Chapter 40
((Really wish I could've written this chapter better :/ but if I tried to make it perfect it'd be like another month before this gets released :) So here ya go. Oh and real quick I want to apologize that this story has kinda been all over the place. For a long time I wasn't sure where I wanted it to go))
~~~~~~Dark's POV~~~~~~
I watch his diamond eyes gloss over softly, any hints of green receding. His eyes don't leave mine, hand returning my grip, almost desperate to keep this sense of peace I'd given him. Freedom from the pounding that threatened to crack his skull.
I feel the pressure of Anti, fighting, yelling, it causes an unpleasant heaviness over my mind, yet I keep up the barrier, allow Sean's focus to remain solely on me.
"Allow me to tell you about Septiceye.... About the traitor..."
I spat the word 'traitor', it's such a disgusting word, a word I'd hoped never to associate with Anti himself. I don't consider him to be such a thing, a traitor is one who turns against everything they've ever believed in. The only difference between Antisepticeye and a traitor... Is that Anti never believed...
"I'm sure he's told you his side of the story... Perhaps even shown you..."
I search through his eyes for some kind of assurance that this was true, a small flash of painful recognition proves this. I let my thumb trace over his knuckles, wincing as the barrier cracked, his demon grew angrier, more resentful as the minutes pass.
"It's all true... All he went through, all I'd done to him... but what he didn't tell you... What he doesn't know... is why..."
For the first time in a long time I feel the need to look away from his ocean colored eyes, from the hazy look he gave me, intent on learning the truth, I can't tell if that's the human or Anti...
"We demons... We all serve a purpose, we weaker bunch, serve the higher ups without question, and the higher ups, the more powerful of us, run things ruthlessly, even talking about change can get us killed."
I let the words flow eloquently from my tongue, let my gaze avert from the man in front of me.
"It's not fair, I won't pretend it is, but the fear of what's to come keeps us all in line... Well, most of us."
I let my eyes instead rest on our intertwined hands, his pale skin seeming to almost glow in the gentle lighting.
"Anti... He was different... He went through the same... training... we all did. However, he was, more powerful than he should have been."
I let my voice grow quieter, feeling the words begin to catch in my throat before escaping in a quiet half-whisper. I think back to first meeting him, it was obvious how powerful he was. You could feel it radiate from him, you could see it looking into those neon colored eyes, it had been intimidating.
He knew how much power there was bottled up in his small form, he carried himself with confidence that made that clear, sure of himself, and not afraid of the council like he was meant to be. During the training, he made that blatantly obvious, he spent every day fighting against whatever order he had been given, more than a few had been hurt trying to force him into submission.
They tried to break him, tried to make him some kind of weapon. He refused.
"He was down there for months, and they still couldn't break him, they couldn't control his power... and he-"
I feel my thumb halt its tracings on his pale hand, my eyebrows furrowing with a soft kind of anger at what he'd done. An anger I'd been conditioned to feel at this point.
"He got out... attacked the council, twelve of their guards were killed by his rage, one of the council members themselves was no match... He's the first demon in history to do something like that, the first demon in history whose power allowed him to kill a higher up..."
I remember that day very clearly. News spread quickly about the uprising, no one dared to stand by his side, no one was brave enough, and none of us dared get in his way. However when news got out that he'd killed one of our leaders, some began questioning their own loyalty. I didn't allow traitorous thoughts to get to me, I knew all too well what would happen to me... What happened to the others who so much as mentioned the incident.
"Like expected, the rest of them bound together, and imprisoned Anti... They struggled to find where all his power came from, but no one knew, we still don't know... So they put him through more rigorous traini-.... Torture... They tortured him."
I cut myself off half way through, it's not training... It never had been. It has always been their way of breaking us...
"I don't know what they did... but they broke him, years later... They refused to kill him, a weapon as strong as him is valuable."
I feel Sean's demon press against the barrier again, an unspoken, painful sadness resonating from behind the wall I'd put up. I look to the human's eyes again as to check if he too felt this, his eyes remain gently glossed over, attention exclusively on the story being told.
"However they were afraid, of him. They feared he'd make another show at power, they knew it was impossible to fully break him... So they tried to cut off his power, placing more than half of it into a surrogate, as a kind of wall... This, surrogate was to be by his side, to keep a watchful eye on him, to report any traitorous thoughts..."
