Prologue: Aggressive Contract
Hello and welcome back to Crazy Noisy Bizarre Guild! Now with the Bio and Harem chapters out of the way, it's time to officially begin the story! I hope you're all hyped for a tale filled with many bizarre twists, turns, unexpected reveals, shocking surprises, and more! Anyhow, for those wanting to see some training chapters like Bizarre Shinobi....that's not exactly gonna happen here, I'll explain more at the end of the chapter. Additionally, stay tuned as the Harem chapter for Divine Intervention and the Prologue chapter for I'll Always Come Back will be getting their publications sometime in the near future! Anyway, I'm your host/author of the night or day, OverlordAKX, and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter.
P.S. I shifted through the comments of the harem chapter and chose one final girl to be entered into the harem, with the lucky winner being Millianna. Sorry for those who wanted Brandish, Irene, or anyone else. However, on a positive note, those two, alongside other not presented within this story, could make their way into Divine Intervention or the 3rd FT story.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Gibliberg Town
*The faint sound of partying, music, and cheering emanated throughout this quaint town as the moonlight christened the outside in a smooth glow. The villagers were celebrating some kind of holiday related to a full moon. As he walked past the numerous amounts of pubs and eateries filled to the brim with people howling with laughter, singing, and dancing their hearts' away, a smile etched itself onto the bizarre traveler's face as his boots softly thudded against the stone road. If anyone had cast their gaze onto the stranger, their happy, joyful expressions of carefree jubilation would be replaced by looks of awe, respect, fear, or all of the above. As the truth was, this wasn't a simple traveler nor a traveling merchant, but it was a mage from the prestigious and well-known guild known as Fairy Tail. His name was Y,N L,N and a look of fiery determination was burning brightly within his eyes, which were the only aspects anyone could see behind the darkened veil of his raised cloak.*
Y,N: *thinks as he tilts his cloak downwards* Hopefully these two buffoons take me directly to the meeting place. *frowns* I would hate to be tailing nothing but a pair of slack-jawed, booze-impaired idiots.
Drunk Goon: *giggles drunkenly, with the smell of booze flowing into the air* Ya know what, Skelly?
"Skelly": *right eyes twitches lightly* My name isn't 'Skelly', Benedict.
Benedict: *laughs drunkenly* I hate being *hic* called that, Skelly boy! It sounds *hic* to posh and gentlemanly. *coughs* I like the name Benny! It's simple, rolls *hic* off the old tongue, and the *hic* girls love it.
"Skelly": *raises an eyebrow questioningly* Do they now?
Benedict: *laughs heartily* Harharharhar! Of course they do, Skelly! The Vulcan's *hic* may be taking over, but even that won't stop me *hic* charms! *smiles, showing off his yellow-stained teeth and letting loose more booze breath*
"Skelly" *momentarily gags and sputters at his buddy's indecency* Yikes Benedict! What the hell did you drink!
Benedict: *yells drunkenly* I told ya once already, Skelly, call me Benny! It *hic* rhymes with Lenny! Or........*hic* Tenny! Or even *hic*...................Zenny!
"Skelly": *sighs wistfully* Why was I forced to chaperone you?
Benedict: *grins cheerfully, with a tinge of alcohol-induced pink dusting his cheeks* Because *hic* you drew the shortest straw, Skelly!
"Skelly": *rolls his eyes and mutters underneath his breath* If I knew this would happen, I would have preferred dropping dead of my own accord.
Benedict: *yells* What did ya *hic* say, Skelly! I couldn't hear ya, lad!
Y,N: *thinks exasperatedly* What kind of self-respecting gang would allow this drunk bozo and his lanky friend to join their ranks?!
*Following the two men proved to be an easy venture for Y,N. Neither man was exactly being quiet by any means, as the drunkard practically shouted all of his sentences. Yet he resigned himself to keeping a fair distance away and paying extra attention on concealing any possible noise. For a few more minutes, and several twists and turns diverting from the main road, the Fairy Tail mage mentally groaned and frowned as the nonsensical topics came flooding out of the drunkard's mouth like a leaky faucet! As the main road gave to darkened alleyways and side-streets which gave to the gentle sound of waves and the forlorn sound of foghorn in the distance, the drunk kept spewing delusion after delusion. Every single talking point that flowed out of his mouth was met with thinly veiled derision or a passive aggressive comment from his lanky pal. Fortunately, the mental nightmare storming within Y,N's mind was quelled as the two men finally stopped in front of a buidling.*
Benedict: *celebrates enthusiastically* Hurrah! We're at *hic* the hideout! Let's get this *hic* party started.
"Skelly": *mutters, as he lets go of his drunken partner and raps his knuckles against the door* Your partied already started, you drunken ingrate.
Y,N: *thinks joyfully as he blends in with the shadows in a nearby alleyway* Finally! We're getting somewhere!
*Gazing up at the building, Y,N smirked and immediately knew the perfect point of entry. No one ever expected an opponent to come from above. However, before he could continue to plot his assault, the door leading into the building creaked open slightly and a pair of frustrated, slitted green eyes met the duo. The green eyes stared down the duo standing before it, and their already frustrated gaze took on an aggressive gleam. Both "Benny" and "Skelly" gulped and quaked in their boots as the already ajar door opened ever-so-slightly more and the men gave out another gulp. Clearly whatever those green eyes were attached to, they...or possibly even it, had the power to immediately wash the drunkard out of his state. Before either man could let out a scream or a babbling apology towards the mysterious entity, it spoke in a harsh, hissing whisper.*
????: *says aggressively, with a menacing aura surrounding him* Where have you two been! We've been awaiting your presssence for hoursssss now!
"Skelly" *gulps and shivers in fright* W-W-We're sorry, boss! Benedict----
Benedict: *buts in and corrects* Benny!
????: *narrows its gaze at "Benny", causing him to sharply intake some air*
"Skelly": *coughs nervously* A-As I was saying boss, Benedict was having a little too much fun at a local pub.
????: *lets out an aggressive sigh, which sounded more like a hiss* Just get insisssde! The meeting issss about to begin!
*Both men immediately nodded and ran inside post-haste, with the door slamming shut behind them. As the sound of frantic footsteps retreated and the normal sounds of the ocean slowly dominated the area once more, Y,N's mind was filled with possible ideas on who this mysterious individual was. He clearly despised those that wasted his time, and loathed sheer idiocy and incompetence. Yet, he loved striking fear into the hearts of his underlings, as his slitted green eyes briefly cheered up at the stuttering of fear and the sharp intakes of bated breath. Finally, those slitted green eyes....those orbs are what stumped the Fairy Tail mage most of all. This boss wasn't completely human, or far more disturbing, removed his human eyes and replace them with a beasts.*
Y,N: *quietly says to himself* Well, I'm not going to find any answers nor am I going to complete this mission standing out here. *looks at the building* But busting in Natsu style with zero regard or concern isn't going to do me any favors either. *smirks* Now seems like a perfect time to call in some allies.
*A golden light surrounded Y,N's form as he channeled his incredible magic to summon his steadfast allies. Unlike the standard summons of celestial spirits, these summons did not require keys or carefully constructed contracts, no they were connected to a completely different source. A far more personal source that stemmed from his bloodline. For generations, his bloodline had grown more powerful and expanded their abilities to unknown territories due to the blood-pact with these summons.....until his bloodline had been forcibly eradicated. Shaking his head, which freed his thoughts from painful memories, Y,N called forth the summons that would best assist him. As the golden glow shimmered and died down, four people stood proud and ready for action. Each of them, despite their differences, was fearsome and powerful in their own rights, be it typical strength or something like wit or intelligence.*
Y,N: *grins, before explaining the situation and plan to the mysterious four* Alright, here's the plan......
