
"I think I like the name Benny" Louis announces at breakfast.

"Benny the Bull" Harry smiles.

"What a great name Lou" Scott tells him.

Louis smiles proudly.

The boys love that Louis is coming out of his shell and talking more and becoming more involved in things.

Over the next few weeks Louis becomes really involved with the ranch and everyday life, he wakes up early each morning to help the boys on the ranch, mucking out the stalls, feeding the animals and tending to repairs. He Is learning so much, sometimes he even travels into town with them when they need to do work.

Jay and James decide to plan the wedding for the last week of Louis' summer holidays. They decide that Louis and Jay will head back to their apartment for a month, before moving back to the ranch permanently. Jay needs time to put things in place at work and Louis needs to start his school year and switch to homeschooling.

Louis and Harry have become extremely close as well, both boys have feelings for each other but haven't acted on anything at all, the bond is there though, everyone can see it. The small touches, the protectiveness over each other, the way they both have to be always touching each other in some way. It's developed so naturally and it's just how things are now.

Louis still hasn't ridden a horse though and Harry and the boys have been trying to get him on one. He loves the horses and spends a lot of his time with them, grooming them, washing them, cuddling them, and talking to them. He just doesn't want to fall off one if he rides alone.

"Okay kiddo, we're not leaving this paddock until you've tried a solo ride" Drew tells him as the boys come over to where he is saddling up Duke for Harry.

Louis sighs.

"You say that, but I'm fast and can outrun you so..." Louis says shrugging.

The boys chuckle at Louis.

"Ribbon is the best horse, she's YOUR horse and she needs to be ridden, she needs to get out" Edward tells him.

"Well, that seems like a ranch problem, not a me problem" Louis says sassily.

The boys are loving Louis sassy side that's come out since he's been more comfortable, and his confidence is really growing.

"Well, we are making it a you problem, let's go" Scott says laughing as he picks Louis up and puts him over his shoulder, he begins carrying him over to Ribbon.

"Put me down Scott, this is illegal" Louis yells.

"You'll never learn to swim if you're not thrown in water" he hears Harry tell him.

He's then placed on Ribbon, Harry on one side and Scott on the other so he won't jump down.

"There you go" Scott says happily as he's sat up.

"You guys are mean, if I get thrown, I'm suing" Louis says as he grips the reins.

The boys again laugh, as they all grab their own horses and get on.

"Harry never taught me how the reins work" Louis says scared as Ribbon moves towards the boys.

"Louis, I literally make you take the reins every single time we ride" Harry chuckles.

"I forgot how to do it" Louis says.

The boys laugh and ride off, they are getting far away, and Louis supposes it is now or never and he starts following them.

Ribbon is a beautiful horse; she is grey and white and tall. She was rescued by Drew a few months prior and he's worked with her so much. She's now such a wonderful part of their family that Drew couldn't let her go. As soon as Louis arrived, Drew knew Ribbon was his horse and with how wonderful Louis is with the animals, he knows they are a perfect match.

Louis catches up and huffs when he's next to Harry.

Harry smiles and winks at Louis who blushes.

"Where are we going?" Louis asks.

"You'll see" Harry tells him with a smirk.

The boys banter back and forth on their ride, Louis joining in as well, they boys have come to love it so much.

When they reach the ridge with the cattle below. Harry dismounts and goes towards Louis, he helps Louis down and grabs Ribbon and Dukes reins and hands them to Scott and Edward.

"Alright you two, have fun" Drew says.

"Thanks boys" Harry smiles as Drew, Edward and Scott begin to lead the horses back the way they came.

"Wait, you're leaving us here?" Louis asks worriedly.

He hears the boys chuckle as they ride off, he turns to Harry with an eyebrow raise.

"You're going to murder me out here aren't you" Louis says deadpan to Harry.

Harry laughs.

"Of all the things I would like to do to you, murdering isn't one of them" Harry says jovially.

Harry grabs Louis hand and brings him to the clearing, Louis then sees a big red truck with a mattress and some pillows inside the flatbed, he then sees a picnic laid out with fairy lights covering the trees above.

"I thought you and I could spend some time together, just the two of us. I wanted to show you the stars out here at night, it's amazing" Harry says as he and Louis sit down on the picnic rug.

"You did all of this for me?" Louis asks, stunned as he looks around.

Harry just smiles his big, dimpled smile at Louis.

"Harry, it's beautiful" Louis tells him.

Just like you, Harry thinks but doesn't say.

"The boys helped me set it up" Harry says smiling.

Harry takes some snacks out of the picnic basket and he and Louis just sit for a while, being with each other.

"Are you feeling better about the wedding now?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, now that there is a plan and everything, I'm looking forward to doing school from home too" Louis says smiling.

"You don't like school?" Harry asks.

"I.... I like learning it's just the kids aren't very nice" Louis admits.

"How come?" Harry asks, he knows Louis is hiding something.

Louis sighs.

"It's a rough school in a not-so-great area and the kids there, found out I was gay and well, they don't like it" Louis says looking down and playing with a string on the picnic rug.

"They don't hurt you, do they?" Harry asks.

Louis just shrugs.

"Louis, I'm so sorry you have been dealing with that" Harry tells him.

Louis looks towards Harry and smiles slightly.

"It's fine Harry, it is what it is, not going to change who I am or how I feel, I just have to get through it" Louis says.

"Well, you'll have all of our protection from now on, the boys and I would never let anyone hurt you" Harry tells him.

Louis looks into Harry's eyes and smiles.

"Thanks Harry" Louis says sincerely.

As the sun begins to set, Harry and Louis pack up the picnic and put it in the truck. Harry then Brings Louis into the back of the flatbed and they lay down propped up on pillows. Harry brings a blanket out and covers them both.

They look towards the sky and Louis takes it all in. They talk and talk, laugh with each other and by the time it's dark Louis is cuddled up to Harry's side, Harry's arm around Louis.

"The sky looks incredible H" Louis says as he stares at it in wonder.

"I knew you'd like it" Harry tells him.

"Oh wow!" Louis says as he sits up and two shooting stars go across the sky.

Harry looks to Louis in fond, he is just so special and beautiful.

Louis turns to Harry, excitement on his face. Harry smiles and rests his head in his hand, Louis lies back down facing Harry smiling.

"Thanks for doing this" Louis says.

"You're welcome" Harry tells him as he reaches out and moves Louis hair off his forehead.

They just stare at each other for a little while, the butterflies in Louis stomach are going crazy. Harry is so beautiful.

Harry starts leaning in as he looks between Louis lips and his eyes. Louis breath hitches slightly, their eyes flutter closed, and Harry's lips meet Louis in a soft slow kiss.

When Harry pulls back Louis is smiling.

"I've wanted to do that for a while" Harry tells him.

"I've wanted you to too" Louis says shyly.

Harry chuckles and leans in again; this time he opens Louis mouth slowly with his tongue. Louis moans slightly and grips Harry's shirt tightly.

Harry deepens the kiss with a moan of his own and they hold each other tight as they explore each other's mouths.

They make out under the stars and hold each other close, it's so special, there is no rush to be anywhere or do anything else. It's just them and the stars and they both are so thankful.

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