Chapter 28: Robot Hoodlum; Dennis's crush

- Okay, here I will give you an example. You're alone surrounded and fighting monsters. Suddenly one of the knights is wounded. What will you do? - Clay asked, circling around Aaron with his hand behind his back.

Aaron had been sitting in a chair listening to Clay's advice and lessons for two days now. Aaron was a good choice, because he was a quick learner and added ideas to Clay's elaborate formations, which impressed him.

- It's a simple question. I say through the hurricane, to any of the others to help and cover whoever is injured. I, on the other hand, watch my back from the attack of the monsters, I can't get distracted and I call on the knight to help me if I'm in a bad situation.

Clay nodded. - Good.

You watched the boys talk, and couldn't help but proud smile at Aaron. You leaned against the wall with your right hand behind your head.

- How about another example? - you suggested. - Monsters are swarming in the village and....

- Use a wedge formation. Circle the monsters. - he replied almost automatically, before you finished speaking. You raised your eyebrows in impression and Clay and I exchanged puzzled smiles.

- Correct. Okay... Since the theories... Wait, wait! I haven't asked you yet about the rules a leader should follow. - Clay said. 

- Ah... This. - Aaron sighed and combed his fingers through his hair.

- Do you know the rules? - Asked Clay with a raised eyebrow.

- Yeah, yeah I know! - he replied firmly nodding his head.

- Tell me then.

- Number one. Put the team's good above your own. Number two, don't leave your brother/sister injured behind in battle. Third, be willing to make sacrifices. Fourth, plan first then act. Fifth, a true leader leaves the past behind. Sixth, a true leader cares about his companions. Rule seventh, a leader should be guided by qualities such as courage, justice, respect, kindness and diligence.  Eight and most important, a leader obeys his king.

- Excellent! I'm proud of you, a few more lessons and training and you will be a wonderfully prepared leader. - said Clay with a smile.

Aaron smiled back. - Thanks Clayman.

Then Ava appeared on the screen. - Listen you three, whatever you're doing there you better finish it, I have to show you something.

- We are on our way, Ava. - you said. Ava hung up and you looked at the guys. - Well, the lesson is over. Let's go! 


- Lukas? I didn't think we would meet again. What your poor soul need? - You asked with a smile. Lukas called to Fortrex on some urgent matter.

- Oh, (Y/N) sharp as a clawI, you can see that your Peacebreaker character has influence you, see that sucking up your manager's ass has paid off.

You furrowed, Lukas smiled mischievously.

- But enough of the niceties. We have a problem, me and my gang. - he said already worried.

- Then why are you insulting me? I won't help you that way. - you replied and wanted to cross your arms, but you forgot that one of your arms doesn't work and you could only sigh heavily.

Lukas' face changed dramatically. - No, sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, I was joking!

- Okay, tell me what's going on?

- We were attacked.

- By whom exactly?

- I don't know! Jorah had us shoot a video in a dark forest with these strange stone trees, you know what I mean, and they attacked us! Some robots with some Robot Hoodlum in charge, they tied us up and robbed Jorah of gold.

- ROBOT HOODLUM!!? - a voice shouted, you and the others jumped up surprised at this. You all threw your heads in the direction of the shout and saw Dennis, who had eyes as big as nickels, filled with stars.

- Dennis, do you know this whole Hoodlum thing? - Clay asked.

- Do I know him!? Do I know him!!? Of course Robot Hoodlum is the best bandit in existence!!  A living legend who steals from the rich to help poor squirebots like me! This is my hero!

Aaron and you exchanged surprised glances and smiles at Dennis's obvious fangirl.

- Wow Lance, your squirebot has a fangirl for this bandit. - admitted Aaron to Lance with a smirk.

- Steal from the rich!? This is a cruel impudence! And if Dennis should admire anyone it's only me! - Lance became indignant.

- But of course, Sir. Lance. - Dennis agreed.

- So... Will you and your friends help us get rid of this money thief and his entourage? - Lukas asked, looking confused at your conversations.

You looked at him and sighed heavily. - And do we have another option? Of course we'll help, after all it's our job.

Lukas smiled. - Thanks Moorington. I'm beginning to feel for you.... a drop of respect.

You scoffed. - And I don't to you, Diggory.

Lukas laughed and hung up.

- I still don't like this guy. Not after what he did. - Aaron whispered to you.

You chuckled slightly. - I don't like him either, but.... I tolerate.

- So, are we going to hunt for this Hoodlum? - Macy asked.

- Catching subordinate criminals is not our job, that's the job for the royal guard. Let them deal with catching criminals, we have to deal with Jestro and his monsters. - Clay said.

- Robot Hoodlum is no subordinate criminal Sir. Clay. - Dennis interjected, drawing all your attention to him. - Robot Hoodlum of the Rock Wood Forest is a living legend, my hero! He and his Merry Mechs always help those in need! I always wanted to meet them!

