Louis wakes to a small hospital room, Harry by his side, fast asleep holding his hand. The room is cold.
Louis sees he has a drip in his arm, oxygen in his nose, he is so sore.
"Lou" Harry says as he wakes, he stands up and kisses Louis on the head.
"How are you feeling" Harry asks gently.
"Hurts" Louis says as he winces.
"You will be a bit sore darling; you have some severe injuries, but you are going to be fine" Harry tells him with a watery smile.
Scott and James then come into the room, relaxing at the sight of Louis awake.
"Thank god Lou, I was so worried" James tells him as he too comes in and kisses Louis on the head.
"Your pulse is up Lou, are you in pain" Scott asks in sympathy.
"Yeah, it hurts everywhere Scott" Louis says upset.
"I know kiddo, I'm sorry, I will get the doctor to come in and make you feel better okay" Scott tells him gently.
"Aren't you, my doctor?" Louis asks, scared of the answer, he doesn't want anyone else to look after him.
"I can't technically be your doctor kiddo, you needed an operation so the doctor who did your surgery is your official doctor, but don't worry, Andy is a very good friend and I trust him to look after you" Scott tells him.
"What did they do to me? Why am I so sore" Louis asks innocently.
"You have a few broken ribs, one that pierced your lung, that's why you needed surgery. Your left arm Is also broken in three places, so that was set properly in surgery as well" Scott explains.
"But I'm, okay? I'm going to be, okay?" Louis asks to make sure.
"Absolutely Lou, you're going to be fine, we promise" James says.
Drew and Edward then also come into the room, carrying bags of food and clothes for Harry.
"Hey Lou, so good to see you awake kiddo" Drew smiles as he comes to hug him gently.
"So glad you're okay Lou" Edward tells Louis, ruffling his hair.
"Well, if it isn't all of my favourite people" Andy says as he walks into the room, clipboard under his arm as he disinfects his hands.
"Andy" The boys chorus and everyone greets him happy to see him.
"Hi there Louis, we haven't been formally introduced yet but I'm Dr Andy, it's good to see you awake" Andy Smiles.
Louis likes him instantly; he relaxes at Andy's kind demeanor, He's also extremely good looking and young, around Scott's age with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Hi" Louis says shyly, Harry grips his hand in support, knowing Louis is scared.
"Your operation went well, how is your pain" Andy asks kindly.
"Hurts" Louis says,
"I'll let your nurse know and get you some good pain relief on board" Andy tells him.
"Thanks" Louis says.
"Your surgery went well; I would like to keep you here a few days to make sure everything is on trac and healing" Andy tells him.
"I don't want to stay" Louis says as he begins to get upset.
"It's alright, I won't leave you okay, I'll be here with you the hole time" Harry tells him reassuringly.
"And we will come visit everyday" James tells him.
Louis relaxes a little and a nurse comes in to administer some pain relief.
"This is going to make you sleepy Lou, I'd like you to get as much rest as you can, so your body can heal. I will be in to check on you again soon" Andy says.
'Thanks Andy" everyone tells him. Andy smiles and leaves the room; Louis has no control over his body as he slips into sleep gripping Harry's hand.
The next few days are blurry to Louis, he is in and out of consciousness, his body healing. On the fifth day he receives the good news that he can go home. Louis is happy is able to leave the hospital, however he doesn't know where he is supposed to call home.
Harry takes him back to the ranch and sets him up in Harry's own bed, the TV on, with the fireplace as well, Winter creeping up and making the days much cooler. Everyone is around Louis bedside making sure he is okay.
Harry slips in beside Louis in bed and Louis leans back on Harry comfortably.
"We have something for you Lou" James then tells him as he sits on the bed beside him.
"What is it? You really need to stop giving me things, you already have done too much" Louis says smiling.
The boys and James smile back at him.
The boys all sit around the bed and James hands Louis an envelope, Louis looks at it curiously.
James chuckles.
"Open it' he tells Louis.
Louis does, slowly. When he reads what the letter enclosed says, tears stream down Louis face.
"Is this for real?' Louis asks.
"Absolutely" Edward tells him "Made sure it all went through myself" Edward tells him smiling.
Louis can't believe this.
"James...I" Louis says as he looks James in the eyes.
"You're my son, I did and still do consider you my son, your mum and I had this planned out before she died, as soon as the wedding was over I was going to formally adopt you. I know it's late but youre mine Louis, you're ours" James says and Louis launches for him. James wraps Louis up in his arms and holds him close as everybody cries.
"I love you so much" Louis tells James.
"I love you too Louis, we will always love you" James says.
"Welcome to the family officially Kid" Scott tells him as he and the boys all hug and kiss Louis on the head, ruffling his hair.
"And don't worry about you and Harry, even though you're related on paper, you're not related by blood so its not weird or anything" Drew then pipes in causing everyone to chuckle, Drew smiles, always trying to lighten the mood.
"Thank you, so much" Louis says.
James just smiles at Louis, he then settles down on Harry who holds him close, they put a movie on and all get comfy on the bed and Harry's floor. In this moment Louis is so happy and so thankful for James and the boys. He is looking forward to being part of the family for good and so many more adventures on the ranch. Louis knows his mum is looking down on him and he is so thankful for her and knows she is smiling down, so happy.
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