Goon POV, Location: Scourza Wharf, five minutes later
*Cheerful, yet equally confused banter filled the air as the final preparations were being accounted for, and everyone was getting ready for the meeting ahead. None of them knew why they had been summoned to this dingy warehouse in the fishing district, or even who summoned them in the first place. The only thing they did know, and the only thing that mattered to them, is that this meeting was something big...and something potentially lucrative. Everyone in the dimly lit room was affiliated with criminality in some form or fashion, from your average mugger and pit pocket to impressive conmen and assassin's. Before any of their banter could continue however, a loud "bam!" was heard and all of the criminals turned to look with fright and worry rushing through their veins. At first their minds immediately rushed to intruder and all of them reached for their weapon or flared their magic, ready to strike at a moment's notice. While darting their eyes around the room, they soon laid their gaze upon two men, a green-eyed man and someone wearing a large cloak. The former was sitting calmly, while the latter was standing a few feet behind them. The green eyed-man's entire form, except his dazzling green eyes and his blood red gloves, was enveloped by shadow's. Without so much as a word, the other criminals waded towards the commanding presence and began gingerly taking seats at the table. The only furniture of note within the room were simplistic chairs and a massive table.*
????: *smiles, which is belied by his condensing and superior tone* It'ssss a pleassssure that all of you could make it, my fellow criminal brethren.
Everyone else: *cheers and hollers*
????: *frowns, with his green eyes narrowing, causing all of the cheering and hollering to end abruptly* Assss I wassss ssssaying, I'm glad all of you could make it to thissss little "get together".
Random Goon: *laughs as he sits right next to the green-eyed man* Wouldn't have missed this for the wor------*gags*
????: *says in a cruel and cold tone as he presses a dagger against the goon's throat* Don't you dare interrupt my sssspeech! *his green eyes sparkle with rage and mania as he places further pressure onto dagger resting against the goon's throat, drawling a light trickle of blood* You will only sssspeak when directly assssked, got it?!
Random Goon: *shakily puts a thumbs up*
????: *says in a calm tone, while retracting his dagger* Good. *asks in a sincerely curious tone* My fellow brother in criminal armssss, what is your name?
Random Goon: *stutters* I-I-It's Gilberg sir.
????: *says in a playful tone, which had undertones of cruelty and malice underneath it* Alright, Gilberg. Would you mind ansssswering me something? It sssshouldn't be difficult.
Gilberg: *shakes his head nervously* Fire away, boss.
????: *narrows his eyes as the playful tone vanishes* Who gave you the right to resssspond right now?
Gilberg: *gulps with a few beads of sweat beginning to form*
????: *lets out a relieved breath* That'ssss exactly what I wanted to hear, Gilberg. *gestures towards the other men seated at the table with a smile on his face* Why aren't all of you like Gilberg here? You sssshould all be honessssst....*smirks sadistically*....even if it costssss you dearly.
*With no remorse and zero reserve, the green-eyed man sliced off Gilberg's thumb with one lone chop. An aura of fright washed over the other criminals as the brutal action took place. Benedict grew pale and threw up!....yet no one knew if it was from the gory action or the booze. Not a single word escaped anyone's lips as the poor man's eyes were leveled with shock and horror as he saw his thumb fly off into the darkened void. His eyes then welled with tears as he let out a terrified shrill scream. Tumbling out of his chair, the poor man clutched at the bloody stump that was formerly his thumb with his other hand. Unfortunately, he landed to the side of the green-eyed man, who looked down at the sobbing bastard with nothing but contempt and disgust. And to showcase this disgust, and to further prove his superiority, the green-eyed man delivered a powerful stomp to Gilberg, with the entire room flinching in fear as a telltale "snap" was heard, signaling his nose had fractured.*
Y,N: *adjusts his collar as he watches from a window located on the roof* Looks like this "simple" mission took a turn for the bloody and demented. *shakes his head and mumbles* I won't hear the end of this from Natsu...
*Y,N's pondered thought appeared as a white cloud a few inches above his head with a tiny, chibi-like version of Natsu wielding a mallet with menacing intent. The mage gulped with worry as the chibi-like Natsu had an aggressive expression on his face and was currently spewing fire. The chibi-like envisionment of Natsu's potential fury was letting loose a tirade of enraged words and blasts of flames as he could not partake in what was going to be a colossal fight. Glancing downwards, Natsu's expression changed as he snickered mischievously, with a malevolent undertone clearly mixed in. The miniature Natsu raised the mallet up before striking it down on Y,N's head. Y,N grimaced at this action and wiped some loose sweat off his forehead as the thought had been "popped" by the little troublemaker's aggression.*
Y,N: *lightly shivers* Note to self, tell Natsu it was a boring battle, and nobody put up a fight.
????: *says calmly, while moving his foot back underneath the table* Now that the unruly and dissssobedient have been properly punisssshed, sssshall we begin gentlemen?
*The entire table simply nodded without saying a word as the aura of fear surrounding them was papabile. The green-eyed man had displayed his superiority and sadism within one motion, and none of them were willing to become the next Gilberg. The entire table had been scared into silence, despite some of them being trained killers and hired assassins. That's how horrifying the monster at the head of the table was! And all the green-eyed man did was procure a handkerchief and dab some of the blood off of his gloves and boot. Meanwhile, Y,N looked at the blood-soaked madness happening beneath him and tipped his cloak downwards, causing the bottom-half of his eyes to be the only aspects visible. He didn't like criminals by any extension, but this....this was a line he wouldn't dare cross. This amount of callous cruelty was something that needed to be halted.*
Y,N: *says in a neutral tone, attempting his best to quell the rage swirling within him* I'm ending this madness now!
*Without another word Y,N took a few steps back from the vantage point he was viewing the meeting from, before breaking into a sprint and leaping vertically. Stretching his right foot outwards as gravity pulled him back down, Y,N braced himself for impact and heard the telltale noise of glass shattering underneath the pressure of his kick. It wasn't exactly the most stylish or grandiose of entrances, but if there was one lesson he had learned from all of his previous missions, it was that criminals never look up. Every criminal's attention had immediately been drawn from the foreign sound and looked up as a dark silhouette was falling towards them, along with some fractured pieces of glass. Some looked on with worry or surprise, while others glared at the mysterious intruder with disgust or hatred.*
????: *chuckles viciously and reclines back into his chair* Oh-ho-ho-ho! An uninvited vissssitor has decided to interrupt our get-together. A pity.
*As Y,N continued his rapid descent towards the assembled group of criminals, said felons were already pulling out knives, flintlocks, and if they possessed it, were readying their magic for the inevitable tussle. However, unbeknownst to them at this moment, this gathering of low-tier villains was facing someone well beyond their league, and they were about to learn this harsh truth as a small smirk formed on Y,N's face. Over their own shouts of rage and worry, none of them managed to hear the voice of the intruder. Not even the green-eyed man managed to hear what the mysterious bastard said, due to the incessant and moronic yelling of the idiots around him! This mystery was quickly put to rest as to every criminal's shock and horror, a light brown circle with intricate mountain-like illustrations appeared around the center, appeared in the center of their meeting table. Before any of them could react, rumbling and cracking noises could be felt and heard with the criminals either grabbing onto the sturdy table or were knocked off their feet. Seconds later and as Y,N was halfway towards landing on the table, a giant pillar erupted out from the ground below, shattering the table in its wake, and sent all of the goons flying from the impact zone.*
????: *kicks his chair away from the impact zone, while maintaining a calm demeanor* Interessssting.
????#2: *stares intensely at Y,N*
*Every criminal in the room was shouting or screaming as they either thumped against one of the concrete support pillars or skidded against the ground, most of them knocked out from the impact. Pieces of loose, shattered off concrete and chunks of earth rained down and crashed around the rim of the table and the surrounding floor. Y,N landed with his right hand and right knee lying flat against the pillar of earth and a small snicker escaping from his lips. Taking a quick glance around the dimly lit room, the mage saw some of the goons slowly getting up and looking at him with vitriolic rage. One of the nameless goons pointed and yelled "Get him!" and with that simple command, several goons scrambled to their feet and rushed towards the pillar, knives and flintlocks in hand. None of them would be given the chance to attack as light crackles of electricity could be heard emanating from Y,N. The green-eyed man looked on in curiosity as yellow electricity poured out from the mage's flat palm and seeped into the pillar of earth, before dispersing. A few seconds passed and more of the yellow electricity had seeped into the pillar, but right before everyone's surprised eyes, the pillar exploded into pieces! Chunks from the bottom half of the pillar shot out towards the flintlock-users, which sent them flying unconsciously into the darkness, while the top half of the pillar crumbled and buried the knife-wielders under the rocky debris!*
Y,N: *dusts off his cloak and mumbles as he lands next to the table* Seems like I won't need to lie about this contract to Natsu after all. These guys are chumps.
Hitman#1: *yells aggressively, with his voice bouncing around due to the vast emptiness of the warehouse* You think your hot shit in a champagne glass don't cha!