You and the others looked at each other with smiles and Lance sneered.

- Dennis, calm down. We didn't know you were such a big fan of bad robots. - Aaron continued talking, trying to irritate Lance more.

Dennis became visibly abashed and clumsily tried to answer. - I... I just read a lot of articles about the heroic actions of this hotbot.... Ekhm, Hoodlum.

Aaron and Macy snorted with laughter and had to cover their smiles with their hands. You laughed under your breath, also trying to restrain yourself from laughing.

- You could say that Dennis has his celebrity crush. - you whispered to Aaron with a smirk. 

- I think... we can do both. - Ava said and started typing something on the keyboard. She played the video of the Tighty Knighties and told you to take a look.

- I have to admit, despite the fact that I don't like this Lukas, this song is even catchy. - Aaron told you, lightly stomping his foot to the beat.

You nodded slightly and looked at the video. And there between the trees something was visible, you squinted and saw a familiar cloudy face. Monstrox.

- Monstrox!

Everyone gasped in amazement.

- Robot Hoodlum is working with Monstrox? - you asked.

Dennis gasped almost dramatically and immediately went into defense mode of his idol. - Robot Hoodlum may be a brazen thug, but he would never be evil!!

Everyone stunned at his speech and exchanged astonished glances. This was something no one expected. Dennis quickly calmed down and began whistling awkwardly, returning to Lance's side.

- But it would make sense. Because I've looked through all the reports that deal with the theft by Robot Hoodlum and they show Monstrox in the background everywhere. - Ava said.

- Robot Hoodlum is not evil! - Dennis exclaimed again.

- Wow dude, Dennis really has a crush on this bad bandito. - Aaron said to Lance.

- Yeah, I don't get it! By the way, who is this Hoodlum!? This is the first time I've heard of him!

- He comes from the Rock Wood, there is a habitat of bandits. - Axl told you.

- Hm... There must be an explanation for all this. I doubt that Monstrox will just appear in the background on every report. That's... too naive for a villain. He would rather stay hidden. - you said.

- (Y/N) is right. Monstrox has always been elusive, there must be something more going on here. - Merlok agreed.

- We will explain it soon. Ava work out the route to the Rock Wood Forest, we'll face all this Hoodlum and his gang. - Clay ordered. - As for us, let's go to the armory to prepare our equipment.

- You're right, I don't have the strength to walk anymore. - You groaned and rubbed your neck. - I think I need to start walking in this armor like Clay.

- I suggested it to you before, but you were stubborn. - Clay answered you.

You snorted. - And look as silly as you all the time? No thanks, but my mech.... At least it has nothing to cover.

Clay looked at you with reproach, and you smiled at him sweetly and innocently.


The knights were preparing their weapons or training in the armory.

- I still say it out loud, I have a better mech than my brother. - You said to Aaron as you stood in front of your mech.

Aaron smiled. - I'm not surprised. After all, your mech has wings and generally looks amazing! I would like to have such a machine myself.

- You know, you could ask Robin if he would make you and others similar machines. - you suggested.

- Maybe. Okay, can you manage to get in there yourself or can I help you?

You looked away from him to the big machine and tensed up slightly. - Well... a small lever would help.

Aaron knelt down on one knee. - Come on, I'll help you.

You slowly approached and placed your foot on his folded hands, and the boy lightly propped you up so that you could enter the machine. You successfully did so, and you sat down in the cockpit.

- So, how does this machine even work?

- It's simple, I have to put on this helmet like my knight's helmet and by force of will I can control this machine. - You explained and put on the helmet.

- By force of will? Awesome! Robin made a great effort on this mech.

- Yeah, I put him a good dinner and a package of sweets yesterday, so I think it's a win-win.

With that, you closed the cockpit and the mech started up again. You began to warm up slowly to get the machine ready for action.

- Ok gang, we have to be prepared for whatever happens out there...! - Clay suddenly slipped on the stairs and fell in his battle suit. Everyone gasped and ran over to him, to see if he was okay.

You slowly approached from behind and looked down at them.

 ''I'm finally taller than all of them! I feel so powerful! - you cheered in your mind.

- Clay, are you all right? - Macy asked worried.

- I think so, I just need to.... get used to this battle suit. It's so stiffy and unnatural, I wish I could get back the rest of my body. 

- Don't worry Clay, I know Merlok is working very hard to find a cure for you. You will be fine soon. - Macy comforted him.

- I hope so, I don't want to sit in that can for the rest of his life like tuna fish. Although, I like tuna fish. - Clay said in an already more cheerful tone when you helped him up from the ground.

- Mmmm tuna. I'm hungry. - Axl said and his stomach started growling.

- I'm not complaining about my mech. After all, I'm taller than you! - You said, trying to improve the mood. - I'm no longer a dwarf compared to Clay.

