Chapter 3

I was walking through the village, my brother is with me today, I was looking forward to seeing my friends today.

"Hey." I spoke, turning to look at Mushroom. "Isn't there a council meeting later?"

"Yep, there is.." Mushroom answered, ducking his head slightly. "I just hope Fern doesn't try to manipulate anyone.."

"Okay, I was just wondering." I reply "And I bet if you told her it bugged you, she would probably stop, she listens to you more than anyone else."

I saw Bloom then, giving a wave before she walked over to her friend.

"Hey Bloom! How're ya doing today?" I asked as she approached.

"I'm doing pretty well." Bloom responded. "What'cha up to?" I ask.

"Nothing really, just walking around the village, enjoying the sights." Bloom answered.

"Hello Bloom." A Rosewing called out, Bloom looked over at the dragon.

"Hi Lilac!" Bloom said happily.

This was the same dragon whom me and Lichen had met in the forest yesterday, so her name is Lilac.

"It's good to see you." Lilac said, her wings were slightly tense as she looked around, she didn't seem to be the most comfortable around other dragons.

"You too" Bloom replied. "Oh! Hey, have you met my friend Evergreen?" 

"It's nice to meet you... formally." Lilac said.

"You too! It's also nice to finally know your name." I agree. "So um... what do you typically do for entertainment?" 

"I don't live in the main village so I don't really do anything around here." Lilac replied.

"Oh, I guess that explains why I don't often see you." I say.

"Do you want to have lunch together?" I offer.

"Alright." Lilac agreed.

"Sounds great." Bloom said.

"Come on, let's go!" I say.

We walked to the village Café to get some lunch together, we sat at an table and ate.

"That was good!" Bloom said. "Yeah it was!" I agree. 

"I'm going home now... bye." Lilac said.

"Okay, bye!" I say, giving a wave to her as she left. "Goodbye!" Bloom said.

"She was nice." I say.

"Yeah she can be at times." Bloom agreed. "What now?" I ask. "I don't know..." Bloom answered.

"I'm going to go to the river for some water." I say.

"Okay, bye Ever!" Bloom said.

I walked to the river to get an drink of water, I leaned down and began to drink and nice cool water, I turned and walked back to the village.

"Hey there Ever." a male Rosewing I knew to be Stump, said.

"Hey there Stump." I reply.

"I got stumped on what to carve next with wood." Stump joked, Stump liked to joke about his name and he also seemed to like doing carvings.

"Ha! Good one." I reply.

"I know...Bloom helped me come up with that one." Stump said.

My close friend group is made up of me obviously then Mushroom Bloom Stump and Lichen, all my friends were nice to each other.

"So what did you do last for your carvings?" I ask.

"A Winterhorn dragon, it turned out good. I think I might try to open a shop on the market island." Stump answered.

"Maybe Stump's carvings?" I suggest an name. 

"Ooh! Stump's stumped carvings!" Stump said, bouncing slightly on his feet.

"Yes that's a good name, if you do open one, you should go with that." I agree with an giggle.

"Yes if I make a shop that well be the name then." Stump said.

"What's going on?" Bloom asked.

"I was thinking about opening a carvings shop on the market island." Stump answered.

"And then we were coming up with names, he picked Stump's stumped carvings." I put in.

"It's a perfect name and a funny one!" Bloom said.

"Yeah!" Stump said.

"Maybe you could take requests on what to do for carvings too?" Bloom suggested.

"That's a good idea, it'd be good for attracting business." Stump said. "I think I will have to open a shop there, it'd be fun." 

"Cool! I'd check it out." I reply. "Me too!" Bloom said.

"I'm gonna go make some more cravings before I actually open a shop so I have some stuff to sell." Stump said and walked away.

"Carvings are quite popular around the market so he'll probably have quite a few dragons coming to his shop." I say.

It looked as though the council was getting out early and then normal today.

I hear an dragonet's voice screech "FERRRR!!!" A dragonet ran straight towards Fern which she looked down and smiled, it looked as though the dragonets father was chasing after him.

