Peter's Rage
After Peter lost everything, Boopkins looked in his tree house, but he wasn't there, that's when he heard him flying towards him and tackled him down with his talons.
Boopkins: Peter! There you are!
Peter: What do you want?..
Boopkins: W-well Peter, I was wondering when we're going to be making some more artwork-
Peter: Oh! You wanna make art?! How about all that fucking money I lost because of you! I gave you one job!
Boopkins: B-but..wait-
Peter: I lost everything! My career, my money, everything! It's all gone! Thanks to you..
Boopkins: I'm sorry Peter, maybe we can fix it-
Peter: No! We can't fix it! And there is no "we", it's just me, myself and I.
Boopkins: C-can't I still be your friend?..
Peter: You wanna be my friend?
Boopkins: Well, yeah..I don't have many friends..Besides Y/N and everyone at the castle.
Peter: touching, here let me help.
Outside his treehouse. Boopkins got thrown out and into the well.
Peter: And stay out!
He slammed his door shut.
Boopkins: Aww no...guys?...
Bob: So ThAtS hOw AnImE iS mAdE!
Bob: WhAt?
Y/N: You know, maybe there's a good reason why trash bag people like you shouldn't be able to talk.
Percy: That was god awful.
Saiko: Even I'm from a Japanese game and yet I despise this.
SMG4: I need to look at some memes, see ya.
He goes into the other room to watch some funny memes. Meanwhile your phone began to ring, you see its Mario.
Y/N: Great, let's see what he wants.
You pick up.
Y/N: Yes Mario?
Mario: We may have a slight problem-a.
Y/N: What king exactly?..
Mario: Fishy fishy maybe stuck in that well....
Y/N: You mean the one near Peters treehouse?
Beta snatched the phone.
Beta: No, the moon well. Of course the pterodactyl well!
Y/N: Okay! I was just asking.
Beta: Alright, just be over here to help.
Y/N: Will do.
He hangs up and you start to get ready to head out.
Saiko: Where are you going?
Y/N: Boopkins got himself trapped in a well..
Axol: That's not good, mind if we come along just in case?
Y/N: I wouldn't see why not, sure, come along.
The gang heads out to go search and find the well.
Y/N: Boopkins! You in there?
Boopkins: Hey Y/N! Yeah, I'm in here.
Desti: We'll get you out, okay buddy?
Boopkins: Okay!
Skully: So? Any plans?
Bob: I sAy We UsE rOpe!
Belle: We don't have any.
Beta: How come during situations like these, we never have the right tools to easily fix these?!
Tari: Calm down Beta, I don't exactly know, but we'll work with it.
Beta sighs and nods.
Axol: I got it, watch this.
Everyone stands back as he whips out his trusty inkweaver and starts drawing a serpent. Once he got done, it pulls itself out of the page and comes to life.
Axol: Brilliant! Now Serpent, go and fetch Boopkins from the well!
The serpent only let out a hiss and smacked him away with its tail and slithered off.
Melony: Axol! Are you okay?!
Axol: Ow..that kinda hurt, but I'll be fine.
Melony: You sure
Axol: I'm positive.
Beta: Okay, the hell do we do now?
Boopkins: Guys? I don't think I can stay afloat much longer, those rocks hit hard..
Percy: Fishy! What did we tell you about eating rocks?!
Boopkins: not to?
Percy: Correct. Here buddy, grab ahold of this.
He had no other choice but to climb down carefully himself to get him.
Percy: Okay, grab onto my tail.
Boopkins does so and holds on tight. Once he felt his tail being held onto, he quickly climbs up and gets him out.
Bob: ThAt WaS ePiC!
Y/N: Good job Percy!
Percy: Thanks Y/N!
Saiko: Fishy, who did this to you?
Boopkins: was...Peter..
Everyone was disbelieved that he'd do something like this..
Y/N: Why? What did you do to upset him?
Boopkins: Well I may have been put in charge to keep an eye on his artwork, but I just couldn't and everything was destroyed..
Mario and Beta feel a bit guilty now..
Beta: I think me and Mario are to blame for, if it weren't for us, he wouldn't be like this.
Meggy: But over some art work?! How old is he? His art pieces aren't even that good, if I'm being honest.
Desti: They're always cheesy.
Peter flew around the city to view the civilization, he sighed and looked around, seeing a familiar green tail, his eyes widen and he rushes up to the window to see his gang at the diner.
He knocks on the window and gains their attention.
Peter: Hey, guys! We're still friends, right?
From the looks of it, they're disappointed, angry and don't want anything to do with him, Y/N gets up and approaches the window, Peters hope was dropped as he pulls the curtains over the window. He sighed and looked down in disappointment.
Peter: What have I done?...
His mind was filled with questions that couldn't be answered, so he had no other choice but to fly away from his problems.
Skully: I think that was the right move.
Y/N: Hopefully.
(Peter needs to calm the flip down. Don't he?)
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