
"Look at you! You'll be a real cowboy in no time" Drew smiles at Louis as he enters the horse paddock.

Louis blushes

In Louis wardrobe he found a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt, they are a little big for him but much more fitting for the ranch. Louis still has his vans on his feet but he's not ready for cowboy boots anyway.

The boys are all leaning against the wooden fence looking hot as, waiting for Louis.

"Thanks for the clothes" Louis says shyly and the boys smile. Harry is absolutely smitten with Louis.

"Of course Lou, anything you need just let us know okay" Harry says

"We were going to go for a ride down to the waterhole, it's not to far and we will be back by dinner, what do you say?" Scott asks smiling.

"K...I don't know if I want to ride on my own though" Louis says.

"That's okay, you can either double with one of us or we can lead you on your own horse" Edward says

"Ummmm, I'm a little scared of them" Louis says cutely and the boys nearly coo.

"Well Duke here is best for doubling, so you can come with me" Harry says as he pats his beautiful black and white horse.

"Are you sure? What if I'm to heavy?" Louis asks unsure,

The boys look to Louis confused, he's tiny how could he think he's to heavy.

"You're definitely not too heavy Lou, don't worry" Scott smiles and the boys agree.

Louis watches as they saddle the horses and get them ready to leave.

"Okay cowboy, let's go!" Harry says as he gestures for Louis to enter the horse ring.

Louis moves towards Harry nervously

"This is Duke, he's very friendly, there's nothing to worry about, he's a bit cheeky but he will love you" Harry says as he pats Dukes head.

Louis half smiles.

"Give me your hand" Harry says smiling and Louis does, Harry then guides it to the side of Duke's head and Louis pats Duke. Louis smiles when Duke doesn't get upset that he's patting him. Duke then nuzzles his head towards Louis and Louis giggles and the boys smile triumphantly, they can't get enough of Louis.

Louis looks to Harry and he then helps Louis put his foot in the stirrup and haul himself up on the horse, he's a little awkward but he makes it up okay. Harry then mounts the house and sits behind Louis.

Louis holds on to the front of the saddle and Harry grabs the reigns. Louis watches as the other boys mount their horses effortlessly and they get going.

It's quiet at first, the landscape is beautiful and Louis just takes it all in, the rolling green hills just so beautiful. When they reach the brush the horses pick up speed, there's an obvious trail and the boys know the way well.

The boys all banter back and forth the whole way and Louis just listens to them, they are all so close and they are all really funny, Louis finds himself chuckling quietly to a few things they say.

"Okay Lou, when we reach the top of this ridge line, we will see the waterhole, we always race the final leg of the trail, you up for it?" Harry asks kindly.

Louis looks back at Harry unsure.

"Do you trust me?" Harry asks.

Louis looks him in the eyes and sees nothing but kindness and he must admit he feels safe with Harry.

"Yeah" Louis says shyly and Harry beams back at him in response.

"Then let's kick some butt" Harry winks smirking as he picks up speed.

Louis can't stop the smile on his face as the boys holler and whoop at each other as they race down the hill.

"Yehaaa" they all holler.

Louis feels the wind in his face and the freedom, it's so fun. He and Harry win the race and Harry is quick to brag to the others as they all dismount the horses, laughing at each other.

Harry helps Louis down off Duke and Louis can't deny that Harry is so sexy and hot, the way he moves Louis, manhandles him so easily, it shouldn't turn him on as much as it does.

"Okay Lou?" Scott comes up behind him to ask

"Yeah, that was fun" Louis beams and Scott returns his smile

"You're a natural!" Scott tells him and Louis beams.

Louis then turns around and then sees the boys have already entered the water, apart from Scott and himself. The boys have stripped down to their boxer shorts and are the most insanely gorgeous men Louis has ever laid eyes on. They are all so muscly and toned and tanned. Their bodies are to die for. Harry has tattoos littering his chest and as Scott strips down and enters the water he sees that Scott's arms are also covered in tattoos. Louis nearly loses his ability to talk as he watches them all.

"You coming in Kiddo?" Edward asks.

"The waters warm" Drew tells him.

Louis is absolutely not taking his shirt off in front of these gorgeous gods.

"Ummm, no I'm good" Louis says.

The boys don't push Louis, he sits on the bank with the horses and just takes everything in. The boys are determined to get Louis swimming before the end of summer.

The boys secretly watch Louis on the bank, Harry is smitten and can't help staring at Louis, he's just gorgeous.

Louis decides to try and get to know the horses a little, the boys watch as he pats them and talks to them, he's never been an animal person, not by choice, he's just never had the chance to be around them.

