Chapter 4
Hey guys!
Oh! And I didn't put this in any of my other stories, but I'm American so all of my stories will tell distance in miles, and weight in pounds (just in case anyone was wondering).
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Sorry for any editing and grammar mistakes!
Chapter 4
It was three weeks before I saw him again- the King of the North, and I was starting to highly doubt the opportunity would ever arise. Most of that time was spent being poked and prodded by the few doctors the village had. Everyone in the town knew about the gold-power, about the healing abilities I sometimes had- but no one knew why.
They had seen me use it the only other time it let me, on a little girl who decided to play too close to the town's center fire. But no one understood it- especially me. I felt like I had been put under a magnifying glass and all but dissected so they could find out why the power wanted the King so badly. It was exhausting.
When I wasn't at the healing shop or sitting through boring exams with the Elders, I was practically locked in my room and only allowed to leave with an approved escort. It was insufferable. It was like no one trusted me anymore- or no one trusted what I was capable of anymore. They didn't understand that I was still the same me- just a me who couldn't control whatever's inside me and apparently mated to the King.
The King-
The King of the North- my mate.
It truly seemed like a ridiculous notion. Ever since I was a child, the entire town told me it was impossible for someone like me to have a mate. But the Elders have never been proven wrong before, and maybe it was the King who had been mistaken.
What exactly would he get from claiming me, though? The gold-power? If he was willing to go through the trouble of all this mockery just for a little unexplored magic, he could have it. After all, it seemed to want him more than me anyway.
If it trying to kill me was anything to go by.
Besides, I didn't know a lot about mates, but what one would leave theirs for weeks on end without a care?
"Emrie?" I glanced up from the dark trees I had been staring at through the window pane to see Leikos standing in my opened doorway, a worried frown creasing his forehead.
"What is it?"
It wasn't Lei's fault I had been condemned to live my foreseeable future locked away in my room, but I couldn't help but feel like he didn't do everything he could. I didn't feel comfortable here anymore. I-I felt like a new species everyone wanted to desperately tear open to see what was inside.
It was maddening.
His dark eyes turned their gaze out the window I was perched against as his rather large body leaned against the old wooden door frame. He and his sister were the same kind of shifter, their whole family was, and their bodies were built more lean and toned to fit their animal than other shifters were. Like the family that shifted into bears on the other side of town, they were more- large and hairy than anything.
"The heavy snow will be falling soon. I want to leave for the Lower Kingdom before then."
"I'm still going?" His eyes flickered down to mine and he raised a dark eyebrow.
"Why wouldn't you?"
I shrugged my shoulders and turned my gaze back out the rather dirty window. The famous dark clouds of the northern snow-storms were starting to roll in over the horizon, and the wind was quickly beginning to carry the fallen leaves down the mountain side in a cascade. Light snow always fell before the end of fall, and then the dense cold of winter hit. We had barely a few weeks before then.
I grew up at the base of the mountain with Mae and her family, we were used to snow and the cold. But for some reason, the three of us always went to the Lower Kingdom during the heavy snow times. I can't remember a time where we spent the entire winter at the village- only the warm waters of the Lower Kingdom filled my mind.
"Because I've been on lock and key for the past three weeks."
Lei let out a small sigh before leaning off the door to walk further into my rather small and cramped room. "This is for your protection, Em. I thought you understood that." His voice wasn't sad really, just tired as he took a seat on the bottom of my bed and rested his lithe body back on his hands.
I tried not to roll my eyes. "I understand this is more to study me than protect me."
He stayed silent for a few, long, moments before reaching up to run a hand through his hair. "Which is why I thought you would be excited about our annual trip."
"You know I love the snow." I grumbled as my eyes danced back out the window. I truly did love the snow, and the cold. The Lower Kingdom was beautiful and lovely, but it was warm all year long. I hadn't experienced a northern-mountain winter since I was child.
"Yes, but this trip is needed now more than ever." His voice was low, soft, as it floated around the small wooden room. I could sense the hesitancy in it, the worry. This was about more than just the gold-power.
"You shouldn't worry so much, Lei. I doubt what they say is true."
He shot me a small smile before glancing out my opened door. "Yeah- Yeah." I gave him a soft, sad tilt of my lips as he stood and headed for the dimly lit hall. "The first snow fall should be tonight. I'm sure the guards will be getting an early sleep." He gave me a pointed look with those dark eyes of his before he shot me a sly smile and disappeared down the hall.