"That Dragonet is loud." Bloom commented.

"And he knows Fern." I add.

Then Fern ended up following the dragonet and his father into the forest.

"Hi Ever." Mushroom said as he walked over.

"Hi Mushroom!" Bloom said.

"Hi!" I greet him.

"It looks like the only dragons we are missing to make our full group are Lichen and Stump." Mushroom observed.

"Stump is doing carving and I don't know what Lichen is up to." Bloom said.

"Kay." Mushroom nods.

"Stump said he was gonna open a cravings shop on the marketplace island." I tell him. "That'll be popular." Mushroom observed.

"Yeah since carvings are so popular there." I agree.

"Do you go to the marketplace often?" Bloom asked.

"Yeah I do, It's fun to see what's there." I answer.

"I don't go there much, just every once in a while." Bloom said. "Well neither do I." Mushroom replied.

"So what should we do?" I ask.

"The three of us could go to the market together?" Bloom suggested with an shrug.

"Yeah, it would be nice too look around, perhaps find new books to read." Mushroom agreed.

I nodded in agreement to the plan and we took off and flew to the market island it was busy as usual, I saw a familiar StormTalon in the marketplace.

"Hi Ever!" Gale greeted me as she walked over.

"Hey Gale!" I reply.

"You know this StormTalon?" Mushroom asked.

"Yeah she's a friend." I answer.

"Well Gale, I'm Bloom, another of Ever's friends." Bloom said.

"And I'm Mushroom, her older brother." Mushroom said.

"It's nice to meet you both." Gale said.

"So what do StormTalons do?" Bloom asked.

Gale shrugged "Normal things, we hunt, talk with friends, and some StormTalons like to make sculptures" 

"Hunt...? As in hunt animals?" Mushroom asked.

"Yeah.. what else would we hunt?" Gale replied.

"I read that some tribes eat meat..." Mushroom said, and just if it were on cue with Mushroom

"Fresh fish for sale!" A Tidestream stall owner called, he cringed at the words.

"It's busy here today." Bloom commented.

"it always is." I respond.

"Like busier then normal." Bloom said.

Gale's scales were a medium gray,  her horns a darker gray and she had Amber eyes and light gray wings with lightning strikes across her wings as well as a frill of fur-like spikes along her spine.

"So Rosewings eat fruit..?" Gale asked then, turning back to Mushroom.

"Yeah we do." I answer. "So what is the StormTalon island like?" Bloom asked.

"It doesn't have many plants cause dragonets would accidentally strike the place with lightning because they are still learning to control their ability." Gale answered with an smile.

"Oh if you ever want some plants around your place I can help." Bloom offered "I'll have to remember that." Gale replied with a nod, not meeting the Rosewing's eyes, her response was neither a yes nor no, simply a maybe.

"I'm going to head off now bye you three." Gale said.

"Bye Gale." Bloom replied.

Bloom turned to me. "Sorry that I didn't let you talk with your friend Ever..." Bloom said, looking slightly embarrassed. "I know you probably wanted to.."

"It's fine." I reply, shrugging it off with a smile.

"Why don't we take a look around the market?" I suggest, spreading my wing out to gesture to the many stalls.

"Yeah that's why we came here. To look around." Mushroom said with a deadpan expression. "Oh shush." I gave his shoulder a little shove and he cracked up, a wide grin taking over his face.

We wandered around the market, we saw fights between Tidestream's and Featherscales every now and then but overall it seemed like the FeatherStream war stayed clear of the market island.

I hate that they have had to be in war so long that no one remembers why it started.

"I think we should probably get home now." Mushroom said.

"Yeah I'm getting tired." Bloom replied.

"Me too." I agree.

And we took off a flew home landing back on the Rosewing island, we said our goodbyes to Bloom and we walked inside our place, we made and ate dinner.

"What do you think we should do tomorrow?" Mushroom asked.