"You were the surrogate..."
Sean finally speaks up, his accented voice dazed, a type of clarity in his tone regardless. I give a sad smile, and nod. I was one of the few who could handle the power, perhaps it has something to do with my two souls, I don't know, even now. They trusted me with it, trusted me to keep him in line, no matter what it would take. I obeyed, and I hurt him.
"By the time they brought him to me, they'd stripped him of everything he was, well, almost everything... He still managed to carry himself with fake dignity despite being stripped of it long before, I could tell that was all a façade..."
I let my mouth curl into another miserable smile. I remember his smirk on the day we met, I remember how the smile didn't reach his eyes, I remember how his back was forced straight as though he was afraid to look weak again. It was obvious however, they broke him...
"Honestly, I don't think he remembers what it's like, to be as powerful as he was. I keep the power locked away, but I can still feel it, it grows day by day and... it scares me..."
I feel the honesty of that statement sink in. I'm scared.
Every day I fear the wall I put up will break down, that I'll release that monster again, afraid that I'll fail the task I'd been given so long ago.
I'm terrified...
"When they stripped him of that power..."
I force myself to continue, words growing softer by the second, chest tightening with each memory that flashed over my vision.
"When they made him as powerless as the rest of us... he shut down... he shut everything out, the memories of his power, memory of what he'd done of who he'd hurt, and any traitorous thoughts that were left... He shut it all out, he became subservient... At least that's what it seemed, we all knew he could never be fully obedient... So they kept me near him, had me keep an eye on him while keeping his power in check."
Words continue to escape me, more than I'd planned on telling the human rolls over my tongue bitterly. I feel his eyes on me, though I no longer looked into them, focusing on the barrier I put over Anti in the humans' mind, he grows quiet as my words flow outward.
"They never expected however... that he'd grow attached... That I'd-"
For the first time I can't bring myself to finish the sentence, the last bit gets caught in my throat tightening it to almost the point of suffocation. I feel Sean's hand tighten around mine, a human instinct to provide some sort of comfort.
I look up into his eyes again, watching the haze over his eyes lessen, blue irises swimming with a mix of confusing emotions, overpowered by a soft recognition.
"You fell in love..."
He murmurs the words, finishing the statement with a truth I hadn't wanted to admit... I had fallen in love with him. A part of me knew, still knows, how dangerous he could be if not kept under control, and I know what would happen to me if they found out.
He had always been the one thing that could bring me to the edge of betraying my own home. He'd always been the one who could bring me to the edge of darkness, and pull me right back.
I feel Anti quiet, and finally the barrier breaks down with my guilt. I let my eyes meet his again just as they begin to flood with a dejected green.
His hand pulls from mine after a moments pause, I miss it's warmth once the chill settled in.
The word leaves him a sad mumble, struggling to sound angry. I watch his eyes gloss over with unshed tears, his eyebrows furrow as if he's trying to look livid, but it only manages to make him look more tormented.
"Y-You don't love me... You never have..."
His voice begins to shake, I can tell this pisses him off, pale hands clenching in his lap making it evident.
"You took everything away from me... You made me into this!"
His voice raises as a single droplet spills from underneath his eyelid, flowing gently down his insipid cheek painfully slow. His eyes clench shut for a moment, forcing the salty liquid back, swallowing as if a lump had formed in his throat.
"You hurt me... Over and over and over again..."
I feel my heart ache as more tears follow the first one, rhythmically travelling down his face like rain on a window. I feel the need to speak, however it takes minutes before I can manage a single sentence, that in itself coming out a stuttered whisper
"Anti... I... I had no choice..."
I watch his eyes flood over with a resentful rage, an implicit sadness, a rash of emotions that only furthered the tears down his face. If not for the tears, his face had gone stone cold, a chilled fury barely pushing the surface.
"You had a choice..."
His voice comes out a quiet snarl, icy and emotionless so that my muscles tense, the ache within my chest grows in strength until I nearly suffocated on the pain, until I could hardly feel my heart beat at all.
"You just made the wrong one..."