I couldn't help but smile after him. Leikos had been the only family Mae and I knew since we were children. I never knew my parents, and theirs died before Mae could know them. It had been the three of us for years, the orphans in charge of one of the King of the North's many towns. Lei took care of us, he always did.
Things- changed that night.
And I wasn't sure if it was for the better.
Leikos was right, the first fall of the heavy snow began barely an hour after he left my room, and the guard stationed at my door was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I slipped on the snow-proof shoes Mae had bought me for my birthday, and threw my thin cover over my night-shirt.
My favorite thing about the fresh fall was watching my feet leave prints in the clean street. I watched my breath fog into the night air as I walked down the main road with slow, purposefully steps. I sighed and walked further towards the entrance of town.
Everything was just so confusing now. I wished I never had listened to that nagging voice in the back of my head. I wished I just stayed put in the village, or went down to the water with Mae. My mind has been in turmoil ever since I locked eyes with those electrifying blue ones- ever since the gold-power tried to use me to get to him.
I needed to get out of the village for a while, even if it was only for a few minutes. The closely laid houses and strong stench of livestock was making my head spin. Maybe this trip to the Lower Kingdom would be good for me. Clear my head, making me stop thinking about him. These thoughts, these worries over just a maybe was making my head spin in more ways than one.
The entrance gate was two large, wooden doors that stood proudly against the corresponding fence. It was built before my time, before the King of the North and his soldiers chased the Northern Raiders and outlaws from the mountain. Now we kept it as some form of comfort- mainly against the King himself. He's never hidden the fact he wasn't particularly fond of any village besides his own.
I let out a long sigh.
Why was I still pondering this? Why did I even care? It's been weeks since the last- and first- time I ever saw him. If he was so convinced I was his mate, why would he leave me for so long? Why would he give me back to begin with?
Ugh, why did it even matter?
I didn't walk far outside the gates, maybe a few feet, but as soon as I did I felt the shift in the air. Felt that tingle of fear shoot down my spine like a few weeks before. My eyes flickered out across the dark trees and shadows of the thick forest. Wolf-bornes... I now knew they were real- knew most of the rumors were true. And one of them was watching me.
The King was watching me.
I froze the minute those strange electrifying blue eyes caught mine. My breath caught in my throat. He was- H-he- What? He blinked and I felt my feet walk closer to the two glowing orbs shining brightly in the darkness on their own. I forced myself to stop at the beginning of the dense, dark, trees. "What are you doing here?" My soft voice filled the silent air around us as the snow gently fell from the sky.
Those abnormally bright eyes blinked.
I watched them carefully with a narrowed brow as he took one step back, then another. I couldn't see the rest of his body through the dark of the woods, but his eyes grew smaller as he edged away from the village. "I'm not going in there." I stated firmly as my gaze washed over the silent trees.
I was only brave enough to go in there during the day with Mae, no way did I want to go in there at night. Those eyes hardened in warning, but I only shook my head. I winced when he let out a low growl, but forced myself to stand my ground.
"If you want to talk come out here."
I didn't know why I suddenly felt brave enough to talk like that to him- to the King of the North. Maybe because I knew he was in his wolf form, or maybe because some part of me- deep down- knew he would never hurt me. But whatever it was, it wouldn't let me run back into the safety of the village.
He snarled low in his throat and took another step back. I raised my head high, kept my back straight, like that would prove to him I wasn't the scared, frightened little girl I really was. With one last blink those agonizingly, beautiful blue eyes vanished, and I was left staring into the darkness of the northern woods. I sighed. Well, it wasn't the reunion I imagined- not that I actually thought we would ever see each other again.
I slowly started to turn around, ready to head back to the light of the village- when a thick tree branch shot out of nowhere and wrapped around my waist. "What the-!"
"Sh, be quiet!"
I froze.
That voice.
I knew that voice- that tone. It rang like a dark lullaby through my mind, my dreams, and promised a lift-time a warmth I never knew. I went limp in what I now found was the King's insanely large arm, and not a ginormous tree branch, as he gently eased me back into the dark shadows of the trees.
"W-what are you doing?" I gasped as he dragged me in the direction he wanted me to go. The thick grip he had on my waist was leaving me breathless, and making me crave things I never had before. I tried not to make it too obvious I was leaning back into the strong warmth of his large chest.
