Autistic!Hoodie X Masky
Hoodie's PoV
So, I'm sat at the kitchen table, drawing, and I have a glass of orange juice next to me, right? Well, this bitch, Masky, walks up to me, and knocks the drink over onto my drawing! What the hell!? I'd spent hours working on it! He's been acting really jerky recently and I don't know why, he has started hanging out with Clockwork recently though so maybe that's got something to do with it, according to Jeff who heard from BEN who heard from Nina who heard from Toby, they're dating, but the information went through Nina so I don't really believe it, I didn't want to believe it! Most of the mansion knows at this point, I have a huge crush on Masky. We were best friends in school but once we started living in the mansion and became Proxies we started talking less, we still talked to each other and had fun though. (not like that, get your mind out of the gutter) After I got diagnosed with autism we drifted apart even further but when we did talk we were nice to each other, we didn't hurt each other or make nasty remarks at each other, but once he starting hanging out with Clockwork and potentially started dating her, all of it went out of the window and now we hate each other more than Zalgo and Slender hate each other, ok, well, I think he hates me, I still want to be his Friend and... maybe more but I doubt it will happen. Anyway, he walked away laughing while I picked up my drawing, it was a swan sat in a lake, I love Swans, they're my favourite animal because of the swan lake dance, I like to dance too but that's not relevant. I sighed and put it in the trash, I'll just have to start again. I picked up another sheet of paper and started sketching out the base. Just then, Toby walked in "Heya hoodie!" He said cheerfully, I grunted in reply, I don't like to speak to people, that was another good thing about Masky, he naturally knew exactly what I was thinking, i don't know how, he just did. "Hey, what happened to your other drawing? It looked really good" Toby asked, he sounded kind of disappointed. I pointed to the glass, then to the drawing I was working on, then to the trash. "Your Drink got spilt on it so you put it in the trash?" He asked and I nodded my head yes "Oh... who spilt it?" I pointed to my mask, then to the paper, then to the eyes and lips, it took him a second but he eventually said "Masky?" I nodded again "oh, I'm sorry," he sat down next to me "did you know he's dating Clockwork?" Toby asked and I nodded again, just then, the other autistic person in the mansion walked in "Toby, is it really a good idea to talk about that? You know he has a crush on him" Freya said, she jumped up onto the counter and opened the cupboard "oh, sorry Hoodie" he apologised, I dismissively waved my hand and smiled at him, not that he could tell because of my mask. Freya got some bread out of the cupboard and made some toast, she slid it across the table to me "Eat that, ive Not seen you eat for three days" she says and walks out of the room. I sigh again and pull my mask up, just enough for me to be able to eat. She is right though, I haven't eaten for three days, not because I'm starving myself, I just... forget, I guess, I'm always so busy with the missions for slender and trying to avoid Masky and Clockwork. Clockwork has always been mean, especially to LGBTQ+ members, we all assume it's because she was raised in a homophobic household so that's just how she was raised. (Don't come at me with 'But clockwork's bisexual' I know! She's not bisexual in this story, just like Hoodie's not actually Autistic) Hmm... I wonder if she's doing something to him, I mean, he's only started being a jerk since he started dating her and he's been flinching and bracing himself if someone touches him... 'I'll talk to him about it later' I think, taking a bite of my toast. I hear Slender call me and Masky up to his office, I groan and wipe the crumbs from around my mouth, I get up and walk up to his office, Masky is already there. "Boys, I Need you two to go on another mission, here is your target" he places a file on the desk, I pick it up and read it, Masky reads it over my shoulder. It was a young girl, thirteen years old, her name is Mina "Ok, we'll take care of that now, Come on Hoodie." We walk out of the office, we get our weapons, I have a pipe, he has a gun, and we set out to find the girl. (Ok, so, the target has a... mildly twisted backstory: She is based heavily on my ex best friend and bully so yeah) We get into the forest and I figure now's a good a time as any "Hey Masky?" I ask him quietly "What is it?" He asks, his voice is cold "Err...I..." "Spit it out!" "What's clockwork