- To me you will always be a little dwarf, sis. - Clay said with a mischievous smirk.

You furrowed and slammed your fist into Clay's mech's arm and he fall to the floor under the force. You smiled maliciously. - Here's to you, tuna fish! - after that you laughed out loud.

- I hate you.

- I love you too, brother.


After a while, you all split off in your directions, only to hear an alarm. Robot Hoodlum and his gang had snuck into Fortrex and stolen all knight's shields. Yours most valuable weapon to defeat the monsters. Almost immediately you set off in chase through the woods after them, you also took Dennis with you.

Dennis groaned frightened. - I'm scared! It's scary and dangerous here, you have to be a brave robot to live here.

- Hey, I face danger all the time!

- Yes, but you are not.... Robot Hoodlum. - Dennis sighed dreamily.

Lance rolled his eyes - Did we really have to take Dennis with us?

- No one knows more about the Robot Hoodlum than Dennis. If we want to find him and get our shields back, we need him. - Clay replied.

- But that's not fair! Dennis has never been more of a fan to anyone but me! This... I can't believe it!

- You say that as if you never had a crush, Lance. - you interjected.


Dennis led you to near of Hoodlum's bandit camp and you decided to prepare an ambush, slowly creeping into the camp.

- Good... Now follow me and keep quiet. - Clay whispered to everyone.

Then Dennis jumped out from behind a bush and started shouting like a fan, but was quickly silenced by Lance.

- I said it was a bad idea, bringing him here. - Lance whispered to you.

- Dennis has a fanboy phase, he'll get over it. - You waved your hand at that.

- Woah... Look at this place! - Macy gasped impressed by the view of the camp. - This must be where Robot Hoodlum fixes all the poor squirebots he steals for.

- My hero... - Dennis sighed and got an ugly look from Lance. Dennis grunted and zipped his mouth shut.

- They use our shields as stretchers. - You pointed out.

- For our shields! - Axl roared and you all rushed to attack the small robots. Being in a state of literal destruction, all the squires were practically defenseless. Just as Axl was about to retrieve all the shields, Jestro out of the blue took them and the Cloud of Monstrox shot lightning bolts into the grove revealing the huge stone golems that surrounded us.

- Oh great. - You said under your breath.

- Before it was a woods and now it's stone monsters! - exclaimed Aaron.

- We get it Aaron but at least there are not so many of them. - said Macy.

Then, as if on cue, the cloud shot out a mass of lightnings bringing even more monsters to life. You looked at the red knight raising an eyebrow.

- Did you say something?

She looked at you, saying nothing. Monstrox approached to knights with a mischievous grin on his face.

- What about now? - He asked mockingly.

- Now. I'm a little freaking out. - replied Macy. Dennis started screaming terrified and quickly ran away, waving his arms wildly.

-... We need to go get our mechs. - You whispered to Clay, who nodded.

- Now, monsters! It's time to RAAAAH!!! - Jestro shouted loudly and monsters the size of elephants began to approach you.

- Charge !!!

Clay ordered you and you threw yourself into the attack. However, without nexo powers, the monsters were indestructible and took each of your blows without pain. Your only chance was to use your battle suits.

- Can't you use that power of yours on those monsters!!? - Lance called out when a monster threw him near you.

- I can't, this stone form blocks it for me!!

At one point, Clay through his petrified arm lost his balance and fell to the ground, unable to get up. The monster took advantage of this, caught him in his hand and after a moment threw him  like a rag doll.

You looked at the monster in front of you, which was already looking at you and growling furiously.

You looked at it silently, before clenching your teeth and growling and barking playfully like a sick chihuahua. The monster stopped and looked at you confused. He roared in your face and you repeated the same thing.

The monster gave a murmur of surprise and didn't know what to do. He licked his lips and began to take steps backwards, trying to retreat.

- That's right! You should run away or I'll bite you! SHOO!! - you screamed and waved your hand wildly. The monster panicked and completely retreated. A smile slowly appeared on your face and you nodded. - And so it should be, this is how you end up messing with Moorington!

You laughed briefly and quickly fled between the trees to Clay and for your armor. You jumped over some bushes and saw Clay trying to lift himself off the ground.

- Clay, there you are! I thought that monster threw you to the moon! - You called out with a laugh.

- He would just like to...! - he replied with a sigh. You approached him and helped him get up from the ground. - How about you? Did he throw you like that too?

You chuckled and shook your head. - The monster recoiled as soon as I growled at him.

- He probably discovered what kind of nut you are and wanted nothing to do with you? - he mocked.

You snorted. - Said the one who was yeeted like a rag doll.

-.... Good touch. Let's go help the others!

You quickly jumped into your battle suits and returned to the battlefield, where the knights were surrounded by monsters. You grabbed a monster from behind by the shoulder and threw it at the other, knocking them both down.