Y,N: *points at himself with a confused look*
Hitman#1: *continues yelling* Well you're not! In reality you're nothing but cold diarrhea in a bar mug!
Y,N: *gets into a fighting stance and looks around* Great, another weirdo. *pinches his nose* They just keep crawling out of the woodworks.
Hitman#1: *yells, with his eyes bugging out at the insult* 'Weirdo', eh?! I'll show you weird when I'm done shitting down your throat!
Y,N: *a few beads of sweat roll down his face and nervously chuckles* Not really helping your case....
Hitman#1: *yells as he jumps from the shadows, revealing himself* Enough of this meandering conversation! I, Guymar Thancred, shall defeat you via the medium of glorious combat! ....And then I'll shit down your throat to cement my victory! Mwahahahahaha!
Y,N: *frowns* Yeah.....*walks away in search of another opponent* I'm not dealing with this.
Guymar: *jaw slacks at this....this....this disrespectful act, before regaining himself* Hey! Where the hell are you going! *grits his teeth in rage* You're fighting me! *stamps his foot down in rage* Right here, right now! *swiftly grabs dual knives from holsters located on his hips* Let's dance, intruder!
Hitman#2: *narrows his magic sniper at Y,N, with soft clicks being the only thing to give away his position* That's right, keeping walking away you cocky bastard, I got you pegged he-he.
*Instead of turning around to face the manic dual-wielding knives and oblivious to the sniper in the shadows, Y,N continued to walk away from the deranged lunatic in search of another opponent. Guymar was completely beside him with white-hot rage at the sheer disrespect this act held! He was Guymar freakin' Thancred! A hitman known throughout several towns for being exceedingly dangerous with any bladed weapon, specifically knives! He had been training with these shiny little beauties since he was six years old! And here was this magic-using bozo who didn't have a clue who he was! The brazen act of disrespect couldn't be allowed to remain! And with the rage-induced feelings of vengeance surging through his veins, Guymar twirled his knife several times, so he was holding the razor's edge of it and began to line it up with Y,N's head. That little shitstain wouldn't ever forget the name Guymar Thancred ever again! Nor would anyone else! He wouldn't allow it!*
Guymar: *narrows his eyes and smiles sadistically* Take a bow and say goodnight you disrespectful little asswipe. Tell whatever deity you subscribe to that Guymar Thancred sent ya!
Hitman#2: *curses under his breath* Shit! You braindead idiot, don't get involved. You'll ruin my perfect shot!
*Biting down on his bottom lip, the hitman with the magic sniper steadied his aim and in took a breath of air, he needed to remain calm, otherwise his shot would hundred percent be greeted with failure. Meanwhile, Guymar sneered victoriously as he found the perfect aim and was cocking his arm back for a powerful throw that would surely leave this disrespectful asshole floored! However, neither hitman would find the truth of bloodsoaked victory as the next phase of Y,N's plan was put into action. The dual shattering of windows could be heard ringing through the night as unknown forces from outside made themselves known, which made the green-eyed man raise his eyebrow inquisitively. Guymar screamed and dropped his knife as a bladed hat soared through the air and lodged itself deeply into his skin, with droplets of blood already dripping onto the floor below. Meanwhile, the sniper-wielding hitman's eyes widened, and he immediately spat out blood as several bullets had hit their mark....that being his back. His body convulsed with pain as he dropped the rifle to the floor, which landed with a solemn "thud", before he collapsed onto his knees and began breathing heavily as a wave of pain crashed over him.*
Stroheim POV
Hitman#2: *spits out blood as he eyes begin to glass over* Ack! Gagh! H.......H-H-How! How..........Galck!......Anyone seem me?! I......I was.....expertly.....Ack!....hidden!
?????#1: *yells proudly* You utter fool!? Are you not able to comprehend that your failure vas responsibly solely because of the power I vield! The mighty power of German science!
Hitman#2: *spits out some blood as he shakily gets onto his feet, while using a nearby pillar as a support* What the hell........Ack! a German!
?????#1: *salutes* A German is a proud, strong soldier that fights for the glory of the fatherland!
Hitman#2: *snickers with blood dripping from his wounds and his lips* Heh.....heh...heh....Never heard of 'em.
?????#1: *left eye twitches slightly as he stops saluting* You may not know the glory and power of us German's and our science yet, *laughs manically* but you will soon!
Hitman#2: *darts his eyes back and forth, between the "German" and the dagger stowed within his holster* You know what, friend. I think we got off on the wrong foot. *begins stepping closer to the mysterious individual, while carefully reaching for his dagger* I didn't mean to insult your place of origin like that. Can you find it in your heart of hearts to forgive an insensitive bastard like myself?
*Inching closer towards the individual caked in shadows, the hitman felt his confidence begin to rise. The idiot hadn't made a singular move to halt his forward progress, nor had he called his bluff. Any simpleton could have called that bluff! Clearly this "proud German" let pride cloud his judgement, and that kind of self-imposed superiority was going to be his downfall! Feigning peace, the hitman took a few more steps forward, with nothing but the sound of groaning, screaming from Guymar, and the soft thudding of his boots echoing throughout the warehouse. The hitman tilted his head downwards as a show of submission, with his sadistic smile being covered by the darkness.*
Hitman#2: *thinks with a sneer* And now my pride-filled moron, it's over! Let that deadly sin carry you to the afterlife!
*With one fluid motion, the hitman grabbed for his dagger and plunged it into the individual's heart! Yes, a direct, fatal hit! He could imagine the gurgled cries of pain and the solemn "drip, drop" sound of blood hitting the floor! But.......what?! Realization and horror washed over the hitman's aura as he noticed the hit didn't find its bloody path. Instead, it was being held by something strong, something clearly metallic as the scrapping noise and lack of blood gave away. Tilting his head back up, the hitman's breath hitched, and he nearly screamed as he saw what had blocked his attack. It was the bastard's hand! And.......And it wasn't any ordinary hand, otherwise the dagger would have shredded through like hot butter! No, this guy had a metal hand!*
?????#1: *smirks* Did you really think I, Rudol von Stroheim, vould fall for such a simplistic triiiiiiiick!!!!
*Before the hitman had a chance to response, Stroheim placed further pressure onto the captured dagger, and much to the former's shock, snapped the metal part clean off! The two pieces of the dagger clattered helplessly to the floor as the hitman's hands shook from the terror coursing through his veins. He had never encountered a man such as this!.....and.....and he was at such a disadvantage due to despising close quarts combat! Taking a few frightened steps backwards and letting loose ragged breaths, the hitman attempted to flee from the proud German, only to gack and shoot out some saliva as he felt the ground beneath disappear. With no issues whatsoever, Stroheim picked the hitman up by the back of his neck and was placing enough pressure onto the bone to ensure it didn't snap, but enough to allow searing pain to surge through the poor fool's body. The hitman desperately kicked his legs and placed his arms around the German's, in a desolate bid to escape his clutches. But this pathetic attempt for freedom was met with resounding failure and for that, Stroheim simply threw the man against the concrete pillar, causing the structure to fracture in several places, with chips even falling off. The poor hitman wouldn't die from such an attack but several bones, including some vertebrate, absolutely buckled underneath the pressure.*
Stroheim: *sneers pridefully* Now you should understand that German Science is the greatest in ze world! *snaps his focus towards the gaggle of goons looking at the unconscious hitman with fear visible within the whites of their eyes* Nowwwwwwwwww! Vho else wants a demonstration of German science's superiority?!
*As they heard the proud German's voice slice through the tension, the assorted group of goons who watched the one-sided beating unfold all flinched at the booming statement. They....they thought they were the ruthless and intimidating ones! Beating down random mooks and store owners whenever they damned pleased! But....but....this mage and his bizarre allies, they were on another league! Most of them desired to run away and skip town, but their legs refused to budge! Stroheim grinned from ear to ear as he saw everlasting fear gripping their souls and refusing to let go. Stepping forward, with his combat boots lightly "thudding" against the floor, he let his intentions known in a loud, booming voice.*
Goon: *tosses some loose jewels at Stroheim, before blubbering out* P-P-Please leave us alone! It's not much.....but it should be enough!
Stroheim: *snarls* You actually think I vant your money! Nien! *shouts* You fools vill encounter a fate far worse than your ally. Because if there's one thing I despise above all..........*yells with fury* it's miserable cowards!