been doing to you? You've been really on edge since you started dating" He looks at me, I expected him to look mad, he wasn't, he looked upset, like he was about to cry "Can I tell you something, just between you and me?" He asks and I nod my head. He sighs, "She... she's abusive, she's been forcing me to be a jerk towards you... And... that's not where it ends, she... she raped me Hoodie, I-I tried to stop her b-but I just, I felt s-so weak, I just couldn't" he starts to cry and I hug him, I'm not the biggest on physical contact, having sensory issues and all, but, he needed it. He hugs me back tightly and rests his head on my shoulder "I-I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't be t-telling you a-about this... she'll hurt me even more now..." he says quietly, I move so I'm facing him and place my hands on his shoulders "I'm not going to let her hurt you again, ok? As long as I'm alive, I'll protect you," I say and he hugs me again and cuddles into my chest "Th-thank you Brian, thank you so much" I smile and stroke his hair "Any time," I reply "Hoodie? Can I tell you something?" I nod "I-I don't like Clockwork, I never did, she pressured me Into dating her, but... I do like you, in fact, I love you, and I know I've been a jerk, and you probably hate me now but-" I cut him off by kissing him, after a second he kisses back, I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close to me, he's the only person in the world I could ever stand touching me, wether it be hugging or just, accidentally brushing hands as we walked. After a minute he pulls away for air "I love you too" I say and her lays his head on my chest "Thank you, now, I need to break up with Clockwork,can you help with that?" He asks and I nod "of course, anything for you" we hear a twig snap behind us, we turn around and see clockwork watching us "Well Masky, looks like your time is up." She says and he hides behind me, I can feel him holding onto my hoodie. I growl lowly "Youre not going to lay another finger on him!" I say and she laughs "Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, two knives are better than a pipe" "Masky, get away from here, go back to the mansion and get back up," I say to him "b-but" "I'll be fine, now go" I reassure him, he nods and runs off "So, it's just you and me, at least, until he gets back with help" I say and she laughs again "You really think they're gonna come help a freak like you? I know we're all a little insane but you're mentally disabled" She sneers "Actually, having Autism can be very helpful, it makes me smarter than most because I can think outside the box, it also means I'm good at drawing and things" I say "What's that got to do with anything?" She asks, i can she's getting annoyed "Absolutely nothing, it's just distracting you while Masky gets help." I giggle
Masky's PoV
I ran and I ran and I ran, my legs felt like they were on fire, I eventually got back to the mansion, I ran up to Slenderman's office and threw the door open "Clockwork and hoodie... are fighting... in the forest..." I panted, he quickly stood up and Teleported us both to where they were, Clockwork had hoodie pinned to the ground, her knife to his neck, he was holding his pipe in front of himself so she couldn't stab his chest, he was laughing "I told you, your time is up, stop laughing!" She shouted "I-im sorry but your reaction when you realised I was distracting you with out needing to fight was hilarious" he continued to laugh, Slender walked out to them and picked them both up with his tendrils "Care to explain?" He asked "Clockwork was abusing Masky and he told me, she got mad and attempted to murder me after realising I was talking to stall her," Hoodie told him, "you forgot the part where you two were disgusting and kissed" Clockwork snapped "oh yeah, that happened too" the hoodie idiot said "Clockwork, to my office, Brian, you were only trying to protect Timothy and you tried to keep the violence level as low as possible, you may go" Slender said and placed Hoodie down, He walked over to me and hugged me tightly, Slender teleported away with Clockwork "So, wanna Go on a date tonight?" He asked cheerfully and I burst out laughing "Of course, you're such an idiot though, seriously, you could've gotten hurt" I told him "yeah, I know but hey, I didn't" he said, picking me up bridal style and carrying me back to the mansion.
So, what did you guys think to my first one shot? Was it Good? Im sorry most of This was in Hoodie PoV, it just made it easier for me, anyway, the next one shot will come out in a few days, I'll see you then,
Marionette out~
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