With that he stands, ignoring my tormented eyes as they follow him storming into the kitchen. Once he was out of sight, I feel a breath escape my lungs, a certain cold tension left in the room despite him being out of sight.
~~~~~~Anti's POV~~~~~~
As soon as I felt his eyes leave me, as soon as I was out of his sight, I let the dam break down. I let the tears flow quicker, warm against the chilled skin of my cheeks. I wipe at them roughly with the heel of my hands, feeling the skin redden. A soft guilt resonates from my human, as if he just now realized how terrible an idea this was.
Bringing up all these memories, I feel a heaviness settle over me, threatening to drive me back into the madness I use as a shield of sorts.
I remember... I guess I never really forgot. Even now I can feel the power that once was mine, in him. I can still feel the dominance I felt destroying that monster... I remember the fear I saw in his eyes, I relish that terror, I relish the feeling of power coursing through my veins, the capability to do anything...
I miss it. When they took that away from me, when I became this useless shell of what I used to be, it destroyed me, and then Dark dragged me further and further into insanity. Now he has the audacity, to claim he had no choice, he has the gall to try and earn some kind of pity, to bring up these feelings I want to forget.
A green glow taunts the edges of my vision, tears slowing until stopping altogether down my face, leaving an empty chill on my skin, an iciness I almost take pleasure in at this point.
His voice causes me to instinctually tense with memories of harsh words and broken bones, before overpowering the fear with the same anger I'd felt moments prior. I turn slowly on my heel, feeling the burn of green across my irises.
His crimson eyes are soft, quietly showing the remorse he wanted me to believe he had. I don't want to believe him, I don't want to fall for him again, because this time I might not be able to get back up.
He walks forward on silent feet until we stood toe to toe, until I could see every bit of guilt that swam through his bloody eyes, every crease of his frown. I almost want things to be normal between us, I want him to care for me, to be my rock to lean on. I want him, and I hate it.
"I-I'm sorry..."
His words come out soft, broken even and I feel my anger disperse to a hollow ache at how truthful they sound. I take a second, almost afraid of the feeling that begins welling in my chest, almost afraid how quickly the anger gave way to a cold faith.
I hesitate for a few minutes, until I finally give in and walk the last bit of distance between us, watching a certain kind of pleasant surprise light up his rose colored eyes.
I let my hand reach up, resting on his chest, feeling his heart beat in a slow rhythm. I watch a smile grace his pink lips, crinkling the corners of his eyes softly with the gesture.
I'm not sure if it's the grief he'd felt previously, or everything that's happened wearing on him, but he looks tired, exhausted more like. The walls he's put up over the years are slowly breaking down. I meet his eyes, searching them for the one wall I want to demolish, the one thing I want to set free.
I feel my own lips pull into a grin, taking this as forgiveness he leans forward, I meet him halfway until our lips finally meet, adding a new warmth to the tension of the room.
His bittersweet taste causes my heart to pound as it always does, warmth welling in my chest tenderly. I feel his body relax, feel his hand softly graze my face halfway into the kiss.
I almost missed this feeling. Almost.
A pained gasp is what interrupts the passion, Dark pulls away first, eyes wide with agony, mouth agape with a silent scream. His eyes move to me for only a moment, to my forcefully blank expression before downward to his chest where the pain surely resonated, growing worse by the second as evident by the flashes in his blood colored irises.
I follow his gaze to my hand after memorizing the look on his face, resting just against where his heart would lie my palm glows a soft green matching that of my eyes, a certain kind of malevolent nature to the color as it glitches around his chest, below the skin wickedly tugging around his heart.
The small taste of power is all I needed, and now I slowly chip away at the wall, the wall he'd cracked open for me. He let his guard down, yet I don't feel bad for taking advantage, I don't' feel anything but the power as it courses through me, a corrupt feeling I'd missed for so long. I hear a soft scream in my head, muffled by the thrill of the moment, Sean no doubt reacting to the feeling himself. I have no doubts it'd be extremely painful for the human, yet at the moment I don't care, why should I?
I feel my mouth pull up into another smile as our eyes meet one last time, the red of his irises glowing a bright agonizing color before fading to a broken rosy hue as the wall finally crumbles down, releasing the power I've so longed for.
His eyes shine with betrayal, concern, regret, anger, everything at once.
Until they finally go black.
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