*Once those words left the German's lips, something truly unsettling began to occur right before the goons' eyes. At first it was a silent hissing noise, almost being drowned out by their own hitched breaths and the sound of Guymar's cries, but soon they heard something release a "cachunk" noise. If they weren't already terrified before, they were absolutely shitting their pants now! As through the haze of glimmering darkness, the dim lighting partially revealed a massive machine gun.........coming out his damn stomach?! Looking back up at the German, their horrors were realized as he procured a long chain of bullets from his outfit, and he looked on with a manic grin as he began feeding the bullets into a side compartment. The goons' legs trembled, and their hearts were racing, practically yelling at them to "run!", but they wouldn't move due to fear overriding everything else within their bodies. The last thing they heard before the hail of gunfire was solemn "clink" noise. And then....their entire vision was filled with a maelstrom of bullets, courtesy of the German soldier! The entire area was lit up by the bullets, with the muffled sounds of horrified screams being swiftly cutoff filling the entire warehouse.*
Stroheim: *laughs manically* Yes! Yes! Yes! Now you all understand the clear superiority of German science! Bask in its glory! Before you fall beneath its power!
*Due to prior words with his summoner, the proud German has sworn not to kill any of these miserable cowards....even if his blood boiled and demanded for their obliteration. Yet orders were ultimately orders and Stroheim dutifully carried them out. After all, his pride would be meaningless if he didn't showcase he was good at following orders enacted by those those higher-up in the chains of command. For this mission specifically he had lowered the typical caliber of bullets he fed into his abdominal machine gun and was aiming for non-vital areas of the body. Yet regardless of his mercy, he was still going to show why German science was the greatest in all of the world!*
Guymar: *yells, while flailing his entire body around in a vain attempt to remove the bladed hat* Who the hell throws a bladed hat?!
?????#2: Ha-ha! Cut ya straight to the bone, looks like! The interfering Speedwagon makes yet another grand entrance! *chuckles as he steps into view* And flailing around like a rotten toddler isn't going to you, mate!
????: *smirks* It sssseemssss like thissss little gathering hassss become even more interessssting than I originally planned. *glances over at Storheim who was walking past his groaning foes and a lone sweat drop falls down his face* Good thing I sssspared ssssome cassssh on ssssoundproofing this warehousssse.....*quickly notices the sweat drop and quickly procures his handkerchief, before rapidly rubbing the impurity off his face* I desssspisssse ssssuch loathssssome thingssss.
Guymar: *eyes bugs out with delirium as he stands to his feet, clearly having been overtaken by mania and rage* 'rotten toddler', eh? I'll show you rotten when I'm finished shitting down your throat, rejected thespian! *rips out the bladed hat, causing blood to squirt out* My knife will cut through your flesh like hot butter!!!!
*Rushing towards the interfering Speedwagon, Guymar clutched his second knife with manic, vengeful purpose. He had never in a million years been so thoroughly and wholly embarrassed! And seeing everyone in this room treat him like some kind of joke made his blood boil! This shitty little mage and his loathsome, bizarre allies would pay dearly for underestimating him! They would pay for this disrespectful transgression with their lives! And the first one to die would be this bastard who threw the bladed hat at him! Said hat was still lodged deeply within Guymar's right forearm, but he didn't care in the slightest! Not when this rage was helping him surge through the pain!*
Guymar: *snarls viciously, with the knife dully glimmering underneath the dim lighting* DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, YOU SNIVELLING LITTLE ASSWIPE!
Y,N: *laughs* Keep your eye on the birdie!
Guymar: *halts, with his feet slightly skidding across the floor, and looks at Y,N* What did ya say to m........! Uuuuugahhhhh!!!!!!
*Guymar didn't have a chance to react as he was blindsided and sent flying by a savage punch straight to his jaw! Slamming against the floor, one hand went to clutch the back of his head while the other cradled his jaw. Yet, despite his body's desperate plea to stay down and recover some health, Guymar's insanity had pushed him to unseen heights. Standing back up to his feet, he grinned like a man possessed as he slowly peeled back his cloak, and much to Speedwagon's fright, there was at least ten more knives tucked away! Y,N narrowed his eyes in steely concentration as Guymar leaped into the air with a cackling howl, and with speed unmatched, spun around like a mini-tornado and began launching his collection of glimmering, metallic wonders at the mage. Yet Y,N had no fear as heard the "whoosh" produced by the projectiles zooming towards him and Speedwagon. He placed an open palm onto the ground, which resulted in a light brown circle appearing on the ground. Guymar's eyes widened in maddened hysteria as he saw pieces of rock shoot out from the floor and surrounded both Y,N and Speedwagon within a protective barrier! The hypersonic knives either clattered off the hardened barrier made from the earth or embedded themselves into it. Moments later, the barrier had crumbled back into chunks of rock and other material as the mage ceased the spell, with the few remaining knives clattered against the floor. The insane hitman let out a deranged shriek as he landed back on the floor and with delusions of grandeur swimming through his head, he bolted towards the mage with nothing but simple-minded vengeance coursing through his brain. As he saw the rapidly approaching hitman with one final knife in his hand, Y,N didn't lose his cool or become frightened by this looney. Instead, as the deranged hitman got close, Y,N merely let out a disappointed sigh, before hitting a roundhouse kick! Guymar's instincts immediately kicked into overdrive seeing the kick head towards him and attempted to duck, but to his shock.....the moron didn't even strike him! Hahahahahahahaha! He struck the side of his knife like some kind of idiot!*
Speedwagon: *yells supportively* Yeah! Just like that Y,N! Show this deranged blighter the power of a true mage and Hamon user!
????: *piques up at the mention of "Hamon", with his gloved hands gripping the side of his chair* Hamon? Where have I heard that before?
Y,N: *chuckles* Will do, Speedwagon.
Guymar: *laughs* 'Will do, Speedwagon'. *jabs the side of his head with his right index finger* You must be a special kind of idiot! Instead of hitting me, you hit my knife instead! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! With that botched move, you've guaranteed a first-class ticket to the afterlife! Courtesy of Guymar Thancred!
Y,N: *tilts his head towards the floor and mumbles* Do you ever shut up?
Guymar: *tilts his head* Huh? What did ya say?
Y,N: *tilts his head back up to Guymar's eyesight, with his eyes brimming with determination* Clearly your idiocy knows no bounds as you didn't catch it the first time. I said, do you ever shut up?
Guymar: *sneers* Oh yeah? Tough talk for a man who's about to die brutally, by yours trulally.
Y,N: *says in a mocking tone* Oh? Is that so? Well allow me to throw a wrench into those "carefully lead plans". * breaths in and out, before yelling* Metal Silver Overdrive!
*Before Guymar even had a chance to retort, a metallic silvery shade of electricity began to surge through his knife! The deranged hitman let out a strained yelp as the silver electricity rapidly coursed from his knife up to his hand and then up his entire arm like a hungry snake! His entire left arm shook violently as one-by-one, his nerves were completely shut down! Dropping the knife, Guymar screamed towards the heavens as it felt like his entire left arm had been completely chopped off! The limb simply dangled lifelessly, and as he scratched and even slapped at his arm violently with his right hand, he felt no sensation return! Tears welled up in his eyes as horrific realization dawned upon him......the mage was beginning to approach him! Guymar immediately began panicking and sped up the number of slaps and their ferocity in the vain attempt of returning his arm to normal!*
Y,N: *steps closer to the panicking Guymar* First you wanted me to take you seriously. Now you're screaming and whining like a baby the moment I take off the restraints.
Guymar: *takes a few steps back from the advancing Y,N* S-S-Stay back, ya freak! Get away from me!
Y,N: *smiles* That's the pot calling the kettle black.
Guymar: *responds in a terrified tone* W-W-W-Wha......?
Y,N: *sighs and pinches his nose* Never mind. Let's just get this over with. *calmly breathes out and then breathing in, before yelling* Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!
