Harry is 26
Drew 27
Scott 28
Edward 29
Louis 21
"Take your break Lou, I'll cover you" Nick says as Louis serves one of the usuals his beer.
"Thanks Nick" Louis tells him.
"There's a hot meal in the kitchen for you, don't make me get angry at you for not eating it" Nick tells him.
"You didn't have to do that" Louis tells him.
"It's Thursday, only on Thursdays, you agreed remember" Nick smiles out.
Louis sighs out thankful.
"Thanks Nick" he says bashfully.
Nick just smiles back and goes on to serving.
Louis makes his way towards the back of the bar to the kitchen.
"Lou! Order up, here you go!" Charlie, the chef tells him.
"Thanks Charlie" Louis says in response.
"Made your favourite, hot chips" Charlie tells him.
Louis chuckles and sits down towards the back to eat.
"Thank you!"
Louis has worked at Nick's Pub for the past three years, it's a small quaint pub that's very English and Louis loves it. The clientele are nice and in the summer it's always popular and swarming with tourists.
Although Nick and Charlie don't know directly what's going on with Louis, they can tell he's not treated the best. He's far too skinny and some days they sense it's hard for him to walk around, he winces a lot and they can sense he's being abused.
Louis still unfortunately lives with Troy; he's beaten both physically and emotionally every single day. His entire paycheck goes to his father and Louis is left with hand me down clothes and is rarely fed. The emotional blackmail Troy dishes out to Louis has made it hard for Louis to leave, he has tried a few times over the years, but he was found, and the last time was beaten to an inch of his life. He's never tried again.
Louis will never tell a soul what goes on at home, Nick and Charlie have never directly asked, but they show their understanding in certain ways, like giving him a proper meal every Thursday.
Louis has worked his butt off over the last few years, he's managed to complete his university course through community college and he's now an architect, his dream is to start his own firm one day. Nick and Charlie know how talented Louis is and want to see him succeed, they will do everything they can to help him.
Louis hasn't spoken to Harry, the boys or James in years. They have probably forgotten all about him, but Louis could never forget them. That summer he lost his mum was the best time in his life, he still holds a big place in his heart for the ranch and even Harry.
Having Harry break things off with him, broke him for a long time, Harry was his first, his rock. The one he thought understood him, but he understands what a burden he must have been to have around. He often thinks of Harry and what his life might have turned out like if his mum was still alive. Thinking about that though is so hard and he doesn't let his mind wander there very often.
When his dad is beating him though, he goes to his happy place. The happy memories he had at the ranch and what he remembers, it helps him get through the pain.
"We need to fatten you up kid" Charlie tells Louis with a smile.
Louis just blushes, he knows he's tiny, but he can't help it.
When Louis finishes his break, he heads back to the pub to finish his shift.
"Gosh it's cold out" one of the regulars says as they come and sit down at the bar in the warmth.
"Looks like it's going to snow early this year" one of the other men says in response.
"Well, the horse show is in town, heard they had to postpone a few days because of the weather" Louis hears.
"Horse show?" Louis asks as he places the man's drink down.
"Yeah, they do it annually, but it's never this cold" the guy says.
Louis doesn't think much of the comment and continues on with his shift.
When it's over he bundles up in an old coat he found in his dad's closet with a few holes, and heads out. He shivers, freezing as he walks home.
The dread sets in as he nears the apartment. Louis knows he's walking into a beating; he wishes he could just keep walking and never go home. His dad would find him though and would kill him.
Louis opens the door to the shit hole he calls home and he's pushed straight into the wall beside the door, as soon as he puts his bag down.
"How much did you make in tips today" Troy spits as he pushes Louis harshly.
"I.... I haven't counted them yet" Louis says breathlessly, he knows not to fight back, or he makes it worse.
Troy grabs Louis bag and finds his bag of tips. Louis knows better than to hide any money. His dad found it once and Louis received a dislocated shoulder for that one.
Troy spits venom at Louis and slaps him harshly across the face. He then pushes him to the ground and kicks his ribs over and over. Louis just takes it; he holds his tears back and takes it. His dad gets bored soon enough and leaves Louis on the floor.
Louis makes his way to his room slowly, he forgoes his shower and changes into his pyjamas, old ones his dad gave him four years ago for his birthday. He was lucky he got anything, let alone handed down old pyjamas.
He again falls asleep with no dinner, no heating and in pain.