"You wanted to talk, right?" His voice was gruff, deep, and just as beautiful as the one drifting through my dreams- but the only problem was that I could not remember, for the life of me, where I had heard it before.
"Uh, um, yeah..."
Before I realized what was happening, that large arm wrapped around my waist lifted me over a large tree root stuck in the ground like I weighed nothing. He grunted as he stepped over it after me. "God, you're so fucking tiny." He growled under his breath as he pretty much carried me wherever we were going.
"No, you're just abnormally large."
He turned me towards him just enough to see the appalled look those glowing eyes shot me. It actually brought a small laugh to my lips. "All wolf-borne are naturally big." He growled as he carried me deeper into the very same forest I told him I wasn't going into.
"Yes, the men in your town seemed very large as well- but you are literally the most ginormous person I have ever seen." I tilted my head back enough to blink up at that face hidden in the shadows of the night, and tried to give him a small smile as those bright eyes shot me a dark glare. But then I watched in amazement as a small smile touched his own lips. I couldn't tell much from the dark, but that smile alone was beautiful.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment."
I shrugged even though it was kind of hard to with how he was carrying me. "I told you that I didn't want to go in here." I grumbled instead as the lights from my village faded behind us. I wasn't necessarily sure what was going on, or where we were going, but I wasn't afraid. Not like I should be. Not like any normal person would be in the presence of the King. I didn't even know his real name, and I felt like the safest person in the world.
"And I told you not to be a weakling and you were coming in one way or another." He snarled in answer, and I could only gape up at him as he finally pulled us to a stop a good mile- or-so from the village. The woods stayed eerily silent around us.
"You did no such thing." I mumbled as he set me gingerly, surprisingly, down on my feet. My head barely reached the build of his broad chest, a chest so big it was the size of two of me combined.
"Yes I did, you just weren't listening."
"You were a wolf!"
I glared up at his hidden face like he was crazy, but he just gave me an indifferent scoff. "How am I supposed to know what you try to say when you're a wolf?"
"You did just fine the other week."
"That was different. You were hurt, and I basically asked you only yes or no questions."
He rolled those beautiful eyes at me. "Same difference."
I glared up at him, but that glowing gaze just shined down at me in amusement. I huffed and forced mine to glance away. "What are you doing here?" I asked again as the giant man, who the Elders apparently thought was my mate, slowly circled the space around me- like a predator, stalking its prey. He was standing too close for comfort, even if my body reacted in strange ways at the proximity.
"I was- curious." His voice was a deep baritone that shook the very fabric of my being. I tried not to let my breath catch in my throat. I could feel those intense beautiful eyes of his watching me as he continued to walk- like he was assessing every inch of me. It made me fidget uneasily where I stood.
It felt like hours when he finally stopped his circling, but only a minute or two had passed. I watched quietly as he stood in front of me, those unearthly eyes locking with mine once again. Just like the other day we stayed stuck in that soul-gazing stare. A stare that froze my insides and made my stomach tighten in uncertainty. But a beautiful stare nonetheless.
We stood silently for forever, not touching, not talking, just staring. It was weird how- how natural it felt to just stand there all day and gaze up at those abnormally, gorgeous eyes. "The Elders tell me we're mates." I couldn't help my whispered voice from sliding unwelcomed into the silence surrounding the forest, but it didn't break our trance. If anything, I felt like I was drowning further, and further into him.
Just like his wolf, he blinked and tilted his head curiously to the side. He sure did do that often. "Do you not believe them?" Even though his voice was soft, there was no masking the obvious authority ringing through it. He was one hundred percent, completely royal. For the first time since his wolf jumped me, I felt nerves over his being start tugging at my resolve.
But I couldn't look away from him.
"I-I don't know what to believe." I admitted quietly and watched from the corner of my eye how his muscles shifted under his skin. I hadn't been that truthful in weeks, months- but there was just something about him that forced the truth from my lips. He rolled his shoulders as if they were tense.
"You can't feel it?" Those bright eyes narrowed in confusion, and I frowned at the small one that creased his brow. It was hard to make out much of his features, but from what I could tell from the faint light of the moon- he was absolutely gorgeous. His jaw line was sharp, his hair was dark, and his eyes glowed brighter than the moon.