*Guymar watched with blurry, water-filled, vision as bright yellow electricity began to swell within the mage's fists. At first, confusion briefly quelled the pain caused by the silver electricity, only for that pain to get immediately reignited once Y,N rushed forward and began a swift barrage of punches. Being propelled upwards by the barrage of Hamon-infused fists, Guymar's body was completely entangled within a repeating motion of alternative left and right punches, each one filled with vigorous amounts of devastating Hamon energy! Y,N shouted towards the heavens above as he laid brutal punch after brutal punch on the disturbing hitman, with his determined roars drowning out any screams or howls of white-hot pain the hitman might have released. With each consecutive punch, more and more of the bright yellow electricity dispersed from Y,N's fists and into Guymar's body, flooding the hitman's body with numerous amounts of blisters, boils, and 2nd/3rd degree burns. The entire warehouse was caked over in a bright yellow lightning as punches were rained down on the hitman's body. The once prized alabaster skin had been completely obliterated and replaced with a dull red coloring. Guymar's eyes were glassed over near the end of the painful barrage, and once Y,N stopped his assault, the hitman crumbled to the floor in a broken, burned heap.*
Y,N: *exhales calmly* May the burning heat of Hamon aided by my determined heart signal your defeat.
Speedwagon: *watches on with awe swimming within his eyes* Such an incredible display of power! Y,N's Hamon capabilities are well beyond what they originally were when he first began training with Mr. Joestar and Baron Zeppeli years ago! And now he's unleashed all of that devastating offense onto that deranged git!
Guymar: *says in a tone barely above a whisper, his body not having enough energy to release anything louder* That was......that was.......a dirty......trick. Heh.....heh.....attacking me from.....the side......I thought you......mage types......were honorable...
Y,N: *says in a neutral tone, with all expression drained from his face* I would have been honorable, and usually am I towards criminals like yourself. But once you attack my family, any traces of honor or sympathy goes flying out the window.
Guymar: *laughs weakly* .....Heh......heh......I'll remember.....that....for.....the future. *shallowly smirks as he sees a pudgy goon sneak behind Y,N, with a knife glistening underneath the dim lighting of the warehouse* .....I' noted....
Speedwagon: *yells out with clear concern evident in his tone* Watch out, Y,N!
*Thanks to the warning from the ever-loyal Speedwagon, Y,N smirked before a tiny light brown circle appeared slightly in front of Y,N's elbow. The wannabe sneaky goon's eyes widened as he saw a hardened elbow pad forged out of sturdy rock appear and quickly struck him in the gut. The goon let out an orcish grunt of pain as he was sent skidding back a few feet while clutching his stomach in clear pain. Yet, his punishment wasn't finished yet as Speedwagon used most of his strength to barrel into the goon shoulder-first, causing him to skid back towards Y,N. Smirking as he heard pudgy goon stumble back towards him, the mage let loose a classic "Hiyahhhh!" before hitting a roundhouse kick prop on the jaw of the goon, causing him to wobble backwards. Finally, Speedwagon, with a bright smile on his face, threw his hat at the goon's back, causing the recipient to howl out in pain as the bladed accessory drove itself deep into his backside! Blood trickled down the orcish goon's backside as he slumped down to his knees, followed by an intimiate meeting with the floor.*
Speedwagon: *laughs heartily as he sees the goon fall onto his stomach* Hahahahaha! I guess they were right! You can take the man out of Ogre Street, but you can't take Ogre Street out of the man!
Y,N: *elbows the pudgy goon in the back of the head with his hardened accessory, before reverting the spell and handing Speedwagon his hat* And that's what I call good teamwork. Heh-heh.
Speedwagon: *puts his hat back on and props it up slightly* I may not be the strongest, but I can certainly fight my way out of a common scrap like this.
Benedict: *hiccups as he holds a flintlock* But you're not outta the woods yet, ya well-dressed bastard! *rants* I mean seriously, why do you have to style on us poor folk with your fancy outfits, sophisticated etiquette, and snobby demeanors!
"Skelly" *holds up a similar flintlock, while having a tired expression* Just......just shut up, Benedict. *mumbles* I can only take so much before I turn my flintlock on you.
Benedict: *turns his head and yells at Skelly* I told ya, Skelly! It's Benny! Rhymes with Penny....or Lenny.....or Genny!
"Skelly" *facepalms, while mumbling* I don't know if drunk you or action you is worse.
Benedict: *snorts and turns his gaze back towards Y,N and Speedwagon* Well with your German friend busy, we can finish ya personally!
"Skelly": *yells agreeingly* Yeah! You can't possibly defeat us while dodging our bullets!
Y,N: *shrugs, with a knowing smirk on his face* I don't need to dodge either of your attacks.
"Skelly" *raises his eyebrow* And why is that?
Speedwagon: *smiles while folding his arms* Because Y,N's got more support than just me and Stroheim! He's still got two more powerful allies waiting in the wings! Mr. Joestar and Dio Brando!
"Skelly": *says in a questioning tone* 'Dio Brando'?
Benedict: *says in an equal questioning tone* 'Mr. Joester'?
*Without nary another action, the front door of the warehouse busted off its hinges revealing two strapping men, one with blue hair and the other with blonde. While the former had an aura of a gentle giant with a determined fighting spirit when provoked, the latter had a chilling aura whose sadistic gleam could make anyone cower underneath his wake. Whirling around with flintlocks at the ready, Benedict and Skelly couldn't help but shiver at the imposing frames of both Dio and Jonathan. Their hands trembled and they gulped as thoughts of horror tremored through their minds, with even Benedict's still booze-recovering mind being able to process that this would only end horribly for him. Yet, consequences be damned! Both shakily held out their flintlocks, with scared, half-baked threats escaping their lips.*
Dio: *laughs callously* Would you believe the drivel absconding from that idiot's mouth, JoJo!
Jonathan: *shakes his head* Then allow us to subdue them with the gentlemanly power of my Hamon, and the coldhearted abilities of your vampirism.
Dio: *snickers* Ah yes.....subdue them.
Jonathan: *frowns* We will subdue them, Dio. We shalln't going to spill any unnecessary blood.
Dio: *eyes glimmer with mirth* No promises, JoJo.
*Without any further banter the two brothers, one human and the other vampiric, rushed towards their shivering opponents. Glancing at one another, Benedict and Skelly only had two options and both of them had clear negatives, and ultimately both took a different option. Benedict let loose a girlish wail and turned tail, with his flintlock clattering against the floor. Meanwhile, Skelly raised his flintlock towards Dio and sneered towards of his opponents with a cocky glimmer swimming within his eyes. Not communicating a singular word with one another, Jonathan went after the pudgy boozer, while the vampire turned his callous attention towards the unknowingly doomed Skelly. For his part, Dio mentally chuckled as he mulled over JoJo's heroic, selfless words....and cursed them to the darkest pits of hell.*
Y,N: *rolls his shoulders and calmly inhales and exhales, while surveying the area* And while they're busy dealing with Bag-O'-Bones and Booze Breath, who shall be my next opponent?
Speedwagon: *jabs his thumb towards an upcoming goon* Look's like this cocky prick wants a go!
Cocky Goon: *shadow boxes in an attempt to frighten Y,N* I'll fight ya, you miserable worm!
Y,N: *gets into a fighting stance with Hamon sparkling around his form* Alright. *smirks* Let's dance.
Dio: *smirks viciously, while thinking* Alright JoJo, I won't give this inferior individual his well-deserved demise. *eyes narrow as he sees Skelly about to press down on the trigger* However, you didn't state that I, Dio, couldn't malform him!
*While Y,N did battle against the boxer goon, Dio noticed a few beads of sweat roll down his opponent's face. As Jonathan ran directly past Skelly without even a menacing glance or nod of acknowledgement, Dio purposefully walked slowly towards him. He even held his arms outward in a welcoming pose, which both angered and concerned the goon. Skelly's mind was torn between two opposing camps; on one hand, he wanted to erase that damn condescending smirk plainly visible on his face, meanwhile the other kept repeatedly pushing the panic alarm! Snarling, Skelly threw his concern to the wayside and fully committed to shooting this blonde prick! Shutting his eyes closed, Skelly pressed down on the trigger and let his ears be filled with the sound of gunfire. With each shoot, the dim area of the warehouse lit up for a few seconds, before returning to the state of uncomfortable muted lighting.*
"Skelly": *stutters as he slowly opens his eyes* D-D-Did....I.....did I get him?
Dio: *laughs arrogantly* I'm afraid not. *smirks haughtily* But you're free to try again.
"Skelly": *eyes bug out* NANI!!!!!!!!!!