The boys watch on as the horses take to Louis, he smiles as they respond and give him affection, not something that's usually achievable   The first time you meet them.

"Your Job might be on the line Drewey" Scott chuckles.

Drew laughs and pushes Scott and they wrestle  playfully in the water.

The sun starts to set and the boys decide to get out and head back. They all get out and dry off with towels they brought in their saddlebags. They change and Louis tries not to stare to long at Harry.

Louis distracts himself by looking at the water,

"Drew, your hat is in the water" Louis says as he moves to the bank, he hops up on the rocks near the side.

"I can get it Lou" Drew says smiling.

Just as Louis reaches for the hat, he loses his footing and falls into the water.

He surfaces and the boys are all on the bank

"Are you okay Lou?" They all chorus.

"Yeah I'm fine" he chuckles.

"Need some help?" Scott calls. 

"No I'm good" Louis says as he begins to swim over

"the water is really warm" Louis says as he smiles as he gets out of the water.

"We told you, next time you need to come in" Harry smiles.

Louis blushes as he gives Drew his hat back.

"Thanks Kiddo" Drew laughs as Louis hands it back sopping wet.

"Sorry" Louis says sheepishly

"Here cowboy" Edward smiles as he throws Louis a towel.

Louis smiles and dries himself the best he can.

"You're going to get cold if you're wearing those clothes back. Take your shirt off and I'll give you my dry one" Harry says.

"Oh, no, it's fine, I'm fine really" Louis says, he feels so insecure, he really doesn't want to take his shirt off in front of the boys.

"Lou, you'll catch a chill" Scott says.

"I....I promise I'm fine" Louis says and the boys can sense he's getting a little upset, they look at each other and decide to back off, they really don't want to make Louis uncomfortable and it's evident he's extremely insecure about himself.

"Okay, come on then" Harry says smiling as he helps Louis back on Duke.

Louis is shivering on the way back but he's having fun and really likes being with the boys.

Harry's arm snakes around his waist and he's pulled back against Harry's toned, warm body.

Louis looks back at Harry.

"You're shivering, I'll keep your warm" Harry says with a slight smile.

Louis sees the dimple on his cheek appear on one side, Harry is so beautiful. He smiles shyly in thanks.

When they return to the ranch, Harry helps Louis off Duke as all the boys dismount. The sun has nearly set and Louis can't get over how beautiful it is.

"Go inside and shower Lou, we don't want you catching a chill" Drew tells him.

"You don't need help? I can help?" Louis says, he watches as the boys take off the horses saddles.

The boys smile at Louis.

"Next time, when you're not sopping wet, okay" Scott smiles.

Louis nods shyly, he feels like a disappointment already.

He wanders back inside listening to the boys laugh and banter back and forth, he sighs as he makes it back to his room.

Louis showers in the ensuite and changes into his pyjamas, his dark blue sweater and checkered blue and red pants. He's about to get comfy and read one of his favourite books when there is a knock on his door.

"Come in" Louis says.

"Hi kiddo, just wanted to let you know dinner is in 20 down in the dining room" Drew says as he opens the door and smiles at Louis.

"Oh, okay, thanks" Louis nods, he's not used to routines like this. It's nice they all eat together every night though.

"You okay?" Drew asks, Louis seems a little down.

"Yeah, just a bit tired, but I'm fine thanks" Louis says in response.

Drew doesn't believe Louis but doesn't say anything, he just nods and closes the door behind him as he leaves.

Louis makes his way down to dinner twenty minuets later and sees everyone sitting around the table, they all greet Louis warmly.

They boys think Louis looks absolutely adorable in his pyjamas and Harry has to try not to stare, he thinks Louis is gorgeous.

Louis takes his seat once again in between Scott and Harry. Dinner is served and it looks amazing, Louis watches as everyone digs in, he's not that hungry but takes a few bites.

"So how did you go riding for the first time hun?" Louis mum asks from across the table.

"Well, Harry doubled me on his horse so I didn't ride, but it was fun" Louis says shyly.

"You'll be riding in no time Lou, apparently you were a natural" James tells him happily.

Louis looks to the boys who are smiling.

"I don't think that was true" Louis says with a slight chuckle.

"Lou, the horses took to you so well, they loved you" Harry tells him

"Not everyone has that ability and most people are scared of them at first"  Drew says.

"Like your mother, it took me a while to even get on a horse" Jay chuckles and the boys smile at her.

"Well, I like them, they don't scare me, I just don't want to fall off or do it wrong" Louis says.

"If you fall, we will be there to help you get back up" Harry says.

Louis looks at him and smiles shyly, he doesn't miss the subtle wink from Harry either or the butterflies that settle in his tummy.

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