Chapter 11 - Nicolas
Two weeks of no friends coming over or me going to their house.
Thanks a lot dad.
I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned into my pillow, this was going to be annoying. My dad also took away face time and skype, not cool at all.
I started to punch my pillow in frustration as my anger started to rise. It kept building and building inside of me, reaching to the top of the scale quickly. I had to let it out.
I threw myself upward so my head was now in the air. My hair had fallen into a frizzy mess on my shoulders, just a few days ago it had been at my chin. It had to be cut to keep people from getting suspicious. I then yanked my pillow off the bed and chucked it at my door.
There was no effect, it was only a slight thud.
My parents always told me I had anger issues, they were right. At least I wasn't as bad as Noah.
I fell back onto my bed, my back hitting the comforter. I picked up a strand of my hair and looked at it, it had a slight gold tint to it but the dark brown base color still stood out. I started twisting it around my finger. I was bored and had turned into a grump, if Noah did any little thing I knew I would snap.
I rolled over onto my stomach and rested my chin on the pillow with my arms splayed out on the bed. I could read, but that seemed too boring. Even video games didn't sound fun. I could just go to sleep considering it was real early in the morning, Saturday was a lazy day, wasn't it?
I readjusted my blue tank top and tucked myself back under the warm sheets. My head felt like it was sinking into the pillow, probably because I only had one instead of two. I rested my eyes and soon drifted back off, hopefully until three in the afternoon.
A few weeks went by and it was soon December, snow was sticking to the ground and kids were now retreating indoors. The good thing about tonight though is that there was no moon, a good night to hang out with friends.
We had decided on going to the university to go to the ice rink they had. It was time we went ice skating, a good choice for most of us who were still on sports teams.
"Nic, look! They have the trees wired up with the lights!" Molly pointed out as we approached the rink.
"Yeah, they do that every year," I told her. I didn't like that I was rude but I have a habit of just being a smart Alec, not the best thing in the world.
Aster snorted, apparently he thought it was funny. I glared at him causing him to stop laughing at his sister and to focus on me more. He returned eye contact before leaving with Austin to go use the restroom. Gwen and Molly stuck with me.
"Do you guys want to go learn how to skate or go get something to eat first?" I asked.
"I'm pretty cold, so lets go get something to eat and drink," Gwen said. A white mist left her mouth as she spoke, a weaker cloud came out as she started to breathe normally.
"There's a coffee booth right over there," Molly said and pointed at the white booth.
It was the size of one you would see at a fair or carnival with a big ligh up sign on top of it. The lettering was in either brown or black, I couldn't tell in the poor lighting. The lights lined the order window, they gave off a yellow glow which lit up the menus on either side of it.
There was a large variety. There were even muffins and cookies here.
"Hello, how may I help you ladies?" A man asked as he popped his head out the window. He looked cold considering he was wearing a short sleeve and no jacket.
"Um, I would like a large expresso with toffee creamer and a sugar, please. Oh, a chocolate chip muffin as well, please." Gwen asked.
Molly was next, she stepped forward. "I will have a medium vanilla frappe, could you give me a spoon with it as well?"
"Yes," he replied.
Molly stepped out of the way as I took her spot to order mine. "I would just like a medium mocha, please."
"Anything else?"
"No thank you."
He punched it in the register and left the front of the booth to help the man in the back with our drinks. Moments later he came back with the cups of steaming hot coffee in his hands. We each grabbed them and took a sip, mine was just right.
Molly shivered slightly after taking a big drink. "Brr, it's cold!"
"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten a frappe then," Gwen laughed.
"You just shout your mouth," Molly snapped. She didn't like it when people made fun of what she ate.
We stood there for a few minutes in the cold night, people walked around us enjoying the festivities. Not long later Austin and Aster returned. It was alarming to me that I was now the same height as Aster. Just a week ago I was an inch shorter than him, then again, he was only 5'9".
"So what do you guys wanna do?" Austin asked as he rubbed his bare hands together to keep them warm. It's funny how he wears a hat and scarf but no gloves.
"Duh! We want to learn how to skate!" Gwen shouted in his face. She wanted to wave her arms, I could tell, but the coffee in her hands would be thrown everywhere if she did.
"Fine, you little squirt, we'll go skating." Austin put his left hand on top of her neon chalked hair and pushed her towards the rink gently with his other hand.
"I think they like each other, Nic," Molly whispered in my ear. Her breath felt cool and thin, most likely from her drink.
I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Oh? You think so? I haven't seen Austin treat her like a lady yet." I chuckled at the last part, he promised he would treat any girl that he had a crush on as if they were royalty.
"Austin gave up on that, he doesn't even do roses," Aster chimed in. He knew something we didn't know.
"Oh? Tell us what happened," Molly sing-songed. She grabbed onto his arm and swung back and forth, she wanted to know.
It was starting to spark my interest as well, and annoying Aster was what Molly and I did best. I walked over and poked Aster in the temple with my long blue nail.
"Tell us, Aster. What's Austin up to?" I asked. This was too fun, he was getting pissed pretty quickly.
