Homicidal Liu X Reader (Part 2)

A few months passed since Liu and (Y/N) met, and in that time, the boy nearly forgot all about his quest of finding his brother. Instead, he was distracted by the barista and her adorably charming ways. He had even taken care of her stalker for her.

Or... Sully had.

Liu wasn't too proud of it, but he was just glad that the girl was finally being left alone. She wasn't as paranoid anymore, and she seemed happier since her ex mysteriously disappeared. The two had gotten a lot closer over the course of the month, and Liu had to remind himself that he had a goal.

Which wasn't to date (Y/N). But damn he was thinking about it.

-Or we could, you know, find your brother and make him pay- Sully was in his head again today, distracting the boy from his delicious hot chocolate.

"That doesn't really matter anymore." Liu mumbled to himself, swirling the take-away cup in his hand, "I don't care about that anymore. The murders on the news give me enough of a guess as to what happened to him."

-But you didn't want to know that. You wanted to know why. And I wanted revenge. He messed up your face!-

"And (Y/N) seems to like it. You won't win."

He could feel the pout in the back of his mind, and knew Sully was sulking. His other side had only killed the one person in the past month and was feeling the withdrawal of adrenaline. Liu didn't care, he chose to ignore his other half for as long as he could.

Though it was slowly getting more and more harder, Sully's voice sounding louder every day. He knew he'd have to kill someone soon to calm his monstrous side, but he'd rather spend time with (Y/N). Which selfishly put her in danger.

-If you don't kill someone now, I'll kill her- The voice always said, every day.

"No, you won't." Was all Liu would respond with, and then ignore any protest.

But right now his hands shook, and his drink spilt on the table. The few people in the café glanced at him in confusion, before going back to their conversations or study. Liu had been feeling off all day, doing his best to ignore his other self, but feeling himself slip away.

If he wasn't careful, Sully would take over and God knows what that could mean.

"Liu? Are you alright?" (Y/N) walked over to clean his mess, her (e/c) eyes watched him with concern.

"Y-Yeah..." He sighed, rubbing his head and wrapping his scarf over his nose, "I think I'll just go for a walk... I'll see you at home okay?"

The girl nodded, giving him a small smile, "Bring something home for dinner then, okay?"

He gave her a thumbs up, before standing and leaving the café. Oh yeah, since they started hanging out more, (Y/N) had offered for him to stay with her; especially after finding out he was currently homeless.

The boy had been grateful, having gotten sick of sleeping in an ally, or not sleeping at all. It was a nice change, having a bed. Don't worry, they slept in different rooms.

Although Liu found himself lurking through the house at night, wanting to join (Y/N) in her own bed, and most of the time walking past her room, before going back to his own. He wasn't sure if it was himself, or if Sully was trying to take over. And if it was Sully, he wasn't sure if it was to kill the girl, or if it was simply to cave into his wants. Either way, he never let it happen, and he always returned to his own bed.

The boy let out a sigh as he walked through the streets, his hands in his pockets as he thought about it. Would he do the same again tonight? Would he be able to stop Sully this time? The last thing he wanted to do was hurt (Y/N), or scare her.

Sully was only getting stronger, the more Liu ignored him, maybe he should kill someone tonight, it could help calm his mind down. Maybe he'll stay in his room tonight.

-I like the sound of that- Sully said in the back of his mind, -So, who should we target?-

Liu's gaze scanned the crowd, looking for someone who seemed like the world would be better off without. Anyone who even looked like an asshole was a good enough target, the less cruel people, the better.

A guy in a suit shoved his way past the boy, causing Liu to stumble into a small tree. He glared at the guy, who was currently talking sternly into his phone.

"No, you aren't going anywhere." The guy growled into the phone, "Stay at home or else. I'll be there soon to fix your mess."


-Aight, can I take over now? Please?-

"Only if you promise to keep it to the one guy, and make sure I'm not caught." Liu mumbled, steadying himself.

-About time.- Liu let out a groan, gripping his head tightly as he felt the other take over. He lost all feeling in his arms, his legs moving of their own accord. His mind grew fuzzy, and it felt like he was watching a movie, unable to do anything as he grabbed the suited guy by the collar and dragged him into the allyway.

The guy yelled out, dropping his phone and swinging to hit Liu. But the boy caught his hand, twisting it until the older male's wrist snapped. He crumpled to the ground, gritting his teeth in pain as he tried to pull away.

Sully chuckled down at him, before swinging a knee into the guy's head, sending it into the stone wall next to them. A loud crack later, and the guy slumped to the floor, blood trickling down his face. He was breathing heavily, and the boy cracked his fingers, before looking around for a weapon.

Finding a shard of glass, he picked it up. The guy's eyes blinked open as he let out a groan, holding his head. Once he saw the blood, his eyes widened and he looked up towards the younger adult.

"Wh-Why are you doing this...?" He asked as he tried to keep consciousness.

"Because I can..." Sully said calmly, giving the guy a smirk.

And he stabbed the glass into the guy's eye. The older male let out a blood curling scream, thrashing around. Liu watched, unable to do anything else, look away, check for any witnesses. He watched helplessly, hoping that the two weren't caught. This guy was really loud.

Sully seemed to pick up on his thoughts, and slashed the other male's neck with the glass, causing him to choke on his screams. It was a bloody mess.

One that Liu regretted later on. After getting rid of the body, the boy had finally gained control over himself again, with Sully satisfied for the time being, he now had to worry about any other evidence that would be left. He had to take off his jacket and shirt, both covered in blood.

Using a lighter he found in one of the dumpsters, he lit the clothing on fire, before walking away. He should probably get home and shower before (Y/N) returned from work, he didn't want her knowing of his other side just yet.

He had finally reached his new home just as it was getting dark out. But when he opened the door, it was unlocked. Did that mean (Y/N) was home already? He frowned, looking around the neighbourhood, before walking inside and locking the door. There were no clear signs of breaking and entering, but something seemed... Off...

Something crashed in another room, and Liu took off down the bight hallway, running into the bathroom. The mirror had been shattered, glass and blood covered the floor. A body stood in the middle of the room, hidden under a white hoodie and black dress pants.

The body stood, heaving, gripping onto a bloodied knife. Liu spotted it, and images of that night flashed into his mind. Of his brother hovering over him, swinging the knife at his face, feeling the burn in his chest as he was stabbed...

And then he saw the body on the floor. (Y/N) laid there, wrapped in a towel and sprawled on the floor. She had blood dripping down her face, two wounds in her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing heavily. A small wave of relief, she was alive.

But those wounds...

The boy standing over her froze. As if sensing he was being watched, and slowly, the blood-covered figure turned. Bright blue eyes met hazel green, and the two brothers were stuck in place.

"J-Jeff..." Liu mumbled; his eyes wide.

The other only stared, a look of disbelief on his face. His eyes were blood-shot and looked painfully dry. The dark burns surrounding them reminded Liu of what his brother did to himself.

The younger brother let out a giggle, the scaring smile making him look psychotic. Who was Liu killing, he was psychotic.

"Liu..." He mumbled, a frantic look entering his eyes, "You're alive... After all this time...?"

-Let me at 'im!- Liu growled to himself. Jeff tilted his head, hearing the hostility in his throat.

"Not happy to see me?" He asked, before raising the bloodied knife, "Guess you better go to sleep then..."

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