"Woah, it's busy today" Louis says as he gets his apron on, ready to leave the back room to start his shift.
"Yeah, the horse show, apparently it's starting today, and it's drawn a crowd" Nick tells him.
"Well, I guess that's good for business" Louis says with a slight smile.
"Sure is, hopefully you have some decent tips" Nick tells him.
Louis nods and gets to work, it's busy but the clientele are wonderful and so friendly, some even wanting a good chat. Hearing them talk about the horses and their own ranches, sends a twinge to Louis stomach. He misses it all so much, but he just gets on with his job.
At around 3pm Louis is run off his feet,
"What can I get you" Louis asks as he cleans the bar quickly not looking up.
"Two whiskies' neat, thank you" he hears.
Louis falters as he looks up, he knows that voice. He comes face to face with a smiling James. Louis just stares at him, speechless.
"Hi there kiddo" James says with a hint of sympathy.
Louis drops the rag he was wiping down the bar with and rushes to the other side. He holds in his tears as James engulfs him and hugs him so close. Louis holds back his winces, he doesn't want James to know he's hurt, in this moment he doesn't care though, he's just so happy to see James.
"It's okay Kid" James says as he hugs him, and Louis latches on for dear life.
Nick notices Louis from behind the bar and smiles to himself.
"Louis, take your break" Louis hears Nick call out,
Louis leans back and looks to Nick who's smirking, in thanks.
James leads Louis to a booth and inside he sees Drew sitting down.
When Drew sees Louis, he jumps up and hugs him fiercely.
"Holy shit, Louis" Drew says, and they hold each other.
Louis ends up sitting on one side of the booth, Drew, and James on the other.
"Gosh it's good to see you kid" James tells him.
"It's good to see you too" Louis says back.
"How's everything? Are you still with your dad?" Drew asks.
As James and Drew start to take Louis in, they really see how skinny and tired he really looks, how rundown and sad he is. He's still absolutely gorgeous and adorable though, just how they remember.
"Um yeah still.... still with Troy" Louis says.
Louis doesn't miss the look between them.
"What about you guys, are you in town for the horse show?" Louis asks.
Drew looks so handsome and more rugged and muscly, he's still amazingly good looking and James hasn't aged a day if that's possible.
"We are, Drew has a few horses showing, hoping to sell some soon" James tells Louis.
Louis nods.
"So, tell us Lou, you work at Nicks? Are you studying?" Drew asks.
"I...um, finished my architect degree this year, just at community college, but I'm hoping to start my own firm one day. Just have to work at Nicks for the um money, you know" Louis says with a dry chuckle.
"Wow architecture that's amazing, your mum would have been so proud Lou, she loved your design talent, always said you'd become one hell of an architect" James tells him.
Louis smiles,
"Yeah, hopefully one day" Louis says.
"Listen, we're thinking of doing an extension to the horse paddock and the barn. I would love to have you come out to the ranch and help with the designs" James tells him.
"Oh, no, I'm just starting out, you will want someone more professional for something like that" Louis says.
"No Lou, I want you" James says sternly.
Louis sighs.
"I can't really spare the time off, Troy, he...wouldn't like me to be out at the ranch" Louis says.
"So don't tell him" Drew says.
They can clearly see that Louis is afraid of Troy, Louis hasn't left him yet, even though he's legally allowed now. Both James and Drew are beginning to understand why, as they really take him in.
"I.... if I don't work here and I don't get a paycheck every week he...." Louis starts.
"Troy doesn't work?" Drew asks.
"He's never worked, I do" Louis says.
Drew and James hearts break at Louis, he looks so broken.
"I have to get back to work." Louis says, he can't get attached again, it's just going to break his heart again.
"Louis please, can we at least have your number?" James asks as Louis stands up.
"Um. I don't have a phone" Louis tells them.
James and Drew are shocked, they wish they could do unspeakable things to Troy, it's so clear that Louis is treated like dirt.
"Here" James says as he pulls out a card from his pocket, it's his business card. He hands it over to Louis "Please call, we're here for two more days, if you need anything. Please, call Louis. Anytime of the day or night" James says sincerely.
Louis sighs but nods.
"Harry still talks about you Lou, he would love to see you again, so would Edward and Scotty" Drew tells him.
Louis subtly wipes a tear, nods, and leaves to the back room, he can't say goodbye again.
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