
The summer was supposed to be a time of relaxation and blissfulness, not stress, anxiety, insomnia, illness and death, but that's what Louis had to suffer through. His ten day trip in Paradise did not include a near death experience, hallucinations or lack of food, and food.

Ah, beautiful, peaceful Hawaii, where are you now?

Louis thought back to when the plane was beginning to plummet toward Earth and all of the chaos that happened in that moment.

It took a second for everyone to process the fact that this was possibly going to be the end of them. Nearly everyone on the plane began to panic, squirm and flail their arms around in the air as if it would help the plane continue to fly. Every passenger was frantically trying to buckle themselves and put the air bag over their mouths and noses that when they made impact, Louis was too busy paying attention to everyone else to even prepare for the collision.

The front half of the plane caught fire and it was hard for any one to see what they were doing, but Louis finally found his way out of the plane. He was in a coughing fit when he caught glimpse of something from the corner of his eye. He turned only to see that curly-haired douchebag from his fourth period class.

Then there was someone else huffing and puffing, wanting nothing more than a breath of fresh air, coming out of where Louis had come out of. Louis squinted to see that it was the blonde kid who was in several of his classes. His blue eyes were rimmed with red and it seemed he couldn't stop coughing at all. Louis crawled over to help him, sense he was only a few feet away. He was under the impression that if they moved farther away from the smoke, they'd be able to breath better.

When Louis reached the blonde, he grabbed the kid's shoulder and pulled him toward him, "come on. We gotta get away from the plane," Louis shouted over the roar of the burning metal death trap.

Louis received no response and he was worried that the blonde was going to die then and there, right in his grip. But, from the looks of it, he was still coughing up a lung which Louis took as a good sign for the time being.

Something kicked in and he was able to drag the blonde behind him with his left hand as he used his right arm to crawl away from the horrid scene. He finally slumped and let go of the other teenager, too tired to continue. They had gotten a good thirty feet away from the crash when the blonde finally started to respond to Louis.

"Hey...hey, yo blondie, can you hear me?" Louis yelled. He carefully reached out his hand to touch the blonde's cheek, "Niall?" he questioned.

Niall started to move under Louis' touch and slowly looked up at him, "am I dead?"

Louis had to chuckle at that, "no, you aren't. Just, you know, stranded."

Niall flipped over to lay on his back and propped himself up on his elbows. He scanned over the land, looking for anyone else. He silently hoped he wasn't stuck with just Louis.

Off in the distance, they could see some sort of movement and then they both saw it at the same time. It was Liam Payne, their school's football star. Now it's not like Liam was the Tom Brady* or Peyton Manning* of their school's football team. He was just really nice and really chearful. He made everyone feel better just by greeting them with a hello. Even Louis had to admit he had some sort of fascination with the lad. So when both boys saw Liam, they were both excited to see someone who had 1. more muscle mass than them; and 2. the ability to carry either one of them if they needed it.

"Liam!" Niall called out. Louis and Niall both stared at each other as they waited for some sort of reply. "Liam!" Niall called out again. A branch broke behind them and Louis was disappointed to see who it was.

"I'm either really high or this shit is actually happening," the boy with jet black hair spoke.

Louis rolled his eyes at the behavior of the idiot and turned back around, Niall following suit. They called out Liam's name another time before they were interrupted by the same druggie yet again.

"So are we, like, going to die or something?"

Finally Niall turned around and asked, "would you just shut up already, Zayn?"

"Yes ma'am," Zayn replied with a smirk on his face. Niall gave him a nasty look and then turned to face forward again to yell out Liam's name.

When there was a loud yell, Louis perked up, straightening his back to try and look toward the noise. Without thinking about it, he spoke, "I'm going to go check it out."

He stood up, a sharp pain racing up his calf. He looked down to see that his right calf was bloody and bruised.

"You better stay here," Niall spoke, "you're in no condition to go off walking around. Plus, it would be best if we all stuck together. Someone always dies when they go off on their own."

Louis didn't look down at Niall afraid he'd probably fall down if he tired, "we're probably all going to die, it doesn't matter anyways." He began to walk away, trying to pinpoint where the loud yell had come from.

"So long, sucker," Zayn said under his breath. Niall glared at him, but let the jackass sit next to him anyways, "hey there pretty boy," Zayn commented with a wink. Niall couldn't even help the blush that flushed over his pale, dirty and bloody cheeks.

The two watched as Louis limped away, following whatever sounds he was hearing. Louis huffed, the pain becoming more numb than anything else. It felt as if his entire right leg was asleep with ever step he took. He coughed, the smoke irritating his throat and eyes.

When there was another cry for help, Louis knew he must have been a few feet within the person yelling. "Hello," Louis called out, "do you need help?"

There was a deep chuckle, nearly scaring the shit out of Louis, "I can't believe you fell for that bullshit," a voice yelled. The person stood up from his spot on the ground and took a few steps forward to be face-to-face with Louis, "boo," he said with a cheeky grin on his face.

Louis let out an annoyed sad, disappointed he had wasted the time on "saving" a curly-haired, green eyed jackass. Of course Louis knew his name, how could he not when their families have known each other for his entire seventeen years of life? Now, this didn't mean he had to like the guy, especially sense he's obnoxious and way too full of himself.

Surprisingly, Louis knew a lot about the guy. He knew that he had an obsession with black and white photos, a liking for football, and a deep passion for music. He also knew that he was into romance novels (although he would never admit that). He had a strong hate toward cheerleaders after one had broke his heart as a Freshman. And he adored kittens so much that he had two of them which later grew up to be balls of fat and fluff who are fed cheese at every time of day.

Yes, Louis knew quite a bit about Harry Styles, but really the only thing he needed to know was that Harry Styles was an asshole who cared far too much about his hair than other people.

"Why are you such a douchebag?" Louis asked, pushing on Harry's chest, but Harry didn't budge.

"Why are you so ordinary?" Harry then questioned, the smirk still plastered on his face.

"This. This is why I will never want to get to know you," Louis commented, turning around to head back toward Niall and Zayn. He was hoping Liam would be there too. He must have turned too quickly because a branch rolled out from underneath him and he fell backward into Harry's arms.

"Aw, you're already falling for me," Harry said with a smirk. He stood Louis upright again and Louis let out a sound between a whimper and a moan which instantly got Harry's attention. He glanced down at Louis' leg, "well that doesn't look too hot." Harry looked around the area, "are there other people here, do you know? If we get you to someone else and find a shirt or cloth, I could help you with that."

"They aren't too far. I left them behind to come save you, but it doesn't seem like you needed much help." Louis let out a sigh, "thank you for catching me, but I can get there on my own." Louis weakly pushed Harry away.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You sure because it seems like you're having a bit of trouble," Harry observed, noticing the way Louis limped. "You have a pretty big cut. You need help so let me help you."

Even though, yeah, Louis despised the thought of Harry carrying him to the others, he knew he wouldn't be able to do it without him. So he decided this was a battle he'd choose to lose, figuring there would be one he'd win in the future.


I kind of got the idea for this story from Lord of the Flies as well as my trip to Canada, so I really hope it all works out! Please, tell me what you think about the story so far, I'd love to hear some thoughts on the matter.

Question: How will the five of them come together to survive the island?

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