Chapter 33

(( Hey guys I know i'm a bit late with this, but here it is! :) I just got busy I suppose, I'm sorry about that! Another question real quick, i've been recently obsessed with Criminal Minds, so if I wrote a fanfic for it would anybody be interested in reading it? It'd probably be based around Spencer Reid, and angsty as fuck :) feel free to let me know ))

~~~~~~~Anti's POV~~~~~~~

As the world comes back into focus, the real world, I can still feel it, the pain, the ever so familiar ache in my throat. My hand moves up to it almost instinctively, half-expecting the gash to remain, half-expecting to feel the warm red leaking down my neck once again.

I recede quickly back into his mind, giving Sean control once more, but he doesn't take it. I feel the body go limp, yet it doesn't sit up again, he doesn't take control back, frozen within his mind. I don't understand why until I show up as well, feeling the cold ground crunch beneath my shoes.

As my eyes meet his widened ones, and I note the paleness of his face I realize it. He saw the memory... He knows what happened.

Neither of us speak, but I see his stricken eyes move from my face, down to my throat, wandering over it delicately, the faintest fog of the memory crossing over his blue irises.

His eyes wandering over me like that, I feel repulsion claw at me. My hand moves almost instinctually to the soft flesh of my throat to cover it. I can still feel the scar, the raised skin, I could almost see the way it paled more than the rest of my skin, making it obvious.

Sean's eyes move away almost apologetically, I feel a pathetic scoff leave me as I look away, focusing on anything but his abysmal gaze. The dead grass beneath my feet, the cool air billowing gently, anything else.

"T-That was..."

"Another memory..."

I finish his thought with a quiet mumble, an almost exposed feeling twisting around me. He saw another memory... He saw me at my weakest... I feel my fists clench at my sides. Sean either notices that, or the sudden fluctuation of my anger as he takes an unsteady step backward.

"Was that.... Dark?"

I give a slight nod. The red eyes should have been a dead giveaway, however I suppose Sean only knows Dark as Mark in the physical sense. Sean's eyes move away this time, giving me leeway to study his features.

Etched into his face, along with an ever present dread, was a certain kind of confusion. I knew the question before it left his mouth.

"W-Why did he..."

He trails off, as though afraid to speak the final word, afraid not of me, but of the memory itself. Of course he knew Dark was no stranger to killing, he'd witnessed that firsthand. However such a gruesome death, all that anger, it's hard to forget, it's traumatizing to an unbroken mind.

"Revenge is a terrible thing, Sean... and Dark, well, he doesn't let go of a grudge..."

His adams apple bobs with an inaudible gulp, I can almost see the questions swimming through his mind, yet none of them manage to leave his mouth, not at first anyhow. A minute passes, then another, until his mouth opens again.

"W-why would he kill the human... The grudge was against you..."

I feel a sigh work its way up my throat, I swallow it back, taking a moment to think of how to word my response... Whether I should answer at all... Finally I nod, mostly to myself, letting my eyes meet his which had wandered to my face again, as to unravel the mix of emotions within my neon colored irises.

"He knew I would be blamed... Punished for the failure..."


His voice no longer quavered, confusion with this new information overtaking fear for the moment. I feel myself pause once more, letting a small spiral of infuriation slither up my spine before I answer again, ignoring the ever familiar feeling in my gut warning me against it.

"Look I know what you think about us... That our only job is to kill, torture, etcetera, etcetera... but there's a lot more you don't understand, things you were never meant to understand..."

His eyes narrow, unasked questions swimming through his irises, his lips remain sealed however, silently urging me onward. Stifling a sigh, I dejectedly continue, half of me hoping he'd drop it at the few ominous words...

"Each of us... We're assigned a human, usually it's based on blood line, sometimes on the composition of their brain... Chances are I've... 'worked' with one of your past relatives."

I put emphasis on the word 'worked', unsure if this could be considered working even in the slightest. He either doesn't notice, or simply doesn't care, silently urging me to continue.

"We aren't supposed to kill the human... Rather we work with them, try and get them to accept us, which in turn brings them down to Hell... What bigger sin is there, than to accept a demon..."

