Chapter 9

((Are y'all still enjoying this? Sorry if the story line is moving a bit slow :) ))

~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~

As I was led through the familiar halls, a rough arm continuing to grab at me, I couldn't help but wonder.

Why was Mark back so soon, one would think with his injury he'd stay home for a few weeks. Not that I minded him being back, but something felt off, it didn't help that Anti went quiet, and ominous silence echoing around my head that made dread twist at my gut.

As the ever so familiar door opened, I noticed the bandages wrapped around the doctors head, pressing against his raven hair tightly. I feel guilt tug at me.

I'm led in and willingly sit on the chair across from Mark, who seems to avoid my eyes, almost seeming like he hadn't noticed anyone entered the room.

The orderly shoots him a strange glance but eventually decides to just leave.


I raise an eyebrow, trying to meet his gaze which remains downward, eyes thoughtful.


I finally speak louder, watching him jump slightly and finally lift his head.

He was a wreck. Dark bags encircled his almost dull eyes, any light they once contained, drained with his energy. He almost looked pale, jumpy, every small thing putting him on edge.

"Woah... You look like shit..."

I can't help but speak again, clearing my throat at the slight glare he replied with. I feel Anti smile in my head.

"How's your head?"

His hand moves up to adjust the bandages as I ask that question, silently adding an apology though I don't vocalize it.

"Fine... Look Jack..."

His voice comes out hoarse.

"When did you first discover Anti? What happened before he started talking to you?"

I narrow my eyes slightly. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost and already back to therapy bullshit? What is happening?


I think, trying to recall before I first heard the demon that now resided in my head.

"Migraines.... Bad ones... No medication worked and no doctor could explain it...."

I watch his face nearly drop, yet I continue.

"That soon turned into nightmares... terrible ones... Where I did terrible things... That's where I first saw him... He looked like me but different..."

My voice grows lower at the remembrance of those dreams, I feel Anti's smile grow.

"Then I started feeling angry, short tempered... People had to nearly tip-toe around me... That's why Signe dumped me... And then he started to talk to me... But he didn't take control until....."

I stop there, biting my tongue as to not continue.

"Until you killed that man?"

Mark finishes the statement for me. I dart my eyes back up to him almost angrily.

"How did you know that!?"

I didn't want him to know... I didn't want him to think I'm a monster... I'm not... But I hurt someone...

"It's my job to know..."

I chew on my lip for a few seconds, biting back a snarky reply and lower my gaze, nearly slouching in my chair. I adjust slightly in the strait jacket again, almost having forgot I was wearing the thing.

"Why are you asking all this anyway...?"

I can't help but ask, voice coming out a mere mumble. I notice him tense up, unusually deep in thought. He stays silent, and the tension that absorbed the small space was infuriating.


I catch his attention once again, ignoring as I hear Anti chuckle sinisterly in my head. His eyes jolt up to me again, and for once he looked like the crazy one. I reel back slightly.

"It's nothing... I just..."

I tilt my head in silent question, huffing when he didn't continue.

"Look you need to go home... Get some rest... You look like absolute shit."

I scold, almost seeming like a parent worrying for their child. On any other given day the thought would make me grin.

"No... I don't need rest..."

He mumbles looking to me again with crazed eyes.

"What happened in the dreams... Give me details."

"Mark if this is some therapy technique I'm sick of it... Just tell me what's going o-"

"Just tell me!"

He snaps, voice making me outwardly flinch. I suck in a small breath but oblige, thinking back to all the nightmares that have not since left me alone.

"Well... There were different ones...."

I mutter quietly, unsure of how to word them... Mark watches me expectantly, so again I speak...

~~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~~

Shit shit shit... This isn't' looking good for me... Everything he explained... Was that going to happen to me? Was I going to lose my mind as well?

I let my eyes study him as he hesitates to continue. I almost feel bad, making him talk about stuff like this, he clearly just wanted to forget. But I had to know... To understand what's happening to the both of us...

Hell maybe we're just crazy.

He notices my expectant gaze as he sucks in a small breath, keeping his gaze downward.

"A couple of them I did terrible things... hurt people... killed them... and I felt no guilt about it... not until I woke up anyway...."

He murmurs softly, though his eyes remained covered by the faded green locks of hair, I could almost see the guilt that surely danced in his baby blue eyes.

"Some of them were weird... I would be in some strange place... A forest... or field... or somewhere... and he'd be there..."

I feel my eyes narrow in interest as he continues, and for a moment I almost forget about my problems.

"He didn't always talk... Sometimes he just stood there.... Silently taunting me..."

I lean forward slightly as he stops speaking, focusing on only him in this moment. He squirms slightly under my gaze, soon lifting his eyes, those baby blue eyes swimming with emotion so quickly one couldn't tell what all he felt.


He tenses slightly at that name, but continues to chew his lip, until finally managing to speak up voice a nervous whisper.

"Why are you asking all these questions...?"

I bite my tongue keeping quiet. I can't tell him about this... I can't tell anyone... I'll get thrown in here... driven to actual insanity... It's probably just because of the head injury.... That isn't there anymore...

Maybe I am losing my mind.

I come out of my thoughts to that set of oceanic orbs watching me curiously. I shake the last of these thoughts away and clear my throat, sitting slightly taller as to seem less crazed.

"I just... I'm just trying to figure some things out..."

I respond bluntly, not a blatant lie.

"You mean you're trying to diagnose me?"

My gaze returns to him at that comment, his voice growing cold.

"Well... I mean that's..."

"You're job?"

He fishes the statement, eyes losing that sadness and being replaced with stone cold anger. Anger that nearly made me stop in my tracks, and for that moment everything else disappeared.

"Well yah... but I want to help you..."

He scoffs standing from the chair without much struggle, despite his arms being forced down.



He simply shakes his head, as though simply telling me to stop talking, which I do. A part of me wants to speak up again, ask for help, tell him what's been happening, but my mouth remains shut.

I watch Sean walk over to the door, kicking the wood surface a few times until it opened and the orderly gives a weird look. Sean mumbles something to him and his eyes move to me. I sigh and wave him away, soon being left alone in my office once again.

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