*Standing right before Skelly's bugged out eyes was Dio, who was completely unharmed and speaking without an ounce of pain! Skelly was completely beside him in fear as he saw the blonde bastard continue to advance towards him with nothing but sheer disgust and sadism swimming within his haunting red orbs! Throwing all caution to the wind, Skelly fired another bullet, desperately hoping that this one specifically would halt his opponent's forward march! least enough for him to hightail it out of this damn warehouse! Yet that vain hope shattered like glass as the bullet impacted against the blonde, and a little ounce of blood spurted out from the impact zone, before...before...nothing else followed! And in response at this miserable attempt, the blonde laughed, with said laugh sending horrified chills down Skelly's spine.*
Dio: *laughs hauntingly* What a valorous display. Idiotic, but valorous nonetheless. If I, Dio, wasn't superior to you in every conceivable faucet, you might have stood a chance.
*Dio leered with malicious joy on his face as he heard Skelly frightfully scream! The vampire saw the telltale signs of fear; hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, his body was covered in goosebumps, and his teeth were lightly chattering! A meager gulp escaped Skelly's lips as those stared into those deep, blood red pools that punctured his soul. As he staggered back from the intimidating blonde, he regretted getting into this damned business! Yet newfound regret in the face of certain death didn't spare Skelly from the vampire's wrath. Having enough of the cowardly fleeing Dio reached out, grabbed the barrel of the gun, and attempted to snap it clean off! However, due to running off pure fear, Skelly fired as the blonde bastard's placed his hand upon the barrel and momentarily smiled at his unexpected attack. However, that fear returned in full force as the smoke cleared and Dio merely smirked.*
Dio: *sneers* Your survival instincts are akin to that of an animal. *cackles* And you know what happens to animals? *stops cackling and says in a cold tone* They get slaughtered.
*A small cracking noise could be heard ringing throughout the still, tense air. A noise that could have easily been drowned out, but due to the lack of immediate noise within the vicinity, it was the only thing either combatant heard. Mentally cursing himself, Skelly took the plunge and looked down towards his hand that held the flintlock and proceeded to let out a shrill gasp as the front half of the flintlock's barrel had been completely ripped off! There weren't any traces of it! It was simply there one second, and in the next, it had vanished from his sight. Feeling the animalistic need to survive surge within his body, Skelly allowed the ruined gun to hit the floor as he had procured a knife from one of the numerous unconscious thugs that littered this place. Reaching for it with speed that would make a cheetah blush, the lanky goon attempted to plunge it directly into the bastard's heart! That smarmy blonde haired shitstain may have claimed he was "superior" in every faucet, but he seemingly didn't account for a man's desperation!*
Dio: *says in a disdainful tone* How foolish. Don't you understand that your asinine attacks are useless, useless, useless!?
*Raising an open palm, Dio allowed the metallic blade to puncture his alabaster skin. At first, Skelly was jumping for joy as he heard the blade sink deeper into the snooty blonde's hand and laughed as he saw blood squirt from the fresh wound. However, that brief sensation of jubilation was sent flying out the window as he soon noticed the bored look that befell his facial features. Letting out an aggressive huff, Skelly allowed a sneer to etch itself onto his face as he twisted the knife deeper into the wound, allowing some more blood to come pouring out. face of anguish or cries of pain scarpered out of the blonde's lips! He remained the exact same, with that same damn bored expression! Even though the knife's blade had been impaled right through his hand!*
Dio: *frowns, before asking in a withering tone* Did you really think such a pitiful attack would vanquish me!
"Skelly": *frightfully shakes his head* N-N-No
Dio:*sneers contemptuously* Good. Now allow me to finish our little "game". *screams demonically* WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
*Dio immediately pulled back his impaled hand causing Skelly to lose any grip he once possesses on his weapon. This sudden motion caused some more blood to sprinkle out from the wound, but the vampire didn't care. Frost particles started dancing and shimmering around the vampire's hands as he clasped one around Skelly's hand which held the knife. Dread flushed over Skelly as he saw the blonde bastard let out a chilly exhale, before he let out another ear-piercing WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. The unlucky goon watched with dread as Dio's hands became covered in a thin layer of ice, and he screamed even more when he saw that ice begin to cover his own skin! Skelly's entire arm stung with unmatched pain as his blood froze and all of its functions were slowed to a crawl, before completely freezing over. This was one of Dio's signature techniques, in which he freezes his entire body to the point that even a mere touch would ice over an entire limb or even a body due to halting the body's blood flow.*
Dio: *smirks* My Vaporization Freezing Technique has frozen over your entire arm, robbing it of any energy!
"Skelly": *breath hitches and attempts to grab his frozen arm*
Dio: *wags his index finger condescendingly* Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't dare to attempt that if I were you. If you happen to place any pressure on that limb *chuckles callously* it'll shatter like fine china. *narrows his eyes* Allow me to demonstrate.
*Pulling the impaled knife effortlessly out of his hand, Dio, without a second thought, slammed the bladed weapon into Skelly's forearm. Before the goon even had a chance to comment, let alone scream, fractures and cracks began to make themselves known. Starting off at the epicenter, the sound of cracking filled Skelly with more horror than anything else he had witnessed or "fought" on this bizarre night. Meanwhile, Dio watched on with sadistic glee shimmering in his blood red eyes as he saw the fractures travel both up towards his victim's shoulder and below towards his hand. And then, without so much as a whimper, Skelly's entire arm shattered. Everyone, including Dio's allies and summoner, had turned to look at the loud shattering noise and saw a leveled Skelly slumped onto his knees.*
"Skelly": *a wave of depression descends upon him* Such..........power......
Y,N: *yells* Dio! What did we say about killing people! *dodges a wild haymaker from his boxer opponent*
Dio: *smugly laughs as he walks past the defeated Skelly* Yet I didn't kill him dearest summoner. I've merely incapacitated him.....*says in a cold tone* permanently.
Jonathan: *screams* Damn it, Dio!
Dio: *rolls his eyes* Don't even start with me, JoJo! *nods towards the small pile of icy remains* No blood has been spilt either! Therefore, I haven't broken any promises.
Stroheim: *laughs as he slams a hapless goon against the floor* The vampire does have a point.....vhich is the only time you'll ever hear me agree with him.
Dio: *growls, before mumbling indignantly* Thanks German......
Jonathan POV
Jonathan: *says courageously* For a rather rotund fellow you are quite the fast runner!
Benedict: *spots a box amongst the void of nothing and grins as he chucks it at Jonathan* Leave me alone ya bloomin' giant!
Jonathan: *effortlessly grabs the box, puts it back down, and keeps running after Benedict* Such simplistic tricks may work on your fellow criminals, but they won't hinder me!
*Rushing back towards the ruined table like his life depended on it, Benedict grabbed the nearest chair and began to swing it wildly, like he imagined Jonathan was a ferocious lion coming to devour him. Within his overtaxed mind this fear was completely and absolutely justified! After all, he had just seen his best friend get one of his arms iced over...and then shattered into pieces! These, these FREAKS, were superior to him in every category that mattered! He had maybe one or two magical spells, and none of them would work on them! If there was any alcohol left in his system, it had immediately vanquished at that exact moment. All the while, the green-eyed man bore into the bumbling drunkard's backside with a scathing glare that would make the devil flinch.*
????: *says in a cold tone* You better get your head out of your assss, Benedict. Otherwisssse, I'll gladly kill you mysssself.
Benedict: *gulps with visible beads of sweat pouring down his face* I.....I....I won't....f-f-fail ya boss!
????: *says calmly* I'm not your bossss. *thinks disdainfully* Why would I dessssire to have ssssomeone like you in my cabal!
Jonathan: *looks at Benedict's predicament and thinks* What a bizarre fighting tactic! Is this merely a ploy to get my guard lowered or is he truly backed against a corner!
Benedict: *thrusts the chair aggressively* Don't you get anywhere near me, pretty boy! Unless you want some teeth chipped and your face bruised to kingdom come!
Jonathan: *frowns slightly after taking a few calm breaths* I'm afraid you won't be able to do me any harm! Because with the beating of my heart and the flowing of my blood, I shall best you!
Benedict: *asks in a confused tone* What the hell is that supposed to m.........!
