Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom, where the most random misfits are known to hang out at, and go on crazy adventures. Today a guy named Y/N was running away from a chain-chomp with his two buddies, Mario and SMG4, two plumbers he met a few years back. They find a room and hide inside it, hoping the chomper won't find them.
Y/N: Does someone mind explaining why the hell a chain chomp is let loose?!
SMG4: Ask Mario.
Mario: What-a? It wasn't me!
You just stare at him, like he was an idiot. Cause he is.
Mario: What?
Y/N: You think I'm stupid? I know it was you!
Mario: What makes you say that?
Y/N: Gee, I don't know, look at this.
You grab a piece of red fabric from the chomper's post from earlier and show it to him.
Mario: that's-a how I lost my sleeve.
Just as he said that, you hear someone yelling.
Beta: Who the fuck did this?! Get away from my cheesecake! I worked hours on this!
Just then, a crash was heard.
Chain-Chomp: *Bark!*
Skully: BAD DOG!
Chain-Chomp: *Bark! Bark!*
Skully: No, no no no-
Another crash was heard.
Skully: MY TAIL!!!
The two came running into the same room as you and the other two.
Skully: Thank god you guys are ok..
Y/N: What happened to you two?
You noticed that Skully had no tail, while Beta was leaning crooked.
Beta: The Damn metal ball broke my spine.
Skully: Took my tail clean off, my butt feels weird now.
SMG4: We're sorry to hear guys, what do we do?
Y/N: Well...
The Chain-chomp then comes busting through the brick walls, launching everyone out.
Y/N: Yep. That's me. Y/N, that was years ago, so you're probably wondering, what's happening on present day? Well, let's take a peak together, shall we?
-A few years later-
Your Pterodactyl friend came flying down with his newest NFT.
Peter: Hey you guys, guess what I made-
Everyone: No one cares!
Peter:, okay, forget I even asked.
He flew away in frustration. You went back to playing a game with Tari.
Tari: You're good at this game!
Y/N: I have been practicing.
Meggy: Well that practice paid off, look at you know, you're practically an expert at this!
You were beating both Meggy and Tari at Mortal Kombat.
Announcer: Finish her!
You managed to do a fatality move on both of them.
Beta: Well Damn, all hail the king of Kombat.
Y/N: Oh stop, I'm decent, not an expert.
Meggy: I was the highest ranked one with Desti.
Desti: She's right you know, you have skills like a ninja.
Skully: Ain't that the truth.
Y/N: Okay, okay..I admit, I'm an expert.
Boopkins and Bob were playing an anime video game of course, and poor Percy had to be dragged into it.
Boopkins: What should I asked Saiko?
Bob: AsK hEr To ShAkE hEr BoOtY!
Percy became extremely uncomfortable and came up with a plan to get himself out of there.
Percy: Yikes! Look at the time, I better get going, I have places to be right now.
Bob: YoU aRnT gOiNg AnYwHeRe!
Percy: Why not? I need to use the restroom..
Bob: HaViNg A FuLl BlAdDeR iS nO eXsCuSe!
Percy: Of course it isn't, cause you don't have a bladder, do ya?
Bob: Uh, I dO!
Percy: Sure, I'll be back, I promise.
Boopkins: Are you sure?
He looks back at Boopkins, almost feeling bad for him.
Percy: I'm one hundred percent sure. Don't worry.
Boopkins believes him and let's him leave, he does so and meets up with all of you.
Percy: Hey you guys.
Y/N: Hey Percy, where were you?
Percy: Oh, just catching up with Bob and Boopkins...heheheh...
You could tell he was miserable with them.
Y/N: Well..what if we could help out.
Percy: That's alright Y/N, I appreciate your generosity, but I think I got them.
Just as he said that, a faint boom came from where Boopkins and Bob were.
Heavy Squid: What was noise?
Y/N: I don't know, let's go check it out.
You get up, so does your friends, you all go see what happened, but nice you reached the door to their room, you quickly open it, just in case a burglar was breaking in, but nope.
?: Who are you freaks?!
A pink crazy girl was seen, holding both Bob and Boopkins by the throat.
Y/N: Hey! What's happening here, and who are you?!
?: You ask me, these two were being nasty towards me!
Y/N: Look, put them down, we're not here to hurt you.
Meggy: Yeah, don't worry.
Percy: Just don't hurt them.
The girl decided to listen and calm down, she dropped both of them, they then run away.
?: Sorry, I have a temper problem..
Y/N: Don't worry, we don't hold anything against you, miss?..
Saiko: Saiko, my names Saiko.
Y/N: Well, it's nice to meet you Saiko, I'm Y/N.
After everyone else introduced themselves to Saiko, she felt more welcomed here.
Saiko: Thank you, where am I again? This isn't Japan.
Percy: Mushroom Kingdom.
Saiko: Oh, thanks.
You volunteered to show her around the place, telling you about the others and your around the kingdom, she smiled and felt thankful for you helping her. After about an hour of a tour and showing her E.Gadd's Lab, Omnia High, Freddy's Spaghettiera and much more, your final destination was at the coast, where the beach is, and just in time for the sunset.
Y/N: And finally, the coast.
Saiko:'s so beautiful here..
Y/N: Yeah..sometimes I just like to come out here and let my mind relax.
Saiko: Well, this place is great, you don't mind if I stay here, right?
Y/N: Of course, I don't mind at all, I'm sure Peach will make room for you.
Saiko: Peach? Like the fruit?
Y/N: No, I meant the princess.
Saiko still had no idea what you were talking about.
Y/N: Oh, right, you haven't met her yet, don't worry, she's not as stubborn as she is after her spa days, and she takes a lot of them..
Saiko: Oh..
She sat down next to you and gazed upon the orange and red blaze in the sky.
Saiko: Hey, Y/N is it?
Y/N: Yep, that's me.
Saiko: Thank you, for showing me around.
Y/N: Anything for a friend.
Saiko's face went from a hue of pink, luckily her skin was pink so you didn't notice.
(A good start, I gotta say.)
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