"Well, well, well, you're a fucking little lying piece of shit aren't you" Louis hears as he's walking out of the ranch house to head to the stables to see Ribbon.
Louis spins around and sees none other than his dad getting out of his car.
"What are you doing here?" Louis panics. Things were just looking up and Louis was starting to feel free again.
"I had a feeling you were lying and turns out I was right" Troy says as he comes straight up to Louis and grabs him around the arm.
"Get off me" Louis yells as he tries to get Troy's hand off his arm.
"Not a chance" Troy seethes as he tries to drag Louis back to the car.
Louis struggles with all his might and Troy ends up picking Louis up around the waist.
"Let me go!" Louis screams.
James and Harry hear the commotion from inside and Edward, Drew and Scott come racing up from the paddock.
"Louis" Harry yells.
"Put him the fuck down now" James yells dominantly and if Louis didn't know how kind James was, he would be scared.
Troy stops but doesn't let go of Louis.
"Or what? I told you what would happen if you came near him again" Troy seethes
"Let him go or we will be phoning the police, and they will be interested to hear all about what you've been doing to Louis the last five years" Edward tells him, full of authority.
"You little shit" Troy says as he pulls back Louis arm and he cries out.
"Let him go NOW" James yells. Troy hesitates but he does let Louis go to everyone's disbelief.
"Come here baby" Harry says and Louis races into his arms.
"This isn't over, you don't know what you've just started" Troy says angrily.
"You come on this property again and you won't make it off" Scott says.
Troy spits on the ground and then leaves in his beat-up old car.
"Are you okay darling?" Harry asks when Troy is gone. Louis nods as he rubs his arm.
"Did he hurt your arm?" Scott asks.
"I'm okay, I promise" Louis tells him.
"Okay, just let me know if the pain gets worse" Scott tells him.
Louis nods.
"He's going to come back isn't he" Louis asks, scared of the answer.
"He won't get two feet on the property" Drew tells him.
"He won't hurt us Lou, don't worry bud, okay" James tells him.
Louis nods and they take him back inside. He's a little shaken up so they make him comfortable on their couch upstairs and put on a movie, hoping to distract Louis a little.
The next few days go by without any worry, the boys make sure someone is always with Louis and he begins to relax a lot, maybe Troy will just leave him alone now.
The plans for the barn extension are going well and James is so impressed and proud of Louis. His mum would have been so proud of him.
Louis body begins to heal and so does his heart, he and Harry are attached to the hip again, whenever they can be around each other they are. The boys are so happy for them both.
Louis finishes up the designs for the barn extension and Building begins over the next few weeks, Louis can't believe his designs are coming to life, he is overwhelmed. He really didn't think he would et the chance to design something and watch it come to fruition.
It's early Friday morning when Louis heads down to the stables, he has plans to head out to the ridge to check on the herd for the boys, Scott meeting him out there.
As he is saddling up Ribbon, Jax comes into the stable.
"Hey Lou" he says.
"Hi Jax" Louis replies with a smile.
"How are you this morning" Jax asks as he leans against the stall wall.
"I'm good thanks" Louis replies, Jax never really talks to him, so Louis is a little surprised.
Jax doesn't reply, he just watches Louis as he saddles up Ribbon.
Louis feels uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Here, you forgot this" Jax says as he hands Ribbon's bit to Louis.
Louis didn't expect him to be so close.
"Oh, um thanks" Louis tells him with a slight nod.
Jax smirks at Louis
"You're welcome" Jax says, the smirk on his face scaring Louis a little, his instincts are telling him this is not right, and he needs to get out of the barn.
"Well, I better get going, Scott is waiting for me" Louis tells him.
He goes to step around Jax when Jax reaches for him and pushes him against the stable wall.
"What's the rush" he says, and he moves closer to Louis, boxing him and hurting him.
"Yeah Louis, what's the rush" He hears the unmistakable voice that belongs to Troy.
Louis breath hitches and he looks behind Jax to see Troy enter the stall, Louis then makes a run for the exit to the stall.
