Chapter Four
VR's Dimension reeked with Death, but it is to be expected, she is the goddess of Death. Wilted trees were everywhere, Leneno looked at them with unease, soles were floating around and there was almost too many graves to walk.
"Well, It is like I remembered it..." Eliza said. Learna looked around with a worried look, still holding Leneno's hand. Rider looked around with awe.
"Why does she need to have dead plants everywhere? That is basically me being dead you know..." Rider shrived.
"It's just like what a battle ground looks like afterwards...." He said slowly. I looked around.
"Well.... without the dead body's...." I said softly. Leneno looked at him with a weird look then walked toward a path.
"This should lead us to her hunting grounds" Leneno said.
"What does she need to hunt? She doesn't eat right?" Rider asked
"She doesn't need to eat, but her snakes do, they eat soles." Eliza answered him with a sly smile. Rider backed up disgusted. I walked through a pile of dead rats.
"Looks like they just ate..." I said with a disgusted face. Rider quickly jumped over them trying not to look.
Then A flying object flew through the air, missing Rider by a millimeter, it hit the tree behind him, it was a double sided scythe, it was made of black wood with shining white metal blades at the ends. It made Rider jump and then he quickly scramble to grab his sword. A loud hissing sound came from the trees, then four more hissing noises. Leneno casually walked over to the scythe and pulled it out, then walked over to a patch of dead trees.
A figure landed in front of him, and took it. She had pure white bandages covering her arms and legs, she had black torn jean shorts, with a black and white hoodie with the sleeves torn off, she had the hood up so we could only see her nose chin and mouth, her skin was a darkish lightish grey, and a bit of flesh was missing from her cheek so it showed extremely sharp dragon teeth. Black transparent hair piled out of the front of her hood at the end of her hair was a scythe shape, she had a long scaled tail with a scythe tip, it was the same color of her skin. Another synth was strapped to her back with a leather strap.
"Hello Valkyrie Reaper" I said. She slowly looked up and removed her hood.
"Oh it is just you guys, I thought you were stray soles, sorry..." She said. I smiled and nodded.
"That's okay, you probably don't recognize him thou, so it's understandable." I said gesturing to Rider.
"True true...." A hissing came from her bandages. Four bandage like snake heads appeared from her back where they can join together, rider fell back in surprise, VR's bandages are alive, by the way.
"W-what are those....." Rider stuttered while pulling out his swords. He got into a stance like he was about to attack.
"These? Oh...this is Sakar, Rankar, Lesar, and Zathar." she said gesturing to each snake. Rider slowly put his sword away as her snakes hissed at him. Then he slowly backed away over to me.
"I think, I'll just stand her for now....." He murmured.
"I really don't know why they are like this... they can be very cautious at first,so this is normal... I guess." The snakes started to hiss again, but this time it was fully directed to Rider, and they seemed angry.
"What the heck guys, what is your problem??" VR asked them, the snakes tucked themselves back into her hoodie.
"Hey, I know that I kinda forced your kind into war, with the king snakes, but don't get mad at me for that! I was just doing my job!" He said to them as they retracted. VR looked at him weirdly.
"Your the god of war?" she asked. He scratched his head.
"Yeah..... I'm the god of war....." He murmured.
"Huh, well...thanks for giving me something to do... when you make war people die, there for I have my job" VR quickly explained.
"Oh... yeah, I guess, that would also mean that I give Florence a job." He said a little confidently. VR's smile began to fade.
"Florence!? Your friends with her?!" VR erupted. Rider slowly backed away.
"Y-yes......" He answered softly. I quickly jumped in between them both. I turned to Rider.
"VR and Florence aren't really friends, they don't really like each other..." I started to explain, then I turned to VR, "He probably didn't know that you two weren't friends..." I said calming VR down. Eliza agreed with me.
"Isabelle's right, VR, Calm down..." Eliza said while grabbing VR's shoulder. She hissed, exposing her sharp dagger like teeth and forked tongue. Rider slowly backed away and hid behind me. I laughed in surprise. Leneno came up to her and whispered something in her ear, she looked down for a sec then as fast as lightning she clawed her way up a tree and took off. Then I realized Learna hasn't talked yet, I looked around, Eliza seemed to realize as well. Learna was gone. I ran around calling out Learna's name.
"Learna!!!!" I yelled out Multi colored tears started to stream down my face. I fell to the ground and summon the searching spirits. They arose from the ground, they were transparent silver with no face. Eliza quickly walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder. She raised her arm to guide the spirits to what they were trying to find.
"Find Learna...." She said softly. I looked up in distress, and to my surprise Eliza had knelt down and hugged me. She wasn't really the type to hug. Then seconds later I heard a little girl screech and felt a little girl try to break us up. It was Learna, she quickly jumped into my lap shivering.
"What's wrong Learna?" Eliza asked alarmed. VR knelt down beside me too.
"The-There were souls that wanted to drag me down to the deepest depths of darkness and eat me ALIVE!!!!" She screeched. I tried to quiet her down as VR told her that she would never let that happen, and that she would deal with those spirits that did that. Learna slightly smiled and hugged VR. I slowly put Learna down and stood up to see that we were surrounded by Spirits.
Leneno and Rider both had their weapons out and in battle stance. I glanced at Eliza for a second and saw that she had her sword out too. She nodded when I clinged to my swords. I slowly released long silver swords. I looked around, there were about 30 of them surrounding us. VR jumped into the air and took out 5 of them, then after they all charged at us at the same time. I grabbed Learna and jumped up into the air and through one of my swords at two spirits heads. Then from behind a male spirit approached me trying to grab Learna.
Eliza swooped to the rescue and grabbed Learna while I grabbed my sword into the males spirits neck. One by one we took them out until they were no more. Eliza slowly placed Learna onto the ground, and all of a sudden we heard a groan. I look down at Learna and to my surprise we had missed one.
She had bright fall colored eyes, white transparent hair, and light silver skin, she was around Learna's age and she was backing away quickly from Learna. It had looked like Learna had hurt her somehow. The spirit girl had bright white tears streaming down her face. Then I realized who it was, Autumn, VR's "little" sister. Autumn really wasn't VR's little sister, but Autumn has known her since she was born, and Autumn doesn't have any of her own siblings, so she likes to think of VR as her big sister. Autumn ran over to VR and hugged her, VR just froze up and did move.
After a few moments VR pulled away and glared at Learna. She apologized and then back away quickly. I walked over to Autumn, who I had met not very long ago, but something seemed off. She had a long scar the color of her eyes going down her arm.
Autumn was always the type of girl who wasn't into fashion, or pretty things. So she wore a midnight blue tunic and white pants rolled up to her ankles, she never wore shoes. She also had a long white cloak on. She has long wavy hair that goes down to her knees and was pushed off onto her right shoulder. Strapped to her back was a long doubled sword. And on her shoulder was a white rat, who didn't hiss at Rider, but instead jumped onto him and snuggled right on his shoulder.
Autumn ran over to him and store at him for a few minutes, then smiled and grabbed her rat.
"This is Akiko, she seems to like you!" She said cheerfully. Then she walked over to Learna and glared at her for a moment. She stood in front of Learna glaring at her and waiting for something. Learna got the hint and bowed.
"I'm really sorry..... I didn't mean too.... I just...." Learna started. Autumn stopped her.
"I don't need to hear why, but I do accept your apology, especially since you are one of the creators...." She said putting her hand down, "If it's okay with you, I want to forget any of this happened." She said seriously. Learna smiled and so did Autumn.
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