"Umm......I don't know." I answer. "I usually just follow the flow of things." (A/n me too Ever lol)

"Yeah but we could go and see some friends or to our beach area and take a swim in the ocean?" Mushroom suggested.

"I think I'd want to go down to the beach tomorrow." I reply. "Sounds fun."

"Then it's decided after I do my task for tomorrow we'll go down to the beach." Mushroom said.

"Well we'd need some sleep before then." I respond.

"Then let's head to bed." Mushroom said and we walked down the hallway and to our rooms, I went in my and climbed into bed and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I climbed out of bed the next morning, Windrider is most likely resting at my parents place after delivering the last message, I would often tell them what was going on inside the village and how it was going for me in my messages and they would tell me what they had been up to as well.

I will fill my bed with soft stuff I find in the forest and sometimes collect from animals who didn't need it anymore like to sheer off some wool from sheep, that was one of the things we Rosewings use for our bedding.

I have plenty of feathers from Windrider in my bed and other feathers I found in the forest and animal fur I would find.

Windrider, I recalled the light gray Hawk with blue eyes similar to my own and gold talons and beak that goes black at the tip.

I hear my brother get up and walk down the hall, I have been with my older brother my whole life, he's awake and he is probably going to go make breakfast.

I put the stones on my desk in an new pattern, I quite enjoyed rearranging them into new patterns, it was fun. I had originally started to see how long it would take Windrider and Mushroom to notice but now I just do it for fun.

Mushroom walked in. "I knew you were awake." Mushroom said. "Yeah I am awake." I reply.

"So how early did you wake up this time?" Mushroom asked.

"A little before you actually." I answer.

"Hmm, and you didn't come out to help me why?" Mushroom spoke the words in a mock-accusing tone.

"Because I didn't feel like it." I answered smoothly.

"And how do I know you didn't get up earlier?" Mushroom asked.

"Because I would have made breakfast for us." I answer.

"Yet you didn't want to come out and help me..." Mushroom replied "How rude little sister." I shoved him playfully, wrapping my wing around him for a hug we then walked out of the room together, heading for the living area.

"Well let's eat." Mushroom suggested as he turned his head back to look at me.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me." I agree, we sat down and ate

Hybrids were very rare in Palera due to them being against the law in some territories, so I don't see them very often.

"So wanna head down to the beach now?" Mushroom asked.

"Yeah!" I answer.

We got up and walked out of the house and down the stairs. "So what do you think we should do at our little beach?" Mushroom asked, glancing back towards me.

"Honestly I kinda just wanted to feel the breeze against my scales and sound of the waves again." I answer.

"That's a good reason for going." Mushroom said nodding.

As we got closer we could hear the sound of splashing and young voices giggling, we walked onto the beach, I saw the dragonet and the father from yesterday.

"Oh...uh...I didn't realize anyone else came out here." the female adult Rosewing said awkwardly, ducking her head politely at me and Mushroom.

"Yeah we didn't either." I comment, giving what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

"You're Herb right?" Mushroom asked the dragonet's father.

"Yeah and this is my mate Milkweed." he answered.

"Da!! Pllllaaaaayyyy!!" One of the dragonets screeched.

"Kay, Fungus I'll play with you." Herb replied with a grin.

"Kay? Wha kay means?" Fungus asked, tipping his little head comically to the side.

"It's a shorter way of saying okay." Herb answered.

Herb followed Fungus to the water. "So you like feeling the breeze too?" Milkweed asked nervously, speaking to unfamiliar dragons obviously made her uncomfortable.

"Yeah it's nice." I answer.

"Your dragonets are adorable." Mushroom commented.

Milkweed smiled. "Thank you, though looks can be deceiving, they are wild animals when it comes to putting them down for naps."

"Hi!" the lightest green female dragonet said, bouncing over. "I is Mayyoh!"

"It's Mallow." Milkweed told the dragonet.

"Mallhow." Mallow said. "Mal-low." Milkweed told her again.

"Mal...low?" Mallow said. "Now try and put it together." Milkweed replied.

