Nathan the Nobody X Reader
A/N: I admit I do sort of control your hair length here, however I do this because I usually default to girls having long hair so in this one, it's short :) Hope that's okay guys, bobs are adorable! Enjoy...
Nathan was walking through the city, passing people, and pushing through groups when they stupidly stopped in the middle of the walkway. The sun was high in the sky, boring down on him and his heavy attire. His long black hair covered his neck, a dull grey long sleeved shirt was hidden behind a black vest. He wore black jeans as well, and black combat boots.
He looked like he was dressed for a funeral; that or a gothic themed dinner. He had a black leather fingerless glove on both his arms, and bandages with old, dried blood wrapped around his wrists; a black bandana was resting around his neck currently to try and fight the heat. The male glanced around with his heterochronic eyes, the green and blue hidden by strands of hair.
"Please tell me what we're doing here again..." He mumbled into the open, only someone standing right next to him could hear. A col chill ran down his spine and he felt a presence to his side, a cold spot appeared on his shoulder.
"She's here..." A feminine voice whispered into his ear, "You must protect her..."
"I don't know why you insist on this." He huffed to the voice, "Surely this girl can look after herself, right?"
"I've seen... What is meant to be..." The voice whispered again, "Find her... Protect her..."
"Alright alright." He said, rolling his eyes, "God you're annoying sometimes..."
The guy stopped talking, thinking about the chilling words the ghost of his sister had been muttering since he started to hunt for this stranger. They had been a few towns over, and he had to either trek it across land or catch a lift with a complete stranger. The guy held off on killing anyone, his second voice telling him to wait until it was time to save this mysterious girl.
So now he was in a strange city, surrounded by people that stared at him as if he were a madman; which he couldn't deny, he probably was; while looking for a girl he had never seen before. His sister was adamant that he'll know as soon as he sees this girl. And she insists that finding and protecting this girl with his life is for the best. Whatever that means.
Though he doesn't like being told what to do, and he doesn't like the idea of protecting someone. He kills, he doesn't protect. It's just not his thing.
"Nathan..." The voice whined in his mind.
"Yeah sorry, I'm just still doubtful about this." He huffed, wishing he could keep his thoughts to himself, "Will you give me any hints as to who I'm looking for?"
"There she is..." The voice mumbled, and Nathan turned his gaze back to the people.
A girl had just exited a café, her (h/c) hair sitting just above her shoulders. She wore silver glasses that framed her face, shielding her (e/c) eyes when the sunlight hit them. She looked around, pursing her lips together, a coffee in hand, before turning and walking in the other direction. Nathan had to shake his head, completely taken back by her beauty. Watching her hair bob as she walked away, taking in the (f/c) sweater she was wearing; she was as crazy as he was in this heat.
"Follow..." His sister whispered, snapping him out of his gaze, and the guy nodded to himself, taking off after the girl.
What should he do? Should he talk to her now? Get her attention? Or just follow for now and see what happens? He had no idea behind his sister's intentions, he had no idea why she wanted him to follow this strange, yet beautiful girl. Would it be creepy to just walk on over and introduce himself? What were the standards these days; what was considered okay and what was considered creepy?
"Just follow..." His sister muttered, and the guy nodded, doing as she said.
He followed the unaware stranger for about 30 minutes before she stopped outside a library and disappeared inside. Nathan watched her through the glass as she searched for a book, before grabbing it and walking to the counter. Someone lined up behind her, a guy that started to talk to her. She glanced back at him, offering a smile, and shaking her head, this made the guy look annoyed, but he stepped back.
Once she had her book, the girl left the library and continued on down the street. Nathan was about to follow her when the guy from the line walked out and started following her himself. He pulled a black hoodie over his red hair and shoved his hands in his pockets, speedwalking after the oblivious girl. Nathan growled to himself, having seen the anger in the guy before, he knew this wouldn't go well.
He took off after the two, making sure to keep his distance and observe. Whatever happened, he was most definitely going to protect the girl. Wow, his sister's pestering was... Now his goal...?
"Told you it would be important..." She whispered in his mind and he couldn't help but chuckle bitterly,
"Yeah yeah, you're right again." He said, watching as the girl stopped at a bus stop.
She looked at the time sheets, before frowning and taking her seat on the bench. The guy from before took this as his chance to sit next to her, placing an arm around her and pulling her close to him. The girl was clearly startled and uncomfortable, as the guy started whispering into her ear. She tried to move away, but he wouldn't let her go.
Nathan huffed, before doing his best to look casual as he walked to the stop and leant against the pole. He glanced at the two, and the guy raised his head, almost glaring at him,
"What are you looking at?" He asked in almost a growl.
Nathan shrugged, a smirk appearing on his face, "Sorry, couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable the little lady looks. I hope you're not bugging her."
