he chuckles saying he's fine with it, as I hear L.J. and Jeff give wolf whistles as I grew blue streaks, and Toby ran to the scene only for me to cover his goggles and him to cover my only visible eye.
Aquné's POV
'I'm so getting lectured! But I don't care!!'
I moaned as E.J. got faster than before, and his pull out game is hella strong considering this is the seventh position we've been in, and I'm pinned between him and a broken tree stump.
I felt his teeth grind against my neck as I felt that knot form for the seventh time and reach my arm behind me and pull his hair while moaning loudly, make him groan against my skin as I came on his member as he gave me a few more pleasurable thrusts before pulling out and spraying the stump under me.
I pant heavily as I see grey arms on both sides of my head, before feeling E.J. kiss the left side of my head before resting on my shoulder. It was then we heard wolf whistles and I used my power to make a reflection that only me and my mate, which is Jack, can see and I blushed when I saw L.J., Clown Smiles, Kikiyo, Toby and Tami behind us.
"Oh god." I whispered as I shut off the reflection and lay my head in sorrow.
Eyeless Jack's POV
After Aquné turned off her spider mirror, I sweat dropped as she said "oh god." where I can hear it before laying her head down in sorrow.
I than began to think. 'I'm still in my pants, practically speaking, and I tore off all her clothes with my scalpel... Well except her lingere, thigh highs and boots~.' I felt myself slowly get hard but composed myself, then remembered something before leaning towards Aquné's ears.
"Head to the house in spider form." She then perks her head my way with the wide hollowed eyes I'm forever treasure. "I'll meet you there for round 8~." I felt her shudder as I kissed her jaw before she dismembers herself and scurried home as I fix my pants and place my mask on, while also grabbing Aquné's and her torn clothes before facing the others who were grinning (Jeff, The girl on L.J.'s shoulder, and L.J. himself), blushing (Toby), and glaring (the girl on Toby's neck).
"Sup." I said with a hand raise while the other is in my pocket.
I heard three laughs as Jeff slings his arm around me and Laughing Jack moves the girl to his other shoulder before placing his elbow on my head.
"Damn E.J., you got guts with the Rake mopping around~." L.J. gives his London laugh at that remark, as the girl laughs as well.
"For your and her sake I hope your Game is top notch." She said as I felt the other girl, I think Aquné called her Tamara? Yeah that's right Tamara and Kikiyo, glare at me from sitting behind Toby's neck.
"I second that statement, I hope she filled you in." She growled as I smirked and placed both hands in my pockets, after placing Aquné's mask on the side of my head like she had when we're alone.
"Obviously, otherwise seven rounds wouldn't have happened~." Wide eyes and dropping jaws was noticed as my smirked widen when they shouted "SEVEN ROUNDS!!!!!" and Tamara fell and Toby caught her release a relieved sigh as I look to Kikiyo who nods in acceptance and was impressed.
"Not bad~, most males I've seen don't have the guts to continue." She states as we all walk to Slender Mansion, and yes I have my hoodie on.... Aquné somehow managed to destroy my shirt without me noticing.
"You saying their "pussy's" Ki?" L.J. questioned as Kikiyo sighs and says they're were far from interesting kill and we all hear static and look to find Slender Man on guard before he relaxs, that is until he sees Tamara and Kikiyo.
"Who are they children?" He then looks around among us, and I know he's looking for Aquné. "And where is the Moxy child, Aquné?" I snapped my fingers calling it as Kikiyo raises her hand and he nods.
"Well, me and Sleeping Beauty there." We all look to the unconscious Tamara in Toby's arms and back to Slender as she continues. "We're Moxies, as for Aquné you might~ wanna ask her boy toy~." I heard Jeff and L.J. chuckle in amusement, as I'm glad to have my mask on as his gaze shift to the mask on the side of my head. "Does this mean---" I nod my head as he pats it.
'It's alright child. We all given to urges and instincts.'
'How'd you--' 'I found Jane's room with another aroma, and a girl barricade.' I sweat dropped at how girls are extremely sharp.
"Anywho, I'm quite surprised to find more Moxies. Is there a reason behind this event?" Kikiyo just blinks as Tamara mumbles something that known of us understood, but apparently Slender and Kikiyo for she had a look of realization before looking to Slender with a goofy grin.
"Well, one majority of Moxies are trapped here in this realm sadly, two we've been looking for Qu." I told Slender that Qu was Aquné, and he nods. "And third is the Hunters and horn dogs." All eyes went to Kikiyo instantly as Tamara immediately gets up shouting "HUNTERS!!!! Where!?" and clings to Toby's neck in fear.
"I see." He then starts to think while turning his head to see Jeff and Kikiyo laughing and carrying on with L.J. as he then turns to Toby who knelt to the ground to coax Tamara, and I looked to him and I think if he had a face....
'Is he smiling of smirking??' I mentally question with narrowed eyes as he turns my way.
'I'm doing both, child.' I sweat dropped at that.
"Okay, Jeff and Toby would you be as k--" "Oh Hell yeah!!/Yes Sir!!!" He was surprised by Toby's fluent speech and Kikiyo had to explain that, and I'll admit I have to remember that as well, as he nods and we all walk into Slender Mansion and head to the rooms but before that we see everyone crowd Tamara and Kikiyo in wonder, and after they explained that they're Moxies like Aquné they warmed up quite nicely to them.
I watched as Toby and Jeff lead Kikiyo and Tamara to their rooms as Jane, Sadie, and surprisingly Laughing Jill approach me with smirks and cheeky smiles causing me to be suspicious.
"Spider girl~ is waiting for her Hollow Knight~." Laughing Jill sings as L.J chuckles behind me, and I immediately caught on and smirked feeling myself get a little excited and walked upstairs, trying to act normal only to see Clock who smirked and knocked on the the door a certain way before walking away leaving me with a raised brow as I head to the door and opened it, only to catch a sight that made me drool and get excited as I carefully closed the door and locked it.
"My~, aren't you asking for it~." I said while getting on top of her as she smirks and off my mask at a tease speed making me growl as I moved my head from my loose mask and narrow my hollow eyes at her as she giggles and teases me from below making me groan as smirked and sat up admiring the view laid under me as I began what I promise and leaned into her ear making her shiver.
"Round 8 little spider~?" I heard her giggle at the nickname before she touches my abs under my hoodie and bites my neck before whispering, "I'll show you how little I am Eyeless~."
That alone start the war between the two of us, and yes I enjoy my Games with Aquné.
'I'm making sure, nothing happens to you Qu. I sure it.'
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