"Mallow?" Mallow asked if she got it right.

"Yes that's right." Milkweed answered.

"I Mallow!" She stated.

"Well hello Mallow." Mushroom replied, smiling at the dragonet.

"So who arr yew?" Mallow asked.

"I'm Mushroom and this is my sister Evergreen." Mushroom answered.

"She is the best with her words so far." Milkweed said, she had seemed to become more confident with us.

"Mallow! plaayy wihh meeeeee!!" The third dragonet asked.

"That's Maple." Milkweed said.

"Otay!!" Mallow replied, running over to join her sister's game, they splashed and played in the water, but they kept where they could touch bottom.

"Maple and Mallow are twins, they hatched at the same time, Fungus is most likely going to be my agile little dragonet." Milkweed said.

Herb came out of the water with Fungus standing on his back.

"I aggre that he well become very agile, he already somewhat is." Herb said. "He will probably grow up to help with building houses high up in the trees, using his agility to keep a grip on the trees while he builds."

"Yaa! Me agile!!" Fungus said.

"Yeah you really are." I agree.

The dragonets were fun to talk with, I wonder if I'll ever have Dragonets and with who...

"Yew, Vine Dwagone." Fungus said. "My name is Evergreen" I introduce myself.

"Eveargween!!" Fungus said.

"And I'm Mushroom." Mushroom said.

"Mushy? Roo?" Fungus said with slight confusion in his voice.

"They are quite young to be speaking. My parents told me I didn't start speaking until I was a week old." Milkweed said.

"I started speaking within the day I hatched." Herb replied.

"Well every dragon is different." Mushroom states.

"Yeah that's true." Milkweed replied.

Mallow ran up and Maple ran behind her and jumped on Mallow.

"Gee offffff!!" Mallow yelped at Maple.

"Nah yew arr minee." Maple replied.

We watched the dragonets play. "Fungus hepp!!" Mallow cried, Fungus joined in the battle of dragonets, but he didn't help Mallow he just battled his siblings,  Mallow pulled herself out of the battle and gave her little dragonet wings a shake.

"Hi Mushroo!" Mallow said, glancing up at him.

"Don't like battling your siblings?" Mushroom asked.

"Nahh I don!" Mallow answered.

"So is Evear fwend to Mama and Da?" Mallow asked.

"Yeah she and Mushroom are friends." Milkweed answered.

"Oh I need to head out, I forgot to get today's task for Ash done bye guys." Mushroom said.

"Bye Mushroo!" Mallow said, giving a enthusiastic wave.

"So Mallow is he your friend?" Milkweed asked.

"Yaah!!" Mallow answered, giving a nod.

"That's nice." I say.

"And I'm sure Mushroom would be happy to hear that." Herb added.

"Cah I goh tell him?" Mallow asked.

"No he's busy." Milkweed answered

"width wha?" Mallow asked, a small frown appearing on her little face.

"I'm not sure but I know he's busy." Milkweed answered.

"Theh whyy come meet me?" Mallow asked.

"Because he forgot he had to stuff today." I answer.

"oh.....kay." Mallow replied.

"Malyow why yew stoppy playin?" Maple asked, running over.

"No yike fight game!" Mallow answered, giving a little stomp.

"Pyay morr pyay morr!!!" Fungus said, bouncing over as well.

"I no yike it!" Mallow replied.

"Whyy!!?" Fungus asked

"Becuth, I donh." Mallow answered.

"buh Malyow!!" Fungus said.

"We no playy battle ann I playy too." Mallow replied.

"Kay-Kay!" Fungus replied. 

"She must really dislike battle games if she doesn't want to play with her siblings if there playing it." I comment.

"I donh." Mallow said to me.

And the three dragonets ran back to the water to splash around again.

Herb seemed to really like getting into the dragonets games and playing with them well Milkweed was the parent who kept there dragonets safe and was the one to often just be keeping an eye on them.

"It must be difficult to keep your dragonets out of trouble" I say.