"She's my girlfriend, like it's your business." The guy huffed, pulling her against his chest.
The girl's eyes were wide and she turned up to the guy, "I don't even know you."
"Funny joke babe, but not now." He huffed, glaring at her.
She frowned, "I told you no back at the library. Take that as my final answer and leave me alone."
With a hefty shove, she managed to land the guy on the pathway. He let out a grunt as he fell on his ass, growling at the girl in an almost animalistic way.
"Stupid bitch, you should be grateful a nice guy like me is even giving you his time." He got to his feet, now glaring at Nathan, "And you, learn to keep out of other people's business, or you'll get killed next time."
"Sure bud, whatever you say." Nathan shrugged, before taking a hold of his vest and opening it, "If you wanna go, we can go."
The guy's face paled and he huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets and running away. The girl watched him, before taking a deep breath and slouching over. Nathan tilted his head, taking a seat next to the girl.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah... Thank you." She gave him a smile, "You really saved my ass there."
"Nice guys like him deserve to be shoved off benches." Nathan shrugged, "Which is something you did. I just stunned him by shining the light on his shitty behaviour."
The girl giggled slightly, tucking her handback under her arm, "Yeah, that's true."
"My name's Nathan." He said next, getting the cold feeling in his stomach, telling him to hurry this along, "What's yours?"
"(Y/N)." The girl smiled, "But don't think saving me will get you anything, I can shove you off this seat too."
"Oh no, no I'm not looking for that." He raised his hands, giving a chuckle, "Always take a lady on a date first anyway, a few dates actually."
"Is that a proposal?" The girl glanced at him, tucking some hair behind her ear.
"Oh, I mean I wasn't intending that."
She smiled, "That's a shame, you seem genuinely nice."
Nathan couldn't help but smile, "Heh... really?"
"Yeah. And you totally gotta show me what you showed that asshole, he turned into a ghost!"
He went quiet for a moment, lowering his gaze to the floor. Should he show her what he showed the guy? Would she become afraid of him? Think him dangerous, a crazy person? He had shown the guy because he knew it would scare him, he knew if the guy saw that he wouldn't try to start a fight.
(Y/N) nudged his elbow, tilting her head at him, "Is something the matter...?"
"Oh, no." He said, giving another shrug, "I probably shouldn't show you, having a weapon on your person in public is a way to get you arrested."
"O-Oh..." The girl said, before her eyes lit up, "What sort of weapon? Is it a knife, a gun? Ohhhh it's totally a hatchet, right?"
He blinked, before turning his green and blue gaze on the other. She was interested in his weapon. She wasn't freaked out?
"Oh my gosh, I never realised your eyes were different colours too!" The girl almost squealed, "Heterochromia huh? That's so cool."
The cold feeling in his stomach disappeared and turned to warmth. This girl was extremely nice. He shifted on the bench, now facing her. Raising a brow, he pulled one side of his vest to the side, showing off a hatchet with a black handle holstered to the side. There was a black cap over the blade so it didn't cut into his body.
"Oh cool. Isn't that uncomfortable?" (Y/N) asked next.
"Sometimes, only if I think about it."
"It must be suuuper cold."
"Only in winter."
"You're awesome." She said, before taking a pen and a piece of paper out from her handbag; she scribbled something on it before handing it to him, "This is my number, you should totally call me one day."
"I... Don't have a phone." He stared at the paper, gripping his leg tightly. What now? Was he never going to see her again?
"Oh? That's okay." She wrote something else down on it, "If you're free tonight, you should totally come over for dinner. If that isn't weird."
She handed him the paper, pointing at the words, "That's my address. It's a double house though, I'm on the left side."
"Alright." He said, taking the paper and glancing at her, "This isn't too much for you?"
"Nope! Unlike that creep, you're actually nice and... I don't know, but I get a nice vibe from you, you know?"
She smiled at him, and he wearily returned it, before a bus started driving down the street. The girl's eyes widened and she jumped up to hail it. It slowly came to a stop in front of them and she glanced back at him,
"This is my bus. I hope to see you tonight, Nathan." She waved at him, before jumping on and taking her seat by the window. The man couldn't help but watch as the bus drove off, seeing the girl glance back as it rounded the corner, her cheeks were very red in the window.
Wow. What just happened?
"You're going..." His sister's voice said in his head, "Do you see now...?"
"Yeah, I see what you were planning." He said, standing and walking back the direction he came from, "Very sly sis."
Later, Nathan was standing outside a house. It was perfectly symmetrical, two driveways, two entrances, two windows that could see into the house, down hallways and into kitchens. The one on the right had a family sitting at the dinner table and eating; the other had no one, but the lights were on. Nathan glanced at the address, before walking to the front door of the left side.