"I'm not telling you guys his plan with Gwen."
"Oh, so it is about Gwen. What else?" Molly jumped up and down in excitement, her green eyes starting to light up in joy.
"I'm not going to tell you guys," Aster groaned.
"Come on, tell us!" I spoke loudly in his ear. I also hugged him around the neck and yanked him down a little. A sigh escaped his lips. We were winning.
"Fine," he grumbled, "Austin is trying to woo Gwen."
Molly let go of him and did a little happy dance, she then fell on her butt due to the ice beneath her. She looked up at Aster, "What's his plan to get her to be his?"
"I'm not really sure how to explain it, it's kinda... Confusing."
"Just say it," Molly demanded.
He paused for a second and tilted his head back in thought. "It's sorta like a little kid in love. Austin wants to be himself but extraordinary with his abilities. Gwen is into sports and video games, comics as well. So Austin is planning to get her by teaching her to skate, like tonight, he also wants to wow her with skateboarding, his video game skills, and some other things to hopefully make her fall for him."
"Sounds easy, that's what Ben did to me in eighth grade. But I dumped him like a week afterwards," Molly said blankly.
"Molls, shut it. Be happy for Austin's puppy love." Aster snapped.
"Sorry," Molly said sarcastically. She then stood up and grabbed the railing to steady herself on the slick ground.
There was a moment of silence before a shout came past us in the rink.
"Hey, guys, I'm skating!" Gwen waved to us as she passed by. She was holding onto Austin's arm with her right hand, he was grinning like an idiot.
"I think she's getting it," I laughed.
"Yep," Aster said.
The three of us watched them skate around for a while since there was really nothing else to do. Out of the time we watched them, I believe Gwen fell seven times and took Austin down with her four times. They would make a cute couple, especially since they were both daredevils with abstract hair colors.
Molly jumped and sqealed a moment later. Aster and I turned to her, both of us holding the same expression on our face. She looked at us a little shaken.
"Sorry, my phone scared me," she giggled and repositioned her gray knitted cap.
"Oh, who was it?"
"Um, hold on." She pulled her iPhone out of her back pocket and looked at it. "It's Grams, she's picking me up."
"Am I coming, Molly?" Aster asked.
"No, she's taking me to the movies it looks like. It's something she wants me to see, you won't like it, Aster. Get a ride from one of the others or call mom to pick you up."
"Alright," Aster replied.
"Bye, Nic! See you at school Monday! That's if we have any," she laughed.
"Bye," I waved to her as she left. She slipped again, this time almost doing the splits.
Aster and I snickered.
"Hey!" she shouted.
"I'm not saying sorry," Aster whispered in my ear.
"She deserves it for not taking gymnastics with me."
He laughed, "True."
He and I goofed off as Gwen and Austin continued with ice skating. I remember giving him a black eye just by chucking a snowball at him, it threw him off balance as well. Maybe he should've taken gymnastics with us as well, the class was offered to boys and girls when we were in elementary.
He and I also chased each other out of boredom as well after we had gotten an elephant ear and splitting it. Our sugar levels were pretty high and weren't going to settle anytime soon.
And it only got worse when Gwen and Austin got done. I had yanked Gwen and yelled in her face, she was probably going to go deaf due to me. Austin was caught in a head lock by Aster and soon had to wrestle him to get loose.
"Nic-- Stop--! I can't breathe!" Gwen laughed, I had been tickling her for the last five minutes.
"Only if you can beat me!" I shouted, I wasn't going to give up.
"Nic, seriously, stop." She grabbed my shoulders and pushed away, her breathing was heavy and labored.
"Oh," I stopped and regained my composure, "Sorry."
Austin and Aster walked back over to us, both of them panting.
"Anyone else tired?" Austin asked.
"Yeah," Gwen and I both said in unison.
"Let's go then, I'll go start the car." He pulled his keys out of his coat pocket and headed off to the parking lot.
"Fun night, wasn't it?" I asked the other two, a grin plastered on my face.
"It was great! Austin and I had so much fun skating!" Gwen spoke, she seemed overjoyed, maybe a little too much.
"That's good," I said.
"Guys, come on! I don't want to waste the battery!" Austin shouted.
The three of us headed to the car and got in Austin's red mustang, it looked as if it was a collector's car. Classic beauty.
I sat down and felt a jab in my side causing me to scream. I looked at the culprit to see Aster grinning. I narrowed my eyes and jabbed him back, this was going to turn into a poke fight.
The ride back was pretty silly and fun, but we still stayed sober enough on our sugar high to not speed, run a light, or crash. Thank God that did not happen at all.
"See you later, Nic!" Austin shouted as he and the others waved goodbye to me. I lived closest to the university.
"Bye, have a good night!" I waved back and walked down my street. Austin didn't dare go down my road since Road Comissions never plowed it, the snow on the road had turned to ice.
I hummed a tune in my head as I walked towards my house, tonight had been fun.
I stopped when I felt a presence behind me. A chill ran down my spine, but not from the cold.
Out of instinct I turned around and took a defensive stance just in time to be knocked to the ground.
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