"I used to help Fern take care of Lichen so know what it's like to take care of dragonets and what dangers to avoid." Milkweed replied.

"Hm, but your three are different cause every dragon is different." I say.

"Yeah, no two dragons are the same, even if they are identical twins there is still something different with there personalities." Milkweed replied.

"Yeah and some dragons can prove siblings can be different from each other because look at me and Mushroom we look hardly alike yet we are siblings." I say.

"And Lichen is obsessed with plants well Fern doesn't really like feeling that much power from the plants." Milkweed replied.

"Oh, I didn't know that about her." I say. "She usually avoids me."

"It was something Fern told me once before." Milkweed replied.

"I'm gonna go join the dragonets in their game." Herb said.

"Kay." Milkweed replied.

Herb walked over to the dragonets and started to play with them. "He loves spending time with them." Milkweed said with a smile.

"It seems like it." I agree.

"Hey Milkweed." a voice said from behind them.

I turned my head to see Fern standing there, the other Rosewing was looking at Milkweed but her gaze eventually flitted down to me, her eyes narrowed slightly and her smile dimmed just the smallest bit.

"Oh hello Evergreen what are doing here?" Fern asked, her tone a fake attempt at being pleasant.

"We were just talking Evergreen seems like a pretty good dragon." Milkweed answered.

"Oh.....okay." Fern replied, her brows twitched.

"So what brings you down here?" Milkweed asked.

"I wanted to come see my friend and when I asked Mushroom if he knew where you were he said he saw you last here." Fern answered, her smile brightening again.

"Ah. He seems like he would be a good mate for you." Milkweed said, giving a wink, I shuffled my wings awkwardly, Mushroom had already shared his opinion on Fern he probably wasn't gonna change his mind.

"I too." Fern replied, completely missing my reaction, she scraped at the dirt lightly with her claws, trying to squash down the awkward smile trying to force its way onto her face, Fern turned her head away but she was sure Fern blushed after that.

"FEEEEERRRRR!!!" Fungus screeched as he ran for Fern and tackled her with a hug.

"Hey there Fungi." Fern replied and smiled at the young dragonet.

Mallow and Maple walked up to Fern.

"Howw Ferrnuh doing?" Mallow asked.

"I'm doing fine Mallow." Fern answered.

"Mallow!" The dragonet repeated happily.

"You can your name that's nice." Fern said

"And sibs Fungose an.....Maply!" Mallow replied.

This time Mallow didn't seem to care if she messed up the words.

"Yes Fungus and Maple." Fern said.

Fern clearly liked the trio of Dragonets, she didn't seem to notice when Fungus climbed onto her back. "Feeerrr goooo fass!!" Fungus said and he grabbed onto Ferns horns as if he meant to steer.

"Where do I go I've got other dragonets at my feet." Fern replied.

"Malyow, Mapull, go somewherr else!" Fungus told his siblings.

"I'm not taking a demanding dragonet anywhere." Fern said and sat down.

"Feeeeeeeerrrrr! Up!" Fungus yelled.

"No." Fern replied tilting her head up defiantly.

"Wha Feerrrr!" Fungus said.

"Nope I'm not getting up." Fern replied.

"Yeahh yew wihll gee up!" Fungus told her.

"Or what?" Fern asked.

"Or........I jumph on yew face!" Fungus answered.

"Oh that's all I can take you off my face easily." Fern replied.

"No yew cannt I holl on really tight!" Fungus said.

"And I can just pull you off." Fern replied.

Fungus was clearly not taking no for an answer.

"I gee on yew wherr yew cannt reeachh me!" Fungus said and he climbed onto her head and sitting in between her horns.

"Off you little Fungus." Fern said as she sneaked her talons up to grab him, when she grabbed him he let out a tiny roar of surprise.

"You thought I couldn't reach you." Fern said.

"Lehh me goooooooooooo!!" Fungus cried.

"Never." Fern replied with a genuine grin.

Honestly it's so fun writing about this trio of Dragonets I have other plans for them in later books

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