*Dashing forward, Jonathan grabs two of the chair's wooden legs and intakes more air, making a "cooooooooh" noise as he did. Before Benedict could have a chance to shake the crazed blue-haired bastard off, yellow electricity began to surround his hands. The rotund goons' eyes widened in recognition and horror as he saw what that funky yellow electricity could do! Yet, he didn't have enough time to register the attack and throw away the chair accordingly as while he stood there gawking and flashing back to Guymar's fried body, Jonathan's Hamon attack had conducted through his hands and into the wooden chair. The immediate area lit up with a pleasing yellow glow as Benedict let out a girlish scream of realization as the Hamon seeped from the chair and into his trembling hands. Benedict felt an intense, burning heat spread through both of his arms' while his nerves sputtered and proceeded to give out, leaving behind searingly painful deadweight. As the pain only worsened, he knew that something needed to be done, before he was toast!*
Benedict: *yells as he tosses the chair with the remainder of his arm strength* Enough!
Jonathan: *stumbles back slightly* It'll take more that for me to yield!
Benedict: *grins cruelly* Then good thing I got a special ace up my sleeve!
*Confusion and underlying worry struck Jonathan like an arrow as he had momentarily overloaded Benedict's nerves utilizing the power of Hamon, thereby taking away two of his limbs. Glancing downwards, the first JoJo then thought this "special ace" was somehow connected to his foe's legs! Perhaps it was a trick shoe that had a secret knife stowed away! Or maybe he was going to thrust his leg up so fast that his shoe would fly off and smack him in the face! Hearing a bulging noise arising from his foe's head, Jonathan looked back up and was caught off-guard at what he saw! Benedict's cheeks had ballooned to inhuman properties, his eyes were watering, and a sickly green circle with several runes had appeared around his mouth! Before Jonathan had a chance at jumping back or sending Hamon into his foe's body to halt the attack, Benedict let out a huge, disgusting belch. Spewing out from the boozer's mouth was a noxious green smoke-like substance which flooded Jonathan's senses, nearly causing him to puke at the putrid smell!*
Benedict: *laughs* Ya like the smell? It's one of my patented magical spells! I call it "Nefarious Booze Breath"! It's a special type of poison magic!
Jonathan: *gags and plugs his noise* Disgusting! What sort of devilish tonic did you drink in order to obtain such a pungent smell!
Benedict: *sneers* Ya don't think I drink so much booze simply for my health, eh? The more alcohol I consume before usage, the more powerful this move becomes! *thinks* Too bad this spell requires complete concentration.....but he doesn't need to knows that!
*The green-eyed man stared at this brazen display with clear, unfathomable disgust brimming within his emerald eyes. In his decades of life, he had never encountered such a low-class maneuver before. Such an appalling act made him sick, and he had half-a-mind to kill this drunkard before his noxious smoke assaulted his senses! All the while, Jonathan fell down to a knee and felt the pile reaching the top of his throat. He heroically tried to keep this feeling down, because if he opened his mouth and let his lunch spill out, then man's despicable breath would have free access to his insides! Yet, right as everything seemed hopeless, a bright spark of brilliance flashed through Jonathan's mind.*
Jonathan: *says with a dramatic flourish, which was slightly muffled due to the plugged nose* You foul boozer! You think you bested me with assistance from your devilish incantation, but you've underestimated the burning determination raging within my heart! *a red coloring begins to fester within Jonathan's right hand* No matter the challenges placed in front of! *yells* Scarlet Overdrive!
*Forming and burning brightly within Jonathan's right hand was a special variation of Hamon that had the properties of fire! Benedict flinched as he thought that blue-haired bastard would strike him...yet that didn't happen. Instead of attacking the man belching out the vile pollutant, Jonathan struck the very air! Confusion was Benedict's initial response as he didn't expect this crazed bastard to strike the very air, ....the same air swimming with his....alcohol-fueled breath......oh shit.....! Once Jonathan's punch had made contact with the contaminated air, he used his remaining strength to roll out of the firestorm's path. As JoJo rolled away, the entire became engulfed within a blistering sea of flames flickering in colors of red, orange, and yellow! Meanwhile, Benedict let out a girly scream as he ended his spell and hurled himself out of the impending firestorm.*
Benedict: *shakily dusts himself off while coughing* T-That was clever. *grabs a flaming piece of 2x4 from the wreckage and approaches Jonathan with a cruel gleam in his eyes* But I doubt you have enough strength to dodge this attack, do ya?
Speedwagon: *yells from behind* You won't lay a finger on Mr. Joestar!
*Shoulder-barging into Benedict's back, making the alcoholic drop his flaming weapon, and sending him sprawling was the ever-loyal and intrepid Robert E.O. Speedwagon! The man didn't even react to the lingering stench of the enemy's booze breath affect him! That's how powerful his loyalty was to Jonathan! As Benedict was flung to several feet away, the malignant fumes escaping from within his rotten innards had ceased! Once seeing that the air had been cleansed from the boozer's noxious attack, Jonathan immediately gulped down a few intakes of air, coughing and sputtering as he did so. Slowly standing back to his feet, Jonathan gave an appreciative nod towards his stalwart ally.*
Jonathan: *says in a friendly tone* A thousand thanks for your assistance, Speedwagon. Without your timely intervention, that foe's poisonous exhaust would have surely doomed me.
Speedwagon: *nods with a smile on his face* No need to panic over such an event, Mr. Joestar! I wasn't gonna let that disgusting ol' bugger take you out!
Benedict: *punches the floor repeatedly, causing his knuckles to begin bleeding**sniffles*...won't..... best me, *shouts* ya overdressed charlatans!
Speedwagon: *tsks* I don't know if I want to punch the poor bloke or buy him an ice cream cone.
Benedict: *shakily get back up to his feet, with dollops of blood dropping from his wounded hands*! *inhales loudly*
Jonathan: *steps forward with a sternly determined look on his face* You won't perform that foul move again!
*As Benedict inhaled more air to fuel his next wave of noxious, putrid booze breath, Jonathan courageously walked directly towards the bloated bastard. He knew that this attack needed to be quick and effective, otherwise he and Speedwagon would both be drowned by the fumes. So with a steady flow of calm breathing, Jonathan was ready to throw his next attack! Cocking his left arm back, it looked like he was going in for some kind of strike....yet he was nowhere close to the preparing Benedict! The green-eyed man was deeply confused at this course of idiotic action, he assumed Jonathan's mind was scrambled beyond recognition from the fumes. But that assumption was proved wrong when, utilizing the power of Hamon, Jonathan unleashed his cocked arm and it rocketed towards Benedict with blinding speed! Every nearby minion watching the battle went slack jawed in awe as Jonathan's attack went far beyond the typical range of a punch! The alcoholic had no time to react, especially not when charging his attack, as the attack seemingly "zoomed in" on him before it connected with his jaw. Everyone nearby cringed upon hearing the deafening "snap" of a broken jaw, and Benedict flopped onto the floor like a fish.*
Jonathan: *rolls his left shoulder as his arm zooms back* No one ever excepts a Zoom Punch.
Speedwagon: *laughs heartily* Thanks to the wonder of Hamon, Mr. Joestar can perform spectacular wonders like extending the reach of his punches and kicks!
Jonathan: *poses valiantly* Now that I've defeated the man with the revolting breath, who else wants to fight! *his expression shifts into a serious and honest look* Be warned however that I will go easy on none of you! *heroically raises his fist towards the air* If any of you are as vile or sadistic as the men we've faced thus far, I know within my heart of hearts that your villainous ways cannot be curbed!
*After those words lingered into the still air of the warehouse, any remaining goons not currently battling against or getting thrashed by one of Jonathan's allies immediately fled the scene. However, while some bolted to fight another day or simply hightail it out of this accursed town, some of the more pigheaded ones remained to continue the fight. A light frown adorned Jonathan's facial features as the roots of villainy had gripped these men hard, and there was nothing he could do to counteract it. Several of the stubborn crooks began to encircle and taunt Jonathan, who was currently deep in thought. Speedwagon, ever the faithful ally, summoned his sledgehammer from their realm and gripped it tightly. Meanwhile, Jonathan was knocked out of his internal thoughts when he heard Speedwagon shouting at him. Shaking his head, Jonathan looked towards his ally and saw him doing battle with one of the goons! The opponent attempted desperately to snatch Speedwagon's sledgehammer away from him, only for the clever Brit to stomp down on the thief's foot causing him to yelp loudly! Speedwagon used this moment of reprieve to swing his weapon into the opponent's gut, causing some loose saliva and sprinkles of blood to shoot out! Tearing his attention away from that fight, the blue-haired giant got into a battle stance and stared down the remaining foes surrounding him.*
Pigheaded Goon: *sneers barbarously while waving around a knife* We're gonna tear ya head off, boy!
