Chapter 6
((Hey sorry this took so long :) I had a long weekend and worked for most of it, so sorry :D))
~~~~Jack's POV~~~~
"S-Sean... What are you doing here...?"
Her voice comes out merely a whisper. A part of me hated the fear that shone in her eyes, but another part.... It almost seemed exhilarating.
"You know... Just needed some new clothes... wanted to say hi...."
I shrug nonchalantly taking a step forward. I feel Anti smile in my head as she takes a step backwards, back almost hitting the door.
"But you're... you're s-supposed to be-"
"Locked up? In the madhouse?"
I finish her thought with almost a growl. I shake my head slightly trying to control my anger.
"No... That place is for crazies... And. I'm. Not. Crazy."
I can see her gulp, eyes wide, and hands shaky.
She put you there Jack.... She threw you into the loony bin like it was nothing....
Anti pipes in. Instead of my usual wishing he'd shut up. I listen, and feel my hands clench at my sides, nails digging into my palm almost painfully.
I snarl making her visibly flinch.
"Jack... I-I never said you're crazy.... But you do n-need help."
She takes an almost brave step forward, keeping her voice as calm as possible though it continues to shake.
She's called you crazy so many times Sean.... She thinks your some sociopath.... Just look at her... She's afraid of you...
As Anti speaks I take a step forward once again, almost feeling like I no longer controlled my own body, but I did...
I barely hear her, taking another tentative step forward, feeling my anger grow, the flames fed by none other than the demon in my head.
Why don't you show her how scary you can be? How scary we can be...
I feel his smile in my head grow, and it is nearly matched on my own face as I step forward once again, only an inch or so away from the fearful female.
Her voice comes out again, speaking my real name... and I feel something snap. Pressing her against the wood door with my frame I pin her there, my eyes boring into her now terrified ones.
"It's Jack...."
She gulps again, her mouth opening and closing timidly, but no words escaping her.
"You put me in that terrible place, Signe.... It's your fault...."
I let my voice shrink to a small, intimidating mumble, eyeing her features carefully as I feel my left eye burn, and I could almost see the green.
Her voice comes out softly. I see a small flash in her eyes, and before I can react I feel a sharp pain as her knee connects with my groin. Reeling over with a groan I see her run passed me and down the hall, slamming a door closed once she entered.
A minute or so passes before I stand straight again, glaring down that hall, and ignoring the slight ache I felt down below.
"Signe! Where are you going! Let's just talk!"
A laugh escapes me. Was that me laughing, or Anti? I can't tell anymore, for this moment we feel like the same person, and I almost enjoy it.
I walk to that door, feeling my cheeks pull up into a Cheshire smile as I test the knob. Locked of course. I let my fist bang against the door and hear her yelp as it echoes through the small apartment.
"Signe, Signe.... You can't run forever...."
This time it wasn't my voice, it was for sure the darkness that Anti's contained. He took control and I let him. I felt powerful in this moment, not the weak boy I was at the asylum...
But is this really what I want?
~~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~~
I shake my head slightly, I knew about the whole 'Anti' thing, but I guess I don't know how he got admitted here. Amy sits back on her heels, studying me for a moment before sighing.
"He killed a man...."
******Flashback***** (3rd person POV)
Another night... Another bar... Another too many drinks.
The bar was fairly empty, a few people scattered throughout, talking amongst themselves, and one man sitting at the bar with a drink in hand.
His green hair was a disheveled mess from the amount of times his hand pulled through it, and his eyes were glassy, drunken. His hand moves up to signal for another once his glass emptied.
"You've had enough..."
The bartender huffs in response, ignoring the glare he earned and instead going back to tidying up.
It had been like this for the past 4 weeks, the green haired man, Jack, would come out to the bar, drink until nearly passing out and repeat the next night.
Each bartender knew by now to expect him and in his drunken ramblings they understood why he felt the need to lose himself in alcohol.
His girlfriend had broken up with him... something about him being too much work....
So he drank... Who needed love when they had whiskey, right?
"Just a water please..."
A female voice speaks up. The bartender happily obliges turning to grab a glass as Jack glanced over to the female, his eyes narrowing in disgust.
He mumbles drunkenly, the female turning to him with a surprised look.
She questions softly, and you could tell she considered leaving.
"Hey... it's been a while...."
Jack scoffs at that and with a roll of his eyes turns on the stool to face her, nearly falling off in his inebriated state.
"4 weeks... two days.... Ten hours.... But who's counting, right?"
He rambles, having almost no filter on his mouth by now.
She responds softly, desperately wanting to leave the clearly awkward situation. Finally the water is placed in front of her and she grabs it thankfully.
