A normal game
It's been a week since you and Saiko confessed your feelings for one another in Japan, and since then, the others have been noticing that you both act pretty differently than before. They only ones that knew were Boopkins & Axol. The duo promised to keep it a secret until you and her were ready.
Today though is a day to relax. Beta turned on a show called:
Saiko: This..is some show..
Y/N: Yeah..
Beta: What?! This show is the bomb!
Saiko:..Beta, who ungaged you?
Beta: I ate my blindfold.
Y/N:..What did it taste like?
Beta: Shit.
Y/N: Understandable.
Beta:..Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go on the computer and search up some random things.
As he said that, he lays on the ground like a plan and slithered to the computer room, leaving you and Saiko alone.
Saiko: So..wanna watch something else?
Y/N: Sure!
Saiko: You pick, show me something good.
You nod and knew the right one, you went ahead and put on a wrestling Match.
Channel: Polemistis Entertainment brings you Death Battle!
Saiko smiles.
Saiko: Now this I gotta see!
She gets close to you as she watches with awe. Chuckling, you watch with her as the fight went down.
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn!
Soldier: I will crap in your painis!
Round 1, Fight!
Soldier starts off with teleporting bread, as he was doing so, Shao Kahn threw a spear towards Soldier, to which he watched his bread get stabbed.
Soldier: The bread! Nooo!
Shao Kahn: You will die Mortal!
Soldier stares up and cocks his shotgun.
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrath of my d-
His head gets blasted off.
Soldier: If god had wanted you to live he would not have created me!
Then Shao Kahn's body turned into none a sorcerer?..
Soldier: Damn you Marasmus!! You're the worst roommate!
Soldier Wins, Brutality!
Saiko: Okay, now that was amazing!
She laughed.
Y/N: I enjoyed that, can't wait to see what's next week's fight!
Saiko giggled.
Saiko: Well I'd figure-
He threw his phone down and growls.
Bob: CaNnOt gEt AnY sHiT!
You and Saiko look over with a deadpan look.
Y/N: Let me guess..Harem Simulator?
Saiko: You didn't get anything.
You shook your head and laughed.
Y/N: You're just not doing it right..
Bob: WhAt?! I lAy My BeSt PiCk Up LiNeS i KnOw!
Saiko: Exactly..
Bob: HeY!..
Out of frustration, he left with a barrel of fluids.
Bob: YaLl ArE dIcKs.
Saiko laughed at his misery and sighed.
Saiko: Remind me to kick his ass later in that game.
Y/N: Of course.
After a moment of silence, Saiko looks around, just to make sure nobody's here, once she did see no one, she turns back to you.
Saiko: Soooo..I've got us some reservations at the new restaurant in town..
Y/N: Wait..really? What was that called again?
Saiko: Don't you remember? It's called McFricknChicken's Cafe.
Y/N: Oh! Right! When do you want to go?
Saiko: Spoke with the guy, said it's a 5 hour wait if we go now, so it's best to just wait until 5 hours is up.
Y/N: Ah..gotcha.
Saiko smirks and holds your hand.
Saiko: So..wanna kill 5 hours?~
You blush hard..
Y/N: W-Wait what?..
Saiko: Come see me in the bedroom~
She giggles and walks away. You were just left in your thoughts..
Y/N: Isn't this a bit early to be doing that?..
You sigh and shook your head, seeing what's next.
You stood in front of her bedroom door and prepare yourself for whatever it is. Opening the door, you see her..
....holding a game of Headbanz?..
Saiko: Dunno, this game looked unique. Wanna play?
Y/N: OH! Sure..
You sigh in relief and sat down with her on the bed.
Saiko: So how does this work?
Y/N: You just get a black head strap and stick a card through the slit, then you put it over your head, but you cannot know what that card is. You gotta guess or ask questions like, is this thing big, or does this thing spin?
Saiko: Oh! Now I get it, sounds fun! Let's begin.
You nod, then you two put your cards up on your head straps.
Y/N: Alright, I'll let you go first.
Saiko: Sweet..so..am I a food?
You shook your head.
Y/N: Nope.
Saiko: Damn..now what?..
Y/N: It's my turn to guess what my card is.
Saiko: Ah, ok.
Y/N: Am I a character?
Saiko: Yes!
Y/N: Ooh! Nice!
Saiko: So I go next?.
Y/N: Yep, your turn.
Saiko: Alright, am I a hammer?
Y/N: Hehe, nope.
Saiko: Awww...
Y/N: Hmm..do I have a sword?
Saiko: Hell yea you do! Looks sick!!
Y/N: Ah..good to know..
Saiko: Uh. Am I a vehicle?
Y/N: Yep!
Saiko pumps a fist in the air.
