Welcome to Shroomy's Camp pt1
Today, Shroomy invited you all to a camping trip, the trip took about a half hour, so everyone was exhausted. The bus arrived at Shroomy's and everyone got out.
Ninja: Not even a thank you?-
Skully: Get outta here!
He drop kicked the bus off into the distance.
Mario: Nothing of value was lost!
Y/N: Okay, so this is the camp site?
Shroomy: You're correct!
Boopkins looked a bit down, you wanted to ask him what's wrong.
Y/N: Hey buddy, what's wro-
Shroomy: Any who! Let's take a tour!
He takes you to the first sight, which is the museum.
Shroomy: Here is the museum! Where history tells a tale!
Y/N: What is that?
You pointed out the newspaper of the number one gator wrestler.
Shroomy: Oh! Saxton Hale, he's by far the most strongest gator wrestlers of all time!
Percy stared in disgust at the article.
Percy: Why..why wrestle my kind? What did we do to deserve this?
Shroomy: Say, I think that crocodile ate your friend, it's wearing one of their gold medals.
Percy: Pardon me? I earned this medal.
Shroomy: My bad! Please don't chomp me!
Percy: I don't do that..
Everyone looks at him.
Bob was throwing paper balls at his head.
Bob: PeRcY! ArE yOu A bOy Or A gIrL? CaUse YoU fIgHt LiKe A gIrL!
Percy: ENOUGH!
He snapped and lunged at him, doing a death roll on his arm.
Bob: Ow! BrO iT wAs A pRaNk!
-End Of Flashback-
Percy: Anymore.
Shroomy: Ummm, anyways, so let's move on.
Mario: Okie Dokie.
Next up, it was the cafeteria.
Shroomy: You may know this area, the cafeteria!
Luigi: You know Mario is gonna love this area.
Y/N: You don't say?
Mario was already eating half of everything.
Saiko: Damn, he eats like a pig.
Y/N: I don't know about that, pigs tend to chew, I'd say he eats more like a duck, or a snake.
Mario gulps down his food whole and belches.
Meggy: Moving on?
Y/N: Probably for the best.
Shroomy: Okay! Next up..
He took you to the cabins.
Shroomy: The Cabins! One for girls, the other one is for boys! You can all bunk here for today, tomorrow we're going to be doing some fun stuff!
Y/N: Okay, sounds good.
Beta: I call top bunk.
Mario: Why do you get the top bunk?
Beta: Because I don't have to smell your night gas.
Mario: I don't have night gas!
Beta: Oh really? Last time you and I shared a room with bunk beds, I had the bottom bunk and it smelled like a sewer!
SMG4: Dear god Mario, stop putting mushrooms in your spaghetti!
Mario: But Mario likes it!
Percy: Still though, you shouldn't do that.
Shroomy: Alrighty then, I'll be in the lobby, let me know if you need anything!
He left. Both boys and girls went into their cabins to get settled in, Boopkins sighed and sat on his bed.
Y/N: Hey, what's the matter?
Y/N: Boopkins..it's Peter, isn't it?
He looks up and nods sadly. You frown and decided to help him out of his sadness.
Y/N: Don't worry about him, he's just blinded by greed and misfortune. Besides, he needed a better hobby, NFT's is just not really a good route.
Beta: Tell me about it, he won't shut the fuck up about them.
Boopkins: He was a good friend..I wish I could reverse time so he wouldn't be angry at me..
Y/N: Don't worry little guy, he'll get over it, he can't stay mad at you forever.
Boopkins: You have a point..thank you Y/N.
He gave you a small hug, since you were way taller than him.
Y/N: Come on, let's get some rest.
Boopkins: Okay, are we gonna zip line?
Y/N: We'll see, maybe Shroomy will let us go.
Boopkins: Yay! Alright, goodnight Y/N, see you in the morning.
Y/N: Night Fishy.
You and Boopkins go and rest in your beds, hoping tomorrow will be a good morning.
-The Next Morning-
You wake up to see Beta still asleep, Mario was using a plate of spaghetti as a pillow, Skully had his narwhal printed sleep mask over his eyes, SMG4 was snoring away, Luigi and Boopkins were both sound asleep.
Y/N: Okay, seems normal, but where's Percy?
Right when you said that, he came into the cabin with a trout in hand.
Percy: Morning.
Y/N: Hey Percy, were you fishing?
Percy: Yep, and I didn't even need a fishing rod.
Y/N: Nice, you gonna eat it?
Percy: Actually, I had something else in mind.
He looks over at Beta and yells.
Percy: Beta!
Beta:.....Fuck off....*snore*
Percy then smacked him hard with the salmon.
Percy: Wake up you overgrown guppy.
He falls out of bed, hitting the ground.
Beta: Ow.
Percy: Rise and shine, we gotta get going.
Beta: Oh wow, you're right, you know what this calls for?
Y/N & Percy: What?
Beta gets out his newest invention.
Beta: Behold, the despacito bomb.
Percy: Oh boy..
Y/N: Oh no..
He cranked the handle and it started playing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The loud music causes everyone to jump out of bed.
Beta: The sound of God ascending from his ass.
Skully calmly gets up and yawns, he then grabbed a golf club out of his ass and smacks the bomb, breaking it and killing the music.
Skully: Next time, just calmly wake us up, it's not that hard.
Beta: That's no fun.
Boopkins: My ears...
Beta: You don't have ears.
Boopkins: Oh, right.
Beta: Now I gotta wake up the girls.
Percy: Hang on, I got this one.
He goes over and knocks on the cabin door gently.
Percy: Ladies, it's time to get up.
He opens the door.
He covered his eyes and closed the door.
Percy: Sorry!
He runs inside and rubs his eyes.
Y/N: Uh...what happened over there?
Percy: Just uh..Desti changing into some clothes....I may or may not have accidentally walked in on her..
Beta: That's her own fault, she didn't answer.
Percy: I guess you could say that..but now I feel like a pervert.
Y/N: Don't worry, you aren't.
Skully: Trust me, I once knew someone who was a big pervert, that even makes you look like an innocent puppy.
Percy: Alright, alright..
Beta: Magic trick of the day, I'm about to make everyone wake up.
He gets out a black microwave and presses a button and he threw it into the window, shattering it, a loud audio then starts play.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Tari: GAH!
Beta: Shhhhhh...
Percy went along with it.
Percy: I don't know.
Desti: You know exactly who it was you little pervert.
Percy: Me? A pervert? You didn't answer, so I figured you were asleep still.
Desti realized she never said anything when she did indeed hear him knock.
Desti:...oh..great, now I feel stupid.
Percy: Don't feel bad, let's just leave that behind us.
Skully: It's for the best.
Desti: Okay, I agree.
Saiko: Who. Did. That?
Skully: It was Beta.
Beta: WHAT?! Wow, snitch-
Saiko grabbed him by the throat and began to choke him.
Beta: S-Saiko...*gag* l-let...go...please...
Y/N: Saiko, let him go.
Saiko: *sigh* fine, I'll let you go, but be lucky I didn't rip your head off.
Beta: *cough* My luck has shined..
She lets go, allowing him to breathe.
Tari: Why would you do something so mean?!
Beta: I'm sorry! I thought it'd be funny.
Mario: Mario found it funny!
Beta: See? Even the moron agrees.
Y/N: Let's all calm down, violence and pointing fingers will get us nowhere, we're here to have fun, so let's have fun!
Meggy: Y/N's right, we are here to have fun.
Luigi: I'm okie dokie with that!
Percy: Sounds great, but first, let's get some breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day and I'm starving!
Saiko: I could eat.
(Wakey Wakey it's time for schoo.)
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