"I feel- something, but I-I don't know what." I finally broke my gaze from that intense stare and glanced out at the dark trees surrounding us. If anything, I was more confused than ever.
Our brief encounter in these very woods weeks before replayed constantly in my brain in the lonely hours of the day, and his beautiful voice haunted my dreams. And now these weird feelings turning at the base of my stomach with just one simple touch from the King was only making the confusion ten times worse.
"They never told me-" I let my voice trail off, because I honestly wasn't sure how to approach the topic. It was almost embarrassing to admit how I had no idea about the mechanism behind mates, or how they were even a thing. A frown pulled at the features of his face I could see, and I resisted the small pout that wanted to tug on my own.
He shouldn't frown. I didn't want him to. Talking about this wasn't making him happy-
"They never told you about mates?" That beautiful, vibration sending voice of his, was gruff in disbelief and what also sounded like anger. My face flushed for some reason beyond me.
"I know what they are, but they never taught me anything about them, or what the signs were."
He took a step towards me as that frown once again turned to a look of confusion. My eyes wandered back to the ones that were calling me. "Why not?" He was getting frustrated now. I could tell, but I could also tell that that frustration wasn't directed at me- and I wasn't sure how.
My flushed face turned into an embarrassed blush and I broke my gaze from his once again. "I-I... I-" I licked my lips and stared at the bare, ginormous, buff chest just inches in front of me. His skin was toned, tight, and rather tan despite the dark atmosphere of his home on the top of the mountain. "It was supposed to be impossible for me to have a mate." I muttered softly as the silent forest surrounding us slowly started to come to life once again.
He took a step towards me, and even though my brain told me to step away, that nagging voice in my head that got me into trouble to begin with told me to stay put. I jumped when his giant palm cupped my chin- and entire jaw- and forced my gaze up to his.
For a moment, all I could do was stare up into that intense gaze as the warmth of his giant hand shot through every inch of me. The tingling-electric feeling started at the base of my chin and shot through the rest of my body until all I could feel were pins-and-needles.
"They said it was only possible for shifters to have mates. I-I'm not a shifter."
He stared at me curiously for a few good seconds before the hand gripping my jaw gently forced my head into the air. I gasped as he lowered his face into my neck and took a deep breath, paused, then took another.
He pulled back a minute later and his bright eyes gleamed down at my shocked ones. "You smell like one." His voice was gruff once again as he relaxed his hold on my jaw.
"I lived with them, they raised me. I'm bound to smell like one."
Tingles shot straight from his thumb and down my body in a sharp jolt as he rubbed it along my jaw. I couldn't help but lean further into him. I resisted the disapproving groan that clogged my throat as his hand slowly left my chin. "Were your parents not shifters?" My eyes dropped to the ground at his question, and I resisted the urge to tick my jaw.
"I don't know. I've never met them. The leader of the town and his family raised me, but they couldn't have been right? If I can't shift they shouldn't have been able to either."
He shrugged and glanced around the dark woods surrounding us from all sides like the situation wasn't that big of a deal. "It's not common for some shifters to produce dormant offspring, but it has happened before."
"Do you- Do you think we're mates?" I asked nervously as he reached up and ran that huge hand through hair I couldn't see in the darkness, but oh how I wished I could.
"I know we are." His voice came out in what sounded like a dark growl, and that made my insides twist almost painfully. I could feel the fear of- of was it rejection? Of not worth? I couldn't pin point the fear, it was just there. And it was so different from my 'I didn't care' attitude of earlier.
"Do you not want that?" My voice came out as weak and small as I felt at that moment. I was only surprised I was able to keep the fear I was feeling from it. This was an odd experience for me, an odd feeling, and I didn't like it. Not one bit. What was he doing to me?
"I never wanted a mate." He grumbled and took a step away from me.
"Oh..." I muttered softly and dropped my eyes to the ground as his continued to glance off to the side of us. I guess I was right about earlier, about why he didn't bring me to his village- his home. He didn't want me- he didn't want a mate.
I don't know why I let that hurt me- why I let that knowledge leave a painful hole in the middle of my chest. I lived my whole life believing I would never have a mate, never have that earth shatter soul-connection with someone- and I never let it bother me. Just because I suddenly had one that didn't want me, didn't mean I was going to let it upset me now.
I never had any hope in the matter to begin with.