Saiko: Finally!
You chuckle.
Y/N: Ahem, sooo, am I medieval?
Saiko: Very much, yes.
Y/N: Perfect. Now, your turn.
Saiko: Does the vehicle have any jobs?
Y/N: Yes, it does.
Saiko smiles.
Saiko: Aw yea.
Y/N: So, is this character from a movie or a video game?
Saiko: Video game.
Y/N: Gotcha..
Saiko thinks and smiles with confidence.
Saiko: Am I a police car?
Y/N: Nope!
Saiko: Ye- What?..
Y/N: Not a police car.
Saiko: Damn it!
Y/N: It's ok, you still have a chance!
She nods.
Saiko: Yea..Alright..your turn..
Y/N: Am I from Game of Thrones?
Saiko laughed.
Saiko: No! I said it's from a video game! Not a show!
You face palm as you thought of it.
Y/N: That title is confusing..
Saiko: I know baby, I know. Still a good guess though.
Y/N: I say otherwise..but it's now your turn.
Saiko: Right..am I a firetruck?
Y/N: Nope.
Saiko: What?!
Y/N: Sorry, not the right one, you did however get the truck part right.
Saiko: Eh..at least I got something out of that.
Y/N: Yup..so..am I from God of War?
Saiko: As badass as that one is, nope, not from God of War.
Y/N: Aw..
Saiko: You'll get it..hopefully. Sooo..am I a garbage truck?
Y/N: Nuh Uh.
Saiko: For fucks sake..
Y/N: Hehe..sorry. Soo..am I from Dark Souls?
Saiko: Yeah you are!
You cheer.
Y/N: Yay!!
Saiko: Don't celebrate yet, you still gotta get the name.
Y/N: Oh..fuck..
Saiko: Yep..now, am I a dump truck?
Y/N: Yea!!
Saiko: Wait, seriously?!
She takes off her card and looks at it.
Saiko: Oh my god..why didn't I think of that?!
Y/N: Hey, it's ok! You still got it!
Saiko: True. Now, your turn!
Y/N: Okay..does this character look like Santa?
Saiko: He actually does, yeah.
Y/N: Am I Gwyn?
Saiko: Yep!!
You take yours off and see it.
Y/N: Ah..yes, The Lord of Cinder..
Saiko: Nice job there.
She kissed you on the cheek.
Y/N: Thanks love..
She giggled.
Saiko: Soo..you up for another round?
Y/N: Oh hoh..You bet I am..
-4 Hours Later..-
Meggy passes by, hearing sounds from in the bedroom, confused, she takes a closer listen.
Y/N: Am I long?
Saiko: Really long.
Meggy blushed hard.
Meggy: What?....
Saiko: Am I wet?
Y/N: Oh yeah, you are.
Meggy blushed even harder and backs away from the door before going to the living room to cool down her face.
-Inside Saiko's room-
Y/N: Am I the Eiffel Tower?
Saiko: Yeah!! And am I a pool?
Y/N: You bet!
Saiko: Hell yes! We are on fire!
Y/N: Yeah we are! Haha!
Saiko and you shared a laugh and sighed.
Saiko: You know..this has been fun..perhaps we can do this again some other time.
Y/N: I had a lot of fun too Sai, and yeah, we can do this again some other time.
She smiled, you return with a smile back.
Saiko: Sweet! What time is it..
Y/N: Well we've been playing for a while.
Beta then opens the door.
Beta: The TimeCard said 4 hours, so you've been playing for 4 hours-
Saiko: Get out!
She threw her hammer, hitting Beta in the groin.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He fell over, frozen in his pose.
Y/N: Ouch...sorry Beta..but you gotta learn to knock..
Saiko: He better..now, let's go, because I think we're all hungry-
Your belly then growled loudly, making you pause, and making Saiko pause mid-sentence.
Saiko: Let me rephrase that. I know we're all hungry, so let's go.
You laugh and take her hand.
Y/N: Yeah..I could use some food.
You two then pass by the living room, seeing Meggy on the couch, fidgeting with her hair.
Y/N: Hey Megs!
Meggy: Huh?- Oh..hi Y/N, Hi Saiko...uhh..
Saiko: Is..something wrong?
Meggy: No! No..not at all..why would there be something wrong?..
Y/N: You're just acting strange is all, did Desti put cinnamon in your ramen again?
Meggy: No..she stopped that..uhhh..I'm just gonna go..uhh..see ya!
She formed into her squid morph and jumps out the stain glass window.
Peach: HEY!!
Y/N: Oh shit..uh..we better go before she makes us clean it up..
Saiko: Right!
She picked you up in her arms and ran outside and to the chicken place.
(I must consult with the Elder Gods.)
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