"What brings you to this humble abode?"
His accented voice slurs again. Signe hesitates almost looking like she'd just walk away.
"I'm just... out with someone...."
Jack raises an eyebrow, about to ask who, when a deep voice interrupts.
"Hey babe, you get lost?"
A male walks up, sliding his arm around the female's waist. Sean glares at the arm for a moment before following it up to a male who stood taller than him by at least a full head.
A man with black hair, and greenish eyes. He looked like a douche in Jack's opinion.
"No... just talking.... Greg this is Sean..."
The man, Greg, looks over to Jack his eyes shining with realization.
"You're Sean? Hey... I've heard a lot about you."
He forces a polite smile, reaching his hand out for the Irish man to shake. Jack ignores his hand simply glaring at the taller man, a pounding in his head as he did. Greg soon lower his hand uneasily.
"Right... Well we should go... Huh Signe?"
The female nods quickly giving a small smile as they prepare to leave.
"How long have you been boning my girlfriend...?"
Jack snarls out, both looking at him in shock. He keeps his glare, almost looking sober.
"E-Excuse me?"
Signe speaks up first almost sounding offended.
"I wasn't talking to you..."
He snaps at the girl. Greg steps in front of her almost protectively, glaring at the male.
"I'm not sure what you're insinuating, Sean... But we'll be leaving now..."
He grabs Signe's hand pulling her away, which she gratefully follows. As they were almost at the door Jack's voice pierces through again.
"Hey Douchebag."
Greg turns around angrily only to have his face met with the barstool. Knocking him to the ground and shoving Signe aside he hits again and again, red soon splattering across his pale face. He doesn't stop, even long after the body had stopped moving.
Signe finally screams stopping the Irish man from his violence.
The green haired man's head lifts and he no longer seemed drunk, and one of his eyes almost seemed to glow a bright, sickening green.
*****End Flashback****
~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~
"He almost killed his ex too but cops showed up."
My eyes were surely wide as saucers by the end of the story she vaguely told.
She nods solemnly.
"I thought they would have told you..."
She murmurs pushing up from the floor and reaching a hand out.
"We should get you home... rest that head of yours."
She speaks softly. I oblige, taking her hand and pulling up from the floor, wobbling slightly, but thankfully staying on my feet. Amy keeps an arm to steady me which I'm very thankful for. As we exit the front doors the sun hurts my already throbbing head and I inwardly groan.
A part of me wanted to be mad at Sean... but I couldn't, if anything I'm worried... He shouldn't be out, not until we can help him. If we can help him that is...
Shaking these negative thoughts away Amy walks me over to what I assumed is her car. A small red bug and opens the door, helping me inside. I offer a small thank you as she climbs in the driver's side. Silence consumes the car ride as I let thoughts run wild in my head.
Everything is just insane... Jack killed a man.... Almost killed his ex...
Then it hits me....
His ex... What if...
I breathe out, she looks to me worriedly.
"You need to send cops to Sean's ex-girlfriend's house...."
~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~
I don't want this.... I can't do this... I once loved her and yet I'm here trying to hurt her...
No... this isn't me... This can't be me....
Only now do I realize how little control I have over my own body... This isn't me, I'm not the one doing this... He is...
I mumble out, unsure whether the voice actually came out of my mouth or not.
The banging on the door however slows and I slowly feel myself taking control yet again, Anti mumbles a few cusses but recedes. I stop my hand against the door, fist uncurling and letting it slide down the wooden surface.
I mutter softly, voice breaking slightly. She must be terrified... What have I done.... What have I done...?
No... I didn't do this, it's not me, he's not me.
Sean you had as much a hand in this as I did.... We both know you want to hurt her... She put you in that place... She left you...
"No... It's not her fault..."
I disagree quickly, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I feel my lip curl back into a snarl a single tear roll down my cheek.
"It's your fault.... You put me there.... It's because of you..."
My voice grows to a growl. Anti merely chuckles but says nothing else as I hear a banging against the front door, it soon giving in and being shoved inward, a small group of officers storming in. Two point their guns at me though I keep my eyes down.
One walks up grabbing my arms roughly and cuffing them behind my back, I don't fight it as he pulls me away from that door and it opens.
Signe walks out into the arms of the awaiting officer. Tear marks stained her terror stricken face and I feel guilt tug at my stomach as I study her. I... Did this....
She must feel my eyes on her as she glances over, hesitance clear in every move she made. Her eyes almost widen again as she looks at me. A bit of pity shines in her eyes, though it's gone so fast I'm not sure it was truly there or just a figment of my insane imagination.
As I'm stood up and soon lead away by the officers I mumble out one more word, unsure whether she heard me or not.
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