After that, everything started going south. I started getting awful headaches, they got worse every day. Out of the three days I went to school, Demetri was only there for one of them. He'd asked me what was wrong, so I told him. He looked panicky and then ran out. How selfish! I'm the one in pain here! After that he didn't come back. By the forth day I could barely move. So I stayed at home, by myself. Dad now worked 20 hours a day. Aside from all that a full week later the pain got better. I'd gotten about 50 get well cards from Peter, Vanessa, Preppy Princess, other members of the Preppy Princess Squad (P.P. Squad for short), and some of Peter's other friends like Mike, Fred, Chicken (long story), and Clay. I mainly skimmed through them, and wrote some thank you cards. But the best part was that I was finally out of bed. Everything seemed weird now though. Sometimes I would hear a low voice, the voice of my father, speaking in my head. It would say stuff like.
"When is that girl ever gonna go back to school? If I were her I would suck it up and deal with those stupid headaches. Maybe there is something else going on. Maybe she's being bullied! I swear, if that's the case I will personally go down to that school and tell that bully that they'd better leave my baby alone. OW! Stupid fork! It stabbed me right in the hand!"
Then I'd hear a yell from the kitchen saying ow. I honestly think that I'm going crazy. I figured out how to turn the voices off. I just think of my own thoughts and then it goes back to them.
I've decided to go back to school tomorrow. The headaches are basically gone, but the supposedly thoughts of others around me never stop. I've turned them off... until I decide to turn then back on. I have to admit, reading minds is fun! But every time I really think about it, it kind of freaks me out. I'm guessing the awful headaches are the cause of all of this. But it doesn't matter. I have the slightest suspicion that Demetri knows something about this. The fact that he freaked out when I told him about the headaches is almost proof that he knew what was happening. And he left after I told him. That gives me another reason because he might've been trying to hide his thoughts from me. Now that I think this, there is no way I'm not paying a visit to his house. It was 8:00 am. I was awake, dressed, and ready to go.
When I went downstairs I think I scared Dad a little. He hadn't really seen me for like, a week. He asked,
"You feeling better darling?"
"Yep," I replied "a lot better Dad."
"Going out?"
"Yeah, to Demetri's house. I have to talk to him."
"This early? And who is this Demetri anyway?"
"Dad. I already told you. He lives on the other side of the woods."
"In the old Shadow house?"
"Yes. His name is Demetri Shadow."
"Huh. That's funny."
"His mom was good friends with your mom."
"Oh." I didn't want to say anything else. Dad is really touchy when it comes to the subject of Mom.
"Yeah, well. This Demetri... is he your...uh...boyfriend? He whispered the last word.
"No. Dad. Okay? We're just really good friends."
"Well, okay. But be back by 10. I wanted to show you something now that you're better."
"Okay. And I hope your fork wound gets better."
"What? Did I tell you about that?"
Crud I forgot about that . "No, I heard you yell ow. And I assumed you were making/eating dinner. So that must mean you stabbed yourself with a piece of silverware. A spoon is unlikely. And if it were a knife you'd probably go to the hospital. So, fork."
He looked at me funny. "You assumed all of that?"
"Yep. Well I better get going." I said while walking out the door.
When I arrived at Demetri's house, I was appalled at the size of it. It was huge, at least three stories tall. And it was all white. Not a chip in the paint that I could see. Demetri walked out of the front door. He smiled and walked toward me. As soon as he was I hearing distance, I said to him,
"Where the heck were-" but he cut me off with his finger, putting it to my mouth in a shhh position.
"I meant to tell you." He whispered "But I was too afraid."
"Tell me what?"
"I-" he started to cry.
Everything got awkward. I'd never seen a guy cry before.
I hugged him and comfortingly said, "What's wrong Demetri?"
"I'm moving. I'm moving to Maine for a long long time."
I was shocked. I couldn't move. I just stood there. And the last thing I remember was saying goodbye. Everything is black after that.
It was the usual Monday. Math-tired, Free Hour- bored, ELA- gloomy, Social Studies- sad, Lunch- unsocial, Science- depressed, and Art- ready to leave. When I get home I throw my backpack in my room, and sit. I just sit and stare at the blank TV screen. I'd been in this slump before. It was when my mother died. Except now it was my first crush that had moved miles and miles and miles away. I often stared at the TV for about an hour, then I go to my room. But this time something urged me to look out the window. Right a the tree line, was a boy about my age. He was handsome. And had blonde hair. He was familiar looking. But I couldn't place his face with a name. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice that he was watching me. He continued to come back every day, at the same time. He would just stand and watch me for like, an hour. I would watch him back, until he walked back into the woods. Who is he? And why is he watching me?
And that wasn't even close to being as weird as what was about to happen.
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