Meggy & the secret
After a week later of doing nothing but messing about, and dining with Saiko at a fine chicken place, one of your friends, Meggy has been acting a little odd lately. She's been stuttering her words everytime she talks to you or Saiko, which is strange..but I think there's a reason for that.
Today, you decided to go up and greet Meggy, who was stuck on the couch with Bob and Boopkins, watching anime..
Y/N: Hey you three, having a blast?
The trio look over.
Boopkins: Oh hey Y/N!
Bob: WhAtS uP.
Meggy: I-I Uhh..Hi Y/N..
Y/N: Hey, you two mind if I steal Meggy for a bit?
Bob: LoL, fOr WhAt? YoU gOnNa Do-
Y/N: Bob, no..
Meggy blushes hard at that.
Meggy: Shut up Bob..
Boopkins: Eh?..
Y/N: Don't worry, I'll be right back with her..
Boopkins: Okay, but don't be too long! We're right in the middle of a good arc!
Y/N: I see that..
You shook your head and offer Meggy a hand, she hesitated but takes it and gets up. You guide her to the rooftop.
Meggy: What's up?..
Y/N: Hey, look, you've been acting strange around me and Saiko, and I don't wanna pull out the cards, but why, if you don't mind me asking?
Meggy: Oh..that?..W-Well..I..
She stumbles on her words a little, struggling to get through her sentence.
Y/N: It's ok, just calm down and when you're ready, you can tell.
Meggy: Okay..
She rubs her temples and sighed.
Meggy: I..may have overheard you and Saiko talking..and possibly..doing it..
Your eyes widen at that immediately.
Y/N: What?!
Meggy: I'm sorry! I-
Y/N: No! No, we've never did that..
Meggy: Wait, really?..Then..what was that "Am I wet?"...
Your state then switched from being converted to having chuckle at that.
Meggy: What's funny?..
Y/N: We were playing headbanz..
Meggy looked at you with a puzzled expression.
Meggy: Headbanz?
Y/N: Yeah, she was a swimming pool..
Meggy thinks for a second and realized it wasn't what she thought it was.
Meggy: Oh...oh god..
She face palmed.
Meggy: I'm an idiot..
You comfort her as she said that.
Y/N: No you're not, it happens. Just gotta clean that dirty mind of yours.
She groans a little from embarrassment and sighs.
Meggy: ..Thanks...for clearing that up..and, sorry I've been acting so weird..but now I know..
Y/N: Anytime Megs.
Meggy: two are a thing right?
Y/N: I-..Well..yeah, we are..
Meggy smiled and giggles.
Meggy: Well I'm happy, she looks happy with you and all I can say is that I wish nothing but luck for your relationship.
Y/N: Aw, thanks Meggy! That means a lot..
Meggy smiled in response.
Meggy: Don't mention it, have you told anyone else about this?
Y/N: Well we're afraid Bob knows..we know Axol and Boopkins knows, and now you know..
Meggy: Ah..well, I'll make sure to keep Bob's big mouth shut about know how he can be.
Y/N: That'd be much appreciated Ninfriendo.
Meggy chuckles a little at your pun and sighs.
Meggy: Now I can see why Saiko loves you so much.
Y/N: Wish there were two of me?
Meggy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Meggy: One of you is enough deadeye.
Y/N: Eh, fair..couldn't imagine a clone of me.
You two share a small laugh and sigh.
Meggy:'d be an all out war between you both, but hey..thanks again for clearing that up for me..
Y/N: It's no problem Meggy, glad I could help.
Meggy: You sure did-
Boopkins: Meggy? You're missing the good parts!
Bob: CoMe DoWn HeRe YoU bItCh!
Meggy: I should get going, can't keep the weebs waiting.
Y/N: Allow me..
Boopkins, Bob and Meggy continued to watch through another episode of My Hero Academia.
While that was happening, you were with Desti, Mario & Beta.
Y/N: Hm..
Desti: So, what's our plan?
Y/N: First things first, we gotta hijack the TV.
Beta: I could route the remote to my phone.
Mario: Mario likes!
Y/N: Yeah, go ahead and do that.
He clicks on the app and does so.
Beta: Alright, I've got control over the tele, now what?
Y/N: Now..Desti, don't tell Peach I told you this, but she keeps a secret control panel that's hooked around the castle, press the red button with the sofa symbol on it, got it?
Desti: Interesting, thanks for telling me this, but where's it located?
Y/N: Behind her throne.
Desti: Gotcha, thanks for the info man!
She melts into her Octo form and traveled to the throne room.
Y/N: Alright, now..
You look at Mario.
Mario: What can Mario do?
Y/N: Cook some popcorn, it'll be important.
Mario: Okie dokie!
He proceeds to blow up a random lamp before entering the kitchen.
Beta:..Bloody hell..
Y/N: Nevermind that.. Once Desti hits the button, switch channels, alright?
Beta: Will do..
He waits, as you did the same.
Desti soon arrived to the throne room, looking around.
Desti: Damn! Never been in here before, Peach is one lucky son of a bitch..
She refocuses and makes her way to the back of the throne, and finding the panel.
Desti: Well, he wasn't lying...
She picks it up and located the couch button, she presses it down.
The couch began to shake.
Meggy: What the-
Y/N: I'd stand up if I were you Meggy..
Meggy quickly does so as Boopkins and Bob are then flung out of the castle with loaded springs under their cushions, sending them safely to the moat below.
Bob: NoW iM wEt.
Boopkins: Me too.. :(
Bob: I aM aLsO wEt.
Y/N: Well, that worked.
Beta flips the channel to a Meme Review video by Pewdiepie.
Meggy: Much better..thanks guys.
She said, smiling before sitting on the couch once more.
Y/N: Anytime!
Beta: Eyup.
Mario came back with kernels stuck all over his body.
Beta: Shit! What the hell happened to you?
Mario:..The kernels, They're..ALIVE!!!!
He runs away in terror, smashing through a door, on the other side of that door was Saiko, who came through the doorway, confused.
Saiko: Hey..why was Mario running away with popcorn kernels all over his body?
Y/N: Said something about them being alive?
Beta: Bullshit..I gotta see this for myself.
He runs inside and comes back out, covered in kernels.
Beta: Well shit.
Meggy:....What do we do?..
Everyone in the room looked at eachother and had one thought..
You, Saiko, Beta, Desti and Meggy sat on the sofa and watched the OG Hunger Games movies while eating the popcorn.
Beta: This is great! The butter sure makes it delicious..
Y/N: Yeah, very exotic..
Saiko leans to you and kissed you on the cheek.
Saiko: How has my little love bug been?~
Y/N: I-..Uh, pretty good..
Desti:..You two a thing?
Beta: Not like she was licking a popcorn kernel off his face..
Saiko: Get your act together or I'll flatten that undercooked egg you call a head..
Beta felt insulted, but didn't feel like insulting her.
Beta:...Suggestion noted..
You call continue to watch the Hunger Games, happy and content.
(Want some popcorn? I promise the kernels aren't alive in this batch.. 🍿)
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