I feel a small ghost of a smile cross over my lips, Sean's eyes move to it with a certain kind of fright, but he keeps quiet, letting me continue.

"I'm sure you know what I mean... You've had your moments... Come close to accepting me yourself... Some of us use tricks, others prefer to break the mind. Once the human accepts us, we help them live out their darkest fantasy, that's when we kill them, once they've given us full control, once they've come to the dark side in a sense.... "

I feel my spine straighten with almost a sense of pride, head tilting as Sean takes another tentative step backward. I ignore it continuing to speak.

"Our job is to damn as many of you humans as we can... but if that human dies before accepting... We face the consequences... If they deem us fit to return to work, we do... However that may take decades, some never get out of that place...."

I could almost feel the distant look shift through my eyes, Sean's gaze softens, that small bit of suspicion remaining, for good reason I suppose. The human in front of me takes a minute, fear dances in his blue irises along with a million other questions. He takes a few more minutes, silence surrounds the two of us before he finally speaks again, keeping his voice strangely empathetic, strangely calm.

"Why didn't you explain what happened...? Why didn't Dark pay for what he did...?"

I feel a new rage twist through me, not at the human admittedly, he just happened to be there... Happened to be the one who would deal with the anger.

"What the fuck do you think this is!?"

He outwardly flinches at my loudened tone.

"This isn't some bully on the school yard, this isn't something I can take to the council, I can't tattle on Dark like I would in the damn third grade!? This is Hell!"

I see the green flood my vision, fists shaking gently at my sides as though waiting to strike whatever came near.

"I had one job... I was supposed to keep him alive..."

My voice quiets, heavy breathing accompanying each word.

"Dark fucked that up for me... and I suffered the consequences... I need to make him pay.... To suffer the same way I had to for so many years...."

~~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~~~

The rage that swam through his glowing eyes stopped me cold, as his words softened I saw the gleam of an idea pang within those green orbs.

"I need to make him pay... to suffer the same way I had to for so many years...."

The realization hit me within a moment, the idea gleamed brighter in his eyes, a sad yet gruesome smile spread across his lips, and before I could say anything, do anything, he disappeared.

I felt my body move again in the outside world, I let my eyes drift shut, watching him stand from the ground, wiping his cheeks... my cheeks... with the back of his pale hand, wiping the wetness of tears away. He walks quietly, out into the hallway on silent feet. His eyes remain determined. Once out into the living room his eyes roam, the body was gone, most likely disposed of by Dark, who was also nowhere to be seen.

He walks again, further into the house, feet making a soft sound on the tiled floor as he entered the kitchen. Eyes roam, until landing on a wooden block on the counter, handles of knives protruding from its rough surface.

I can feel my hand wrap around one of the cold handles, yet I can't stop it. I watch it pull free of its wooden constraint, its polished surface glinting sharply in the kitchen lights.

Anti turns it in his hand, smile creeping across his cheeks, I could feel the slither of exhilaration move up his spine, see the faint gleam of that memory cross over his vision. I shout out, call out, plead for him to not do it. He ignores me entirely, slinking his way up the stairs, letting the blade swing at his side, the glint of its metal no brighter than the shine of reprisal in his own eyes.

Walking past the first few doors he stops at the end of the hall, hand grazing the doorknob softly before turning it, letting the door swing open noiselessly.

Dark must have receded, as the form lying on the bed was not him, that was painfully obvious. Mark's chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, eyelids twitching softly as to indicate dreaming, and his mouth gently ajar. I feel the smile grow across Anti's face once more, I reach out, feeling a small semblance of control before it's ripped away from me yet again.

He stalks forward, standing directly above Mark on the bed. His hand tightens around the handle of the knife, knuckles whitening with the force. I plead once more, feeling anguish tear at me only to be ignored by my demon.

And as his... my... hand moves towards the unconscious form, blade glinting against the darkened room, I try once more to fight for control.

And in a moment, I feel the blade pierce through something solid, easily burying itself inside.

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