Chapter 16
((Hey sorry this took so long :) ))
I continue to study him, even now as we sit across from each other. He kept his eyes off of me, on the burger he held in his hands.
He was almost finished with it, I had finished mine within minutes, I haven't had food that good in a long time.
Every time Mark looked at me, I could see the guilt shine in his eyes. He was already regretting this... That much I know...
I honestly didn't expect him to help me... Hell I expected him to leave me to rot, move towns, do something besides actually agree. But here I am... Feeling almost normal again.
"Ready to go? We can find you some new clothes..."
I shake out of my thoughts, finally noticing he had stood up, having been lost in my mind. I nod, slowly standing as well, following him out the door.
We agreed I needed clothing of my own, I didn't want to have to wear baggy sweatpants all the time. However, who knew how long it'd take for someone to notice I was gone. And once they notice it'll be all over the news.
So, the sooner the better.
Despite how happy I am to be out... Something just seems wrong. It was too easy... Anti is too quiet... Everything is too normal...
And I hate it...
~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~
Finally he'd stopped watching me, distracted by the clothing he sorted through. I follow after him quietly, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
I don't' know why I worry, and I'm not sure whether I worry for Sean's safety or those around us... Sean wasn't crazy, not when he was first admitted, but spending all that time there. He certainly isn't normal, not anymore.
I constantly thought back to his file, the old picture it contained. He had looked so young, so bright eyed, so hopeful... Much different than the man I had invited into my house, the man who I had to tiptoe around simply to avoid angering him.
I let a sigh escape me as he weaves through the racks, picking up a few shirts here and there to go along with the jeans he'd grabbed.
I still haven't decided what I'm going to do. Once they realize he's missing, I'm probably the first person they'll go to... How am I going to hide him...?
"Hello? Earth to Mark?"
I come out of my thoughts to a pale hand waving in front of my face. Sean pouts once he notices he caught my attention.
"Jeezus finally, you ready to go or what?"
I blink a few times, pushing the thoughts away for now, and nod.
"Yah... yah... Let's go..."
~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~
I smile, looking at myself in the mirror, giving myself one last turn. It's good to feel normal. I had yet to thank Mark for buying me the clothing, but he didn't seem to mind, if he did he didn't show it.
I smile, picking a bit of lint from the gray t-shirt, the word 'Berlin' across in a big white font.
Two pairs of jeans and about twelve shirts to go with it, some short sleeved, others long, and about two sweatshirts, not that it got super cold in LA, at least compared to Ireland, but regardless, it's good to have.
I almost felt happy, everything felt normal. I felt normal...
You know Sean...
I suppose normal is too much to hope for....
We don't have to stay here...
I visibly roll my eyes, not bothering to ask why he'd been so quiet. I know I wouldn't get an answer.
"Yes because I have so many friends to stay with..."
I mutter sarcastically, almost feeling Anti glare at me.
You know what I mean dipshit... We have a better chance of surviving on our own...
I shake my head, if it were possible I would have glared at him.
"You mean you have a better chance..."
I feel my shoulders move up and down in a shrug, and instantly shove him back again, to which he simply smiles.
Same difference... Regardless, Mark can't be trusted...
"Oh, but you can?"
I scoff hardly letting him finish his thought. There it is again, I can feel his anger as he nudges against my skull.
Watch your mouth Sean... Whether you choose to believe me or not...
He nudges against my skull, even harder this time.
I know what's best
~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~
I huff, sinking further into the couch. We'd arrived back to my house less than an hour ago and Sean had yet to leave the bathroom.
Not that I necessarily mind, the quiet wasn't too bad. I wish Chica would come sit with me so I didn't feel so alone, but she'd made herself comfortable in the bedroom, as far as possible from Jack.
I let my head lean back, eyes wandering the textures of the ceiling thoughtfully.
I should have never walked into the mental institution that first day... I remember the feeling of dread in my gut almost perfectly, I should have listened to that and turned right back around. Yet not here I am... hiding a mental patient in my house. Kind of funny when I put it that way....
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad...
I outwardly groan, though keep my mouth shut, silently wishing him away.
You fell for his puppy dog eyes... Let him play you like a puppet...
"Shut up..."
I finally murmur.
I told you what to do... But now that thing is in your house...
I huff, sinking lower into the couch, staying silent for a moment before speaking up again.
"Why do you hate him so much...?"
Dark goes silent this time, and the silence is almost ominous.
I have nothing against the human... Rather the thing living in his head...
I ask despite knowing the answer. I can almost feel him nod, despite not having control of my physical body.
"Well... Why do you hate him?"
There it is... the hesitance again. This time stretching out longer.
Because I know what he can do... What he has done....
I open my mouth as though to ask about it again, but a knock at the door stops me. I narrow my eyes standing up, it had to be at least 11 pm by now... Who the hell was at my door?
I huff as I open it to an unfamiliar female... Brown, curly hair cut just above her shoulders, pale greenish eyes, and a neutral skin tone. She keeps her head down almost shyly.
"Can I help you?"
She looks up at me timidly, a clear hesitance in her voice as she speaks.
"Are you Doctor Fischbach?"
I nod curiously, leaning against the doorframe out of habit.
"I am..."
She releases a soft breath.
"I'm Signe... I heard you've been treating Sean..."
Signe... Signe.... That name, where was that from...? It takes a minute before it hits me, and I feel my head tilt in question.
"Signe... You're his ex-girlfriend?"
She timidly nods again, and I feel my interest grow.
"I was wondering if we could talk..."
Her voice softens, making her almost impossible to hear. I suck in a breath, glancing over my shoulder.
"Um... Now's not really a good time...."
I feel worry twist at my gut. She couldn't see Sean... And Sean definitely couldn't see her.
"Oh... I was hoping-"
Her voice cuts off with a visible tremble, her eyes travelling over my shoulder. I narrow my eyes following her wide-eyed gaze behind me. I feel myself tense.
The green haired man stood, leaning against the frame of the hallway, dressed in his new jeans and t-shirt. A small smirk played on the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, though his eyes were mostly blue, I could see the small glint of a sickening green hiding underneath... This isn't Sean...
"Nonsense Mark... Now's a great time...."
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