"Not so fast" Jax says as he pulls Louis back to his chest and holds him so he can't escape.
"Let me go" Louis yells as he struggles.
"Not going to happen" Troy chuckles.
"I'll scream and everyone will come running" Louis tells them.
"No one is around, so no one will hear you" Troy tells him.
Louis is scared, he doesn't know what is going on or what his dad is going to do to him.
"How else do you think I snuck your dad onto the property" Jax says.
"What do you even want" Louis asks.
"I think you know Louis" Troy says evilly.
Jax begins to pick Louis up and carry him out of the stall, Ribbon is going mental and rearing up.
"Let me go" Louis yells, Jax maneuvers Louis easily and covers his mouth so he can't scream out.
Louis isn't sure where his dad is taking him, but he can't let them take him out of the barn.
Scott is on his way out to the ridge on Dutch, when he hears a horse galloping up behind him, he's confused and as he turns around, he hears his name being called.
"Scott" Noah yells.
"What's Wrong Noah?" Scott asks urgently when he sees Noah's distraught face.
"It's Louis, Jax let Troy onto the property, they are trying to take Louis, they didn't see me, I came straight to get you" Noah says out of breath.
"What?" Scott asks panicked.
"I've called Harry and James; they are on their way, but you were closer" Noah tells Scott.
"Good work Noah, that's good work, Let's go" Scott says, and he and Dutch take off, Noah following fast.
When Scott and Noah get back to the Ranch house they dismount and see Louis being carries out of the barn and towards a car on the long circular driveway.
"Louis" Scott yells.
Louis stops struggling and looks to Scott, thankful he's seen him. Scott notices Louis hands have been tied in front of hi and he has a gag around his mouth.
"I thought you said no one would be here" Troy yells at Jax.
"There wasn't meant to be anyone around." Jax tells him.
They then both backtrack to the barn and close and lock the door before Noah and Scott can get to them.
"Shit" Scott says as he tries the door.
"The back one is secured too" Noah says as he comes back around from checking the back barn door.
"Louis" Scott yells as he bangs on the door, Noah tries to help him open it, but they have no luck.
Inside the barn Louis is thrown to the floor, he lands on his arm harshly, Troy then starts laying into him, severely.
"Troy, we need to get out of here, before they call the police and get Harry back here" Jax tells him.
"I may as well fuck him up first" Troy tells Jax.
Jax then starts laying into Louis too, its relentless and Louis tries his best to cover his head and shield his body as much as he can.
There is then a huge bang and Troy and Jax look up to see Ribbon, break the stall door down, and Harry bust inside the back of the barn door, his gun raised.
"Let him go or I'll shoot" Harry says fiercely.
"Don't come any closer or I'll kill him" Troy say's as he looks Harry in the eyes, his hands are around Louis neck trying to choke him, Louis arms are tied in front of him, but he tries to get Troys hands to let go.
Jax is kneeling next to Troy both trying to hurt Louis, their breathing harsh, suddenly, Ribbon kicks out and neighs as he kicks Jax straight in the head. He doesn't have much of a chance as he falls harshly to the ground, dead.
Troy releases his grip on Louis slightly and in that moment, Harry makes the decision and shoots Troy in the shoulder. Louis kicks out and troy falls to the side in pain. Two of Harry's team then come in and arrest troy and take him away kicking and screaming.
"Louis" Harry rushes over and begins untying him and removing his gag.
Noah, Scott, and James come in then, Noah taking care of Ribbon and putting her back in the stall, calming her down.
Louis has tears streaming down his face.
'It's okay darling, it's okay" Harry tells Louis as he is by his side.
"H" Louis coughs as he tries to breathe.
"Just relax Sweetheart, Scott is here" Harry tells him gently.
Scott and James kneel beside Louis, Harry reaches out to stroke his hair.
"He needs a hospital" Scott tells them, worriedly, Louis injuries are serious.
"Lou, Kiddo, I am just going to pick you up, okay? We are here and we are going to take care of you" James tells him reassuringly.
Louis passes out, in Jams's arms as they rush him to the hospital.
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