Y,N: *says in a calm tone* Not today I'm afraid.
*Following the mage's statement, the blaring sound of a terrified shout shattered the once-still air as the boxer flew through past and smashed through a window. Seconds later, he swooped into the scene and chopped the midsection knife-wielder's arm, causing him to let out a pain-filled cry! Y,N then followed this up with a jumping kick directly to his opponent's face, which made the skin on the crook's face reverb like a wave! As the crook stumbled back, Y,N pressed forward his offense by sending forth a Zoom Kick hurdling towards the pigheaded goon's stomach! An immediate effect occurred as the goon's hands shot down towards his aching stomach while his eyes bugged out and filled with tears. Landing back on the floor, Y,N set up his finale as trifecta of familiar light brown circles appeared, two swirling around his hands and one floating above his head, and from each spawned three rocks. Without another moment, he launched the magical trio of rocks! The attack swiftly closed the gap between oppressor and hapless criminal, with the trifecta slamming against the unfortunate bastard's stomach and arms! Once the attack connected with his skin, the rocks splintered wildly and added further damage by impaling themselves into his skin! The crook couldn't even scream in pain as the wind had fled his system, and that agony only compounded when he crashed through the wall!*
Y,N: *says whimsically* Oops. Silly me! Looks like it slipped my mind that this attack first slams into you before splintering into multiple shards! *shrugs, with a knowing smile adorning his face* Accidents happen, I suppose.
Random Goon: *says outrageously* You bloody killed him! Your moral superiority means squat now!
Y,N: *stares at the goon with a mocked wounded expression* Do you really think I would lower myself to your criminal level by committing callous manslaughter against a person who I know not? *points to the broken wall* I specifically lowered the attack's potency to make sure he survived.
Random Goon: *a noticeable lump appears in his throat, before he gulps timidly* Um......Ah......Oh.......Yikes. *trembles while slowly moving away* You certainly make your point. *nervously waves* Anyhow, I must be off! Me ol' doggo must be starving by this point and the wifey must be cross at me absence!
*Once the frightened goon stormed out of the warehouse with a Magnolia minute to spare, every other consciousness goon looked at one another, and collectively fled! They stormed out of doors and jumped out windows to escape the ruthless fists and bizarre techniques of present warriors. Even the more pigheaded ones that were dueling, or more aptly were getting tossed around, against Y,N and his allies finally took stock of their losing situation and retreated. As the horrified and girlish screams died down, the only entities that remained within the warehouse were Y,N, his summons, and the bemused green-eyed man. He bore into the heroes' souls with a stare that screamed "you ruined everything!". But it also contained a glimmer of intrigue and borderline curiosity. Like the moves and weapons put on display both enraged and confounded him.*
????: *clears his throat, before adjusting his posture into something calmer and more collected* Ssssuch mighty warriorssss. You obliterated my gathered force of thirty of the region'ssss lowesssst of the low without breaking a ssssweat.
Y,N: *smirks, before gesturing at the mysterious man with a whimsical flourish* And now that we've bested your assembled rag-tag group of criminals, crooks, and incorrigible miscreant's, will you be so kind and introduce yourself.
Dio: *walks up with an arrogant swagger* Why should we allow this wretch to introduce himself?
Jonathan: *folds his arms* Because allowing this man the chance to introduce himself is the proper thing to do, Dio.
Dio: *rolls his eyes and sneers* You and formalities Jonathan. Bah!
????: *says in a neutral tone* Ssssalazar. That'ssss my name. *stands from his chair, with the lower half of his body being shown in the dim light* It painssss me to ssssay thissss, but your powerssss, weaponssss, or sheer wit is impressssive.
Y,N: *outstretches his arms challengingly* So are you going to battle us now, Salazar?
Salazar: *right eye twitches* Abssssolutely not! I utterly detesssst fighting in any form!
Speedwagon: *points at the cloaked figured* Then how about your bloomin' creeper friend?
Salazar: *laughs condescendingly* Ssssiegfried won't be fighting any of you antssss either! *sneers* He will, however, be conducting an important experiment.
Stroheim: *glares dangerously, gun at the ready* And vhat vould that 'experiment' be?
Salazar: *snaps his fingers* Ssssiegfried, fire away!
*Without any words escaping from their cloaked lips, a light brown circle appeared in front of Siegfried's hand. Forming within the right-hand man's attack was a blast of compressed, crystalized rock! And before any of Y,N's summons could destroy the blast or push their master out of the way, the lump of rock and crystals shot forward like a rocket. However, instead of being afraid of the blast or even attempting to dodge the oncoming blow, the mage stood there, with his arms folded and a smirk on his face. Not even batting an eye, Y,N opened his mouth in a comically oversized manner, Y,N completely swallowed the rock in one big gulp, and rubbed his belly with a satisfied smile beaming on his face once it had gone down! His summons' weren't surprised at this action, but this turn of events made Salazar grin victoriously. He had confirmed something that would make his superiors extremely happy.*
Y,N: *covers his mouth before burping* Not bad, not bad. That wasn't the best Earth magic I've ever tasted, but certainly not the worst either. A solid 65.
Salazar: *chuckles* And sssso it'ssss revealed. You're the mighty and well-known Earth Dragon Sssslayer of Fairy Tail, Y,N L,N.
Y,N: *cracks his knuckles and laughs* Now with our names officially revealed to one another, shall we begin this little "dance"?
Salazar: *waves his fingers patronizingly* Ah, ah, ah, ah. I won't be fighting you. Neither will Sssiegfried. The two of ussss have important matterssss to take care of with thissss revelation!
*A blackish-green circle of magic appeared around Salazar's form and before either Y,N or any of his summons' could halt this spell from being performed, the entire area became clouded over with a thick, unyielding fog. The five warriors could hardly see in front of their own face with the thickness presented by this fog! In fact, Salazar or Siegfried could have attacked them from any position and they would have been none the wiser! However, instead of killing them now, the only thing that could be heard was the superiority-laden laughter of Salazar and the quick shuffling of feet. Once the two men escaped the warehouse, the fog began to dissipate, with the only remnant of a meeting taking place here being the several unconscious bodies and the fractured table.*
Y,N: *frowns as he surveys the warehouse* Damn! Those cowardly bastards got away!
Speedwagon: *smiles, attempting to cheer the infuriated Y,N* But look on the bright side Y,N *gestures towards the numerous bodies of unconscious crooks littering the area* Look at how many of these damn blighters we managed to apprehend!
Y,N: *takes off his cloak, revealing his snow white hair* And what of the crooks that escaped?
Dio: *laughs sinisterly* I wouldn't worry about them. They'll either be too scared to work another crime again or they'll flee this town entirely. Regardless of which option they choose, we succeed in the contract.
Y,N: *hums* I guess you're right. *a small smile etched onto his face* Now, take five guys. I can handle the rest.
Jonathan: *clasps his hand on Y,N's shoulder and smiles down at him* Make sure you don't allow yourself to get consumed over a few villainous stragglers fleeing.
Y,N: *nods* I won't, Jonathan. *mumbles* I won't......
*The screen fades to black as the four bizarre warriors disappear within a golden flash of light, leaving behind nothing but an empty warehouse filled with plenty of unconscious bodies and one conscious mage. While Y,N did feel achievement at the fact he had completed another mission and rescued a town from getting rampaged by a group of organized criminals, he did feel a wave of foreboding wash over him. He felt like this wouldn't be the last time he would see Salazar or his sidekick of few words. No. He felt like this was the first of many times where he would meet the two. But for the time being, he didn't care about either man. Right now, he cared for the simplistic pleasure of collecting his reward from the mayor and returning back to the guild hall. He did miss a round of Mirajane's crystalized turkey leg.*
And that's a wrap! Yeah..........this sadly wasn't worth the month and a half long wait, but I do hope it's at least decent. I apologize for one measly chapter update to take this long, but this one encountered several issues along the way. Be it fight choreography, banter, or pacing. And I hope that these issues were fixed within the version you read. Additionally, please let me know how much you enjoyed, felt indifferent towards, or hated the fights in the comments below. I want to get better at fight scenes, so giving me CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or PRAISE will do wonders. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll conquer that milestone and then scale the summit to 7.5K Followers. You're all awesome guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter!
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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