"I always believed I was strong enough to turn her away- if I actually had one." His voice was dark, and low as it softly filled the small space between us. My arms wrapped protectively around my stomach, like it was readying it for the rejection it knew was coming. But I couldn't let it bother me- I wouldn't.
"My men seemed so confident when it came to their mates. They made it seem so natural, like falling in love was as easy as breathing. I figured it would be just as easy to make sure I didn't." He paused for a moment and licked those beautiful lips that I could barely see.
I really didn't want to stand there and listen to this. As much as I loved listening to his voice, I wished he would just hurry up and get it over with. I no longer wanted to make footprints in the snow or embrace the freezing temperature. I just wanted to curl up in my bed, forget about this whole situation, and move on with my life. I was never supposed to have him anyways.
"I was wrong." He grumbled softly a moment later. My eyes snapped up to him as he let out a heavy sigh that sounded almost like a groan- his big hands pushing into his closed eyes. A frown tugged at my lips as I watched the inner turmoil pull at his body.
I wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to say, but I didn't like the anguish it was causing him. "No one told me it would feel like this." His words came out in a dark snarl that shot through me like lightening.
"I'm confused." I muttered into the air around us, but he just let out a tired sigh.
"I never wanted a mate, ever- until I saw you on top of that roof."
I tried to squash the hope that ignited in my chest. Just because he changed his mind didn't mean that our situation would change. He could still push me away, and I still wasn't exactly sure how this was possible. Why I suddenly wanted it to be possible.
"A-and you want me now?" I asked softly as he rubbed a hand down his face, the face that was almost completely hidden in shadow.
"I don't know what I want." He grumbled as a fresh wave of snow started falling from the sky and through the bare branches of the mountainous trees. "But I do know what I don't want, and I don't not want you in my life."
His answer only confused me more, and I'm sure he could tell by the small frown that graced my lips. I rubbed my hands along my arms in almost a soothing way. I wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation. What to feel.
"This is coming out horribly. I'm sorry."
I think I was as shocked as he was at the apology. The King of the North was not known to ever apologize, or show any remorse- or mercy, and I could tell we were both thinking the same thing. That was the first time he had ever said sorry in a very long time, or at all.
"I-It's okay. I think I understand."
"No, you don't. I can see that you don't." He snarled and took another few frustrated steps back. "Mates are weak, they make you weak. Traitors would use you against me. My enemies would threaten to take you from me. My being would be solely focused on protecting you. You, this little, tiny, breakable thing that I could crush with one wrong touch-"
"Hey! I'm not that fragile-!" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he flashed in front of me, one large, massive hand clutching at my throat. His beautiful blue eyes were glowing in an anger that appeared so dangerous it should have frightened the living day lights out of me- But it didn't.
"One squeeze, little girl, and your neck would snap in half. You are dangerously fragile." His voice was a dark growl I had yet to hear, a growl that suggested that creature inside of him was working hard to take over. I gulped as the pressure around my neck tightened, but it wasn't enough to cut off any air.
"But you won't." I gasped softly and gripped at the thick wrist attached to the hand around me throat. "You won't squeeze." And I was right, we both knew it. He wouldn't kill me- he could never kill me. This thing between us would never let him.
"That doesn't lessen my point." He growled in my face as his hand pulled me closer towards him.
"That I'm a weak, fragile, incompetent being. Yes, I get that." I couldn't hide that small amount of hurt that snuck into my shaking voice. Just because he spoke the truth, didn't mean that it didn't hurt.
I watched as those beautiful blue eyes softened and his hand eased away from my neck. "I never said you were weak and incompetent, little one."
"You might as well have." I grumbled as I reached up and rubbed the spot his hand had just left. His presence was so large and fierce that I was almost sure I would feel his phantom touch for a long while to come.
His beautiful lips pulled into a small frown once again. "You are my mate. Despite your size, I highly doubt your incompetent."
Despite my size, my butt.
"But I can still be weak, right?" My tone was sarcastic, but that didn't stop a smile from tugging on his lips.
"Physically, yes. I don't think so up here, though." He tapped my forehead gently and I couldn't help the small smile of my own.
Then it slowly faded. "So where does that leave this- whatever this is between us?" I gestured between us and sadly watched as his bright eyes dimmed. He slowly reached up with one hand and cupped it around the back of mine that I still held in the air. He wasn't holding my hand, just kind of cupping his palm around its back. My hand looked like that of a small child's compared to his. It sent shivers down my spine.
