Chapter One
Hello, My name is Eliza, and this is my twin sister, Isabelle. We are the creators of all, we created everything. All of life, all of Death. But we aren't the only ones, we have a little sister, Learna, but we will get to that later. Even tho we always have our hooded cloaks on, I have Red brown hair, pale skin, and my eyes are green hazel near the purple and blue on the outside, my cloak is all different shades and colors of purple and silver, underneath, I wear the same as my twin.
My twin Isabelle has Dark brown hair that looks almost black, she has brown eyes with a tint of green on the outer side of her eyes and pale skin. On the outside she wears a long no sleeve hooded cloak the colors of Moon light blue and white, she has long sleeves that start right above her elbow and they go farther down than her arms. She wears a white T-shirt underneath and navy blue leggings. She has midnight black boots.
Isabelle and I are inseparable, we are never apart for long.
Right now we were watching Learna, our little sister, she will rule with us one day. Looks nothing like us.
She has golden skin, a sule teal hair, her eyes are teal with gold swirls, and she has dragon wings and a tail. Ulike us she is one thing, but Isabelle and I are everything, but we look human. Learna ran up to us with something in her hands.
"Sisters! Look what I made!" We looked at what in her hands, it was a golden crystal.
"Very good!" I said, ating her on the head. Isabelle Sighed.
"It could be better, just keep working on it..." She answered. Learna looked down at her crystal, it turned moonlight blue.
"Here, keep it so that later when I perfect it then we can see the difference!" She said giving it to Isabelle.
"I like that Idea!" Isabelle said. Learna smiled and ran to make more. We love our sister.
"She is getting good" I said.
"Yes, but we must encourage her to get better." Isabelle said seriously.
"True true, buut, we also need to cheer her up if she gets it wrong" I replied. Isabelle sadly looked towards Learna.
"And when it's time, she'll go off on her own, without us...." She said sadly.
"You sound like your mothering her, yes she will leave but that is how it is" I said
"Yeah, I know....... The thing is, I just,...." She paused.
"What is it sister?" I asked.
" I feel a dark presence in her future......" She answered quietly.
" You don't say... well we will help her with it when the time comes" I said.
"I know....." She answered quietly, "Hey, Learna?"
"Yea?" Learna said as she walked over to us.
"Would you like to go outside to see me set the sun?" She asked.
"Oh yes!" Learna said jumping up and down excitedly. Isabelle smiled and took Learna by the hand.
"Then we must hurry..." She answered.
"Remember I do it tomorrow" I said following them Learna laughed. Isabelle ran out to the hill with Learna and I closely behind. Learna sat down trying to hold her excitedness at bay. Isabelle smiled as she reached her hands out.
Moondust began to form around her hands. Learnas eyes glow bright gold as she watched Isabelle set the sun and raised the moon. I lifted her up to my shoulders so she could see better. When she was done, we went back to the palace.
Isabelle collapsed on her warm bed exhausted. She sat up and stretched.
"Are you tired sister?" I asked, Learna sat next to Isabelle on the bed. I sat on my bed next to hers.
"Sort of, it always wears me out...." She said while yawning.
"Huh, It never tires me out? I wonder why.." I questioned.
"Maybe it is because Eliza does the mornings and Isabelle does the night" Learna said. Isabelle touched her nose, Learna laughed.
"Corect!" She said tierly.
"Good guess!" I said. Isabelle smiled and started to laugh. She then sat up and her eyes lit up.
"Hey, who's up for Stargazing?!" She said excitedly.
"I DO! I DO!" Learna yelled. Isabelle smiled with delight.
"Aright! Let's go then!" I said picking learna up and ran out the door, she squealed with delight. We ran with Isabelle behind us. We collapsed onto the soft grass laughing. We flipped our hoods off
"Isabelle? Eliza? Why do you guys always wear hoods?" Learna asked.
"...Well" I said."We do because, we want to" I said.
"There is no real reason we do, we just do....Plus It makes us look all cool and mysterious and stuff" I said wiggling my fingers at her. She giggled.
"Don't get me wrong, hoods are cool, but you don't have to wear a hood like us..." Isabelle said.
"Haha! But when I grow up I want to wear a hood!" Larna said.
"....... you would be surprised......." Isabelle said mysterious.. Learna gave he a confused look."Isabelle? Why don't you ever tell me what happens in my future?" Learna asked. Isabelle went silent for a moment. We looked at eachother.
"Well....... If I did it would change, so I'm not going to, sorry....." Isabelle said softly. Learna looked down disappointed.
"We want you to find out on your own" I said. Isabelle smiled at me as if to say""Good answer"". Learna looked up.
"Really! I will be able to see the future!" She said bounce a bit.
"Yep, with a bit more training you will!" Learna smiled and jumped up.
"Yes!!!" She said excitedly. Isabelle caught Learna in midair and smoothed her head.
"Calm down...." She whispered, "And look up at the stars..." Isabelle said pointing up. The stars started to form a girl. Learna smiled and calmed down.
"Did you do that?" She asked.
"Yep she did! I said, I put my hand to the sky and let power flow through me, the stars bent at my will forming another girl she was a werewolf. We made the two girls play and dance, Learna watched with a look of wonder.
"What should we call that girl..." Isabelle said pointing a the werewolf. Learna paused to think for a moment.
"Howl!" she said.
"That's wonderful!" Isabelle said in delight.
"Thanks!" Learna said.
"What about Isabelle's?" I asked. Learna thought again.
"Shadow briger" she said. Isabelle smiled again. We looked at each other and smiled again.
"Nice name!" I said. Isabelle picked up Learna and smiled.
"I'll tell you this.... You'll be great at giving your goddesses names!" She said breaking into laughter.
"Really! Cool!" she said.
"I agree with Isabelle, you will be great at names." I said laughing.
"Come on let's go to bed" I said taking Learna out of Isabelle's lap and helping her up. We walked back to the palace and put Learna to bed and then went to bed ourselves.
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