The following day Connie woke to the feel of someone sniffing the crook of their neck. The familiar feeling of a beard caressed their skin, causing their eyes to flutter In a daze. Feeling a body shifting and the warmth moving away from her allowed her to sit up, wiping her eyes as she did.
"What? Steven?" The R&D member smacked out her mouth as the fatigue began to leave her, and her vision began to clear.
It was indeed Steven that woke her, but not her Mister. Nor was it 'Soldier' from last night/ earlier this morning. No, this one was different in appearance and attitude if it was even capable of an 'attitude' and not just follow his instinct.
His eyes, still glossy, rosey, near pupil-less lenses. His size was comparable to the likes of Jasper in both height and width, but she was sure he was bigger still. Spikes jutted out of his back and crown, luminous pink spikes.
His bottom jaw was larger than usual to accommodate his new tusk, as was his nose, which was more of a snout, at this moment. His midnight hair was long, wild, and shaggy, which she saw would reach the lowest part of his back if he was standing, but with him crouching over her, it split onto their bed a bit.
His tree trunk-sized limbs with their claw and talon type nails of pink. Tan and magenta-streaked skin and tail of the same color. All of it made for a terrifying, monstrous visage.
No one would blame Connie for screaming, looking for the nearest sword or assault sphere to attack such a being. Any person would do so.
Connie Yasha Maheswaran isn't any person...Steven's jambud, his Heartberry.
Everyone doesn't have her experience with and acceptance of the weird, unique, and sometimes horrifying events that can occur in the life of Steven Universe, in the world of gems and magic, in this budding time of Era 3. Let alone take an active role in its development.
Not anyone would pull the beast of a hybrid by his cheeks and deliver a ginger and sweet good morning kiss.
"Mate, you've awakened."
'If I didn't, that did it for me.' Connie mused as she felt his heated snarl on her skin, evoking a glow from her cheeks as he nuzzled against her chin.
"Yes, I have awakened from my slumber," she teased 'Bestial,' her alias for this raw persona of his.
"You've slept for too long...The sun rose before you,"
"Really, now. Kind of a normal thing for us humans." Connie smirked, looking as comprehension enveloped his features.
'Bestial' was passionate, uncouth, uncensored, and untamed. Yet, he was nowhere as dangerous as form suggests. He was a little more than a protective puppy.
Towards his 'Mate,' that is.
"My mate isn't a normal human.." He gave her a gentle lick against the corner of her lips, "she shines brighter than the stars and sun, and as such should rise before either."
Connie hummed at his attempt at flirting, it was schmaltzy, but she found it sweet. Just like Steven
"Thank you, Bisky," She smirked, kissing his left tusk before the smell of something burning assaulted her nostrils," What is that?"
"The viewing box stated the best way to start the day is breakfast."
Connie leaped from the bed and ran down the stairs, scared that he would burn their home down.
"Good morning, Connie," Garnet greeted, flipping the pancake onto one of the waiting plates, "it seems Steven woke you up, finally."
Connie nodded with a sigh, seeing the fusions working the stove. Turning to the source of burning being just a few strips of bacon, "He didn't tell me you were here."
"I didn't know she was." A growl answered from her left.
"I saw you might need some assistance, Steven." The fusion smiled, seeing him come into view beside Connie, "How are you feeling this morning?"
The hybrid grunted, pulling Connie closer, a slight flush of embarrassment on his face and voice.
"Don't be like that; Garnet's a friend, remember." Connie poked his cheek, getting a snarl of little acceptance.
Unlike 'Soldier' who saw the crystal gems as his superiors, 'Bestial' view was more skewed, seeing them as acquainted persons. At the moment, Garnet was an unwanted person.
"We're fine; I had it under control." He sneered.
"No dreams?"
His eye narrowed. "No…"
The beastman looked at his 'mate' and turned his head at her disapproved stance.
"My...cracking. I dreamt of my gem cracking. I'm sure you saw it, though, Seer."
Garnet shook her head, " I can see futures, not feelings. I did see you at Rose's fountain."
He kissed his teeth, "I never went to 'Rose mothers' fountain...I wouldn't go to that place... you know that." He growled, his streaks starting to gleam dangerously.
"Steven," Connie's palm pressed gently on his heart, "relax, Bisky; Garnet was saying what she saw. Nothing more."
Steven glared gently at Connie, who stared back. sighing, his glow dying down, "She knows how I feel about that woman."
Connie gave their guest a glance, who nodded.
"I'm sorry...Must have gotten a dream confused with a vision."
Steven snorted with a curt nod.
"Connie, can I speak with you before I head to little homeschool?" Garnet turned to the pajamaed woman and had to bite back the slight smile, seeing Steven pull her close, protectively.
"Steven, I'll be ok; set the table for us, alright?" She kissed his cheek before climbing out of his arm, ignoring the minor pained whine from him.
"I'll be back soon." She assured, kissing him directly in his maw before walking behind Garnet, who waved as they left Steven in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about Steven." Connie started once they were outside, and the door was closed behind her.
"He's going through a time. Thank you for your help and patience."
Connie waved the gratitude off, "It's not a problem. That being said…It as you saw. "
"I figured," Garnet rubbed her nape, "saw you were going to help him, and he was going to open up to you...So what did you find out?"
The hope and worry in her voice shook Connie, not that she was surprised. It was just something she wasn't precisely used to.
"Not much. Just that a gem mutant cracked 'Soldier' ..Steven…." She sighed, "he looked shocked, so I didn't dive in deeper."
Connie nodded, "Soldier, the persona you saw in your vision."
"He did look different than he did last night."Garnet pondered,
"Who you just saw was 'Bestial.'"
"Curious how they share dreams but have no recollection of each other and the physical changes."
"That just started," Connie admitted, holding her trembling wrist, "I... Since last night...When I first saw Soldier." She chuckled. "Guess I'm getting used to those five..quirks..and idiosyncrasies." She held her head down, trying not to cry as Garnet held her.
"I miss my Mister, Garnet."
Garnett held the trembling woman as she soaked her chest with her tears, "We all do, Connie...We'll get him back. Just remember he's still in there…." she lifted her head, wiping her tears, "Even now broken into five others, Our Steven's still there...You can tell by how he acts around you."
Connie nodded, "Thank you, Garnet.." She wiped her eyes, "sorry for that."
"It's ok...Been a hard week for all of us." Garnet smiled before wiping her own eyes," Connie..."
"Go, you still have responsibilities of your own."
Garnet nodded, kissing her on her forehead, "have a good one, Connie."
Connie took a deep breath as she walked back in, unaware of 'Bestial' saddened eyes.
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