- Jestro you are to give back our shields immediately, or else...! - Clay threatened.

- Or else what? Without your shields you're completely defenseless, I have them all...! Well, four of them, but my monsters will crush you! So... Do you have any last words?

- Just one... Combo nexo power!

- That's more than one word. - you stated. Clay looked at you and playfully rolled his eyes. - Live in the moment, sister!

- HEY! That's not fair! She's right, those are three words!

- But doesn't it take three of our shields to get combo nexo power? - Macy asked Ava through the communicator.

- No, but I can send combo nexo power thanks to Clay's battle suit shield and (Y/N)'s. - replied the youngling.

- Hurry up Ava, I want to test it! - you called out impatiently as the monsters began to approach you.

- Relax, (T/N). Get ready! - she answered you. You and Clay looked at each other and nodded.


Combo nexo power passed through your shield and penetrated the inside of your mech, making you feel even more powerful. You smiled and kicked the monster, which turned to dust in a flash.

- Cool... Now I'll show you, you mammoth bastards!

With one blow of the sword and shield, the monsters turned to nothing and their souls returned to Monstrox, who ate them. Frightened, the monsters fled into the forest, and Dennis returned, floating on Aaron's shield.

- Sir. Lance you're fine! What did I miss? - He asked with a cheerful smile.

- Ah, nothing special just fighting evil. - He replied humbly.

Jestro, Cloud of Monstrox and the monsters completely retreated and escaped. The knights recovered their shields.

- Ah... I absolutely love these battle suits of ours! They make fighting so much easier and more fun! - You said with a smile to Clay, who was panting hard from fatigue. You furrowed with concern and approached him and put your hand on the shoulder of his mech.

- Are you all right, brother?

- Yeah, sure... I just need to... Get some rest. - He sighed heavily and suddenly dropped his strength and fell over. You gasped and caught his arm so that Clay's mech didn't fall face down on the ground.

- Clay what is wrong with you?

- I fell from strength... I don't have the strength to move.

- Shit. Guys help! - You called out to the others.


Clay was sent back to Merlok to training room, while you and the others were in the garage because Robin called them to come.

- Here, everybody. After seeing how well Clay performed, I decided to build your own battle suits for you, too!

The knights got excited like kids in a toy store and quickly ran over to their new machines to test them.

- Nah, still my mech is the best. - you said, before walking up to Dennis, Robot Hoodlum and his Mery Mechs, who were waiting to be repaired.

Robin began to repair Hoodlum, under the watchful eye of Dennis. You allowed yourself a small smile and patted Dennis on the head. The robot looked at you with a smile.

- You did a great job today, Dennis. You helped us defeat the monsters and uncover Monstrox's insidious plot! I'm proud of you.

- Thank you Miss (Y/N), it means a lot to me.

- No problem, Dennis.

Robot Hoodlum had been repaired and was operating completely smoothly. Dennis looked as if enchanted at him. However, it was finally time for them to return back to their camp. You, Lance and Dennis went to escort them to the exit to make sure they were sure to go.

- It's time to move on my Merry Mechs!

- You heard the boss! Let's get moving! - cried the double-headed robot.

The other robots cheered and with the help of ropes they took to the air. Robot Hoodlum looked at Dennis, who looked sadly at the departing bandits.

- Aren't you coming with us, my friend?

- What?

- I said, wouldn't you like to come with us? We could need such a brave bot in our gang.

Dennis stammered and looked at Lance. - I.. I can't, I still belong to the Richmond family.... I can't.

You and Lance looked at each other sadly. Lance sighed and knelt down in front of Dennis.

- Dennis. If you want, you can leave, I will not keep you by force.

- WHAT!?

- Yes. I see that you really want to leave and live an adventure like your idol.... So you're free, you can go and start a new life.

- Really?

- Yeah, since I was a little kid you have always been by my side and helped me. I owe a lot of credit to you.... So now think about what you want to do with your life and.... Live in the moment.

Dennis looked at him stunned and looked hopefully at Hoodlum, who sent him a smile. He looked at Lance and hugged him tightly. - Thank you Sir. Lance! I will never forget you, and you too, Miss (Y/N)! - he called out and hugged you as well.

- Good luck on your new path in life, Dennis. Have fun and be safe. - You said and patted him on the head.

- Thank you, thank you! - he called out and quickly ran over to Hoodlum, who grabbed him by the arm and together they soared through the air on a rope.

You sighed and looked at Lance, who was looking behind Dennis sadly. You patted him on the shoulder and smiled. - It was really amazing of you to let him go Lance.

- Thanks. I just knew that someday this day would come. - He shrugged his shoulders.

- You really are an amazing friend, Lance.

The boy laughed lightly and the red color flowed into his cheeks. - Thank you, (N/N).

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