After knocking, he waited. No one came to the door. So, he knocked again. Was this a setup? Had the girl lied about where she lived? The man frowned to himself, and to think she had been so nice before. Had she really tricked him?
After waiting a few more minutes and not being greeted, he turned to walk away when his entire body went cold. Something wasn't right, his sister was trying to tell him something. He turned back to the front door, before kicking just below the handle and forcing it open. It slammed against the wall and he ran inside.
"(Y/N)?" He called, hurrying down the hallway. A bathroom, a study, the main bedroom was at the end. The door was closed.
He slowed to a stop, wondering if maybe she was just getting dressed and he was overreacting. Why was he overreacting anyway? But then he heard a whimper and growled to himself, throwing the door open.
(Y/N) was against a wall, the creepy guy from earlier gripping her hair and pushing her into the wall. He was clearly trying to undress her, but she was struggling and putting up a fight. How had he even got in here anyway? Nathan didn't hesitate to act. Pulling the hatchet from his vest, he ran over to the two.
"HEY!" He yelled, and grabbed the guy, shoving him into the corner of the room. (Y/N) fell to her knees, tears were running down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around herself.
Nathan glanced back at her, tilting his head, "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah..." She mumbled.
"Get out of here, find somewhere safe."
She nodded, before grabbing her shirt from the floor and running out of the room. Once she was gone and he heard the front door slam closed, he turned his attention back to the creep. The guy was pale, shaking. Good, he should be scared.
"Do you know what I do to fucktards like you?" Nathan asked in a low voice, causing the guy to shake his head, "I cut off every small appendage you have, then I let you go, and I hunt you for the rest of your life."
The guy practically fainted. Nathan smirked in his face,
"That was a lie. Usually I'd just murder freaks like you." He said, holding the hatchet to his neck, causing him to whimper like a wuss, "But this isn't my house, this isn't my room. So how about this... You leave, with everything attached, and you never come back. If I ever see you again, I will cut off everything. Understood?"
The guy nodded his head quickly, and Nathan shoved him to the floor, "Good, now get out of here. If I ever see you again, you're dead."
The guy gulped, before scrambling to his feet and sprinting for the door. He ran into the doorframe, tripping down the hall and falling out the door. Nathan followed him slowly, almost stalking him like prey, and this seemed to freak the guy out more.
Sheathing his hatchet, he looked around for (Y/N). She was standing on the other driveway with the family he had seen earlier. They were watching him, the two children huddled close to their father, the mother had her arms around the frightened girl. Once the creep took off down the street, Nathan walked over.
"Are you alright..?" He asked (Y/N), who nodded and walked to him, hugging him tightly.
"Y-Yeah... Thank you..." She said, holding him close. He hugged back, giving her a reassuring pat on the back.
"We called the police." The mother said, sending the children and father inside, "We heard a bang from next door and thought someone was breaking into (Y/N)'s house. We didn't know she was already being attacked."
"That would have been me." Nathan said, "I kicked the door open, it was locked and something didn't feel right... I'll pay for the damage."
"Oh don't worry, we're related to the landlord." The mother smiled, "He's my brother, he'll understand."
"Thank you so much Mrs. Jefferson." (Y/N) smiled.
"Anything for you sweetie." She took the girl's hands, giving them a squeeze, "Would you like to join us for dinner?"
"Oh no, it's alright thank you. I'll be fine now that Nathan is here." (Y/N) looked up at him and smiled, "I'm safe now."
"Alright, well if you need anything, don't be afraid to come ask."
With that, Mrs. Jefferson returned to her dinner, and Nathan and (Y/N) walked inside. The front door had been damaged alright, the lock was broken and the door had been split just down from the handle. It closed, but didn't stay closed. Nathan rubbed his head sheepishly.
"Sorry about that."
"it's alright, you saved me." The girl smiled, and sirens went off in the distance, "Gee... Now I'm going to have to talk to the cops about this..."
"If you want me there, I'll be there." Nathan said, "I took a promise to... Protect those I care about."
"That's very sweet. Thank you." She smiled, before looking at the kitchen and sighing, "Man, with everything that happened, I didn't get to actually cook anything."
"Pizza is always good." Nathan said, pulling out his phone, "I'll order it, since I broke your door."
She giggled, "Alright, that's fair. Man, the busted door could be a problem with burglars..."
Nathan glanced at the swinging door, seeing it move with the wind. He got an idea, one that he knew his sister was nodding to right now,
"Well I'm from out of town and need a place to stay. For free security, would I be able to crash on the couch?"
(Y/N) looked up at him, tucking her hair behind her ear again, the light from the kitchen shining on her glasses,
"Yeah, that works."
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