"There are things I have to deal with- matters I must take care of, before anyone can even learn about you." He muttered softly as his giant hand closed around mine, making both into a gentle fist. "I-" He paused and let out a heavy breath as his thumb rubbed against the bottom of my palm. "No matter how badly this ache inside of me is telling me to take you back with me- I can't. Not for a long while at least."
I frowned, but stayed silent as he opened our hands again. "I'm not in a good position for anyone to know about you." His gruff voice came out in a soft whisper, almost as if he was pleading with me to understand. He didn't have to, though. If he didn't want me going with him, then I wouldn't put up a fight. I never really planned on anything. Honestly, I was surprised he was even telling me some part of him actually wanted me.
"Then what do we do?" I asked softly as the warmth from his hand disappeared. I resisted the urge to reach out and grab for it as it dropped to his side.
"I'm going to take you back to that little village of yours, and you're going to stay there where I know you will be safe while I go back up the mountain." He was standing a few feet away for me now and my eyes caught on the black shorts covering his lower half.
I didn't like him standing so far away. I couldn't feel his warmth. I couldn't stare up into his eyes, and I couldn't help this feeling of abandonment flowing through me.
"Will I ever see you again?" I was ashamed of the weak-willed whisper that passed my lips. I felt like he could hear all of my fears in that simple statement, but if he did he didn't comment. His beautiful blue eyes stared holes into my head as I wrapped my arms tight around stomach and stared at the ground.
"I do not think- I don't think I could stay away from you long if I tried."
I blushed at the relieved sigh that rushed passed my lips. Before I knew what was happening I was lifted straight off the ground and into his giant, warm chest. At first, I was surprised at the awkward hug, until he forced my legs around his waist and began carrying me.
"What are you doing?" I actually laughed as he stepped over that thick branch from before and began the slow walk back to my village.
"Carrying you?" His tone sounded almost as confused as mine did, like he didn't understand why I would even ask.
"Is this like a wolf-borne thing or something?" His thick, tree trunk-like arm rested under me like a chair as his other moved branches out of our path. He grunted and slanted those bright blue eyes at me.
"Yes, but it is only meant for our mates and young. Do the Underlings not carry their females?"
The look he shot me was one of disbelief, like it was a completely ridiculous notion of me to not understand these things. It took him a minute to answer. "Forgive me, small one. I forget other shifters have different customs and cultures than ours." His arm raised me up higher until I could loosely wrap my arms around his thick neck.
"Underlings are what we call shifters who are not wolf-borne- because they live under the mountain."
"No they don't, some just live at the base of it."
He chuckled at the confused look on my face as the lights from the village started flickering ahead once again. I held on tighter to him as we drew closer. I didn't understand the panic that suddenly filled my chest, or this desperate need to cling onto him as tightly as I could. I didn't want him to go. "We think anyone who does not live at the top of the mountain are under it. It's an old phrase."
"Oh." I muttered as I tried to discreetly snuggle into the warmth of his chest. "No, the Underlings don't often carry their mates. Maybe once and a while, but its more-or-less for fun."
He made a noise in the back of his throat that had me glancing up at him curiously. "How odd." He grumbled as he finally stopped walking when we were a few feet from the edge of the forest. He set me carefully down on my feet, and despite the voice in my head nagging at me to never let him go, I reluctantly unwrapped my arms from around his neck.
"Don't forget what I said. Stay in your village until I see you again." His heavy hand was resting on my shoulder, like an older being scolding a child.
"When will that be?"
His bright eyes flashed and he glanced away. "I'm not sure, but it won't be too terribly long. We have much more to talk about."
"Do I meet you half-way or something-"
He chuckled and shook his head. "No, I will come here."
"If I can't leave the village how will I know you're here?"
"You will know."
The look he shot me with those intoxicating eyes was enough to silence any objections. I slowly closed my mouth and watched as he took a small step towards me. My breath caught in my throat as one giant, thick hand slowly reached up and ran its thumb along the base of my jaw. His bright blue eyes followed the gentle action.
"Do not worry, my little one. You'll know."
I barely had time to process his words, much less his actions, before he turned and retreated back into the dark of the forest. I stood there for whoever knows how long, silently praying for him to return.
Secretly wishing beyond all hope to go with him.
So this chapter was a lot longer than my others and I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think!
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